Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

The Journal of Educational Management and Policies aims to serve as an academic platform for research with national and international scientific standards in the scope of educational management. In this context, it seeks to bring together theoretical and applied research in educational management, providing researchers and practitioners with new perspectives.

The Journal of Educational Management and Policies publishes original studies in the field of Educational Management, encompassing education policies, educational philosophy, higher education management, quality management, comparative education, educational reform, ethics in management, institutional culture, and leadership. In this context, scientific and original studies in the field of educational management and policies across all levels of education are welcomed.

The papers submitted to our journal should take into account the following:

1. A cover page should be created and the full name and corporate titles of the author(s), the postal address(s) of the correspondent, the business/computer phone numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID ID numbers should be entered here.
2. The reference format for Education Management and Policy is APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition.
For the first stage of publication, articles should be submitted through the Online Application System.
4. You can download the template to use when submitting an article here.

The papers submitted to our journal should take into account the following:

1. A cover page should be created and the full name and corporate titles of the author(s), the postal address(s) of the correspondent, the business/computer phone numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID ID numbers should be entered here.
2. The reference format for Education Management and Policy is APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition.
For the first stage of publication, manuscripts should be submitted through the Online Application System.
4. You can download the template to use when submitting a manuscript here.

The Journal of Education Management and Policies is committed to implementing scientific publication ethics at the highest standards and to following the following principles of basic practices, based on the recommendations and guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors.
• Manuscripts to be submitted to the Journal of Education Management and Policies must not have been previously published, not included in the publication programme, or have been evaluated for publication in another journal.
• The Journal of Education Management and Policies adopts the standards set by COPE in the implementation of publication ethics. In this context, in cases of abuse or violation of broadcasting ethics, reference is made to the broadcast ethics flowcharts developed by COPE (
• The Journal of Education Administration and Policies guarantees the anonymity of authors, field editors and reviewers in the process of submitting submissions to the reviewer's evaluation, according to the double-blind arbitration process it has adopted.
• The journal is responsible for the confidentiality of information about the author. However, this information could be shared in a possible investigation to investigate possible abuses. The Journal of Education Management and Policies sets out its principles on possible abuse situations within the framework of guidelines developed by COPE and shares them with stakeholders on its website.
• It is not acceptable for the Journal of Education Administration and Policies to use sections of one text in multiple publications of the author, although not specified. In such cases, the journal applies the relevant guidelines established by the COPE.
• The Education Management and Policy Journal defends and monitors freedom of expression in all circumstances. In addition, the Journal considers all content that is racist, gender-based or discriminatory to be hate speech and exercises its right to refuse to post any content without processing.
• In the event of a conflict of interest in a manuscript, the Journal of Education Management and Policies is openly a party to intellectual and ethical standards; it defines the ethical principles that authors, reviewers, editor-in-chief and field editors are obliged to follow in relation to the subject.
• In the event of a conflict of interest, the Journal of Education Management and Policies suspends the evaluation process of the manuscript until the uncertainty is resolved; in this regard the Journal has the authority to request the author's Ethics Board Permit, Interviewer's Consent Forms and the necessary documentation for the manuscript.
• The Education Management and Policy Journal is responsible and sensitive in publishing content in the form of corrections, explanations, apologies and texts.
• The editors and publishers of the magazine are obliged to comply with legal advice in the event of repetitions in a manuscript, i.e. conflicts with another publication, which violate intellectual property rights.
Copyright Regulation and Principle of Conflict of Interest
The Journal of Education Management and Policies believes that potential conflicts of interest between its stakeholders would undermine the ethics of scientific publication. The journal sets out its obligations to all its stakeholders in order to identify and prevent conflicts of interest.
• When applying for publication in the Journal of Education Administration and Policies, the author declares that he accepts the stated terms by filling in the Copyright Protection and Discharge Conflict Form.

Open Access Policy

• The Education Management and Policy Journal is available free of charge to the institution where all content is included in reading or reading. Readers may read, download, copy, search and provide links to the full text of magazine manuscripts without the permission of the publisher or author, except for commercial purposes.
• Manuscripts in the Journal of Education Management and Policy are open access.

Principles Regarding Allegations of Potential Misconduct
The Journal of Education Management and Policies adopts COPE’s “possible abuse” measures against cases of abuse and abuse. In this regard, the Principles of Publication Ethics detail the obligations of publishers, editors, arbitrators, the publishing board and authors against possible abuses before, during and after publication.
• In cases where the same paper is submitted to different publishing agencies, the aim is to provide benefits such as comparing different versions of the same work posted to different journals, comparing compiled statements from authors and investigators on the published paper, collaborating and making efforts to investigate suspicious abuse cases, and acting together in the work on investigators/writers and/or their institutions.
• The Journal of Education Management and Policies shares information about authors, field editors and reviewers, taking into account the importance of confidentiality in the scientific publication process, solely to prevent and fulfil its obligation to respond to a suspicious misuse of research.
• Journal editors should conduct initial inquiries before sharing information in suspicious cases. Information sharing is only possible if the author does not respond, is insufficient or believes that more than one magazine is likely to be affected by the abuse.
• If necessary, information is shared only with domain editors who are believed to be aware of the subject matter, and the information shared is limited to factual content only.
• The Editor-in-Chief is committed to protecting the confidentiality of communications to the greatest extent possible.
• The publisher undertakes to implement the publication ethics principles of the journal by the relevant stakeholders, to provide free and continuous open access to the content of the magazine, and to archive and protect the publications.
• The publisher is obliged to take the necessary steps to clarify the situation in cases where there is a suspicion of violation of the ethics of scientific publication, such as abuse, intimidation, conflict of interest, infringement of copyright, reproduction of text.
Publications and Advisory Board
The Publications and Advisory Board of the Journal of Education Management and Policies meets at least twice a year.
• Members of the Board of Publications agree to the publication ethics principles and policies of the Journal of Education Management and Policies and evaluate decisions relating to these principles or policies.
• Decide what the Topics of the Education Management and Policy Journal will be and who will be offered to be the theme editor (or guest editor) for the number of related topics.
• make recommendations for membership in the Advisory Board of the Journal of Education Management and Policies.
• make recommendations to enhance the national and international recognition of the Journal of Education Management and Policies.
• In cases of suspected violation of the ethics of scientific publication, such as abuse, suicide, conflict of interest, copyright infringement, and the reproduction of text, they should inform the editorial team of the Education Management and Policy Journal for clarification.
• They propose a scanning index for the Journal of Education Management and Policy to enhance its academic quality.
• Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Education Management and Policy are evaluated by editors regardless of the authors' race, ethnicity, gender, world view or belief.
• Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Education Management and Policies are presented for evaluation by the editor of the field designated by the chief editor. The Domain Editor decides whether the manuscript is included in the arbitration process without knowing anonymously who the author is, taking into account the Editorial Pre-Evaluation Form. In the editorial evaluation phase, the Domain Editor may request a correction from the author or suggest to the editor-in-chief that the manuscript be rejected without being included in the arbitration process.
• Detailed and constructive evaluation of the texts evaluated by the reviewers.
• The Journal of Education Management and Policies also contains manuscripts such as the evaluation manuscript, the research note, the value, the event, the book and the film evaluation published without the need for arbitration. In the Journal of Education Administration and Policies, the distinction is clearly made between arbitrated publications and publications that do not require arbitration. Where appropriate, the editor-in-chief may develop comments and suggestions about which category of the magazine the applicant may publish the manuscript, and communicate this explicitly with the author. In this case, the final decision rests with the author and/or editor-in-chief.
• The reviewer acts as the editor-in-chief, the field editor, the liaison person between the author and the arbitrator in the manuscripts that enter the proceedings. They conduct the arbitration process with academic courtesy from the date the manuscript reaches the magazine to the publication stage, documenting every step carefully. With regard to the evaluation process, the editor-in-chief (subject to observing the personal rights of the field editor, the author and the reviewer, and the privacy principles of the journal) will not hesitate to give account of the assessment steps for each manuscript, as appropriate.
• If two reviewers disagree on the manuscript to be evaluated, the editors should use a third reviewer to evaluate it.
• If the manuscript is in conflict of interest with the manuscripts submitted to the magazine, or if it is in a relationship that may cause a conflict, the editor leaves the editor responsible for whether or not the manuscript has been included in the arbitration process and the publication process is entirely followed up. The field editors evaluate the manuscripts anonymously, leading to a conflict of interest between the other editors who will continue to serve as editors. In the event of any conflict of interest, editors should withdraw from their editorial duties. The editorial staff should not use any information obtained from the reviewed manuscript for personal purposes.
• Editors withdraw the manuscript if they find an error in a published manuscript and it invalidates the work or its important parts, if it contains inappropriate content, or if it is unethical. In this case, the editors are responsible for providing a link linking the two versions, along with a statement clearly stating that the manuscript has been withdrawn and an explanation of the reason for the withdrawal, to circulate them openly to all readers on online platforms.


• Authors have academic, ethical and social responsibility.
• Authors cannot submit more than one manuscript to the same issue of the journal.
• Manuscript application dates are stated in the call text of the issue that is in preparation for publication. Manuscript applications received after the application date will not be evaluated.
• The author is responsible for not committing ethical violations such as plagiarism, labor theft, improper referencing, forgetting references, and not mentioning the names of scholarship and support institutions regarding the manuscript he/she submits. If a contrary situation is detected, the manuscript will be rejected.
• If the author has received study/research support, he must indicate the source in his manuscript.
• When authors submit a manuscript of any type or format, they are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that may bias or be found to bias the work. In this context, when applying for manuscripts, authors
• They must sign the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form and upload it to the system.
• Authors are responsible for ensuring that the ideas and expressions in their work submitted with a request for publication have not been used in other previously published works. If these ideas and expressions have been used before, they should be cited where necessary. Otherwise, upon the request of the editors, the authors are obliged to correct the conflicting parts or, if the manuscript has been published, to do their part to publish a new correction.
• Authors undertake that the manuscripts they will send to the Journal of Educational Management and Policies have not been published before, have not been included in the publication program, or have not entered the evaluation stage for publication in another medium.
• Authors must be accountable for validity and ethics for each part of the work.
• If there is more than one author contributing to the study, the order of names sent by these authors during the application must be a joint decision of the authors.
• It is the author's responsibility to include only people who have an active contribution to the study among the authors, not to include people who do not have an active contribution among the authors, and to appropriately justify the author order or any request for a change in the author order while the evaluation process of the manuscript continues. The author should be able to explain all these issues if deemed necessary by the journal editors.
• If authors detect errors or inaccuracies after the publication of their manuscripts, they should immediately notify the journal editors so that appropriate action can be taken.
• Authors cannot publish the same manuscript, in whole or in part, in more than one journal without providing an appropriate justification, permission or cross-reference. Authors are obliged to comply with the license and copyright transfer agreement they signed.
• Authors accept that manuscripts that fail to pass the pre-publication preparation stages of the Journal of Educational Administration and Policies - APA control and proofreading processes - will not be published even if the reviewering process is completed.


• Acts by adopting the double-blind reviewer evaluation process and fulfills the requirements of this process.
• When an offer to arbitrate is made, respond positively or negatively within a reasonable timeframe.
• If he does not have expertise on the subject of the study or is only able to evaluate a part of it, he should explain this.
• Must agree to make an evaluation within a mutually agreed time period and inform in case of any sagging.
• Reviewers must disclose to the editors any conflict of interest that may bias their views on the manuscript, and if such a situation exists, they must refrain from reviewing the manuscript.
• Reviewers are responsible for informing editors when they notice text recycling, also known as author self-plagiarism, in manuscripts sent to them for review.
• Reviewers should not use any information contained in the manuscript in question that falls within their field of interest before the manuscript is published.
• If he thinks that he cannot make a fair and impartial evaluation, he must report this.
• If there is a study that is very similar to a study they are preparing or currently evaluating, they should reject the evaluation.

During Evaluation;

• Must notify the journal when they become aware of a conflict of interest that did not exist at the time of acceptance.
• All manuscripts and reviewer evaluations must be kept confidential.
• Must ensure that their evaluations are scientific only and will not be influenced, positively or negatively, by personal, financial or intellectual bias.
• Must not make personal comments or unjustified accusations towards the author.
• Must be specific in his criticisms; For example, it should embody a general statement such as “previous work”; This will help editors treat authors fairly in the evaluation and decision-making process.
• They should remember that this is the work of the authors, and if the work is written in clear and concise terms, they should not attempt to rewrite the work in their own preferred form; however, suggestions for clarifying wording are important.
• Should not contact authors directly without informing the journal.
• Must recognize the sensitivities that may arise from writing in another language and express this respectfully and appropriately.
• They should not recommend citing these studies just to increase the number of references for themselves or their colleagues or to be visible. If a recommendation is made, it must be scientifically justified.

After Evaluation;

• Must continue to maintain the confidentiality of the study and evaluation process.
• Must inform the journal if a situation arises that may affect its main comments and feedback.
• Must try to respond to requests from the journal regarding revision and re-evaluation.
Plagiarism Review Policy
• Ethical violations such as plagiarism and labor theft are deemed unacceptable by the Journal of Educational Management and Policies, and it is primarily the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that such violations are not included in the submitted manuscripts.
• All manuscripts sent to the Journal of Educational Management and Policies are passed through Turnitin and iThenticate programs to obtain a similarity report before being taken into the evaluation process.
• If the similarity rate is 20% or more as a result of the report, the editors share the relevant report result with the author and reject the manuscript without including it in the evaluation process.

Journal of Educational Management and Policies (EYPD) does not charge authors a manuscript processing fee or submission fee for the studies they submit to the journal.