Aim & Scope

As the peer-reviewed scientific journal Ethnomusicology Journal (Turkey) published by Association of Ethnomusicology which is a non-profit organization in Turkey. Journal aims to publish advanced researches in the ethnomusicology field. Its articles represent current theoretical perspectives and
research in ethnomusicology and related fields. 

Ethnomusicology Journal has been published two times a year. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. The journal can include ethnomusicology and in other branches of musicology are articles on the basis of original research-based or theoretical articles, articles from postgraduate theses, interviews, reviews about published books and music recordings. Translations of previously published articles are not considered. Contributors do not have to be members of the association. Articles and interviews should be in accordance with the previously announced theme of the journal. Writings to be submitted to the journal must comply with the following writing rules. Writings sent to the journal will be examined with double-blind peer-reviewing system. The editorial order of the manuscripts is as follows: Editor in Chief and editorial board (general), technical editor (writing rules), referees (content), Editor in Chief and editorial board (final decision). Any manuscript that does not comply with the writing rules can be sent to the author for correction after a technical editor review. Written articles that are found to be corrected can be re-evaluated. The copyright of the texts published in the journal belongs to the Association of Ethnomusicology. The authors are deemed to have accepted it when they sent their writings. The journal is scanned ASOS Index.

Period Months
July November