Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Dokuz Eylul University DEPARK Technopark Food Health and Technology Innovation Journal observes the publication ethics standards determined by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE). Based on the COPE publishing ethics principles, editors, authors and reviewers should follow the ethical guidelines below:
Ethical guidelines that the editor should adhere:
Editor should ensure that manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated based on the quality of the manuscript and the referee comments without regard to religion, language, race, ethnic origin, political opinion and gender of the authors. The editor should reject the manuscript in the case of ethical violations. The editor should ensure the confidentiality of the information about the manuscripts submitted to the journal and should not share this information with anyone except the responsible author, referees and editorial board. Editor should ensure the double blind peer review process. Editors should not use the information presented in the manuscript for their own research. Editor has full responsibility to reject, accept or request revisions to manuscripts submitted to the journal.
Ethical guidelines that authors should adhere:
Authors should declare that the submitted work is original and has not been published before. Authors should declare that the study is not currently under review in another journal. All authors mentioned in the study should have contributed to the experimental design and implementation in the study, or to the analysis and interpretation of the data. Authors should provide access to the data sets they use in the article, if requested. Authors should notify the editorial board if they notice significant errors in their published articles. Authors should submit the ethics committee approval to the journal for studies that require ethics committee approval. Manuscripts without ethical committee approval will not be considered for review. If it is necessary to obtain “Ethics Committee Approval” for research, information on the ethics committee approval (name of ethics committee, number and date of approval document) should be indicated in the the article.
Ethical guidelines that reviewers should adhere:
Reviewers should agree to review the manuscripts in which they have sufficient expertise. Reviewers should agree to review the manuscripts which they think they can evaluate on time and adequately. Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the peer review process and should not reveal any information about the manuscript beyond that published during or after the review process. Reviewers should not use the knowledge gained in the refereeing process for their own or others' advantage. Reviewers should notify the editorial board of the journal when they suspect of plagiarism or other ethical violations. Reviewers should not accept to review in situations where there may be a conflict of interest. Reviewers should be objective and constructive in their evaluations and not make personal comments.

—Manuscripts must conform to the requirements indicated on the last page of the Journal - Guide for Authors- and in the web page.
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