Salmonellozis gıda infeksiyonları arasında en sık rastlanılan ve son yıllarda geniş salgınlara neden olan bir infeksiyondur.
Salmonella serotiplerinin zoonoz özelliğe sahip olması, hayvanlarda bu serotiplere bağlı infeksiyonlarla
mücadele edilmesinde bazı önemli önlemlerin alınmasını zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu nedenden dolayı ülkemizde
Salmonella infeksiyonlarına karşı bir önlem olarak kanatlı işletmelerinde Salmonella kontrol programları oluşturulmuştur.
Bu derlemede tavuklarda Salmonella infeksiyonlarının kontrolünde yönetim, sağlık, besleme ve aşılama ile kontrol
yöntemleri özetlenmiştir.
Akan M. (2008). Kanatlılarda Salmonella İnfeksiyonları
ve Kontrolünde Temel Prensipler. Veteriner Tavukçuluk
Derneği. Cilt 6. Sayı 2: 3-5.
Babacan O, Cengiz S, Akan M. (2012). Oregano bitkisinin
bazı Salmonella serotipleri üzerine antibakteriyel etkinliğinin
belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 59: 103-106.
Bailey JS, Rolon A, Holt PS, Hofacre CL, Wilson JL,
Cosby DE, Richardson LJ, Cox NA. (2007). Humoral
and mucosal-humoral immune response to a Salmonella
vaccination program in broiler breeders. Int J Poult Sci,
6: 172-181.
Chambers JR, Gong J. (2011). The Intestinal microbiota
and its modulation for Salmonella control in chickens.
Food Res Int, 44: 3149-3159.
Chee sh, Iji PA, Choct M, Mikkelsen LL, Kocher A.
(2010). Characterisation and response of intestinal microflora
and mucins to manno-oligosaccharide and antibiotic
supplementation in broiler chickens. Br Poult Sci,
Clifton-Hadley FA, Breslin M, Venables LM, Sprigings
KA, Cooles SW, Houghton S, Woodward MJ. (2002). A
laboratory study of an inactivated bivalent iron restricted
Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium
dual vaccine against Typhimurium challenge in chickens.
Vet Microbiol, 89: 167-179.
Corrier DE, Nisbet DJ, Scanlan CM, Hollister AG,
DeLoach JR. (1995). Control of Salmonella Typhimurium
colonisation in broiler chicks with a continuous-flow characterized
mixed culture of cecal bacteria. Poult Sci, 74:
Cox JM, Pavic A. (2010). Advances in enteropathogen control
in poultry production. J Appl Microbiol, 108(3): 745-
Crippen TL, Sheffield CL, Esquivel SV, Droleskey RE,
Esquivel JF. (2008). The acquisition and internalization of
Salmonella by the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus
(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis,
9(1): 65-72.
Cutting S M. (2011). Bacillus probiotics. Food Microbiol,
28(2): 214-220.
FAO/WHO (2002). Probiotics in food. FAO Food and
Nutrition Paper 85, Guidelines for theEvaluation of
Probiotics in Food. Report of a joint FAO/WHO working
group on draftingguidelines for the evaluation of probiotics
in food, London, Ontario, Canada. (pp. 46)April 30-May
1, 2002.
Ferreira AJP, Ferreira CSA, Knobl T, Moreno AM,
Bacarro MR, Chen M, Robach M, Mead GC. (2003).
Comparison of three commercial competitiveexclusion
products for controlling Salmonella colonization of broilers
in Brazil. J Food Prot, 66: 490-492.
Garrido MN, Skjervheim M, Oppegaard H, Sorum H.
(2004). Acidified litter benefits the intestinal flora balance
of broiler chickens. Appl Environ Microbiol, 70: 5208-
Hinton M, Linton AH. (1988). The control of Salmonella
infections in broiler chickens by the acid treatment of their
feed. Vet Rec, 123: 416-421.
Howard ZR, O’Bryan CA, Crandall PG, Ricke SC.
(2012). Salmonella Enteritidis in shell eggs: Current issues
and prospects for control. Food Re. Int, 45:755-764.
İzgür M. (2002). Bakteriyel İnfeksiyonlar. In: Kanatlı
Hayvan Hastalıkları. Ed: İzgür M, Akan M. Ankara:
Medisan yayın serisi, 4: 37-126.
Line JE. (2002). Campylobacter and Salmonella populations
associated with chickens raised on acidifed litter.
Poult Sci, 81: 1473-1477.
McReynolds JL, Moore RW, McElroy AP, Hargis BM,
Caldwell DJ. (2007). Evaluation of a competitive exclusion
culture and Megan Vac 1 on Salmonella Typhimurium
colonization in neonatal broiler chickens. J Appl Poul Res,
16: 456-463.
Parker D, Hofacre C, Mathis GF, Quiroz MA, Dibner,
Knight C. (2007). Organic acid water treatment reduced
Salmonella horizontal transmission in broiler chickens.
WPSAVerona%5C10272.pdf (accessed 21 December 2008).
Priyantha M A R, Vipulasiri A A, Gunawardana G A.
(2012). Salmonella Control in Poultry Breeder Farms in
Sri Lanka: Effects of Oral Antibiotic Treatment on Whole
Blood Agglutination Test With Salmonella Pullorum
Antigen. Acad J, 3(2): 21-24.
Pumfrey L, Nelson CE. (1991). Use of a most probable
number method modified with a deoxyribonucleic acid
probe to monitor control by food preservatives of natural
Salmonella contamination in animal meat meals. Poult Sci,
70: 780-784.
Salvat G, Lalande F, Humbert F, Lahellec C. (1992).
Use of a competitive exclusion product (Broilact) to prevent
Salmonella colonization of newly hatched chicks. Int J
Food Microbiol, 15: 307-311.
Santos FBO, Sheldon BW, Santos AA Jr, Ferket PR.
(2008). Influence of housing system, grain type, and particle
size on Salmonella colonization and shedding of broilers
Fed triticale or corn-soybean meal diets. Poult Sci, 87:
Schneitz C. (2005). Competitive exclusion in poultry-30
years of research. Food Control, 16: 657-667.
Van Immerseel F, Boyen F, Gantois I, Timbermont
L, Bohez L, Pasmans F, Haesebrouck F, Ducatelle R.
(2005a). Supplementation of coated butyric acid in the feed
reduces colonization and shedding of Salmonella in poultry.
Poult Sci, 84: 1851-1856.
Van Immerseel F, Methner U, Rychlik, I, Nagy B, Velge
P, Martin G, Foster N, Ducatelle R. (2005b). Vaccination
and early protection against nonhost specific Salmonella
serotypes in poultry: exploitation of innate immunity and
microbial activity. Epidemiol Infect, 133: 959-978.
Vicente JL, Higgins SE, Hargis BM, Tellez G. (2007).
Effect of poultry guard litter amendment on horizontal
transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chicks. Int
J Poult Sci, 6: 314-317.
Watkins S, Newberry L, Wilson M, Hubbard R. (2004).
Water sanitation: evaluation of products. Avian Advice, 6:
Wegener HC, Hald T, Lo Fo Wong D, Madsen M,
Korsgaard H, Bager F, Gerner-Smidt P, Mølbak K.
(2003). Salmonella control programs in Denmark. Emerg
Infect Dis, 9(7): 774-780.
Wiard T, Gockley M, Parrott T, Troyer G, Rehberger
T. (2001). The Effect of a Biological Litter Treatment
on Salmonella sp. Prevalence in Turkey Breeder Flock
Litter. Joint Meeting of ADSA, AMSA, ASAS and PSA,
Indianapolis, IN.
Breeder_flock_trial-Salmonella_Report.pdf (accessed
21 December 2008).
Wolfenden AD, Vicente JL, Higgins JP, Andreatti Filho
RL, Higgins SE, Hargis BM, Tellez G. (2007). Effect of
organic acids and probioitcs on Salmonella Enteritidis infection
in broiler chickens. Int J Poult Sci, 6: 403-405.
Yang Y, Iji PA, & Choct M. (2009). Dietary modulation
of gut microflora in broilerchickens: A review of the role of
six kinds of alternatives to in-feed antibiotics. Worlds Poult
Sci J, 65: 97-114.
Yıldırım Y. (2010). Antimikrobiyel Duyarlılık Testleri;
İlgili Metodlar, Sonuçların Yorumlanması ve Kanatlılarda
Bulunan Bazı Bakterilerdeki Dirençlilik. Erciyes Üniv. Vet
Fak Derg, 7(2): 117-129.
Salmonellosis in food infections is the most common infection causing large outbreaks in recent years.
Because Salmonella factors have zoonotic property, it have made necessary to take some important precautions for
combating infections related to these factors. For this reason, Salmonella control programs in poultry sectors of our
country were created as a protection against these infections. In this review, methods of management, health, feeding
and vaccination are summarized in the control of Salmonella infections of chickens
Akan M. (2008). Kanatlılarda Salmonella İnfeksiyonları
ve Kontrolünde Temel Prensipler. Veteriner Tavukçuluk
Derneği. Cilt 6. Sayı 2: 3-5.
Babacan O, Cengiz S, Akan M. (2012). Oregano bitkisinin
bazı Salmonella serotipleri üzerine antibakteriyel etkinliğinin
belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 59: 103-106.
Bailey JS, Rolon A, Holt PS, Hofacre CL, Wilson JL,
Cosby DE, Richardson LJ, Cox NA. (2007). Humoral
and mucosal-humoral immune response to a Salmonella
vaccination program in broiler breeders. Int J Poult Sci,
6: 172-181.
Chambers JR, Gong J. (2011). The Intestinal microbiota
and its modulation for Salmonella control in chickens.
Food Res Int, 44: 3149-3159.
Chee sh, Iji PA, Choct M, Mikkelsen LL, Kocher A.
(2010). Characterisation and response of intestinal microflora
and mucins to manno-oligosaccharide and antibiotic
supplementation in broiler chickens. Br Poult Sci,
Clifton-Hadley FA, Breslin M, Venables LM, Sprigings
KA, Cooles SW, Houghton S, Woodward MJ. (2002). A
laboratory study of an inactivated bivalent iron restricted
Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium
dual vaccine against Typhimurium challenge in chickens.
Vet Microbiol, 89: 167-179.
Corrier DE, Nisbet DJ, Scanlan CM, Hollister AG,
DeLoach JR. (1995). Control of Salmonella Typhimurium
colonisation in broiler chicks with a continuous-flow characterized
mixed culture of cecal bacteria. Poult Sci, 74:
Cox JM, Pavic A. (2010). Advances in enteropathogen control
in poultry production. J Appl Microbiol, 108(3): 745-
Crippen TL, Sheffield CL, Esquivel SV, Droleskey RE,
Esquivel JF. (2008). The acquisition and internalization of
Salmonella by the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus
(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis,
9(1): 65-72.
Cutting S M. (2011). Bacillus probiotics. Food Microbiol,
28(2): 214-220.
FAO/WHO (2002). Probiotics in food. FAO Food and
Nutrition Paper 85, Guidelines for theEvaluation of
Probiotics in Food. Report of a joint FAO/WHO working
group on draftingguidelines for the evaluation of probiotics
in food, London, Ontario, Canada. (pp. 46)April 30-May
1, 2002.
Ferreira AJP, Ferreira CSA, Knobl T, Moreno AM,
Bacarro MR, Chen M, Robach M, Mead GC. (2003).
Comparison of three commercial competitiveexclusion
products for controlling Salmonella colonization of broilers
in Brazil. J Food Prot, 66: 490-492.
Garrido MN, Skjervheim M, Oppegaard H, Sorum H.
(2004). Acidified litter benefits the intestinal flora balance
of broiler chickens. Appl Environ Microbiol, 70: 5208-
Hinton M, Linton AH. (1988). The control of Salmonella
infections in broiler chickens by the acid treatment of their
feed. Vet Rec, 123: 416-421.
Howard ZR, O’Bryan CA, Crandall PG, Ricke SC.
(2012). Salmonella Enteritidis in shell eggs: Current issues
and prospects for control. Food Re. Int, 45:755-764.
İzgür M. (2002). Bakteriyel İnfeksiyonlar. In: Kanatlı
Hayvan Hastalıkları. Ed: İzgür M, Akan M. Ankara:
Medisan yayın serisi, 4: 37-126.
Line JE. (2002). Campylobacter and Salmonella populations
associated with chickens raised on acidifed litter.
Poult Sci, 81: 1473-1477.
McReynolds JL, Moore RW, McElroy AP, Hargis BM,
Caldwell DJ. (2007). Evaluation of a competitive exclusion
culture and Megan Vac 1 on Salmonella Typhimurium
colonization in neonatal broiler chickens. J Appl Poul Res,
16: 456-463.
Parker D, Hofacre C, Mathis GF, Quiroz MA, Dibner,
Knight C. (2007). Organic acid water treatment reduced
Salmonella horizontal transmission in broiler chickens.
WPSAVerona%5C10272.pdf (accessed 21 December 2008).
Priyantha M A R, Vipulasiri A A, Gunawardana G A.
(2012). Salmonella Control in Poultry Breeder Farms in
Sri Lanka: Effects of Oral Antibiotic Treatment on Whole
Blood Agglutination Test With Salmonella Pullorum
Antigen. Acad J, 3(2): 21-24.
Pumfrey L, Nelson CE. (1991). Use of a most probable
number method modified with a deoxyribonucleic acid
probe to monitor control by food preservatives of natural
Salmonella contamination in animal meat meals. Poult Sci,
70: 780-784.
Salvat G, Lalande F, Humbert F, Lahellec C. (1992).
Use of a competitive exclusion product (Broilact) to prevent
Salmonella colonization of newly hatched chicks. Int J
Food Microbiol, 15: 307-311.
Santos FBO, Sheldon BW, Santos AA Jr, Ferket PR.
(2008). Influence of housing system, grain type, and particle
size on Salmonella colonization and shedding of broilers
Fed triticale or corn-soybean meal diets. Poult Sci, 87:
Schneitz C. (2005). Competitive exclusion in poultry-30
years of research. Food Control, 16: 657-667.
Van Immerseel F, Boyen F, Gantois I, Timbermont
L, Bohez L, Pasmans F, Haesebrouck F, Ducatelle R.
(2005a). Supplementation of coated butyric acid in the feed
reduces colonization and shedding of Salmonella in poultry.
Poult Sci, 84: 1851-1856.
Van Immerseel F, Methner U, Rychlik, I, Nagy B, Velge
P, Martin G, Foster N, Ducatelle R. (2005b). Vaccination
and early protection against nonhost specific Salmonella
serotypes in poultry: exploitation of innate immunity and
microbial activity. Epidemiol Infect, 133: 959-978.
Vicente JL, Higgins SE, Hargis BM, Tellez G. (2007).
Effect of poultry guard litter amendment on horizontal
transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chicks. Int
J Poult Sci, 6: 314-317.
Watkins S, Newberry L, Wilson M, Hubbard R. (2004).
Water sanitation: evaluation of products. Avian Advice, 6:
Wegener HC, Hald T, Lo Fo Wong D, Madsen M,
Korsgaard H, Bager F, Gerner-Smidt P, Mølbak K.
(2003). Salmonella control programs in Denmark. Emerg
Infect Dis, 9(7): 774-780.
Wiard T, Gockley M, Parrott T, Troyer G, Rehberger
T. (2001). The Effect of a Biological Litter Treatment
on Salmonella sp. Prevalence in Turkey Breeder Flock
Litter. Joint Meeting of ADSA, AMSA, ASAS and PSA,
Indianapolis, IN.
Breeder_flock_trial-Salmonella_Report.pdf (accessed
21 December 2008).
Wolfenden AD, Vicente JL, Higgins JP, Andreatti Filho
RL, Higgins SE, Hargis BM, Tellez G. (2007). Effect of
organic acids and probioitcs on Salmonella Enteritidis infection
in broiler chickens. Int J Poult Sci, 6: 403-405.
Yang Y, Iji PA, & Choct M. (2009). Dietary modulation
of gut microflora in broilerchickens: A review of the role of
six kinds of alternatives to in-feed antibiotics. Worlds Poult
Sci J, 65: 97-114.
Yıldırım Y. (2010). Antimikrobiyel Duyarlılık Testleri;
İlgili Metodlar, Sonuçların Yorumlanması ve Kanatlılarda
Bulunan Bazı Bakterilerdeki Dirençlilik. Erciyes Üniv. Vet
Fak Derg, 7(2): 117-129.