Atların Bulaşıcı Metritisi
Yıl 1982,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4-5, 159 - 185, 01.12.1983
Mustafa Arda
Ersin İstanbulluoğlu
Atların bulaşıcı metritisi, tek tırnakların özellikle, atların Haemophilus equigenitalis'den iler i g-elen, vaginitis, servisitis ve endometritis ile kara·kterize olan akut seyirli, bula.şıcı ve infeksiyöz venereal bir hastalığıdır.
- 1 - Ali en W.E. and Newcombe, J .R. (1979) : Aspeces of geni.tal infection
and swabbing techniques in the mare.
Vet. Rec .. 104 : 228 - 231
- 2 - Arka, R. J. and Wong, K. H. (1980) : Murine infection model for contagious
equine metritis : A n ew venereal disseae of horses.
Vet. Rec., 102 : 277 - 280.
- 3 - Atherton, J . G. (1978) : Inhibition of CEM organisın in ınixed cultures.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 432.
- 4 - Benson, J . A. , Dawson, F.L.M., Durnint, D.S, Edwards, P.T. and Po_
well D.G. (1978) : Serological response in mares affected by contagivus
equin'c metritis 1977.
Vet. Rec ., 102 : 277- 280.
- 5 - Blobel, H., Brückler, J ., Kitzrow, D. und Blobel, K. (1980) Contagious
eqine metritis (CEM) .
Der Pralüische Tiera rzt, 61 : 41 - 43
- 6 - Blo bel, H , Brückler, J., Kitzrow D. und Blo bel, K. (1980) : Contribution
to the knowledge contagious equin•c metritis in t he Federal Republic
of Germany.
Comp. Immuno!. Microbiol. Uect. Dis., 2: 551 · 554.
- 7 - Blobel, H. und Schliesser, T. (1981) : Contagious equine met ritis.
Handbuch der Bacteriellen Infektionen b'ci Tieren, Bd III, 545 - 556.
Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, 1981.
- 8 - Bowen, J .M., Cosgrove, J .S. and Cosgrove, F - (1979) Contagious
equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 441
- 9 - Chandler, N. (1979) : Swabbing mares a nd stallion for CEM.
vet. Rec., 105 : 561
- 10 - Corbel, M.J. and Brewcr, R.A. (1980) Antiıbodie s to Haemophilus
Vet. Rec. , 106 35.
- 11 - Crowhurst, R.C. (1977) : Genital infection in mar,e.
Vet. Rec., 100 : 476
- 12 - C:rowhurst, R.C., Simpson, D.J., Greenwood, R-E.S. and Ellis, D.R.
(1979) : Contagious equi'ne moetrits.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 465.
- 13 - Croxton - Smith, P., Benson, J.A., Dawson, F.L.M. and Powell, D.G.
(1978) : A complement fixation test for th•cı antibody to the c.ontagious
equine metritis organism.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 275 278.
- 14 - Dabernat , H.J., Delmas, C.F., Tainturier, D.J . and Lareng, M.B.
(1980) : In vitro susceptibility of Ha•amophilus equigenitalis, the
causatuve organism of contagious equine . matritis 1977, to antimicwbial
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 18 : 841 - 843.
- 15 - Dabernat, H.İ. , Tainturier, D.İ., Delmas, C. , F1erney, J . et Lareng M.B.
(1980) : Et ude bacterioloque de Ha•amophilus equigenitalis Taylor
1978, agent de la metrite eontagiuse de la jument.
Ann. Rech. Vet., ll : 289 - 299.
- 16 - David, J . S. E_ , Frank, c. J . and Powell, D.G, (1977) : Contagious equine
metr.itis 1977.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 189 - 190.
- 17 - Dingle, P.J . (1977) : Contagious equinoe metrit is.
Vet . Rec., 101 : 214.
- 18 - Donahue, J . W., Swerczek, T.W. and Smith , B.J. (1978) : Laboratory
diagnosis of contagious equine metritis.
Amer . Assn . Vet. Lab. Diagnosticians, 21 st Ann. Proc., 497 - 506.
- 19 - Eaglesome, M.D. and Garcia, M-M. (1979) : Contagious equine metrit
is : A review.
Can. Vet. J ., 20 : 201 - 206.
- 20 - Engvall, A., Holmstedt, S. and Johansson, S. (1983) Utbrott av
smittsam metrit hos sto (CEM 'in Sverige.
Svensk Vet., 35 : 107 - 109.
- 21 - Fales, W.H., Blackburn, B.O., Youngquist, R.S., Braun, W.F., Schalt er,
L.K. and Morehouse, L.G. (1979) : Laboratory methodology for the
diagnosis of contagious equine metritis in Missouri.
Amer. Assn. Vet. La b. Tiagnosticia ns, 22 nd. Ann. Proc., 187- 198.
- 22 - Fernie, D.S. (1978) : Growth of the contagious equine metritis organism
in a liquid medium.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 187 - 188.
- 23 - Fernie , D·S. Batty, ı. , Walker, P.D., Platt, H., Mackintosh, M.E. and
Simpson, D. J. (1980) : Observation on vaccine and post - infection
immunity in contagious equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 260 - 262.
- 24 - Fernie, D.S., Cayzer, ı. and Chalmers, S.R. (1979) : A passive haemaglutination
test for the detection of antibodi'Cs to the contagious equine
metrits organism.
Res. Vet. Sci., 28 : 362 - 367
- 25 - Flemming, M.P. and Triıbe, G.W. (1977) : Contagious equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 470. 471.
- 26 - Frank, c. J . (1977) : Contagious equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 272.
- 27 - Gaumont, R. (1979)): Sur le diagnostic experimental de la metrite
conta gieuse 1977 de la jument.
Prat. Vet. equine, ll : 5 - 9.
- 28 - Hughes, J. P. ,1979) : Contagious equine metritis A review.
Theriogenology, ll : 209 - 216.
- 29 - Hughes, K.L., Bryden, JD. and Mac Donald, F . (1978) Equine contagious
Aust. Vet. J., 54 : 101.
- 30 - Kamada, M., Akiyama, Y., Oda, T. and Fukuzawa, Y. (1981) : Contagious
equine metritis : Isolation of Haemophilus equigenitalis from
horses with endometritis in Japan.
Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 43 : 565 - 568.
- 31 - Kikuchi, N., Tsunoda, N., Kawakami, Y., Murase, N. and Kawata, K
(1982) : An outbreak of contagious equine metritis in Japan : Isolation
of Haeınophilus equigenitalis from thoroughbred mares with genital
infection in Hokkaido .
.Jpn. J . Vet. Sci., 44 : 107 - 114.
- 32 - Kirpal, K. und Bisping, W. (1980) : Die bakteriologische untersuchung
von genitaltupfern auf den erreger der kontagiösen equinen
metritis (CEM).
Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 87 : 401 - 424.
- 33 - Kitzrow, D., Brückler, J. und Blobel, H. (1979) : Serologischer nach_
weis der contagious ·equine metritis (CEM) - bakterien unter verwendung
protein A- positiver staphylokokken . Tierarzt. Umschau, 34 :
32- 36.
- 34 - Klug, E., Merkt, H., Kırpal , G. und Flüge, A. (1960) : Massnahmen
zur edammung eines akuten auftretens der kontagiösen equinen
metritis (CEM 77) im bereich einer staatlichen deckstelle.
Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr., 87 : 158 - 163.
- 35 - Macintosh, ME. (1981) : Bacteriological techniques in the diagnosis
of equine genital infection Vet. Rec., 108 : 52 • 55.
- 36 - Merkst, H., Bisping, w., Günzel, A. - R, und Kirpal, G. (1930) Die
tupf'erprobe in der gynakologischen untersuchung der stute.
Der Prak. Tierarzt, 61 : 301 - 306.
- 37 - Mumme, J . und Ahlswede, L. (1979) : Nachweis von Haemophilis equigenitalis im zervixtupfer einer warmblutstute.
Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr., 86 : 257 - 259.
- 38 - Newcombe, J .R., and All'2n, W.E. (1977 Swabbing for contagious
metritis tıests.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 351.
- 39 - O'Driscoll, J . (1977) Venereal infec.tion in thoroghbreds with Bacillus
proteus mirabilis.
Vet. Rec., 100 : 534.
- 40 - Pitre, J ., Legendre, M.F· •et Voisin, G. (1979) : Information et reflextion
sur le diagnostic microbio·logique et serologique de la ınetrite cocobacillaire
des equides. Prat. vet. equide, ll : ll.
- 41 - Platt, H. and Ath>crtson, J.G. (1978) : The experimental infection of
poni•es with contagious equine metritis-
Eq. vet. J ., 10 : 153.
- 42 - Platt, H ., Atherton, J.G., Simpson, D.J., Taylor, C.E.D., Rosenthal
R..0., Brown, D.F.J., and Wreghitt, TG. (1977) : Genita.l infection in
Vet. Rec. 101 : 20.
- 43 - Powell, D.G. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis.
Eq. Vet. J., 10 : 1 - 4.
- 44 - Powell, D.G, David, J.S.E., and Frank, C.J. (1978) : Contagious equine
metritis : The present stuation reviewed and a revised code of practice
for its control.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 399 - 402.
- 45 - Ricketts, S.W (1976) : Klebsiella aoerogenes in mares.
Vet. Rec., 100 : 489
- 46 - Ricketts, S.W, Rossadale, P.D., and Samuoel, C.A. (1978) : Endometrial
- ,ü itis 1977.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 65.
- 47 - Ricketts, S.W., Rossdale, P.D. Wingfield, . N.J., Faik, M.M., Hopes,
R-, Hunt, M.D.N. and Peace, C.K. (1977) : Genital anfoection in mares.
Eq. vet. J., 10 : 160- 166.
- 48 - Ricketts, S.W. and Rossdale, P.D. (1979) : E.ndometrial biopsy findnie
in mares with contagious equine metritis.
J. Repord. F-ert. Suppl., 27 : 355 - 359.
- 49 - Rommel, F .A., Dardiri, A.H., Sahu, S.P. and P1ıarson, R.E- (1978) : Serological
identification of the bacterial agent of contagious equine
Vet. Rec., 103 : 564.
- 50 - Sahu, S.P., Dardiri, A. H., Rommel, F .A. and Pirerson, R-E.. (1979) : Survival
of contagious equine metritis bacteria ni transport media.
Amer. J. Vet. Res., 40 : 1040- 10'42.
- 51 - Sahu, S.P · and Dardiri, A.H. (1980) : Contagious equlne metiitis Isolation
and characteri.zation o·f the etiologic agent.
Amer. J . Vet. Res., 41 : 5 - 9.
- 52 - Sahu, S.P. Pierson, R.E. and Dardiri, A.H- (1980) : Contagious equine
metritis : Effoect of intrauterine inoculation of contagious equine metritis
agoent in pony mares.
Amer. J . Vet. Res., 41 : 1379 - 1382.
- 53 - Sahu, S.P. (1981) : Contagious equine metritis : EUrect of vaccination
on control of the diseas"e.
Amer. J. Vet. Res., 42 : 45- 48.
- 54 - Sahu,S.P . (1981) : Contagious equine metritis : Evaluation of erythrocytes
of various spechs in the passive haemagglutination test.
Vet. Rec., 108 : 235 _ 236-
- 55 - Sahu, S.P. and Weber, S. (1982) : Contagious equine metritis : Effect
of intrauterine inoculation of tiny colony forms in pony mares.
Vet. Rec., 110 : 250 - 251.
- 56 - Saxegaard, F. (1979) : Contagious equine metritis Infeksiyon med
Haemophilus equi~nitalis.
Norsk Veteriaertidsskrlft, 91 : 89 - 94.
- 57 - Saxegaard, F. (1.979) : Identification of Haemophilus equigenitalis by
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Acta Vet. Scand., 20 : 145 - 147.
- 58 - Simpson, D-J ., and Eaton- Evans, W.E. (1978) Isolation of the CEM
organisms from the clLtoris of the mar-e.
Vet. Rec., 102 : ı~- 20.
- 59 - Simpson, D.J . (1978) : ReproductivB problem in the mare. (d) Conta·
gious equine metritis (Il) control.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 170.
- 60 - Sonnenschein, B. und Klug, E. (1979) : Erfahrungen mit d·er kontagiösen
equinen mıetritis (CEM 77) .
Dtsch. Tierarztl- Wschr., 86 : 268 - 270.
- 61 - Sugimot o, C., Isayama, Y. Kashiwazaki, M., Fujikura, T. and l'vfitani ,
K. (1980) : Detection of Ha-emophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent
of contagious equine metritis, in Japan.
Natl. Inst. Anim. Health Q., 20 : 118 - 119.
- 62 - Sugimoto, C., Isayama, Y., Kashiwazaki, M. and Mitaniı, K. (1981) :
Susc·eptibility of Haemophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent of contagious
equine metritis, to 31 antimicrobial agents.
Natl. Inst. Anim. Healt Q., 21 : 159- 162.
- 63 - Sugimoto, C., Miyagawa, E•., Mitani, K., Nakazawa, M., and Isayama,
Y. ·(1982) : Cellular fatty acid compostian of Haemophilus equigenitalis.
J . CUnic. Microbiol., 15 : 791 - 794.
- 64 - Swaney, L.M. and Breese, S.S. (1980) : mtrastructure of Haemophilus
equiıgenitalis, causative agent of contagious equinıe metritis-
Amer. J . Vet-Res., 41 : 127 - 132.
- 65 - Swanıey, L.M. and Kislow, H.M. (1981) : Disinfection of the causative
agent of contagious equine metritis by nolvasan and rocca! II:
Vet. Microbiol., 6 : 59 - 68.
- 66 - Swann, A. I. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis.
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- 67 - Swerczek, T.W. (1978) : The first occurrence of contagious equine
metritis in thıc United States.
J.A.V.M.A., 173 : 405 - 407
- 68 - Swerczek, T.W. (1978) : Inhibition of the CEM organism by the normal
flora of the reproductive tract.
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- 69 - Swerczek, T.W. (1979) : Contagious equine metritis in the U.S.A.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 125.
- 70 - SW'crczek, T.W (1979) : Elimination of CEM organism from mares
by excision of clitoral sinuses.
Vet. Rec., 105 : 131 - 132.
71 - Swerczek, T.W. (1980) : A cooked blood agar medium ·for the contagious
equine metriitis organism and other fastidious bacteria.
Vet. Rec., 106 : 383 - 389.
- 72 - Swerczek, T.W. (1981) : Contagious equine metritis Test for suspect
Vet. Rec., 108 : 420 - 421.
- 73 - Taiınturier , D., Badin de Monjoye, T., Dabernat, H.J. et Ferney, J.
(1981) : E'tude experimentale de la metrite contagieuse de la jument.
Revue Med· vet., 130 : 497- 518.
- 74 - Tainturer, D., Ferney, J. et Royal. L. (1979) : La metrite contagieuse de
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Revue Med. vet., 132 : 165 - 171.
- 75 - rainturi·er, D., Delmas, C.F. and Debernat, H.J. (1981') : Bact'criological
and serological studies of Haemophiılus equigenitalis, agent of
contagious equine metritsi.
Ann. Rech. Vet., 12 : 265 - 275.
- 76 - Tainturier, D., Picav•ct, D.P., Badin de Montjoye, T., Guaguert, .J.,
Tailliar, S., Debernat, H.J. et Ferney, J . (1981) : Serologie de la metrite
contagi•euse de la jument : compartson d•es reacti•ons D'immunofluorescence
i.ndirec.te, de seroagglutination lente et de fixation du
J . Clinc. Microbiol., 14 : 355 - 360.
- 77 - Tainturier, D., Tailliar, S -, Guaguere, J ., Badin de Montjoye, T. et
Ferney, J . (1982) : Etude experimentale de la ınetri te contagieus·c des
R·evue Med. vet., 133 : 31 _ 40.
- 78 - Taylor, C.E.D., and Rosenthal, R.O. (1978) : Agglutinins to the causative
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J . Infec., 1 : 81 - 86.
- 79 - Taylor, C.E.D. (1979) : A recently recognised venerel disease of h orses
and its causative organism.
Lancet, 8072 : 1038.
- 80 - Taylor, C.E.D., and Rosenthal, R.O. (1978 : Orga nism of contagiou::ı
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Eq vet. J ., 10 : 136 - 144.
- 81 - Taylor, C.E.D. Rosenthal, R.O., Bnwn, D.F.J ., Lipage, S.P., Hill, L.R ..
and Legros, R.M. (1978) : Th•e causative organism of contagious equine
ıne t ritis 1977 Proposal for a new species to be known as Haeın oph ilus
Lancet, II (8099) : 1092 - 1093.
- 82 - Taylor, C.E.D., Rosentha l, R.O., and Taylor - Robinson, D. (1979) :
Serological r esponse of patients wi•th non - gonococcal urethritis to
causative organism of contagious equine ınetritis 1977.
Lancet, 8118, I , 700 - 704.
- 83 - Timoney, P.J., O'ReiUy, P.J., Mc Ardle, J . and Ward, J. (1978) : Att·emted
transmission of contagious equine metritis 1977 to other domestic
animals species.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 103.
- 84 - Timoney, P .J., Ward, J . and Kelly, p . (1977) A contagious goenital
infection of mares.
Vet. Rec., 102 : 152.
- 85 - Timoney, P.J., Geraghty, V.P., Dillon, P .B. and Mc Ardle, J -F. (1978)
Susc·eptibility of laboratory animals to infection with Haemophilus
Vet. Rec., 103 : 563 - 564.
- 86 - Timoney, P.J., O'Rleilly, P.J., Mc Ardle, J .F. , Ward, j . and Harrington,
A.M- (1979) : Resoponse o·f mares to rechallange with the organism
of contagious equine ınetris 1977.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 264
- 87 - Timoney, P.J ., Ward, J., Mc Ardle, J. and Harrington, A-M. (1979) :
Thermal death times of th•ç o-rganism of contagious equine metritis
- Vet. Rec., 104 : 530.
88 - Timoney, P.J. ( 1979) : Contagious equine metriıt is in Ireland.
Vet- Rec., 105 : ı 72 - ı 73.
- 89 - Timoney, P.J., Shin, S.J . and Jacobson, R.H. (1982) : Improved selecti·
ve medium for isolation of the contagious equine ınetritis organisın.
Vet. Rec., ı.ıı : 107 - 108.
- 90 - Tiınoney , P.J. and Powell, D.G. (1982) : Isolation of the contagious
equine ınetritis organisın form colts and fillies in the United Kingdem
and Ireland.
Vet. Rec., lll : 478- 482 -
- 91 - Vandeplassche, M. (1978) Contagious equine metritis (C.E.M.) .
Vlaams dierg. Tiojdschr .. 47 : 106 - 107..
Contagious equine metritis.
Yıl 1982,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4-5, 159 - 185, 01.12.1983
Mustafa Arda
Ersin İstanbulluoğlu
Atların bulaşıcı metritisi, tek tırnakların özellikle, atların Haemophilus equigenitalis'den iler i g-elen, vaginitis, servisitis ve endometritis ile kara·kterize olan akut seyirli, bula.şıcı ve infeksiyöz venereal bir hastalığıdır.
- 1 - Ali en W.E. and Newcombe, J .R. (1979) : Aspeces of geni.tal infection
and swabbing techniques in the mare.
Vet. Rec .. 104 : 228 - 231
- 2 - Arka, R. J. and Wong, K. H. (1980) : Murine infection model for contagious
equine metritis : A n ew venereal disseae of horses.
Vet. Rec., 102 : 277 - 280.
- 3 - Atherton, J . G. (1978) : Inhibition of CEM organisın in ınixed cultures.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 432.
- 4 - Benson, J . A. , Dawson, F.L.M., Durnint, D.S, Edwards, P.T. and Po_
well D.G. (1978) : Serological response in mares affected by contagivus
equin'c metritis 1977.
Vet. Rec ., 102 : 277- 280.
- 5 - Blobel, H., Brückler, J ., Kitzrow, D. und Blobel, K. (1980) Contagious
eqine metritis (CEM) .
Der Pralüische Tiera rzt, 61 : 41 - 43
- 6 - Blo bel, H , Brückler, J., Kitzrow D. und Blo bel, K. (1980) : Contribution
to the knowledge contagious equin•c metritis in t he Federal Republic
of Germany.
Comp. Immuno!. Microbiol. Uect. Dis., 2: 551 · 554.
- 7 - Blobel, H. und Schliesser, T. (1981) : Contagious equine met ritis.
Handbuch der Bacteriellen Infektionen b'ci Tieren, Bd III, 545 - 556.
Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, 1981.
- 8 - Bowen, J .M., Cosgrove, J .S. and Cosgrove, F - (1979) Contagious
equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 441
- 9 - Chandler, N. (1979) : Swabbing mares a nd stallion for CEM.
vet. Rec., 105 : 561
- 10 - Corbel, M.J. and Brewcr, R.A. (1980) Antiıbodie s to Haemophilus
Vet. Rec. , 106 35.
- 11 - Crowhurst, R.C. (1977) : Genital infection in mar,e.
Vet. Rec., 100 : 476
- 12 - C:rowhurst, R.C., Simpson, D.J., Greenwood, R-E.S. and Ellis, D.R.
(1979) : Contagious equi'ne moetrits.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 465.
- 13 - Croxton - Smith, P., Benson, J.A., Dawson, F.L.M. and Powell, D.G.
(1978) : A complement fixation test for th•cı antibody to the c.ontagious
equine metritis organism.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 275 278.
- 14 - Dabernat , H.J., Delmas, C.F., Tainturier, D.J . and Lareng, M.B.
(1980) : In vitro susceptibility of Ha•amophilus equigenitalis, the
causatuve organism of contagious equine . matritis 1977, to antimicwbial
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 18 : 841 - 843.
- 15 - Dabernat, H.İ. , Tainturier, D.İ., Delmas, C. , F1erney, J . et Lareng M.B.
(1980) : Et ude bacterioloque de Ha•amophilus equigenitalis Taylor
1978, agent de la metrite eontagiuse de la jument.
Ann. Rech. Vet., ll : 289 - 299.
- 16 - David, J . S. E_ , Frank, c. J . and Powell, D.G, (1977) : Contagious equine
metr.itis 1977.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 189 - 190.
- 17 - Dingle, P.J . (1977) : Contagious equinoe metrit is.
Vet . Rec., 101 : 214.
- 18 - Donahue, J . W., Swerczek, T.W. and Smith , B.J. (1978) : Laboratory
diagnosis of contagious equine metritis.
Amer . Assn . Vet. Lab. Diagnosticians, 21 st Ann. Proc., 497 - 506.
- 19 - Eaglesome, M.D. and Garcia, M-M. (1979) : Contagious equine metrit
is : A review.
Can. Vet. J ., 20 : 201 - 206.
- 20 - Engvall, A., Holmstedt, S. and Johansson, S. (1983) Utbrott av
smittsam metrit hos sto (CEM 'in Sverige.
Svensk Vet., 35 : 107 - 109.
- 21 - Fales, W.H., Blackburn, B.O., Youngquist, R.S., Braun, W.F., Schalt er,
L.K. and Morehouse, L.G. (1979) : Laboratory methodology for the
diagnosis of contagious equine metritis in Missouri.
Amer. Assn. Vet. La b. Tiagnosticia ns, 22 nd. Ann. Proc., 187- 198.
- 22 - Fernie, D.S. (1978) : Growth of the contagious equine metritis organism
in a liquid medium.
Vet. Rec., 103 : 187 - 188.
- 23 - Fernie , D·S. Batty, ı. , Walker, P.D., Platt, H., Mackintosh, M.E. and
Simpson, D. J. (1980) : Observation on vaccine and post - infection
immunity in contagious equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 104 : 260 - 262.
- 24 - Fernie, D.S., Cayzer, ı. and Chalmers, S.R. (1979) : A passive haemaglutination
test for the detection of antibodi'Cs to the contagious equine
metrits organism.
Res. Vet. Sci., 28 : 362 - 367
- 25 - Flemming, M.P. and Triıbe, G.W. (1977) : Contagious equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 470. 471.
- 26 - Frank, c. J . (1977) : Contagious equine metritis.
Vet. Rec., 101 : 272.
- 27 - Gaumont, R. (1979)): Sur le diagnostic experimental de la metrite
conta gieuse 1977 de la jument.
Prat. Vet. equine, ll : 5 - 9.
- 28 - Hughes, J. P. ,1979) : Contagious equine metritis A review.
Theriogenology, ll : 209 - 216.
- 29 - Hughes, K.L., Bryden, JD. and Mac Donald, F . (1978) Equine contagious
Aust. Vet. J., 54 : 101.
- 30 - Kamada, M., Akiyama, Y., Oda, T. and Fukuzawa, Y. (1981) : Contagious
equine metritis : Isolation of Haemophilus equigenitalis from
horses with endometritis in Japan.
Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 43 : 565 - 568.
- 31 - Kikuchi, N., Tsunoda, N., Kawakami, Y., Murase, N. and Kawata, K
(1982) : An outbreak of contagious equine metritis in Japan : Isolation
of Haeınophilus equigenitalis from thoroughbred mares with genital
infection in Hokkaido .
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