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Year 2016, Volume: 41 Issue: 6, 435 - 442, 01.12.2016


İlk olarak Paraguay’da hasat edilen, Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni bitkisinin yapraklarından elde edilensteviol glikozitler, sakkarozun yaklaşık 300 katı kadar tatlılığa sahiptir. Stevia bitkisi içerisinde, bitkiyaprağının kurumaddesinin yaklaşık %30’a kadarlık kısmını oluşturan on bir temel glikozit bulunmaktadır.Bunun yanı sıra kalori içermemesi ve sağlık üzerinde çeşitli olumlu etkilere sahip olması nedeniyle sonyıllarda dünyanın birçok yerinde doğal tatlandırıcı olarak kullanımı yaygınlaşmıştır. Üstelik steviolglikozitler, gıdaların işlenmesi ve depolanması sırasında tatlılığını koruma ve çok farklı işlem koşullarındastabilitesini kaybetmeme gibi özellikleri açısından üreticilere avantaj sağlamaktadır. Günümüzdedünyanın birçok yerinde stevia çay, alkolsüz içecekler, meyve suları, yoğurt, soya sütü, fırınlanmışürünler, tahıl ürünleri, salata sosları, şekerleme ürünleri gibi birçok işlenmiş gıda ürünlerinde kullanımınınyanı sıra, sofra şekeri olarak da karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Stevianın botanik özellikleri, sağlık üzerindekietkileri, yapraklarından tatlandırıcı ekstraksiyonu ve gıdalarda şeker yerine kullanım olanaklarının elealındığı bu derlemenin, yakın gelecekte ülkemizde yapılacak araştırmalara ışık tutacağı düşünülmüştür


  • Barriocanal, L, Palacios, M, Benitez, G, Benitez, S, Jimenez, J, Jimenez, N. 2008. Apparent lack of pharmacological effect of steviol glycosides used as sweeteners in humans, a pilot study of repeated exposures in some normatensive and hypotensive individuals and in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Regul Toxicol Pharm, 51, 37-41.
  • Lemus-Mondaca, R, Vega-Gálvez, A, Zura-Bravo, L, Ah-Hen, K. 2012. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, source of a high-potency natural sweetener: A comprehensive review on the biochemical, nutritional and functional aspects. Food Chem, 132, 1121-1132.
  • Shivanna, N, Naika, M, Khanum, F, Kaul, VK. 2013. Antioxidant, anti-diabetic and renal protective properties of Stevia rebaudiana. J Diabetes Complicat, 27, 103-113.
  • Ramesh, K, Singh, V, Megeji, NW. 2006. Cultivation of Stevia [Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni]: A Comprehensive Review. Adv Agron, 89, 137-177. 5. Kumar, H, Kaul, K, Bajpai-Gupta, S, Kaul, VK, Kumar, S. 2012. A comprehensive analysis of fifteen genes of steviol glycosides biosynthesis pathway in Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni). Gene, 492, 276-284.
  • Serfaty, M, Ibdah, M, Fischer, R, Chaimovitsh, D, Saranga, Y. 2013. Dynamics of yield components and steviozite production in Stevia rebaudiana grown under different planting times, plant stands and harvest regime. Ind Crop Prod, 50, 731-736.
  • Madan, S, Ahmad, S, Singh, GN, Kohli, K, Kumar, Y, Garg, M. 2010. Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni-A Review, Indian J Nat Prod Resour, 1(3), 267-286.
  • Pól, J, Hannova, B, Hyötylainen, T. 2007. Characterisation of Stevia rebaudiana by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 1150, 85-92.
  • Siddique, AB, Rahman, SMM, Hossain, MA. 2012. Chemical composition of essential oil by different extraction methods and fatty acid analysis of the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Arab J Chem, 10, 10-16.
  • Anonymous. 2013. 11. Lopes, SMS, Krausova, G, Rada, V, Gonçalves, JE, Gonçalves, RAÇ, de Oliveira, AJB. 2015. Isolation and characterization of inulin with a high degree of polymerization from roots of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni. Carbohyd Res, 411, 15-21.
  • Palazzo, AB, Carvalho, MAR., Efraim, P, Bolini, HMA. 2011. Determination of isosweetness concentration of sucralose, rebaudioside and neotame as sucrose substitutes in new diet chocolate formulations using the time-intensity analysis. J Sens Stud, 26, 291-297.
  • Renwick, AG. 2008. The use of a sweetener substitution method to predict dietary exposures for the intense sweetener rebaudioside A. Food Chem Toxicol, 46, 561-569.
  • Bondarev, N, Reshetnyak, O, Nosov, A. 2001. Peculiarities of diterpenoid steviol glycoside production in in vitro cultures of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Plant Sci, 161(1), 155-163.
  • Thomas, JE, Glade, MJ. 2010. Stevia: It’s not just about calories. Open Obes J, 2, 101-109.
  • Jooken, E, Monballiu, A, Ruis, A, Moons, N, de Borggraeve, W, Dehaen, W, Meesschaert, B. 2013. Microbial degredation of steviol derived from steviol glycosides. 7thStevia Symposium 2013, Knowledge on Tour in Europe, at Toulouse, 7.
  • Anton, SD, Martin, CK, Han, H, Coulon, S, Cefalu, WT, Geiselman, P, Williamson, DA. 2010. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite, 55, 37-43.
  • Puri, M, Sharma, D, Barrow, CJ, Tiwary, AK. 2012. Optimisation of novel method for the extraction of steviozites from Stevia rebaudiana leaves. Food Chem, 132, 1113-1120.
  • Kim, IS, Yang, M, Lee, OH, Kang, SN. 2011. The antioxidant activity and the bioactive compound content of Stevia rebaudiana water extracts. Food Sci Technol-LEB, 44, 1328-1332.
  • de Oliveira, AJB, Cordeiro, LMC, Gonçalves, RAC, Ceole, LF, Ueda-Nakamura, T, Lacomini, M. 2013. Structure and antiviral activity of arabinogalactan with (1→6)-β-d-galactan core from Stevia rebaudiana leaves. Carbohyd Polym, 94, 179-184. 21. Barba, FJ, Esteve, M., Frigola, A. 2014. Bioactive components from leaf vegetable products. Stud Natur Prods Chem, 41, 321-346.
  • Tavarini, S, Ribuoli, M, Bimbatti, M, Angelini, LG. 2010. Functional components from Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Leaves. J Biotechnol, Special Abstracts, 150S, 326.
  • Komes, D, Belscak-Cvitanovic, A, Ljubicic, I, Durgo, K, Cindric, I, Busic, A, Vojvodic, A. 2014. Formulatind blackberry leaf mixtures for prepa- rations of infusion with plant derived sources of sweeteners. Food Chem, 151, 385-393.
  • Tadhani, M.B., Patel, V.H., Subhash, R., 2007, In vitro antioxidant activities of Stevia rebaudiana leaves and callus, J Food Comp Anal, 20: 323-329.
  • Shukla, S, Mehta, A, Mehta, P, Bajpai, VK. 2012. Antioxidant ability and total phenolic content of aqueous leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Exp Toxicol Pathol, 64, 807-811.
  • Arriola, ND, de Medeiros, M, Prudencio, ES, Müller, CMO, de Mello Castanho Amboni, RD. 2016. Encapsulation of aqueous leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni with sodium alginate and its impact on phenolic content. Food Biosci, 13, 32-40.
  • Sharma, R, Yadav, R, Manivannan, E. 2012. Study of effect of Stevia rebaudiana bertoni on oxidative stres in type-2 diabetic rat models, Biomed Aging Pathol, 2, 126-131.
  • Koyama, E, Kitazawa, K, Ohori, Y, Kakegawa, K, Fujino, A, Ui, M. 2003. In vitro metabolism of the glycosidic sweeteners, stevia mixture and enzymatically modified stevia in human intestinal microflora. Food Chem Toxicol, 41 (3), 359-375.
  • Zang, SQ, Kumar, A, Kutowy, O. 2000. Membrane-based separation scheme for processing sweeteners from stevia leaves. Food Res Int, 33, 30. Erküçük, A, Akgün, IH, Yeşil-Çeliktaş, O. 2009. Supercritical CO2 extraction of glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana leaves:Identification and optimization. J Supercrit Fluids, 51, 29-35.
  • Öztürk, EY, Tag, Ö, Yesil Çeliktaş, Ö. 2014. Subcritical water extraction of steviol glycosides from Steviarebaudiana leaves and characterization of the raffinate phase. J Supercrit Fluids, 95, 422-430. 32. Jentzer, JB, Alignan, M, Vaca-Garcia, C, Rigal, L, Vilarem, G. 2014. Response surface methodo- logy to optimise Accelerated Solvent Extraction of steviol glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves. Food Chem, 561-567.
  • Adari, BR, Alavala, S, George, SA, Meshram, HM, Tiwari, AK, Sarma, AVS. 2016. Synthesis of rebaudioside-A by enzymatic transglycosylation of steviozite present in the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Food Chem, 200,154-158.
  • Sheng, Q, Su, X, Li, X, Ke, Y, Liang, X. 2014. A dextran-bonded stationary phase for saccharide separation. J Chromatogr A, 1345, 57-67.
  • Khattab, SN, Mona, MI, Jad, YES, Bekhit, AA, El-Faham, A. 2015. Production and physicochemical assessment of new stevia amino acid sweeteners from the natural steviozite. Food Chem, 173, 979-985. 36. Carakostas, MC, Curry, L., Boileau, AC, Brusick, DJ. 2008. Overview: The history, technical function and safety of rebaudioside A, a naturally occurring steviol glycoside, for use in food and beverages. Food Chem Toxicol, 46 (2008), 1-10.
  • Chang, SS, Cook, JM. 1983. Stability studies of Steviozite and Rebaudiozit A in carbonated beverages. J Agric Food Chem, 31,409-412.
  • Kerzicnik, L, Stendell, N, McMuny, M, Hagan, D. 1999. Food Characteristics of Recipes Using Stevia Sweetner - A Proposed Herbal Sugar Substitute. J Am Diet Assoc, 99 (9), Supplement, p: A29.
  • Kroyer, GT. 1999. The low calorie sweetener Steviozite: Stability and interaction with food ingredients. Lebensm Wiss Technol, 32, 509-512.
  • De Melo, LLMM, Bolini, HMA, Efraim, P. 2009. Sensory profile, acceptability, and their relationship for diabetic/reduced calorie chocolates. Food Qual Prefer, 20, 138-143.
  • Bolini-Cardello, HMA, Da Silva, MAPA, Damasio, M H. 1999. Measurement of the relative sweetness of stevia extract, aspartame and cyclamate/ saccharin blend as compared to sucrose at different concentrations. Plant Food Hum Nutr, 54, 119-130.
  • Mielby, LH, Andersen, BV, Jensen, S, Kildegaard, H, Kuznetsova, A, Eggers, N, Brockhoff, PB, Byrne, DV. 2016. Changes in sensory characteristics and their relation with consumers' liking, wanting and sensory satisfaction: Using dietary fibre and lime flavour in Stevia rebaudiana sweetened fruit beverages. Food Res Int, 82, 14-21.
  • Chranioti, C, Chanioti, S, Tzia, C. 2016. Comparison of spray, freeze and oven drying as a means of reducing bitter aftertaste of steviol glycosides (derived from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant) – Evaluation of the final products. Food Chem, 190, 1151-1158.
  • Guggisberg, D, Piccinali, P, Schreirer, K. 2011. Effects of sugar substitution with Stevia, Actilight™ and Stevia combinations or Palatinose™ on rheological and sensory characteristics of low-fat and whole milk set yoghurt. Int Dairy J, 21, 636-644.
  • Oliveira, FIP, Rodriguez, S, Fernandes, FAN. 2012. Production of low calorie Malay apples by dual stage sugar substitution with Stevia-based sweetener. Food Bioprod Process, 90,713-718.
  • Garcia-Noguera, J, Weller, CL, Oliveira, FIP, Fernandes, FAN. 2010. Dual-stage sugar substitution in strawberries with a Stevia-based sweetener. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol, 11 (1), 225-230.
  • Torres, MD, Raymundo, A, Sousa, I. 2013. Effect of sucrose, stevia and xylitol on rheological properties of gels from blends of chestnut and rice flours. Carbohydr Polyme, 98, 249-256.
  • Weber, A, Hekmat, S. 2013. The Effect of Stevia rebaudiana on the Growth and Survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Sensory Properties of Probiotic Yogurt. J Food Res, 2 (2), 136-143.
  • Clos, JF, DuBois, GE, Prakash, I. 2008. Photostability of Rebaudioside A and Steviozite in beverages. J Agric Food Chem, 56, 8507-8513.
  • Carbonel-Capella, JM, Francisco, JB, Esteve, MJ, Frigola, A. 2013. High pressure processing of fruit juice mixture sweetened by Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni: Optimal retention of physical and nutritional quality. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol, 18, 48-56.
  • Aidoo, RP, Afoakwa, EO, Dewettinck, K. 2015. Rheological properties, melting behaviours and physical quality characteristics of sugar-free chocolates processed using inulin/polydextrose bulking mixtures sweetened with stevia and thaumatin extracts. Food Sci Technol LEB, 62,


Year 2016, Volume: 41 Issue: 6, 435 - 442, 01.12.2016


Steviol glucosides, extracted from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni native to Paraguay, are nearly300 times sweeter than sucrose. There are eleven main glycosides in the stevia plant, which compriseup to 30% of the dry weight of the plant leave. Despite intense sweetness, non- caloric and suggestedto exert beneficial effects on human health, resulted in their wide use as natural sweeteners in variousfoods all over the world. Steviol glycosides have additional qualities that are beneficial to manufacturers.They tend to maintain their sweetness during normal conditions of food processing and storage andare stable across a broad spectrum of manufacturing conditions. Today, stevia can be found in hundreds offood and beverage products from around the world including teas, soft drinks, juices, yogurt, soymilk,baked goods, cereal, salad dressings, confections and as a tabletop sweetener. In this review, thepurpose of which is considered to highlight recent research in this area, the botanical aspects, healthconcerns of stevia consumption, the extraction methods and the use of steviol glucosides as sweetenersin foods are discussed


  • Barriocanal, L, Palacios, M, Benitez, G, Benitez, S, Jimenez, J, Jimenez, N. 2008. Apparent lack of pharmacological effect of steviol glycosides used as sweeteners in humans, a pilot study of repeated exposures in some normatensive and hypotensive individuals and in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Regul Toxicol Pharm, 51, 37-41.
  • Lemus-Mondaca, R, Vega-Gálvez, A, Zura-Bravo, L, Ah-Hen, K. 2012. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, source of a high-potency natural sweetener: A comprehensive review on the biochemical, nutritional and functional aspects. Food Chem, 132, 1121-1132.
  • Shivanna, N, Naika, M, Khanum, F, Kaul, VK. 2013. Antioxidant, anti-diabetic and renal protective properties of Stevia rebaudiana. J Diabetes Complicat, 27, 103-113.
  • Ramesh, K, Singh, V, Megeji, NW. 2006. Cultivation of Stevia [Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni]: A Comprehensive Review. Adv Agron, 89, 137-177. 5. Kumar, H, Kaul, K, Bajpai-Gupta, S, Kaul, VK, Kumar, S. 2012. A comprehensive analysis of fifteen genes of steviol glycosides biosynthesis pathway in Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni). Gene, 492, 276-284.
  • Serfaty, M, Ibdah, M, Fischer, R, Chaimovitsh, D, Saranga, Y. 2013. Dynamics of yield components and steviozite production in Stevia rebaudiana grown under different planting times, plant stands and harvest regime. Ind Crop Prod, 50, 731-736.
  • Madan, S, Ahmad, S, Singh, GN, Kohli, K, Kumar, Y, Garg, M. 2010. Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni-A Review, Indian J Nat Prod Resour, 1(3), 267-286.
  • Pól, J, Hannova, B, Hyötylainen, T. 2007. Characterisation of Stevia rebaudiana by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 1150, 85-92.
  • Siddique, AB, Rahman, SMM, Hossain, MA. 2012. Chemical composition of essential oil by different extraction methods and fatty acid analysis of the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Arab J Chem, 10, 10-16.
  • Anonymous. 2013. 11. Lopes, SMS, Krausova, G, Rada, V, Gonçalves, JE, Gonçalves, RAÇ, de Oliveira, AJB. 2015. Isolation and characterization of inulin with a high degree of polymerization from roots of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni. Carbohyd Res, 411, 15-21.
  • Palazzo, AB, Carvalho, MAR., Efraim, P, Bolini, HMA. 2011. Determination of isosweetness concentration of sucralose, rebaudioside and neotame as sucrose substitutes in new diet chocolate formulations using the time-intensity analysis. J Sens Stud, 26, 291-297.
  • Renwick, AG. 2008. The use of a sweetener substitution method to predict dietary exposures for the intense sweetener rebaudioside A. Food Chem Toxicol, 46, 561-569.
  • Bondarev, N, Reshetnyak, O, Nosov, A. 2001. Peculiarities of diterpenoid steviol glycoside production in in vitro cultures of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Plant Sci, 161(1), 155-163.
  • Thomas, JE, Glade, MJ. 2010. Stevia: It’s not just about calories. Open Obes J, 2, 101-109.
  • Jooken, E, Monballiu, A, Ruis, A, Moons, N, de Borggraeve, W, Dehaen, W, Meesschaert, B. 2013. Microbial degredation of steviol derived from steviol glycosides. 7thStevia Symposium 2013, Knowledge on Tour in Europe, at Toulouse, 7.
  • Anton, SD, Martin, CK, Han, H, Coulon, S, Cefalu, WT, Geiselman, P, Williamson, DA. 2010. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite, 55, 37-43.
  • Puri, M, Sharma, D, Barrow, CJ, Tiwary, AK. 2012. Optimisation of novel method for the extraction of steviozites from Stevia rebaudiana leaves. Food Chem, 132, 1113-1120.
  • Kim, IS, Yang, M, Lee, OH, Kang, SN. 2011. The antioxidant activity and the bioactive compound content of Stevia rebaudiana water extracts. Food Sci Technol-LEB, 44, 1328-1332.
  • de Oliveira, AJB, Cordeiro, LMC, Gonçalves, RAC, Ceole, LF, Ueda-Nakamura, T, Lacomini, M. 2013. Structure and antiviral activity of arabinogalactan with (1→6)-β-d-galactan core from Stevia rebaudiana leaves. Carbohyd Polym, 94, 179-184. 21. Barba, FJ, Esteve, M., Frigola, A. 2014. Bioactive components from leaf vegetable products. Stud Natur Prods Chem, 41, 321-346.
  • Tavarini, S, Ribuoli, M, Bimbatti, M, Angelini, LG. 2010. Functional components from Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Leaves. J Biotechnol, Special Abstracts, 150S, 326.
  • Komes, D, Belscak-Cvitanovic, A, Ljubicic, I, Durgo, K, Cindric, I, Busic, A, Vojvodic, A. 2014. Formulatind blackberry leaf mixtures for prepa- rations of infusion with plant derived sources of sweeteners. Food Chem, 151, 385-393.
  • Tadhani, M.B., Patel, V.H., Subhash, R., 2007, In vitro antioxidant activities of Stevia rebaudiana leaves and callus, J Food Comp Anal, 20: 323-329.
  • Shukla, S, Mehta, A, Mehta, P, Bajpai, VK. 2012. Antioxidant ability and total phenolic content of aqueous leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Exp Toxicol Pathol, 64, 807-811.
  • Arriola, ND, de Medeiros, M, Prudencio, ES, Müller, CMO, de Mello Castanho Amboni, RD. 2016. Encapsulation of aqueous leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni with sodium alginate and its impact on phenolic content. Food Biosci, 13, 32-40.
  • Sharma, R, Yadav, R, Manivannan, E. 2012. Study of effect of Stevia rebaudiana bertoni on oxidative stres in type-2 diabetic rat models, Biomed Aging Pathol, 2, 126-131.
  • Koyama, E, Kitazawa, K, Ohori, Y, Kakegawa, K, Fujino, A, Ui, M. 2003. In vitro metabolism of the glycosidic sweeteners, stevia mixture and enzymatically modified stevia in human intestinal microflora. Food Chem Toxicol, 41 (3), 359-375.
  • Zang, SQ, Kumar, A, Kutowy, O. 2000. Membrane-based separation scheme for processing sweeteners from stevia leaves. Food Res Int, 33, 30. Erküçük, A, Akgün, IH, Yeşil-Çeliktaş, O. 2009. Supercritical CO2 extraction of glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana leaves:Identification and optimization. J Supercrit Fluids, 51, 29-35.
  • Öztürk, EY, Tag, Ö, Yesil Çeliktaş, Ö. 2014. Subcritical water extraction of steviol glycosides from Steviarebaudiana leaves and characterization of the raffinate phase. J Supercrit Fluids, 95, 422-430. 32. Jentzer, JB, Alignan, M, Vaca-Garcia, C, Rigal, L, Vilarem, G. 2014. Response surface methodo- logy to optimise Accelerated Solvent Extraction of steviol glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves. Food Chem, 561-567.
  • Adari, BR, Alavala, S, George, SA, Meshram, HM, Tiwari, AK, Sarma, AVS. 2016. Synthesis of rebaudioside-A by enzymatic transglycosylation of steviozite present in the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Food Chem, 200,154-158.
  • Sheng, Q, Su, X, Li, X, Ke, Y, Liang, X. 2014. A dextran-bonded stationary phase for saccharide separation. J Chromatogr A, 1345, 57-67.
  • Khattab, SN, Mona, MI, Jad, YES, Bekhit, AA, El-Faham, A. 2015. Production and physicochemical assessment of new stevia amino acid sweeteners from the natural steviozite. Food Chem, 173, 979-985. 36. Carakostas, MC, Curry, L., Boileau, AC, Brusick, DJ. 2008. Overview: The history, technical function and safety of rebaudioside A, a naturally occurring steviol glycoside, for use in food and beverages. Food Chem Toxicol, 46 (2008), 1-10.
  • Chang, SS, Cook, JM. 1983. Stability studies of Steviozite and Rebaudiozit A in carbonated beverages. J Agric Food Chem, 31,409-412.
  • Kerzicnik, L, Stendell, N, McMuny, M, Hagan, D. 1999. Food Characteristics of Recipes Using Stevia Sweetner - A Proposed Herbal Sugar Substitute. J Am Diet Assoc, 99 (9), Supplement, p: A29.
  • Kroyer, GT. 1999. The low calorie sweetener Steviozite: Stability and interaction with food ingredients. Lebensm Wiss Technol, 32, 509-512.
  • De Melo, LLMM, Bolini, HMA, Efraim, P. 2009. Sensory profile, acceptability, and their relationship for diabetic/reduced calorie chocolates. Food Qual Prefer, 20, 138-143.
  • Bolini-Cardello, HMA, Da Silva, MAPA, Damasio, M H. 1999. Measurement of the relative sweetness of stevia extract, aspartame and cyclamate/ saccharin blend as compared to sucrose at different concentrations. Plant Food Hum Nutr, 54, 119-130.
  • Mielby, LH, Andersen, BV, Jensen, S, Kildegaard, H, Kuznetsova, A, Eggers, N, Brockhoff, PB, Byrne, DV. 2016. Changes in sensory characteristics and their relation with consumers' liking, wanting and sensory satisfaction: Using dietary fibre and lime flavour in Stevia rebaudiana sweetened fruit beverages. Food Res Int, 82, 14-21.
  • Chranioti, C, Chanioti, S, Tzia, C. 2016. Comparison of spray, freeze and oven drying as a means of reducing bitter aftertaste of steviol glycosides (derived from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant) – Evaluation of the final products. Food Chem, 190, 1151-1158.
  • Guggisberg, D, Piccinali, P, Schreirer, K. 2011. Effects of sugar substitution with Stevia, Actilight™ and Stevia combinations or Palatinose™ on rheological and sensory characteristics of low-fat and whole milk set yoghurt. Int Dairy J, 21, 636-644.
  • Oliveira, FIP, Rodriguez, S, Fernandes, FAN. 2012. Production of low calorie Malay apples by dual stage sugar substitution with Stevia-based sweetener. Food Bioprod Process, 90,713-718.
  • Garcia-Noguera, J, Weller, CL, Oliveira, FIP, Fernandes, FAN. 2010. Dual-stage sugar substitution in strawberries with a Stevia-based sweetener. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol, 11 (1), 225-230.
  • Torres, MD, Raymundo, A, Sousa, I. 2013. Effect of sucrose, stevia and xylitol on rheological properties of gels from blends of chestnut and rice flours. Carbohydr Polyme, 98, 249-256.
  • Weber, A, Hekmat, S. 2013. The Effect of Stevia rebaudiana on the Growth and Survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Sensory Properties of Probiotic Yogurt. J Food Res, 2 (2), 136-143.
  • Clos, JF, DuBois, GE, Prakash, I. 2008. Photostability of Rebaudioside A and Steviozite in beverages. J Agric Food Chem, 56, 8507-8513.
  • Carbonel-Capella, JM, Francisco, JB, Esteve, MJ, Frigola, A. 2013. High pressure processing of fruit juice mixture sweetened by Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni: Optimal retention of physical and nutritional quality. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol, 18, 48-56.
  • Aidoo, RP, Afoakwa, EO, Dewettinck, K. 2015. Rheological properties, melting behaviours and physical quality characteristics of sugar-free chocolates processed using inulin/polydextrose bulking mixtures sweetened with stevia and thaumatin extracts. Food Sci Technol LEB, 62,
There are 45 citations in total.


Other ID JA37GE39YM
Journal Section Research Article

Pınar Balkır This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 41 Issue: 6


Chicago Balkır, Pınar. “STEVIA; FONKSİYONEL ÖZELLİKLERİ VE GIDALARDA KULLANIM OLANAKLARI”. Gıda 41, no. 6 (December 2016): 435-42.
IEEE P. Balkır, “STEVIA; FONKSİYONEL ÖZELLİKLERİ VE GIDALARDA KULLANIM OLANAKLARI”, The Journal of Food, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 435–442, 2016.
MLA Balkır, Pınar. “STEVIA; FONKSİYONEL ÖZELLİKLERİ VE GIDALARDA KULLANIM OLANAKLARI”. Gıda, vol. 41, no. 6, 2016, pp. 435-42.


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GIDA / The Journal of FOOD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).