Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 43 Issue: 4, 687 - 701, 15.06.2018


The purpose of
this study is to investigate the effects of the different durations of thermal
processing on the formation of biogenic amine and changes in microbial profile
in Ezine cheese during ripening. 
cheese samples were produced by thermal processing at 65
oC for 10
min and 30 min. The biogenic amines histamine, putrescine, cadaverine,
tyramine, tryptamine, and phenylethylamine were identified by high performance
chromatography. Moreover, the
enumeration of the psychrophilic aerobic and mesophilic aerobic bacteria,
lactic acid bacteria, fecal coliform, total yeast and mold
Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfiringens was conducted for
the purpose of the study. No biogenic amine was observed in the fresh cheese
samples, while the amounts of biogenic amines in cheese samples were observed
to have increase during the ripening. The amounts of the biogenic amines in the
Ezine cheese samples were determined to pose no health-related risks. The
effect of heat treatment duration on counts of mesophilic aerobic bacteria and
lactic acid bacteria in the Ezine cheese samples were observed to have varied
depending on storage duration.


  • Alegria, a., Alvarez-Martin, P., Sacristan, N., Fernanadez, E., Delgado, S., Mayo, B (2009). Diversity and evolution of the microbial populations during manufacture andripening of Casín, a traditional Spanish, starter-free cheese made from cow's milk. Int J Food Microbiol 136:44-51.
  • Aly, S.A., Morgan, S.D., Moawad, A.A., Metwally, B.N. (2007). Effect of moisture, salt content and pH on themicrobiological quality of traditional Egyptian domiati cheese. Assiut Vet Med J 53(115), 68–81
  • Anonymous(1988).Gıda maddeleri muayene ve analiz metodları. T.C. Tarım Orman ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı Koruma ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü, Bursa, 612 s.
  • Anonymous (1995a). Biogenically active amines in food. European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research. COST 269/96. (Erişimtarihi:05/05/2010).
  • Anonymous (1995b). Su ürünleri yönetmeliği; Resmi GazeteTarih: 10.03.1995, Resmi Gazete Sayı: 22223
  • Chang, S.F., Ayres, J.W., Sandine, W.E (1985). Analysis of Cheese for histamine, tyramine, tryptamine, histidine, tyrosine and tryptophane. J Dairy Sci, 68; 2840-2846.
  • Darwish, S.M (1993): Development of biogenic amines in Hungarian hard cheese during ripening. Egypt J Dairy Sci, 21, 2, 313-319.
  • Degheidi, M.A., Effat, B.A., Shalaby, A.R (1992). Development of some biogenic amines during Ras cheese ripening with special reference to different starters. 5th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology. Egypt Soc Dairy Sci, 205-217.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Alichanidis, E., Litopoulou-Tzanetaki, E., Tunail, N (1999). Determination of biogenic amine content of beyaz cheese and biogenic amine production ability of some lactic acid bacteria. Milchwissenschaft, 54, 12, 680-682.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Ayhan, K., Özkan, G (2000). Biogenic amine determination in tulum cheese by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Milchwissenschaft, 55, 1, 27-28.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Tunail N (2000). Salamura beyaz peynirlerde biyogen amin riski. Süt Mikrobiyolojisi ve Katkı Maddeleri, VI. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu Tebliğler Kitabı, Ed: M. Demirci, Tekirdağ, 146-153.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F (2001). Çeşitli peynirlerimizin Biyogen amin kompozisyonu. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi, 22-24 Mayıs 2002, Ankara, s 899.
  • Eerola, S., Hinkkanen, R., Lindfors, E., Hirvi, T (1993). Liquid chromatographic determination of biogenic amines in dry sausages. J AOAC Int, 76, 3, 575-577.
  • El-Owni, O.A.O., Hamid, Ö.I.A (2008). Effect of storage period on weight loss, chemical composition, microbiological and sensory characteristics of Sudan White cheese (Gibna Bayda). Pakistan J Nutr,7(1), 75-80.
  • FDA (2001). Food and Drug Administration, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online. (Erişim tarihi 12.11.2008)
  • Halasz, A., Barath A., Simon-Sarkadi, L., Holzapfel, W (1994) Biogenic Amines and Their Production by Microorganisms in Food. Trends Food Sci Tech., 5, 42-49.
  • Hull, R., Toyne, S., Haynes, I., Lehmann, F.L (1992). Thermoduric bacteria: A re-emerging problem in cheese making. Aust. J. Dairy Technol. 47, 2, 91-94.
  • Hull, R., Toyne, S., Haynes, I., Lehmann, F.L (1992). Thermoduric Bacteria: A Re- Hygienic Quality in Typical Sicilian Cheeses. Latte, 19, 4, 390-393.
  • ISO (2001). International Organization for Standardization ISO 17410. Microbiology of food and animal feding stuffs-horizontal method for the enumeration of psychrotrophic microorganisms.
  • Jarrett, W. D., Aston, J. W. and Dulley, J. R (1982). A simple method for estimating free amino acids in Cheddar cheese. Aust J Dairy Technol, 37, 55-58.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J (1988a). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 3. Factors influencing the amounts formed. Neth. Milk Dairy J., 41, 329-345.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J (1988b). Biogenic amine contents of Dutch cheese and their toxicological significance. Neth. Milk Dairy J., 42, 25-42.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J., van-Boekel, M.A.J.S (1988). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 4. A study of the kinetics of histamine formation in an infected Gouda cheese. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 42, 3-24.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J., Weerkamp, A.H (1994). Vorming Van Biogene Aminen in Kaas. Voedingsmiddelentechnologie, 27, 3, 9-11.
  • Karabey, B., Eroglu, D., Vural, C., Ozdemir G., Yerlikaya, O., Kinik, Ö (2018). Determination of the microbial flora in traditional Izmir Tulumcheeses by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. J Food Sci Technol Mysore (In press),
  • Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Tuncel, B., Güneşer, O., Engin, B., Isleten, M., Yasar, K., Mendes, M (2009). Characterization of aroma-active compounds, sensory properties, and proteolysis in Ezine Cheese. J. Dairy Sci, 92, 4146–4157.
  • Karahan, A.G., Öner, Z., Filiz, H.N (2001). Farklı depolama sürelerinde beyaz peynirlerde meydana gelen değişimler. Kromatografik Yöntemler, II. Ulusal Kromatografi Kongresi. 6-8 Haziran 2001, Kırıkkale, s.316-326.
  • Kuchroo, C. N., Fox, P. F (1982). Soluble nitrogen in Cheddar cheese: comparison of extraction procedures. Milchwissenschaft, 37, 331-335.
  • Lanza, C.M., Russo, C., Tomaselli, F (1994). Biogenic amines as indicators of hygienic quality in typical Sicilian cheeses. Latte, 19 (4) 390-393.
  • Manolopoulou, E., Sarantinopoulos, P., Zoidou, E., Aktypis, A., Moschopoulou, E., Kandarakis, I.G., Anifantakis, E.M (2003). Evolution of microbial populations during traditional Feta cheese manufacture and ripening. IntDairy J, 82: 153-161.
  • Martuscelli, M., Gardini, F., Torriani, S., Mastrocola, d., serio, a., Chaves-Lopez, C., Schirone, M., Suzzi, G (2005). Production of biogenic amines during the ripening of Pecorino Abruzzese cheese. Int Dairy J, 15, 571-578.
  • Moatsou, G., Moschopoulou, E., Georgala A., Zoidou, I, E., Kandarakis, I., Kaminarides, S., Anifantakis, E (2004). Effect of artisanal liquid rennet from kids and lambs abomasa on the characteristics of Feta cheese. FoodChem (88) 4, 517-525.
  • Novella-Rodriguez, S., Veciana-Nogues, M.T., Roig-Sagues, A.X., Trujillo-Mesa, A.J (2004). Evaluation of biogenic amines and microbial counts throughout the ripening of goat cheeses from pasteurized and raw milk. J DairyRes, 71(2) 24-252.
  • Nout, M.J.R (1994). Fermented foods and food safety. Food Res Int, 27, 3, 291-298.
  • Ordonez, A.I., Ibanez, F.C., Torre, P., Barcina, Y (1997). Formation of biogenic amines in Idiazabal ewe’s-milk cheese: effect of ripening, pasteurization and starter. J. Food Protect., 60 (11)1371-1375.
  • Öner, Z., Karahan, G.A., Aloğlu, H (2006). Changes in the microbiological and chemical characteristics of an artisanal Turkish white cheese during ripening. LWT-Food SciTechnol,39 (5), 449-454.
  • Ozer, B. H., Atasoy, A. F., Akin, M. S (2002). Some properties of Urfa cheese (a traditional white-brinedTurkish cheese) made from bovine’s and ovine’smilk. Int J DairyTechnol, 55(2), 94-99.
  • Özoğul, F., Taylor, K. D. A., Quantick, P.,Özoğul, Y (2002). Biogenic amines formation in Atlantic herring (Clupeaharengus) stored under modified atmosphere packaging using a rapid HPLC method. Int J Food Tech, 37, 515-522.
  • Pintado, A.I.E., Pinho, O., Ferreira, I.M.P.L.V.O., Pintado, M.M.E., Gomes, A.M.P., Malcata, F.X (2008). Microbiological, biochemical and biogenic amine profiles of Terrincho cheese manufactured in several dairy farms. Int Dairy Journal 18, 631-640.
  • Polychroniadou, A., Michaelidou, A., Paschaloudis, N (1999). Effect of time, temperature and extraction method on the trichcloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen of cheese. Int Dairy J, 9, 559-568.
  • Santos, M. H. S (1996). Biogenic amines: their Importance in foods. Int. J. FoodMicrobiol., 29, 213-231.
  • Schirone, M., Tofalo, R., Mazzone, G., Corsetti, A., Suzzi, G (2011). Biogenic amine content and microbiological profile of Pecorino diFarindola cheese. Food Microbiol, 28, 128-136.
  • Shalaby, A. R (1996). Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food Res. Int., 29, 7, 675-690.Sheskin, D.J (2004) Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures(3rded), pp 1193. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC press.
  • SPSS (2006). SPSS Professional Statistics 15.0. Chicago, IL: SPSS Inc.
  • Stratton, J.E., Hutkins, R.W., Taylor, S.L (1991). Biogenic amines in cheese and other fermented foods. J. Food Protect., 54, 6, 460-470.
  • Sumner, S.S., Roche, F., Taylor, S.L (1990a). Factors controlling histamine production in Swiss cheese inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri. J. Dairy Science, 73, 3050-3058.
  • Sumner, S.S. Roche, F., Taylor, S.L (1990b). Histamine formation by Enteroccocci in goat cheese. Int J Food Microbiol 11, 225-230.
  • TS. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (1995). TS 591 Beyaz peynir standardı, Ankara
  • TS. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (2002a). TS 1018 İnek sütü-Çiğ standardı, Ankara
  • TS. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (2002b). TS EN ISO 8968-1 süt-azot içeriği tayini-Bölüm 1: Kjeldahl yöntemi standardı, Ankara
  • Tuncel, N.B., Güneşer, O., Engin, B., Yaşar, K., Zorba, N.N., Karagül-Yüceer, Y (2010). Ezine Peyniri II. Olgunlaşma Süresince Proteoliz Düzeyi. Gıda, 35, 1, 21-26.
  • Valsamaki, K., Michaelidou, A., Polychroniadou, A (2000). Biogenic amine production in Feta cheese. Food Chem, 71 259-266.


Year 2018, Volume: 43 Issue: 4, 687 - 701, 15.06.2018


Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı ısıl işlem sürelerinin Ezine peynirinde biyojen amin oluşumu ve mikroorganizma profilindeki değişimlerin olgunlaştırma süresince araştırılmasıdır. Çiğ süte 65oC’de 10 ve 30 dakika ısıl işlem uygulanarak Ezine peyniri üretilmiştir. Histamin, putresin, kadaverin, tiramin, triptamin ve feniletilamin biyojen aminleri yüksek basınçlı sıvı kromatografisi kullanılarak saptanmıştır. Peynir örneklerinde toplam psikrofilik ve mezofilik aerobik bakteriler, laktik asit bakterileri, fekal koliform, toplam maya-küf, Enterobacteriaceae spp. Escherichia coli ve Clostridium perfiringens sayıları da tespit edilmiştir. Taze peynirlerde biyojen amin oluşmamış olup peynir örneklerinde olgunlaşma süresince biyojen amin miktarı artmıştır. Ezine peynirinde saptanan biyojenik amin miktarlarının sağlık riski oluşturacak düzeylerde olmadığı görülmüştür.  Ezine peynirinde farklı ısıl işlem sürelerinin toplam mezofilik aerobik bakteri ve laktik asit bakterisi üzerine etkisi depolama süresine bağlı olarak değişim göstermiştir. 


  • Alegria, a., Alvarez-Martin, P., Sacristan, N., Fernanadez, E., Delgado, S., Mayo, B (2009). Diversity and evolution of the microbial populations during manufacture andripening of Casín, a traditional Spanish, starter-free cheese made from cow's milk. Int J Food Microbiol 136:44-51.
  • Aly, S.A., Morgan, S.D., Moawad, A.A., Metwally, B.N. (2007). Effect of moisture, salt content and pH on themicrobiological quality of traditional Egyptian domiati cheese. Assiut Vet Med J 53(115), 68–81
  • Anonymous(1988).Gıda maddeleri muayene ve analiz metodları. T.C. Tarım Orman ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı Koruma ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü, Bursa, 612 s.
  • Anonymous (1995a). Biogenically active amines in food. European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research. COST 269/96. (Erişimtarihi:05/05/2010).
  • Anonymous (1995b). Su ürünleri yönetmeliği; Resmi GazeteTarih: 10.03.1995, Resmi Gazete Sayı: 22223
  • Chang, S.F., Ayres, J.W., Sandine, W.E (1985). Analysis of Cheese for histamine, tyramine, tryptamine, histidine, tyrosine and tryptophane. J Dairy Sci, 68; 2840-2846.
  • Darwish, S.M (1993): Development of biogenic amines in Hungarian hard cheese during ripening. Egypt J Dairy Sci, 21, 2, 313-319.
  • Degheidi, M.A., Effat, B.A., Shalaby, A.R (1992). Development of some biogenic amines during Ras cheese ripening with special reference to different starters. 5th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology. Egypt Soc Dairy Sci, 205-217.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Alichanidis, E., Litopoulou-Tzanetaki, E., Tunail, N (1999). Determination of biogenic amine content of beyaz cheese and biogenic amine production ability of some lactic acid bacteria. Milchwissenschaft, 54, 12, 680-682.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Ayhan, K., Özkan, G (2000). Biogenic amine determination in tulum cheese by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Milchwissenschaft, 55, 1, 27-28.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F., Tunail N (2000). Salamura beyaz peynirlerde biyogen amin riski. Süt Mikrobiyolojisi ve Katkı Maddeleri, VI. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu Tebliğler Kitabı, Ed: M. Demirci, Tekirdağ, 146-153.
  • Durlu-Özkaya, F (2001). Çeşitli peynirlerimizin Biyogen amin kompozisyonu. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi, 22-24 Mayıs 2002, Ankara, s 899.
  • Eerola, S., Hinkkanen, R., Lindfors, E., Hirvi, T (1993). Liquid chromatographic determination of biogenic amines in dry sausages. J AOAC Int, 76, 3, 575-577.
  • El-Owni, O.A.O., Hamid, Ö.I.A (2008). Effect of storage period on weight loss, chemical composition, microbiological and sensory characteristics of Sudan White cheese (Gibna Bayda). Pakistan J Nutr,7(1), 75-80.
  • FDA (2001). Food and Drug Administration, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online. (Erişim tarihi 12.11.2008)
  • Halasz, A., Barath A., Simon-Sarkadi, L., Holzapfel, W (1994) Biogenic Amines and Their Production by Microorganisms in Food. Trends Food Sci Tech., 5, 42-49.
  • Hull, R., Toyne, S., Haynes, I., Lehmann, F.L (1992). Thermoduric bacteria: A re-emerging problem in cheese making. Aust. J. Dairy Technol. 47, 2, 91-94.
  • Hull, R., Toyne, S., Haynes, I., Lehmann, F.L (1992). Thermoduric Bacteria: A Re- Hygienic Quality in Typical Sicilian Cheeses. Latte, 19, 4, 390-393.
  • ISO (2001). International Organization for Standardization ISO 17410. Microbiology of food and animal feding stuffs-horizontal method for the enumeration of psychrotrophic microorganisms.
  • Jarrett, W. D., Aston, J. W. and Dulley, J. R (1982). A simple method for estimating free amino acids in Cheddar cheese. Aust J Dairy Technol, 37, 55-58.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J (1988a). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 3. Factors influencing the amounts formed. Neth. Milk Dairy J., 41, 329-345.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J (1988b). Biogenic amine contents of Dutch cheese and their toxicological significance. Neth. Milk Dairy J., 42, 25-42.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J., van-Boekel, M.A.J.S (1988). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 4. A study of the kinetics of histamine formation in an infected Gouda cheese. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 42, 3-24.
  • Joosten, H.M.L.J., Weerkamp, A.H (1994). Vorming Van Biogene Aminen in Kaas. Voedingsmiddelentechnologie, 27, 3, 9-11.
  • Karabey, B., Eroglu, D., Vural, C., Ozdemir G., Yerlikaya, O., Kinik, Ö (2018). Determination of the microbial flora in traditional Izmir Tulumcheeses by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. J Food Sci Technol Mysore (In press),
  • Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Tuncel, B., Güneşer, O., Engin, B., Isleten, M., Yasar, K., Mendes, M (2009). Characterization of aroma-active compounds, sensory properties, and proteolysis in Ezine Cheese. J. Dairy Sci, 92, 4146–4157.
  • Karahan, A.G., Öner, Z., Filiz, H.N (2001). Farklı depolama sürelerinde beyaz peynirlerde meydana gelen değişimler. Kromatografik Yöntemler, II. Ulusal Kromatografi Kongresi. 6-8 Haziran 2001, Kırıkkale, s.316-326.
  • Kuchroo, C. N., Fox, P. F (1982). Soluble nitrogen in Cheddar cheese: comparison of extraction procedures. Milchwissenschaft, 37, 331-335.
  • Lanza, C.M., Russo, C., Tomaselli, F (1994). Biogenic amines as indicators of hygienic quality in typical Sicilian cheeses. Latte, 19 (4) 390-393.
  • Manolopoulou, E., Sarantinopoulos, P., Zoidou, E., Aktypis, A., Moschopoulou, E., Kandarakis, I.G., Anifantakis, E.M (2003). Evolution of microbial populations during traditional Feta cheese manufacture and ripening. IntDairy J, 82: 153-161.
  • Martuscelli, M., Gardini, F., Torriani, S., Mastrocola, d., serio, a., Chaves-Lopez, C., Schirone, M., Suzzi, G (2005). Production of biogenic amines during the ripening of Pecorino Abruzzese cheese. Int Dairy J, 15, 571-578.
  • Moatsou, G., Moschopoulou, E., Georgala A., Zoidou, I, E., Kandarakis, I., Kaminarides, S., Anifantakis, E (2004). Effect of artisanal liquid rennet from kids and lambs abomasa on the characteristics of Feta cheese. FoodChem (88) 4, 517-525.
  • Novella-Rodriguez, S., Veciana-Nogues, M.T., Roig-Sagues, A.X., Trujillo-Mesa, A.J (2004). Evaluation of biogenic amines and microbial counts throughout the ripening of goat cheeses from pasteurized and raw milk. J DairyRes, 71(2) 24-252.
  • Nout, M.J.R (1994). Fermented foods and food safety. Food Res Int, 27, 3, 291-298.
  • Ordonez, A.I., Ibanez, F.C., Torre, P., Barcina, Y (1997). Formation of biogenic amines in Idiazabal ewe’s-milk cheese: effect of ripening, pasteurization and starter. J. Food Protect., 60 (11)1371-1375.
  • Öner, Z., Karahan, G.A., Aloğlu, H (2006). Changes in the microbiological and chemical characteristics of an artisanal Turkish white cheese during ripening. LWT-Food SciTechnol,39 (5), 449-454.
  • Ozer, B. H., Atasoy, A. F., Akin, M. S (2002). Some properties of Urfa cheese (a traditional white-brinedTurkish cheese) made from bovine’s and ovine’smilk. Int J DairyTechnol, 55(2), 94-99.
  • Özoğul, F., Taylor, K. D. A., Quantick, P.,Özoğul, Y (2002). Biogenic amines formation in Atlantic herring (Clupeaharengus) stored under modified atmosphere packaging using a rapid HPLC method. Int J Food Tech, 37, 515-522.
  • Pintado, A.I.E., Pinho, O., Ferreira, I.M.P.L.V.O., Pintado, M.M.E., Gomes, A.M.P., Malcata, F.X (2008). Microbiological, biochemical and biogenic amine profiles of Terrincho cheese manufactured in several dairy farms. Int Dairy Journal 18, 631-640.
  • Polychroniadou, A., Michaelidou, A., Paschaloudis, N (1999). Effect of time, temperature and extraction method on the trichcloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen of cheese. Int Dairy J, 9, 559-568.
  • Santos, M. H. S (1996). Biogenic amines: their Importance in foods. Int. J. FoodMicrobiol., 29, 213-231.
  • Schirone, M., Tofalo, R., Mazzone, G., Corsetti, A., Suzzi, G (2011). Biogenic amine content and microbiological profile of Pecorino diFarindola cheese. Food Microbiol, 28, 128-136.
  • Shalaby, A. R (1996). Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food Res. Int., 29, 7, 675-690.Sheskin, D.J (2004) Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures(3rded), pp 1193. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC press.
  • SPSS (2006). SPSS Professional Statistics 15.0. Chicago, IL: SPSS Inc.
  • Stratton, J.E., Hutkins, R.W., Taylor, S.L (1991). Biogenic amines in cheese and other fermented foods. J. Food Protect., 54, 6, 460-470.
  • Sumner, S.S., Roche, F., Taylor, S.L (1990a). Factors controlling histamine production in Swiss cheese inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri. J. Dairy Science, 73, 3050-3058.
  • Sumner, S.S. Roche, F., Taylor, S.L (1990b). Histamine formation by Enteroccocci in goat cheese. Int J Food Microbiol 11, 225-230.
  • TS. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (1995). TS 591 Beyaz peynir standardı, Ankara
  • TS. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (2002a). TS 1018 İnek sütü-Çiğ standardı, Ankara
  • TS. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (2002b). TS EN ISO 8968-1 süt-azot içeriği tayini-Bölüm 1: Kjeldahl yöntemi standardı, Ankara
  • Tuncel, N.B., Güneşer, O., Engin, B., Yaşar, K., Zorba, N.N., Karagül-Yüceer, Y (2010). Ezine Peyniri II. Olgunlaşma Süresince Proteoliz Düzeyi. Gıda, 35, 1, 21-26.
  • Valsamaki, K., Michaelidou, A., Polychroniadou, A (2000). Biogenic amine production in Feta cheese. Food Chem, 71 259-266.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Diler This is me

Erhan Akbağ This is me

Volkan Işık This is me

Emine Avşar Günay This is me

Hakan Erkayacan This is me

Onur Güneşer

Yonca Karagül Yüceer

Publication Date June 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 43 Issue: 4


AMA Diler M, Akbağ E, Işık V, Avşar Günay E, Erkayacan H, Güneşer O, Karagül Yüceer Y. ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ. The Journal of Food. June 2018;43(4):687-701. doi:10.15237/gida.GD18043
Chicago Diler, Mehmet, Erhan Akbağ, Volkan Işık, Emine Avşar Günay, Hakan Erkayacan, Onur Güneşer, and Yonca Karagül Yüceer. “ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ”. Gıda 43, no. 4 (June 2018): 687-701.
EndNote Diler M, Akbağ E, Işık V, Avşar Günay E, Erkayacan H, Güneşer O, Karagül Yüceer Y (June 1, 2018) ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ. Gıda 43 4 687–701.
IEEE M. Diler, E. Akbağ, V. Işık, E. Avşar Günay, H. Erkayacan, O. Güneşer, and Y. Karagül Yüceer, “ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ”, The Journal of Food, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 687–701, 2018, doi: 10.15237/gida.GD18043.
JAMA Diler M, Akbağ E, Işık V, Avşar Günay E, Erkayacan H, Güneşer O, Karagül Yüceer Y. ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ. The Journal of Food. 2018;43:687–701.
MLA Diler, Mehmet et al. “ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ”. Gıda, vol. 43, no. 4, 2018, pp. 687-01, doi:10.15237/gida.GD18043.
Vancouver Diler M, Akbağ E, Işık V, Avşar Günay E, Erkayacan H, Güneşer O, Karagül Yüceer Y. ISIL İŞLEM VE OLGUNLAŞTIRMA SÜRELERİNİN EZİNE PEYNİRİNDE BİYOJEN AMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİLERİ. The Journal of Food. 2018;43(4):687-701.


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