Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 8/31/24

Year: 2024

Original Research




Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi - The Journal of Geriatric Science (JoGS) is the official, periodic, peer-reviewed, open access scientific publication of the Geriatric Sciences Association. JoGS, which started broadcasting in 2018, is published three times a year (in April, August and December).

The aim of JoGS is to publish scientifically qualified articles and submit them to all national and international medical institutions and personnel.

JoGS's main areas of interest are geriatric syndromes, geriatric psychiatry, approach to the elderly patient and the biological basis of aging; retrospective, prospective or experimental studies on medical, mental, psychological, socioeconomic and environmental problems of geriatric patients; reviews, case reports, editorial comments, letters to the editor, and articles on current issues that set the medical agenda in geriatrics.

JoGS's target audience is all healthcare professionals interested in the discipline of geriatrics and all individuals serving in geriatrics and gerontology.

The articles are evaluated according to the double-blind peer review system in terms of the referee and the author.

The journal is published in Turkish and English.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. 

Articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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The Journal of Geriatric Science is the official scientific publication of the Geriatric Science Association in Turkey published once in four months.
Its main topics are geriatrics syndromes, geriatric neuropsychiatry, approach to the elderly patient and biological basis of aging. The Journal of Geriatric Science aim to reach all national & international medical societies, institutions and personals, and to publish retrospective, prospective clinical studies or experimental researches, reviews, case reports, editorial comments, letters to the editor and current issues that determine medical agenda, that may be related with geriatric subjects’ medical, mental, psychological, socioeconomic and environmental problems.
Articles submitted for publication should be neither published in any journal before nor submitted simultaneously to another journal. Presentations at scientific meetings may be accepted providing that this is declared in the article.
All articles submitted for publication undergo the review of the Editorial Board and at least two domestic-foreign reviewers before being accepted for publication.
In order to provide consistency to the publication rules of The Journal of Geriatric Science, Editorial Board may demand the authors to review, shorten or revise the articles submitted for publication.
After a manuscript is submitted to the journal for publication, no author can be removed from the author list without the written permission of all authors. Also, additions to or changes in the order of the author list are not possible after submission.
Submitted manuscripts, whether accepted or not, are not returned to the authors.
Neither the editors nor the publisher guarantees, warrants or accepts the responsibility of any statements and properties of commercial products advertised in this publication.
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. 

Article submission to The Journal of Geriatric Science is online. In order to submit an article, you click “Online Article Submission” link in address. You also may follow up all the procedures related with your articles from this web site.




All authors should have contributed to the article directly either academically or scientifically and approved the final version. The convenience of the manuscripts to the scientific criteria is in the responsibility of the authors
The Journal of Geriatric Science accepts in advance the principles indicated in the Helsinki Declaration in all reported research involving “Human beings”. In such a study, authors should state that they conducted the study in accordance with such principles in the Material and Methods section of article, “Ethics Committee Approval Form” was obtained that the study has been reviewed and ethically approved by the institutional ethical committee, and “Informed Consent Form” was obtained from each participant.
All papers reporting experiments using animals must include a statement in the Material and Methods section of article giving assurance that all animals have received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and indicating “Ethics Committee Approval Form” was obtained that the study has been reviewed and ethically approved by the institutional ethical committee.
Case reports should be accompanied by Informed Consent Form whether the identity of the patient is disclosed or not.
If the proposed publication concerns any commercial product, the author must include in the cover letter a statement indicating that the authors have no financial or other interest in the product or explaining the nature of any relation (including consultancies) between the authors and the manufacturer or distributor of the product. 
Contents of the articles published or accepted for publication in The Journal of Geriatric Science reflect only the ideas of the authors, and the manuscript that meets ethical criteria and its scientific content are under the responsibilities of the authors, but not the Editorial Board.

All retrospective, prospective and experimental research articles must be evaluated in terms of biostatics and it must be indicated together with appropriate planning, analysis and report.

The official languages of the Journals are Turkish and English.

For the articles sent to the journal, the authors are requested to fill in a copyright transfer form. The contents of the journal can be accessed free of charge. Articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. If citations are included from other copyrighted works cited in the article, authors must obtain written permission from the copyright holders and cite sources in the article. The thoughts and suggestions in the articles are entirely the responsibility of the authors.

Original Research Articles: The journal publishes prospective or retrospective, experimental and clinical (original) research article studies in clinics. Content:
• Abstract (about 250 words; the structured abstract contain the following sections: objective, material and methods, results, conclusion, keywords (Keywords must be crawlable in the MeSH Browser); Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Material and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgements
• References

Review Articles: The authors may be invited to write or may submit a review article including the latest medical literature may be prepared on all medical topics. Authors who have published materials on the topic are preferred. Content:
• Abstract (about 250 words; without structural divisions, keywords (Keywords must be crawlable in the MeSH Browser); Turkish and English)
• Subtitles on related topics
• References

Case Reports: Brief descriptions of previously undocumented or rare diseases and syndromes a unique unreported manifestation or treatment of known diseases and syndromes, new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, or unique unreported complications of treatment regimens. They should be supported an adequate number of photos and figures. Content:
• Abstract (about 150 words; without structural divisions, keywords (Keywords must be crawlable in the MeSH Browser); Turkish and English)
• Introduction
• Case report
• Discussion
• References

Letters to the Editor: Replies, corrections, and erratum written criticizing or in contribution to the articles published in the journal within the last year may be published as "letter to the editor" after approval of the Editorial Board. These articles don’t contain a topic and abstract, and should not exceed 500 words and be supplied with a maximum of five references. Submitted letters should include a note indicating the attribution to an article (with the number and date) and the name, affiliation and address of the authors at the end. Letters may be published together with a reply from the original author.

Authors should follow the below structural principles before submitting their material.
The article should be written in IBM-compatible computers with Microsoft Word.

Abbreviations that are used all over the article should be defined in parenthesis where the word is first mentioned. For commonly accepted abbreviations and usage, please refer to Scientific Style and Format. 5

• Tables: Tables should be numbered with Roman numbers (Tablo I) according to the order of appearance in the text, and each table with its title (above the table) should be prepared in a separate page. The number of tables should be shown in parentheses in the most appropriate place in the text. Tables and number of tables, its titles, explanations, and abbreviations about tables should be prepared in a separate page and placed at the end of the article.

• Figures, pictures, and photographs: These should be numbered as figures with numbers (e.g. Figure 1) according to the order of appearance in the text, and their places should be marked in the most appropriate place in the text. Each figure and its title, explanations, abbreviations, and footnotes should be prepared in a separate page and placed at the end of the article (Figure legends).
- Figures, pictures/photographs must be added to the system as separate .jpg or .gif files
- All abbreviations used, must be listed in explanation of each figure, picture, table, and graphic.
- Pictures/photographs must be in color, clear and with appropriate contrast to separate details.
- For figures, pictures, tables, and graphics to be reproduced relevant permissions need to be provided. This permission must be mentioned in the explanation.

The cover letter should include statements about manuscript category designation, single-journal submission affirmation (Not submitted simultaneously to another journal and conflict of interest statement), sources of outside funding, equipment (if so), approval for language for articles in English and approval for statistical analysis for original research articles.Authors can indicate their referee suggestions, provided that there are at least 2 in the cover letter.

The title page should include followings:
A concise and informative title of the article (Turkish and English)
All authors should be listed with academic degrees, affiliations and ORCID information
Corresponding author’s name, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail
Authors' contributions to the study,
Authors’ conflict of interest situation,
If the study was presented in a congress, the authors should identify the date/place of the congress of the study presented.
The authors should state that the article has not been published in any jorunal before.
If present, detailed information about any financial support or grant from a scientific foundation.

The abstracts should be prepared as Turkish and English in accordance with the instructions in the “Categories of Articles”. Type, aim, material and method, results, discussion and conclusions of the study should be summarized. Abbreviations except for measurements should not be used in the abstract.
The paragraph following the Abstract should include 2-5 keywords, appropriate for indexing, pubmed and in accordance with the frame and summary of the article. Keywords must be crawlable in the MeSH Browser.

Those who have indirect contributions to the preparation of manuscript are acknowledged explaining the kind of contribution in brief sentences.

Note: The rate of similarity check must be below 20%.


References numbered according to the order of appearance in the text should be shown in parentheses in the most appropriate place, where mentioned first. If there are several (more than one) and consecutive references in the parentheses, they should be demonstrated by separating the first and last numbers with "-" [for instance (5-11)]. If there are several but not consecutive references in the parentheses, they should be demonstrated by separating each reference with "," [for instance (3,5,8)].
If there are three or less authors in a reference, all the authors should be written, however, if there are four or more authors, the first three should be given, and rest of the authors should be shown as "et al". Titles of the journals should be given as used in Index Medicus (see:
Personal experiences and declarations, unpublished papers, thesis and informal web page addresses can not be given as reference. However, these may be mentioned in the text, if very necessary.

Some examples for demonstrating references (please give attention to punctuation):

For articles; authors’ surname and initials of authors’ names, titles of article, journal name, date (year), volume number, and inclusive pages, must be indicated. Example:
Güngen C, Ertan T, Eker E, ve ark. Standardize Mini Mental Testin Türk Toplumunda Hafif Demans Tanısında Geçerlik ve Güvenilirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2002; 13: 273–281
Isik AT, Celik T, Ulusoy G et al.:Curcumın Ameliorates Impaired Insulin / IGF Signaling And Memory Deficit In Streptozotocin Treated Rat Model. Age, 2009;31:39-49.

For a chapter of a book; authors’ surname and initials of authors’ names , chapter title, editor’s name, book title, edition, city, publisher, date and pages. Example: Reynolds EH. Folic acid, vitamin B12 and the nervous system: historical aspects. In: Botez MI, Reynolds EH, eds. Folic acid in neurology, psychiatry, and internal medicine. New York: Raven Press, 1979: 1–5.

For presentations at scientific meetings; 
authors’ surname and initials of authors’ names, chapter title, congress’s name, organization date and place, and pages of the Congress Abstract Book. Example: Işık AT, Bozoğlu E, Doruk H. Demanslı yaşlılarda memantin-galantamin kombinasyonunu etkiliğinin değerlendirilmesi, 6. Ulusal Geriatri Kongresi, 16–20 Ekim 2007, Antalya. Kongre Özet Kitabı 65-66.

For Official web addresses:, Date of access: 1.12.2018

Scientific articles to be submitted to the Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi - The Journal of Geriatric Sciences (JoGS) must comply with the current recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) standards. If an ethical problem is detected in the article, COPE ( guidelines are followed.

The Journal of Geriatric Sciences accepts the principle of compliance with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki in all studies involving the 'human' element ( medical-research-involving-human-subjects/). The article should comply with recommendations for conducting, reporting, organizing and publishing scientific study in medical journals ( and aim to include representative populations (gender, age, and ethnicity) according to these recommendations. In studies, authors should report in the article that they will work in accordance with these principles in the material and methods section of the article, that an ethics committee approval document from the ethics committee of their institution and an informed consent form are obtained from the people who participate in the study. The privacy rights of the participants should be respected at all times. Ethics committee approval should be documented and uploaded to the journal system during article submission.

If the 'animal' element is used in the study, the authors should state and certify that they will protect animal rights in their work in line with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals principles in the materials and methods section of the article, and that they have received ethics committee approval from the ethical committees of their institution ( The gender of the animals and, where appropriate, the effect (or relationship) of it on the results of the study should be pointed out.

In the preparation of case reports, care must be taken to protect the privacy of the patient. Information identifying the patient's identity and photographs should not be used. In case reports, an informed consent form should be obtained from the patient(s) and should be reported in the article. All authors should have direct academic-scientific contributions to the submitted article, which should be clearly reported in the article and the authors should accept the final version of it. Compliance of the articles with scientific and ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors. All authors should disclose whether they have any financial or personal relationships with other individuals or organizations that may affect their work. If there is a direct-indirect commercial link in the article or an institution that provides financial support for the study, the authors are obliged to inform the editor on the submission page how they are related to the commercial product, drug, company used, etc., (employment, consultancies, stock ownership, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding). If there is no such relationship, it should be declared that it does not exist.

Submission of an article to the journal means that the study in question has not been published or evaluated before (other than in the form of an abstract, a published lecture, or an academic thesis), that the article has been approved by all authors and the responsible authorities. Your article can be checked by authenticity detection services to verify its authenticity.

Inclusive language accepts diversity, respects all people, is sensitive to differences and promotes equal opportunity. Content should not make any assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader, and should not contain anything to imply that one individual is superior to another because of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition. It is recommended not to use descriptive terms that refer to personal characteristics such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health status unless they are relevant and applicable.

For transparency, a statement should be submitted summarizing their individual contributions to the article using the roles of the authors. Contributions such as conceptualization, data analysis, methodology, project management, supervision, visualization, original draft, revision and editing should be mentioned in a separate section before references in the manuscript.


Authors are asked to carefully compose the author list and order before submitting their manuscript, and to provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Adding, deleting or rearranging author names in the author list can only be done before the article is accepted and approved by the journal editor. To request such a change, statements must be made by the corresponding author to the editor: (a) the reason for the change in the list of authors, (b) written confirmation (e-mail, letter) from all authors that they agree to the addition, removal or rearrangement. If the article has already been published in an online issue, all requests approved by the editor will be noted in the journal with a corrigendum..

Randomized controlled trials should be submitted according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines. At the time of manuscript submission, authors should provide the CONSORT checklist with study flowchart detailing procedures such as inclusion, enrollment, randomization, withdrawal, and study completion (

For manuscripts submitted to the journal, authors are requested to fill out a copyright transfer form. The contents of the magazine can be accessed free of charge. Articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If citations are included from other copyrighted works mentioned in the article, authors should obtain written permission from the copyright holders and cite sources in the article.

The Journal of Geriatric Science (JoGS) is the official, periodic, peer-reviewed, open access scientific publication of the Geriatric Sciences Association. JoGS is published three times a year (in April, August, and December). Special issues may also be published during the year when deemed necessary. JoGS conducts its publishing activities in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (CoPE) guidelines.

All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by the editorial board in terms of compliance with the journal scope and writing rules. Editors may decide to reject the article or submit it back to the author(s) for edition before submitting it for peer review. The articles are evaluated according to the double-blind peer-review system in terms of the referee and the author. Articles are submitted to at least 2 referees who are experts in the relevant subject. Editors may request revision of the article in line with the referee's evaluations. The articles for which revision is requested should be completed within the specified time (usually within 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the revision status) and submitted to the journal. In case of contacting the relevant editor for additional time requests, defining additional time is at the discretion of the editor. If the revised version of the article is not submitted to the journal on time, the process should be started from the beginning with a new article application. It is aimed to inform the author(s) about the evaluation result within 8 weeks from the submission of the article to the journal. The editor notifies the responsible author of the final decision (acceptance or rejection) about the article. Withdrawal requests made during the decision phase period without a valid explanation are rejected. All authors are deemed to have accepted the editor's editions in the text of the article without changing the basic meaning.

No fee is charged to the author(s) during the evaluation and/or publication of the articles.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

No fee is charged to the author(s) during the evaluation and/or publication of the articles.

Creative Commons Lisansı

Articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The Journal of Geriatric Science is indexed in Turkey Citation Index, Turkish MEDLINE, Asos Index, Scilit, EuroPub, Index Copernicus International - Journals Master List since September 2022 and ULAKBIM TR-INDEX since 2023 issues.

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