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Do CMT, SCC, and Bacteriological isolation overlap in subclinical mastitis cases of Anatolian buffaloes?

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 20.06.2023


Subclinical mastitis is the most important and costly disease in the dairy sector. In this study, it was aimed to compare the results of bacteriological examination with those of California Mastitis Test (CMT) and Somatic Cell Count (SCC)in the milk samples collected from Anatolian buffaloes with no clinical signs of mastitis. For this purpose, 96 milk samples were collected from 24 Anatolian buffaloes of each quarter. All milk samples were examined for the presence of mastitic pathogens by bacteriology regardless of SCC values and CMT scores. A total of 103 isolates were recovered from the infected quarters. The first three frequently isolated mastitic pathogens were determined to be E. coli, S. agalactiae, and S. aureus with the rate of 31.07%, 22.33%, and 21.36%, respectively. According to the bacteriology results, threshold value for SCC was accepted as ≥78.000 cells/ml. The correlation value between CMT and SCC, CMT and bacteriology, and SCC and bacteriology was found as 0.737, 0.845 and 0.872, respectively, and the mean of inter-item correlation was determined 0.818. These results showed that the test results were highly correlated with each other. The results of the ROC analysis of the cut-of-value of the SCC test for this study chosen as 78.000 cells/ml supported the results obtained from the reliability analysis with sensitivity 85% and 1-specifity 100%. To sum up, a combination of CMT, SCC, and bacteriological investigation provides benefits in detecting mastitis early and avoiding misdiagnosis, allowing for timely action and treatment.
Keywords: Anatolian Buffalo, CMT, SCC, bacteriology

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Proje Numarası





  • References 1. Ali MA, Ahmad MD, Muhammad K, AnjumAA. (2011) Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy buffaloes of Penjab, Pakistan. J Anim Plant Sci. 21(3), 477-480.
  • 2. Ali L, Muhammad M, Arshad M, Saqib M, Hassan IJ. (2008) Bacteriology of mastitis in buffaloes ın teshil samundri of district faisalabad, Pakistan. Pakistan Vet J, 28(1), 31-33.
  • 3. Anderson, KL, Lyman R, Moury K, Ray D, Watson DW, Correa MT. (2012) Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy heifers. J Dairy Sci. 95(9), 4921-4930.
  • 4. Badua AT, Boonyayatra S, Awaiwanont N, Gaban PBV, MingalaCN. (2020) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) associated with mastitis among water buffaloes in the Philippines. Heliyon. 6(12):e05663.
  • 5. Baloch H, Rind R, Kalhoro DH, Kalhoro AB. (2011) Study on the incidence of mastitis in buffaloes caused by bacterial species. Pak J Agri Engg Vet Sci. 27(1), 83-93.
  • 6. Birhanu M, Leta S, MamoG, Tesfaye S. (2017) Prevalence of bovine subclinical mastitis and isolation of its major causes in Bishoftu Town, Ethiopia. BMC Res Notes, 10(1):767.
  • 7. Chandra BS, Rajkumar K, Vijayalakshmi P, Prabavathy AA, Selvi D, Subramanian B. (2019) Epidemiological studies on somatic cell count and subclinical mastitis in buffaloes of Puducherry, India. Buffalo Bull, 38(3), 545-550.
  • 8. Charaya G, Sharma A, Kumar A, Goel P, Singh M. (2015) Detection of major mastitis pathogens by multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay in buffalo milk. Indian J Anim Sci. 85(2), 122-125. 9. Chavoshi M and Husaini J. (2012) Buffalo subclinical mastitis bacterial pathogens in Iran. 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Singapore,. pp. 143-146.
  • 10.Coimbra-E-Souza V, Brito MAVP, Chamon RC, Laport MS, Giambiagi-De Marval M. (2017) Characterization of Staphylococcus spp. strains in milk from buffaloes with mastitis in Brazil: The need to identify to species level to avoid misidentification. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec. 69(6), 1669-1675.
  • 11. Costa A, Neglia G, Campanile G, De Marchi M. (2020) Milk somatic cell count and its relationship with milk yield and quality traits in Italian water buffaloes. J Dairy Sci. 103(6), 5485-5494.
  • 12. Dhakal IP, Nagahata H. (2018) Evaluation of mastitis related measures & their applications to classify buffalo milk in Chitwan Nepal. J Agric Sci Technol A. 8, 99-111.
  • 13. Dhakal IP, Neupane M, Nagahata H. (2008) Evaluation of direct and indirect measures of quarter milk from crossbred buffaloes. Anim Sci J. 79(5), 628-633.
  • 14. El-Khodery SA, Osman SA. (2008) Acute coliform mastitis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis): Clinical findings and treatment outcomes. Trop Anim Healt Prod. 40(2), 93-99.
  • 15. Fagiolo A, Lai O. (2007) Mastitis in buffalo. Ital J Anim Sci. 6(2), 200-206.
  • 16. FAO. (2015): Avaliable at:http://www.fao.org/agriculture/dairy-gateway/milk-production/dairy-animals/water-buffaloes/en (Accessed on October/25/2023)
  • 17. Guccione J. (2013) Clinical and diagnostically aspects in dairy Mediterranean buffalo mastitis [Ph D Thesis] University of Napoli Federico, Napoli, Italy.
  • 18. Guha A, Sandeep G, Anshu S. (2012) Evaluation of milk trace elements, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase activity of subclinical mastitis as and indicator of subclinical mastitis in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Asian Australas J Anim Sci. 25(3), 353-360.
  • 19. Harmon RJ. (2001) Somatic cell counts: A Primer. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, 3-9.
  • 20. Hussain A, ShakoorA, ShahidMA, NumanM, Gulraiz F. (2007) Clinical and subclinical Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy buffaloes: disease characteristics and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of islolates. Int J Agri Res. 2(9), 804-811.
  • 21. Hussain R, Javed MT, Khan A, Muhammad G. (2013) Risks factors associated with subclinical mastitis in water buffaloes in Pakistan. Trop Anim Health Prod. 45(8), 1723-1729.
  • 22. Jia F, Ma W, Zhang X, Wang D, Zhou X. (2020) Matrine and baicalin inhibit apoptosis induced by Panton-Valentine leukocidin of Staphylococcus aureus in bovine mammary epithelial cells. J Dairy Sci. 103(3), 2731-2742.
  • 23. Khan AZ, MuhammadG. (2005) Quarter-wise comparative prevalence of mastitis in buffaloes and crossbred cows. Pakistan Vet J. 25(1), 9-12.
  • 24. Khan JM, Rasool MH, Arshad M, Rahman SU, Tahir MF, Aslam B, Jing W, Jun Z, GhaniM (2013) Comparative evaluation of leukotoxic activities of indigenous Staphylococcus aureus isolates from subclinical and clinical mastitic milk samples of buffalo and cattle. Open Vet J. 7(1), 24-27.
  • 25. Middleton JR, Hardin D, Steevens B, Randle R, Tyler JW. (2004) Use of somatic cell counts and california mastitis test results from individual quarter milk samples to detect subclinical intramammary infection in dairy cattle from a herd with a high bulk tank somatic cell count. J American Vet Med Assoc. 224(3), 419-423.
  • 26. Moroni P, Sgoifo Rossi C, Pisoni G, Bronzo V, Castiglioni B, Boettcher PJ. (2006) Relationships between somatic cell count and intramammary infection in buffaloes. J Dairy Sci. 89(3), 998–1003.
  • 27. Ozenc E, VuralMR, Seker E, UcarM. (2008) An evaluation of subclinical mastitis during lactation in anatolian buffaloes. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 32(5), 359-368.
  • 28. Pardo BR, Mendoza-Sánchez G, Nader Fılho A, Santos T, Langoni H, Tonhati H, Ferrira EBS, Ravena DL, Oliveira MEA, Sturion DJ. (2007). Microbiological evaluation of milk samples positive to california mastitis test in dairy buffalo cows (Buballus bubalis). Ital J Anim Sci. 6(2), 884-887.
  • 29. Patel R, KunjadiaP, Koringa P, Joshi C, Kunjadiya A. (2019) Microbiological profiles in clinical and subclinical cases of mastitis in milking Jafarabadi buffalo. Res Vet Sci. 125, 94-99.
  • 31. Pisanu S, Cacciotto C, Pagnozzi D, Puggioni GMG, Uzzau S, Ciaramella P, Addis MF. (2019) Proteomic changes in the milk of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with subclinical mastitis due to intramammary infection by Staphylococcus aureus and by non-aureus staphylococci. Sci Report. 9(1):15850
  • 32. Rosati R, Thomas CS, Lai O, Alferi L, Zottola T (2008) Udder health. In: Milking management of dairy buffaloes. Rasmussen MD, Thomas S, Borghese A. eds 43-53, Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation, Brussels, Belgium;. p.43-53
  • 33.Ruegg PL (2017) A 100-Year Review: Mastitis detection, management, and prevention. J Dairy Sci. 100(12), 10381-10397.
  • 34. Quinn PJ, Markey BK, Leonard FCP, Hartigan S, Fanning Fitzpatrick EI. (2011) Veterinary microbiology and microbial disease. John Wiley & Sons.
  • 35. Sahin, A, Yildirim A, Ulutas Z, Ugurlutepe E. (2017) The effects of stage of lactation, parity and calving season on somatic cell counts in Anatolian Water Buffaloes. Indian J Anim Res. 51(1), 35-39.
  • 36. Sanford CJ, Keefe GP, Sanchez J, Dingwell RT, Barkema HW, Leslie KE, Dohoo IR. (2006) Test characteristics from latent-class models of the california mastitis test. Prev Vet Med. 77(1-2), 96-108.
  • 37. Sharma N, Pandey V, Sudhan NA. (2010) Comparison of some indirect screening tests for detection of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Bulg J Vet Med. 13(2), 98-103.
  • 39. Sharma N, Singh NK, Bhadwal MS. (2011) Relationship of somatic cell count and mastitis: An overview. Asian Australas J Anim Sci. 24(3), 429-438.
  • 40. Sgorbini M, Bonelli F, FratiniF, Sbrana A, Brombin M, Meucci V, Corazza M, Ebani V, Bertelloni F, Turchi B, CerriD. (2014) Mastitis in dairy cattle: a comparison of some screening tests and bacteriology. Large Anim Rev. 20, 9-15.
  • 41. Sekerden O. (2011) Anadolu ve Anadolu x İtalyan melezi F1 mandalarda somatik hücre sayısını (SHS) etkileyen faktörler ve bunların süt ve süt bileşen verimleriyle ilişkisi. Hay Üretim. 52(1), 9-16.
  • 42. Stetca G, Chindris V, Pop A. (2010) Researches on the somatic cells in buffalo cow milk and their significance. Bulletin UASVM Agriculture. 67(2), 425-428.
  • 43. Tripaldi C, Palocci G, Miarelli M, Catta M, Orlandini S, Amatiste S, Bernardini RD. (2010) Effects of mastitis on buffalo milk quality. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 23(10), 1319-1324.
  • 44. TUİK, (2020): Hayvansal üretim istatistikleri Aralık 2020. Available at: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=tarim (Accesed on October/25/2023)
  • 45. Vasquez-Garcia A, Silva TDS, Almeida-Queiroz SRD, Godoy SH, Fernandes AM, Sousa RL, FranzolinR. (2017) Species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of bacteria causing subclinical mastitis in buffalo. Pes Vet Bras. 37(5), 447-452.
  • 46. Viguier C, Arora S, Gilmartin N, Welbeck K, O’Kennedy R. (2009) Mastitis detection: current trends and future perspectives. Trends in Biotech, 27(8), 486-493.
  • 47. Zadoks RN and Fitzpatrick JL. (2009) Changing trends in mastitis. Irish Vet J. 62(4), 59-70.

Anadolu mandalarının subklinik mastitis vakalarında CMT, SCC ve Bakteriyolojik izolasyon örtüşüyor mu? Özet

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 20.06.2023


Subklinik mastitis, süt sektöründe en önemli ve maliyetli hastalıktır. Bu çalışmada, klinik belirti göstermeyen Anadolu süt mandalarından toplanan süt örneklerinde bakteriyolojik inceleme sonuçları ile California Mastitis Testi (CMT) ve Somatik Hücre Sayısı (SCS) sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Bu amaçla, 24 Anadolu süt mandasınının her meme lobundan olmak üzere toplam 96 süt örneği alındı. SCC değerleri ve CMT skorlarına bakılmaksızın, tüm süt örnekleri mastitik patojenlerin varlığı açısından bakteriyolojik olarak incelendi. Enfekte loblardan toplam 103 izolat elde edildi. İlk üç en sık izole edilen mastitik patojenlerin sırasıyla %31.07, %22.33 ve %21.36 oranlarıyla E. coli, S. agalactiae ve S. aureus olduğu belirlendi. Bakteriyoloji sonuçlarına göre, SCC için eşik değer ≥78.000 hücre/ml olarak kabul edildi. CMT ve SCC, CMT ve bakteriyoloji, SCC ve bakteriyoloji arasındaki korelasyon değeri sırasıyla 0.737, 0.845 ve 0.872 olarak bulundu ve madde içi korelasyon ortalaması 0.818 olarak belirlendi. Bu sonuçlar, test sonuçlarının birbirleriyle yüksek derecede ilişkili olduğunu gösterdi. Bu çalışma için seçilen SCC testi kesim değeri için ROC analizi sonuçları, duyarlılık %85 ve 1-özgüllük %100 ile güvenilirlik analizinden elde edilen sonuçları destekledi. Sonuç olarak, CMT, SCC ve bakteriyolojik inceleme kombinasyonu, mastitisin erken teşhis edilmesine ve yanlış tanıdan kaçınılarak zamanında müdahale ve tedavi sağlanmasına olanak tanır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Anadolu süt mandası, CMT, SCC, bakteriyoloji

Proje Numarası



  • References 1. Ali MA, Ahmad MD, Muhammad K, AnjumAA. (2011) Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy buffaloes of Penjab, Pakistan. J Anim Plant Sci. 21(3), 477-480.
  • 2. Ali L, Muhammad M, Arshad M, Saqib M, Hassan IJ. (2008) Bacteriology of mastitis in buffaloes ın teshil samundri of district faisalabad, Pakistan. Pakistan Vet J, 28(1), 31-33.
  • 3. Anderson, KL, Lyman R, Moury K, Ray D, Watson DW, Correa MT. (2012) Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy heifers. J Dairy Sci. 95(9), 4921-4930.
  • 4. Badua AT, Boonyayatra S, Awaiwanont N, Gaban PBV, MingalaCN. (2020) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) associated with mastitis among water buffaloes in the Philippines. Heliyon. 6(12):e05663.
  • 5. Baloch H, Rind R, Kalhoro DH, Kalhoro AB. (2011) Study on the incidence of mastitis in buffaloes caused by bacterial species. Pak J Agri Engg Vet Sci. 27(1), 83-93.
  • 6. Birhanu M, Leta S, MamoG, Tesfaye S. (2017) Prevalence of bovine subclinical mastitis and isolation of its major causes in Bishoftu Town, Ethiopia. BMC Res Notes, 10(1):767.
  • 7. Chandra BS, Rajkumar K, Vijayalakshmi P, Prabavathy AA, Selvi D, Subramanian B. (2019) Epidemiological studies on somatic cell count and subclinical mastitis in buffaloes of Puducherry, India. Buffalo Bull, 38(3), 545-550.
  • 8. Charaya G, Sharma A, Kumar A, Goel P, Singh M. (2015) Detection of major mastitis pathogens by multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay in buffalo milk. Indian J Anim Sci. 85(2), 122-125. 9. Chavoshi M and Husaini J. (2012) Buffalo subclinical mastitis bacterial pathogens in Iran. 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Singapore,. pp. 143-146.
  • 10.Coimbra-E-Souza V, Brito MAVP, Chamon RC, Laport MS, Giambiagi-De Marval M. (2017) Characterization of Staphylococcus spp. strains in milk from buffaloes with mastitis in Brazil: The need to identify to species level to avoid misidentification. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec. 69(6), 1669-1675.
  • 11. Costa A, Neglia G, Campanile G, De Marchi M. (2020) Milk somatic cell count and its relationship with milk yield and quality traits in Italian water buffaloes. J Dairy Sci. 103(6), 5485-5494.
  • 12. Dhakal IP, Nagahata H. (2018) Evaluation of mastitis related measures & their applications to classify buffalo milk in Chitwan Nepal. J Agric Sci Technol A. 8, 99-111.
  • 13. Dhakal IP, Neupane M, Nagahata H. (2008) Evaluation of direct and indirect measures of quarter milk from crossbred buffaloes. Anim Sci J. 79(5), 628-633.
  • 14. El-Khodery SA, Osman SA. (2008) Acute coliform mastitis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis): Clinical findings and treatment outcomes. Trop Anim Healt Prod. 40(2), 93-99.
  • 15. Fagiolo A, Lai O. (2007) Mastitis in buffalo. Ital J Anim Sci. 6(2), 200-206.
  • 16. FAO. (2015): Avaliable at:http://www.fao.org/agriculture/dairy-gateway/milk-production/dairy-animals/water-buffaloes/en (Accessed on October/25/2023)
  • 17. Guccione J. (2013) Clinical and diagnostically aspects in dairy Mediterranean buffalo mastitis [Ph D Thesis] University of Napoli Federico, Napoli, Italy.
  • 18. Guha A, Sandeep G, Anshu S. (2012) Evaluation of milk trace elements, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase activity of subclinical mastitis as and indicator of subclinical mastitis in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Asian Australas J Anim Sci. 25(3), 353-360.
  • 19. Harmon RJ. (2001) Somatic cell counts: A Primer. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, 3-9.
  • 20. Hussain A, ShakoorA, ShahidMA, NumanM, Gulraiz F. (2007) Clinical and subclinical Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy buffaloes: disease characteristics and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of islolates. Int J Agri Res. 2(9), 804-811.
  • 21. Hussain R, Javed MT, Khan A, Muhammad G. (2013) Risks factors associated with subclinical mastitis in water buffaloes in Pakistan. Trop Anim Health Prod. 45(8), 1723-1729.
  • 22. Jia F, Ma W, Zhang X, Wang D, Zhou X. (2020) Matrine and baicalin inhibit apoptosis induced by Panton-Valentine leukocidin of Staphylococcus aureus in bovine mammary epithelial cells. J Dairy Sci. 103(3), 2731-2742.
  • 23. Khan AZ, MuhammadG. (2005) Quarter-wise comparative prevalence of mastitis in buffaloes and crossbred cows. Pakistan Vet J. 25(1), 9-12.
  • 24. Khan JM, Rasool MH, Arshad M, Rahman SU, Tahir MF, Aslam B, Jing W, Jun Z, GhaniM (2013) Comparative evaluation of leukotoxic activities of indigenous Staphylococcus aureus isolates from subclinical and clinical mastitic milk samples of buffalo and cattle. Open Vet J. 7(1), 24-27.
  • 25. Middleton JR, Hardin D, Steevens B, Randle R, Tyler JW. (2004) Use of somatic cell counts and california mastitis test results from individual quarter milk samples to detect subclinical intramammary infection in dairy cattle from a herd with a high bulk tank somatic cell count. J American Vet Med Assoc. 224(3), 419-423.
  • 26. Moroni P, Sgoifo Rossi C, Pisoni G, Bronzo V, Castiglioni B, Boettcher PJ. (2006) Relationships between somatic cell count and intramammary infection in buffaloes. J Dairy Sci. 89(3), 998–1003.
  • 27. Ozenc E, VuralMR, Seker E, UcarM. (2008) An evaluation of subclinical mastitis during lactation in anatolian buffaloes. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 32(5), 359-368.
  • 28. Pardo BR, Mendoza-Sánchez G, Nader Fılho A, Santos T, Langoni H, Tonhati H, Ferrira EBS, Ravena DL, Oliveira MEA, Sturion DJ. (2007). Microbiological evaluation of milk samples positive to california mastitis test in dairy buffalo cows (Buballus bubalis). Ital J Anim Sci. 6(2), 884-887.
  • 29. Patel R, KunjadiaP, Koringa P, Joshi C, Kunjadiya A. (2019) Microbiological profiles in clinical and subclinical cases of mastitis in milking Jafarabadi buffalo. Res Vet Sci. 125, 94-99.
  • 31. Pisanu S, Cacciotto C, Pagnozzi D, Puggioni GMG, Uzzau S, Ciaramella P, Addis MF. (2019) Proteomic changes in the milk of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with subclinical mastitis due to intramammary infection by Staphylococcus aureus and by non-aureus staphylococci. Sci Report. 9(1):15850
  • 32. Rosati R, Thomas CS, Lai O, Alferi L, Zottola T (2008) Udder health. In: Milking management of dairy buffaloes. Rasmussen MD, Thomas S, Borghese A. eds 43-53, Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation, Brussels, Belgium;. p.43-53
  • 33.Ruegg PL (2017) A 100-Year Review: Mastitis detection, management, and prevention. J Dairy Sci. 100(12), 10381-10397.
  • 34. Quinn PJ, Markey BK, Leonard FCP, Hartigan S, Fanning Fitzpatrick EI. (2011) Veterinary microbiology and microbial disease. John Wiley & Sons.
  • 35. Sahin, A, Yildirim A, Ulutas Z, Ugurlutepe E. (2017) The effects of stage of lactation, parity and calving season on somatic cell counts in Anatolian Water Buffaloes. Indian J Anim Res. 51(1), 35-39.
  • 36. Sanford CJ, Keefe GP, Sanchez J, Dingwell RT, Barkema HW, Leslie KE, Dohoo IR. (2006) Test characteristics from latent-class models of the california mastitis test. Prev Vet Med. 77(1-2), 96-108.
  • 37. Sharma N, Pandey V, Sudhan NA. (2010) Comparison of some indirect screening tests for detection of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Bulg J Vet Med. 13(2), 98-103.
  • 39. Sharma N, Singh NK, Bhadwal MS. (2011) Relationship of somatic cell count and mastitis: An overview. Asian Australas J Anim Sci. 24(3), 429-438.
  • 40. Sgorbini M, Bonelli F, FratiniF, Sbrana A, Brombin M, Meucci V, Corazza M, Ebani V, Bertelloni F, Turchi B, CerriD. (2014) Mastitis in dairy cattle: a comparison of some screening tests and bacteriology. Large Anim Rev. 20, 9-15.
  • 41. Sekerden O. (2011) Anadolu ve Anadolu x İtalyan melezi F1 mandalarda somatik hücre sayısını (SHS) etkileyen faktörler ve bunların süt ve süt bileşen verimleriyle ilişkisi. Hay Üretim. 52(1), 9-16.
  • 42. Stetca G, Chindris V, Pop A. (2010) Researches on the somatic cells in buffalo cow milk and their significance. Bulletin UASVM Agriculture. 67(2), 425-428.
  • 43. Tripaldi C, Palocci G, Miarelli M, Catta M, Orlandini S, Amatiste S, Bernardini RD. (2010) Effects of mastitis on buffalo milk quality. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 23(10), 1319-1324.
  • 44. TUİK, (2020): Hayvansal üretim istatistikleri Aralık 2020. Available at: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=tarim (Accesed on October/25/2023)
  • 45. Vasquez-Garcia A, Silva TDS, Almeida-Queiroz SRD, Godoy SH, Fernandes AM, Sousa RL, FranzolinR. (2017) Species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of bacteria causing subclinical mastitis in buffalo. Pes Vet Bras. 37(5), 447-452.
  • 46. Viguier C, Arora S, Gilmartin N, Welbeck K, O’Kennedy R. (2009) Mastitis detection: current trends and future perspectives. Trends in Biotech, 27(8), 486-493.
  • 47. Zadoks RN and Fitzpatrick JL. (2009) Changing trends in mastitis. Irish Vet J. 62(4), 59-70.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gülşen Goncagül 0000-0003-4331-9698

Elçin Günaydın 0000-0002-5247-7578

Anastasia Lisuzzo 0000-0001-7064-0749

Enrico Fiore 0000-0002-0377-9553

Yavuz Çokal 0000-0001-5992-6295

Melis Zeybek 0000-0002-3842-1009

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Goncagül, G., Günaydın, E., Lisuzzo, A., Fiore, E., vd. (2023). Do CMT, SCC, and Bacteriological isolation overlap in subclinical mastitis cases of Anatolian buffaloes?. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 34(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.35864/evmd.1274672