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Atların Bulaşıcı Metritisi

Year 1982, Volume: 5 Issue: 4-5, 159 - 185, 01.12.1983


Atların bulaşıcı metritisi, tek tırnakların özellikle, atların Haemophilus equigenitalis'den iler i g-elen, vaginitis, servisitis ve endometritis ile kara·kterize olan akut seyirli, bula.şıcı ve infeksiyöz venereal bir hastalığıdır. 


  • 1 - Ali en W.E. and Newcombe, J .R. (1979) : Aspeces of geni.tal infection and swabbing techniques in the mare. Vet. Rec .. 104 : 228 - 231
  • 2 - Arka, R. J. and Wong, K. H. (1980) : Murine infection model for contagious equine metritis : A n ew venereal disseae of horses. Vet. Rec., 102 : 277 - 280.
  • 3 - Atherton, J . G. (1978) : Inhibition of CEM organisın in ınixed cultures. Vet. Rec., 103 : 432.
  • 4 - Benson, J . A. , Dawson, F.L.M., Durnint, D.S, Edwards, P.T. and Po_ well D.G. (1978) : Serological response in mares affected by contagivus equin'c metritis 1977. Vet. Rec ., 102 : 277- 280.
  • 5 - Blobel, H., Brückler, J ., Kitzrow, D. und Blobel, K. (1980) Contagious eqine metritis (CEM) . Der Pralüische Tiera rzt, 61 : 41 - 43
  • 6 - Blo bel, H , Brückler, J., Kitzrow D. und Blo bel, K. (1980) : Contribution to the knowledge contagious equin•c metritis in t he Federal Republic of Germany. Comp. Immuno!. Microbiol. Uect. Dis., 2: 551 · 554.
  • 7 - Blobel, H. und Schliesser, T. (1981) : Contagious equine met ritis. Handbuch der Bacteriellen Infektionen b'ci Tieren, Bd III, 545 - 556. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, 1981.
  • 8 - Bowen, J .M., Cosgrove, J .S. and Cosgrove, F - (1979) Contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 104 : 441
  • 9 - Chandler, N. (1979) : Swabbing mares a nd stallion for CEM. vet. Rec., 105 : 561
  • 10 - Corbel, M.J. and Brewcr, R.A. (1980) Antiıbodie s to Haemophilus equigenitalis. Vet. Rec. , 106 35.
  • 11 - Crowhurst, R.C. (1977) : Genital infection in mar,e. Vet. Rec., 100 : 476
  • 12 - C:rowhurst, R.C., Simpson, D.J., Greenwood, R-E.S. and Ellis, D.R. (1979) : Contagious equi'ne moetrits. Vet. Rec., 104 : 465.
  • 13 - Croxton - Smith, P., Benson, J.A., Dawson, F.L.M. and Powell, D.G. (1978) : A complement fixation test for th•cı antibody to the c.ontagious equine metritis organism. Vet. Rec., 103 : 275 278.
  • 14 - Dabernat , H.J., Delmas, C.F., Tainturier, D.J . and Lareng, M.B. (1980) : In vitro susceptibility of Ha•amophilus equigenitalis, the causatuve organism of contagious equine . matritis 1977, to antimicwbial agents. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 18 : 841 - 843.
  • 15 - Dabernat, H.İ. , Tainturier, D.İ., Delmas, C. , F1erney, J . et Lareng M.B. (1980) : Et ude bacterioloque de Ha•amophilus equigenitalis Taylor 1978, agent de la metrite eontagiuse de la jument. Ann. Rech. Vet., ll : 289 - 299.
  • 16 - David, J . S. E_ , Frank, c. J . and Powell, D.G, (1977) : Contagious equine metr.itis 1977. Vet. Rec., 101 : 189 - 190.
  • 17 - Dingle, P.J . (1977) : Contagious equinoe metrit is. Vet . Rec., 101 : 214.
  • 18 - Donahue, J . W., Swerczek, T.W. and Smith , B.J. (1978) : Laboratory diagnosis of contagious equine metritis. Amer . Assn . Vet. Lab. Diagnosticians, 21 st Ann. Proc., 497 - 506.
  • 19 - Eaglesome, M.D. and Garcia, M-M. (1979) : Contagious equine metrit is : A review. Can. Vet. J ., 20 : 201 - 206.
  • 20 - Engvall, A., Holmstedt, S. and Johansson, S. (1983) Utbrott av smittsam metrit hos sto (CEM 'in Sverige. Svensk Vet., 35 : 107 - 109.
  • 21 - Fales, W.H., Blackburn, B.O., Youngquist, R.S., Braun, W.F., Schalt er, L.K. and Morehouse, L.G. (1979) : Laboratory methodology for the diagnosis of contagious equine metritis in Missouri. Amer. Assn. Vet. La b. Tiagnosticia ns, 22 nd. Ann. Proc., 187- 198.
  • 22 - Fernie, D.S. (1978) : Growth of the contagious equine metritis organism in a liquid medium. Vet. Rec., 103 : 187 - 188.
  • 23 - Fernie , D·S. Batty, ı. , Walker, P.D., Platt, H., Mackintosh, M.E. and Simpson, D. J. (1980) : Observation on vaccine and post - infection immunity in contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 104 : 260 - 262.
  • 24 - Fernie, D.S., Cayzer, ı. and Chalmers, S.R. (1979) : A passive haemaglutination test for the detection of antibodi'Cs to the contagious equine metrits organism. Res. Vet. Sci., 28 : 362 - 367
  • 25 - Flemming, M.P. and Triıbe, G.W. (1977) : Contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 101 : 470. 471.
  • 26 - Frank, c. J . (1977) : Contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 101 : 272.
  • 27 - Gaumont, R. (1979)): Sur le diagnostic experimental de la metrite conta gieuse 1977 de la jument. Prat. Vet. equine, ll : 5 - 9.
  • 28 - Hughes, J. P. ,1979) : Contagious equine metritis A review. Theriogenology, ll : 209 - 216.
  • 29 - Hughes, K.L., Bryden, JD. and Mac Donald, F . (1978) Equine contagious metritis. Aust. Vet. J., 54 : 101.
  • 30 - Kamada, M., Akiyama, Y., Oda, T. and Fukuzawa, Y. (1981) : Contagious equine metritis : Isolation of Haemophilus equigenitalis from horses with endometritis in Japan. Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 43 : 565 - 568.
  • 31 - Kikuchi, N., Tsunoda, N., Kawakami, Y., Murase, N. and Kawata, K (1982) : An outbreak of contagious equine metritis in Japan : Isolation of Haeınophilus equigenitalis from thoroughbred mares with genital infection in Hokkaido . .Jpn. J . Vet. Sci., 44 : 107 - 114.
  • 32 - Kirpal, K. und Bisping, W. (1980) : Die bakteriologische untersuchung von genitaltupfern auf den erreger der kontagiösen equinen metritis (CEM). Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 87 : 401 - 424.
  • 33 - Kitzrow, D., Brückler, J. und Blobel, H. (1979) : Serologischer nach_ weis der contagious ·equine metritis (CEM) - bakterien unter verwendung protein A- positiver staphylokokken . Tierarzt. Umschau, 34 : 32- 36.
  • 34 - Klug, E., Merkt, H., Kırpal , G. und Flüge, A. (1960) : Massnahmen zur edammung eines akuten auftretens der kontagiösen equinen metritis (CEM 77) im bereich einer staatlichen deckstelle. Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr., 87 : 158 - 163.
  • 35 - Macintosh, ME. (1981) : Bacteriological techniques in the diagnosis of equine genital infection Vet. Rec., 108 : 52 • 55.
  • 36 - Merkst, H., Bisping, w., Günzel, A. - R, und Kirpal, G. (1930) Die tupf'erprobe in der gynakologischen untersuchung der stute. Der Prak. Tierarzt, 61 : 301 - 306.
  • 37 - Mumme, J . und Ahlswede, L. (1979) : Nachweis von Haemophilis equigenitalis im zervixtupfer einer warmblutstute. Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr., 86 : 257 - 259.
  • 38 - Newcombe, J .R., and All'2n, W.E. (1977 Swabbing for contagious metritis tıests. Vet. Rec., 101 : 351.
  • 39 - O'Driscoll, J . (1977) Venereal infec.tion in thoroghbreds with Bacillus proteus mirabilis. Vet. Rec., 100 : 534.
  • 40 - Pitre, J ., Legendre, M.F· •et Voisin, G. (1979) : Information et reflextion sur le diagnostic microbio·logique et serologique de la ınetrite cocobacillaire des equides. Prat. vet. equide, ll : ll.
  • 41 - Platt, H. and Ath>crtson, J.G. (1978) : The experimental infection of poni•es with contagious equine metritis- Eq. vet. J ., 10 : 153.
  • 42 - Platt, H ., Atherton, J.G., Simpson, D.J., Taylor, C.E.D., Rosenthal R..0., Brown, D.F.J., and Wreghitt, TG. (1977) : Genita.l infection in mares. Vet. Rec. 101 : 20.
  • 43 - Powell, D.G. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis. Eq. Vet. J., 10 : 1 - 4.
  • 44 - Powell, D.G, David, J.S.E., and Frank, C.J. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis : The present stuation reviewed and a revised code of practice for its control. Vet. Rec., 103 : 399 - 402.
  • 45 - Ricketts, S.W (1976) : Klebsiella aoerogenes in mares. Vet. Rec., 100 : 489
  • 46 - Ricketts, S.W, Rossadale, P.D., and Samuoel, C.A. (1978) : Endometrial 53,
  • ,ü itis 1977. Vet. Rec., 101 : 65.
  • 47 - Ricketts, S.W., Rossdale, P.D. Wingfield, . N.J., Faik, M.M., Hopes, R-, Hunt, M.D.N. and Peace, C.K. (1977) : Genital anfoection in mares. Eq. vet. J., 10 : 160- 166.
  • 48 - Ricketts, S.W. and Rossdale, P.D. (1979) : E.ndometrial biopsy findnie in mares with contagious equine metritis. J. Repord. F-ert. Suppl., 27 : 355 - 359.
  • 49 - Rommel, F .A., Dardiri, A.H., Sahu, S.P. and P1ıarson, R.E- (1978) : Serological identification of the bacterial agent of contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 103 : 564.
  • 50 - Sahu, S.P., Dardiri, A. H., Rommel, F .A. and Pirerson, R-E.. (1979) : Survival of contagious equine metritis bacteria ni transport media. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 40 : 1040- 10'42.
  • 51 - Sahu, S.P · and Dardiri, A.H. (1980) : Contagious equlne metiitis Isolation and characteri.zation o·f the etiologic agent. Amer. J . Vet. Res., 41 : 5 - 9.
  • 52 - Sahu, S.P. Pierson, R.E. and Dardiri, A.H- (1980) : Contagious equine metritis : Effoect of intrauterine inoculation of contagious equine metritis agoent in pony mares. Amer. J . Vet. Res., 41 : 1379 - 1382.
  • 53 - Sahu, S.P. (1981) : Contagious equine metritis : EUrect of vaccination on control of the diseas"e. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 42 : 45- 48.
  • 54 - Sahu,S.P . (1981) : Contagious equine metritis : Evaluation of erythrocytes of various spechs in the passive haemagglutination test. Vet. Rec., 108 : 235 _ 236-
  • 55 - Sahu, S.P. and Weber, S. (1982) : Contagious equine metritis : Effect of intrauterine inoculation of tiny colony forms in pony mares. Vet. Rec., 110 : 250 - 251.
  • 56 - Saxegaard, F. (1979) : Contagious equine metritis Infeksiyon med Haemophilus equi~nitalis. Norsk Veteriaertidsskrlft, 91 : 89 - 94.
  • 57 - Saxegaard, F. (1.979) : Identification of Haemophilus equigenitalis by means of co - agglutination. Acta Vet. Scand., 20 : 145 - 147.
  • 58 - Simpson, D-J ., and Eaton- Evans, W.E. (1978) Isolation of the CEM organisms from the clLtoris of the mar-e. Vet. Rec., 102 : ı~- 20.
  • 59 - Simpson, D.J . (1978) : ReproductivB problem in the mare. (d) Conta· gious equine metritis (Il) control. Vet. Rec., 103 : 170.
  • 60 - Sonnenschein, B. und Klug, E. (1979) : Erfahrungen mit d·er kontagiösen equinen mıetritis (CEM 77) . Dtsch. Tierarztl- Wschr., 86 : 268 - 270.
  • 61 - Sugimot o, C., Isayama, Y. Kashiwazaki, M., Fujikura, T. and l'vfitani , K. (1980) : Detection of Ha-emophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent of contagious equine metritis, in Japan. Natl. Inst. Anim. Health Q., 20 : 118 - 119.
  • 62 - Sugimoto, C., Isayama, Y., Kashiwazaki, M. and Mitaniı, K. (1981) : Susc·eptibility of Haemophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent of contagious equine metritis, to 31 antimicrobial agents. Natl. Inst. Anim. Healt Q., 21 : 159- 162.
  • 63 - Sugimoto, C., Miyagawa, E•., Mitani, K., Nakazawa, M., and Isayama, Y. ·(1982) : Cellular fatty acid compostian of Haemophilus equigenitalis. J . CUnic. Microbiol., 15 : 791 - 794.
  • 64 - Swaney, L.M. and Breese, S.S. (1980) : mtrastructure of Haemophilus equiıgenitalis, causative agent of contagious equinıe metritis- Amer. J . Vet-Res., 41 : 127 - 132.
  • 65 - Swanıey, L.M. and Kislow, H.M. (1981) : Disinfection of the causative agent of contagious equine metritis by nolvasan and rocca! II: Vet. Microbiol., 6 : 59 - 68.
  • 66 - Swann, A. I. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis. Auburn Veterinarian, 84- 86.
  • 67 - Swerczek, T.W. (1978) : The first occurrence of contagious equine metritis in thıc United States. J.A.V.M.A., 173 : 405 - 407
  • 68 - Swerczek, T.W. (1978) : Inhibition of the CEM organism by the normal flora of the reproductive tract. Vet. Hec., 102 : 512.
  • 69 - Swerczek, T.W. (1979) : Contagious equine metritis in the U.S.A. Vet. Rec., 103 : 125.
  • 70 - SW'crczek, T.W (1979) : Elimination of CEM organism from mares by excision of clitoral sinuses. Vet. Rec., 105 : 131 - 132. 71 - Swerczek, T.W. (1980) : A cooked blood agar medium ·for the contagious equine metriitis organism and other fastidious bacteria. Vet. Rec., 106 : 383 - 389.
  • 72 - Swerczek, T.W. (1981) : Contagious equine metritis Test for suspect carriers. Vet. Rec., 108 : 420 - 421.
  • 73 - Taiınturier , D., Badin de Monjoye, T., Dabernat, H.J. et Ferney, J. (1981) : E'tude experimentale de la metrite contagieuse de la jument. Revue Med· vet., 130 : 497- 518.
  • 74 - Tainturer, D., Ferney, J. et Royal. L. (1979) : La metrite contagieuse de la jument. Revue Med. vet., 132 : 165 - 171.
  • 75 - rainturi·er, D., Delmas, C.F. and Debernat, H.J. (1981') : Bact'criological and serological studies of Haemophiılus equigenitalis, agent of contagious equine metritsi. Ann. Rech. Vet., 12 : 265 - 275.
  • 76 - Tainturier, D., Picav•ct, D.P., Badin de Montjoye, T., Guaguert, .J., Tailliar, S., Debernat, H.J. et Ferney, J . (1981) : Serologie de la metrite contagi•euse de la jument : compartson d•es reacti•ons D'immunofluorescence i.ndirec.te, de seroagglutination lente et de fixation du complement. J . Clinc. Microbiol., 14 : 355 - 360.
  • 77 - Tainturier, D., Tailliar, S -, Guaguere, J ., Badin de Montjoye, T. et Ferney, J . (1982) : Etude experimentale de la ınetri te contagieus·c des equides. R·evue Med. vet., 133 : 31 _ 40.
  • 78 - Taylor, C.E.D., and Rosenthal, R.O. (1978) : Agglutinins to the causative organ i sın contagious requine metritis 1977 in human serum. J . Infec., 1 : 81 - 86.
  • 79 - Taylor, C.E.D. (1979) : A recently recognised venerel disease of h orses and its causative organism. Lancet, 8072 : 1038.
  • 80 - Taylor, C.E.D., and Rosenthal, R.O. (1978 : Orga nism of contagiou::ı equine ınetritis 1977 and human ven eral dis·case. Eq vet. J ., 10 : 136 - 144.
  • 81 - Taylor, C.E.D. Rosenthal, R.O., Bnwn, D.F.J ., Lipage, S.P., Hill, L.R .. and Legros, R.M. (1978) : Th•e causative organism of contagious equine ıne t ritis 1977 Proposal for a new species to be known as Haeın oph ilus equigenitalis. Lancet, II (8099) : 1092 - 1093.
  • 82 - Taylor, C.E.D., Rosentha l, R.O., and Taylor - Robinson, D. (1979) : Serological r esponse of patients wi•th non - gonococcal urethritis to causative organism of contagious equine ınetritis 1977. Lancet, 8118, I , 700 - 704.
  • 83 - Timoney, P.J., O'ReiUy, P.J., Mc Ardle, J . and Ward, J. (1978) : Att·emted transmission of contagious equine metritis 1977 to other domestic animals species. Vet. Rec., 101 : 103.
  • 84 - Timoney, P .J., Ward, J . and Kelly, p . (1977) A contagious goenital infection of mares. Vet. Rec., 102 : 152.
  • 85 - Timoney, P.J., Geraghty, V.P., Dillon, P .B. and Mc Ardle, J -F. (1978) Susc·eptibility of laboratory animals to infection with Haemophilus equigenitalis. Vet. Rec., 103 : 563 - 564.
  • 86 - Timoney, P.J., O'Rleilly, P.J., Mc Ardle, J .F. , Ward, j . and Harrington, A.M- (1979) : Resoponse o·f mares to rechallange with the organism of contagious equine ınetris 1977. Vet. Rec., 104 : 264
  • 87 - Timoney, P.J ., Ward, J., Mc Ardle, J. and Harrington, A-M. (1979) : Thermal death times of th•ç o-rganism of contagious equine metritis 1977.
  • Vet. Rec., 104 : 530. 88 - Timoney, P.J. ( 1979) : Contagious equine metriıt is in Ireland. Vet- Rec., 105 : ı 72 - ı 73.
  • 89 - Timoney, P.J., Shin, S.J . and Jacobson, R.H. (1982) : Improved selecti· ve medium for isolation of the contagious equine ınetritis organisın. Vet. Rec., ı.ıı : 107 - 108.
  • 90 - Tiınoney , P.J. and Powell, D.G. (1982) : Isolation of the contagious equine ınetritis organisın form colts and fillies in the United Kingdem and Ireland. Vet. Rec., lll : 478- 482 -
  • 91 - Vandeplassche, M. (1978) Contagious equine metritis (C.E.M.) . Vlaams dierg. Tiojdschr .. 47 : 106 - 107..

Contagious equine metritis.

Year 1982, Volume: 5 Issue: 4-5, 159 - 185, 01.12.1983


Atların bulaşıcı metritisi, tek tırnakların özellikle, atların Haemophilus equigenitalis'den iler i g-elen, vaginitis, servisitis ve endometritis ile kara·kterize olan akut seyirli, bula.şıcı ve infeksiyöz venereal bir hastalığıdır. 


  • 1 - Ali en W.E. and Newcombe, J .R. (1979) : Aspeces of geni.tal infection and swabbing techniques in the mare. Vet. Rec .. 104 : 228 - 231
  • 2 - Arka, R. J. and Wong, K. H. (1980) : Murine infection model for contagious equine metritis : A n ew venereal disseae of horses. Vet. Rec., 102 : 277 - 280.
  • 3 - Atherton, J . G. (1978) : Inhibition of CEM organisın in ınixed cultures. Vet. Rec., 103 : 432.
  • 4 - Benson, J . A. , Dawson, F.L.M., Durnint, D.S, Edwards, P.T. and Po_ well D.G. (1978) : Serological response in mares affected by contagivus equin'c metritis 1977. Vet. Rec ., 102 : 277- 280.
  • 5 - Blobel, H., Brückler, J ., Kitzrow, D. und Blobel, K. (1980) Contagious eqine metritis (CEM) . Der Pralüische Tiera rzt, 61 : 41 - 43
  • 6 - Blo bel, H , Brückler, J., Kitzrow D. und Blo bel, K. (1980) : Contribution to the knowledge contagious equin•c metritis in t he Federal Republic of Germany. Comp. Immuno!. Microbiol. Uect. Dis., 2: 551 · 554.
  • 7 - Blobel, H. und Schliesser, T. (1981) : Contagious equine met ritis. Handbuch der Bacteriellen Infektionen b'ci Tieren, Bd III, 545 - 556. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, 1981.
  • 8 - Bowen, J .M., Cosgrove, J .S. and Cosgrove, F - (1979) Contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 104 : 441
  • 9 - Chandler, N. (1979) : Swabbing mares a nd stallion for CEM. vet. Rec., 105 : 561
  • 10 - Corbel, M.J. and Brewcr, R.A. (1980) Antiıbodie s to Haemophilus equigenitalis. Vet. Rec. , 106 35.
  • 11 - Crowhurst, R.C. (1977) : Genital infection in mar,e. Vet. Rec., 100 : 476
  • 12 - C:rowhurst, R.C., Simpson, D.J., Greenwood, R-E.S. and Ellis, D.R. (1979) : Contagious equi'ne moetrits. Vet. Rec., 104 : 465.
  • 13 - Croxton - Smith, P., Benson, J.A., Dawson, F.L.M. and Powell, D.G. (1978) : A complement fixation test for th•cı antibody to the c.ontagious equine metritis organism. Vet. Rec., 103 : 275 278.
  • 14 - Dabernat , H.J., Delmas, C.F., Tainturier, D.J . and Lareng, M.B. (1980) : In vitro susceptibility of Ha•amophilus equigenitalis, the causatuve organism of contagious equine . matritis 1977, to antimicwbial agents. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 18 : 841 - 843.
  • 15 - Dabernat, H.İ. , Tainturier, D.İ., Delmas, C. , F1erney, J . et Lareng M.B. (1980) : Et ude bacterioloque de Ha•amophilus equigenitalis Taylor 1978, agent de la metrite eontagiuse de la jument. Ann. Rech. Vet., ll : 289 - 299.
  • 16 - David, J . S. E_ , Frank, c. J . and Powell, D.G, (1977) : Contagious equine metr.itis 1977. Vet. Rec., 101 : 189 - 190.
  • 17 - Dingle, P.J . (1977) : Contagious equinoe metrit is. Vet . Rec., 101 : 214.
  • 18 - Donahue, J . W., Swerczek, T.W. and Smith , B.J. (1978) : Laboratory diagnosis of contagious equine metritis. Amer . Assn . Vet. Lab. Diagnosticians, 21 st Ann. Proc., 497 - 506.
  • 19 - Eaglesome, M.D. and Garcia, M-M. (1979) : Contagious equine metrit is : A review. Can. Vet. J ., 20 : 201 - 206.
  • 20 - Engvall, A., Holmstedt, S. and Johansson, S. (1983) Utbrott av smittsam metrit hos sto (CEM 'in Sverige. Svensk Vet., 35 : 107 - 109.
  • 21 - Fales, W.H., Blackburn, B.O., Youngquist, R.S., Braun, W.F., Schalt er, L.K. and Morehouse, L.G. (1979) : Laboratory methodology for the diagnosis of contagious equine metritis in Missouri. Amer. Assn. Vet. La b. Tiagnosticia ns, 22 nd. Ann. Proc., 187- 198.
  • 22 - Fernie, D.S. (1978) : Growth of the contagious equine metritis organism in a liquid medium. Vet. Rec., 103 : 187 - 188.
  • 23 - Fernie , D·S. Batty, ı. , Walker, P.D., Platt, H., Mackintosh, M.E. and Simpson, D. J. (1980) : Observation on vaccine and post - infection immunity in contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 104 : 260 - 262.
  • 24 - Fernie, D.S., Cayzer, ı. and Chalmers, S.R. (1979) : A passive haemaglutination test for the detection of antibodi'Cs to the contagious equine metrits organism. Res. Vet. Sci., 28 : 362 - 367
  • 25 - Flemming, M.P. and Triıbe, G.W. (1977) : Contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 101 : 470. 471.
  • 26 - Frank, c. J . (1977) : Contagious equine metritis. Vet. Rec., 101 : 272.
  • 27 - Gaumont, R. (1979)): Sur le diagnostic experimental de la metrite conta gieuse 1977 de la jument. Prat. Vet. equine, ll : 5 - 9.
  • 28 - Hughes, J. P. ,1979) : Contagious equine metritis A review. Theriogenology, ll : 209 - 216.
  • 29 - Hughes, K.L., Bryden, JD. and Mac Donald, F . (1978) Equine contagious metritis. Aust. Vet. J., 54 : 101.
  • 30 - Kamada, M., Akiyama, Y., Oda, T. and Fukuzawa, Y. (1981) : Contagious equine metritis : Isolation of Haemophilus equigenitalis from horses with endometritis in Japan. Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 43 : 565 - 568.
  • 31 - Kikuchi, N., Tsunoda, N., Kawakami, Y., Murase, N. and Kawata, K (1982) : An outbreak of contagious equine metritis in Japan : Isolation of Haeınophilus equigenitalis from thoroughbred mares with genital infection in Hokkaido . .Jpn. J . Vet. Sci., 44 : 107 - 114.
  • 32 - Kirpal, K. und Bisping, W. (1980) : Die bakteriologische untersuchung von genitaltupfern auf den erreger der kontagiösen equinen metritis (CEM). Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 87 : 401 - 424.
  • 33 - Kitzrow, D., Brückler, J. und Blobel, H. (1979) : Serologischer nach_ weis der contagious ·equine metritis (CEM) - bakterien unter verwendung protein A- positiver staphylokokken . Tierarzt. Umschau, 34 : 32- 36.
  • 34 - Klug, E., Merkt, H., Kırpal , G. und Flüge, A. (1960) : Massnahmen zur edammung eines akuten auftretens der kontagiösen equinen metritis (CEM 77) im bereich einer staatlichen deckstelle. Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr., 87 : 158 - 163.
  • 35 - Macintosh, ME. (1981) : Bacteriological techniques in the diagnosis of equine genital infection Vet. Rec., 108 : 52 • 55.
  • 36 - Merkst, H., Bisping, w., Günzel, A. - R, und Kirpal, G. (1930) Die tupf'erprobe in der gynakologischen untersuchung der stute. Der Prak. Tierarzt, 61 : 301 - 306.
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There are 91 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Sciences
Journal Section Original Article

Mustafa Arda This is me

Ersin İstanbulluoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1983
Submission Date December 1, 1983
Published in Issue Year 1982 Volume: 5 Issue: 4-5


APA Arda, M., & İstanbulluoğlu, E. (1983). Atların Bulaşıcı Metritisi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 5(4-5), 159-185.
