Year 2021,
Volume: 46 Issue: 2, 243 - 255, 23.03.2021
Elif Yaver
Nermin Bilgiçli
Bu çalışmada; ekmeğin besinsel özelliklerini geliştirmek için ekmek üretiminde kullanılan buğday unu, farklı metotlarla (geleneksel ve ultrason uygulamalı) acılığı giderilmiş lüpenden elde edilen un (%10) ve tip4 dirençli nişasta (DN-%10) ile yer değiştirilmiştir. Ekmeğin kalite özelliklerini geliştirmek amacıyla vital gluten ve/veya sodyum stearol-2-laktilat (SSL) ilavesi yapılarak, katkı maddelerinin ekmek kalitesi üzerine etkileri belirlenmiştir. Ekmek formülasyonuna lüpen unu+DN ilave edilmesiyle azalan hacim ve spesifik hacim değerleri, katkı maddelerinin kullanımı ile yükselmiştir. Ultrason uygulamasıyla acılığı giderilmiş lüpen unu kullanımı; geleneksel yöntemle acılığı giderilmiş lüpen unu içeren ekmeklere göre daha yüksek hacim ve spesifik hacim ile daha düşük sıkılık ve sertlik değerleri sağlamıştır. Vital gluten+SSL kombinasyonu ile üretilen ekmeklerin sertlik, elastikiyet, koheziflik ve esneklik değerleri istatistiki açıdan buğday unu ekmeğine benzer bulunmuştur (P >0.05). Ekmek örneklerinin genel beğeni puanları %10 lüpen unu+%10 DN kullanımı ile azalmış, vital gluten ve vital guten+SSL ilavesi genel beğeni puanlarının buğday unu ekmeğine yakın olmasını sağlamıştır.
Supporting Institution
Çalışmada kullanılan lüpen unlarının elde edilmesinde uygulanan acılık giderme ve stabilizasyon prosesleri 119O071 no’lu TÜBİTAK projesi kapsamında desteklenmiştir.
- AACC (1990). Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, (8th ed.). St. Paul, MN, USA: AACC.
- AACC (2000). Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, (10th ed.). St. Paul, MN, USA: AACC.
- Asp, N.G., Bjorck, I. (1992). Resistant starch. Trends Food Sci Technol, 3, 111-114, doi: 10.1016/0924-2244(92)90153-N.
- Belski, R., Mori, T.A., Puddey, I.B., Sipsas, S., Woodman, R.J., Ackland, T.R., Beilin, L.J., Dove, N.B., Jayasena, V., Hodgson, J.M. (2011). Effects of lupin-enriched foods on body composition and cardiovascular disease risk factors: A 12 month randomized controlled weight loss trial. Int J Obes, 35, 810-819, doi: 10.1038/ijo.2010.213.
- Birkett, A.M., Mathers, J.C., Jones, G.P., Walker, K.Z., Roth, M.J., Muir, J.G. (2000). Changes to the quality and processing of starchy foods in a Western diet can increase polysaccharides escaping digestion and improve in vitro fermentation variables. Br J Nutr, 84, 63-72, doi: 10.1017/S0007114500001240.
- Boz, H. (2008). Farklı doğal bitkisel katkıların organik ekmek üretiminde kullanılması ve kalite üzerine etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, Türkiye, 93 s.
- Brown, I.L., McNaught, K.J., Ganly, R.N., Conway, P.L., Evans, A.J., Topping, D.L., Wang, X. (1996). Probiotic compositions. Intl. Patent WO 96/ 08261/ A1. Issued Mar 21, 1996.
- Coda, R., Varis, J., Verni, M., Rizzello, C.G., Katina, K. (2017). Improvement of the protein quality of wheat bread through faba bean sourdough addition. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 82, 296-302, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2017.04.062.
- Curti, E., Carini, E., Tribuzio, G., Vittadini, E. (2014). Bread staling: Effect of gluten on physico-chemical properties and molecular mobility. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 59, 418-425, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2014.04.057.
- Day, L., Augustin, M.A., Batey, I.L., Wrigley, C.W. (2006). Wheat-gluten uses and industry needs. Trends Food Sci Technol, 17, 82-90, doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2005.10.003.
- Dervas, G., Doxastakis, G., Hadjisavva-Zinoviadi, S., Triantafillakos, N. (1999). Lupine flour addition to wheat flour doughs and effect on rheological properties. Food Chem, 66, 67-73, doi: 10.1016/S0308-8146(98)00234-9.
- Dizlek, H., Çimer, H., Altan, A. (2013). Vital buğday gluteninin ve L-askorbik asidin buğday kepekli ekmeklerin bazı nitelikleri üzerine etkileri. Gıda, 38(2), 87-94.
- Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O., Gürbüz, F. (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistiksel Metodları-II), Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 1021, Ankara.
Elgün, A., Türker, S., Bilgiçli, N. (2001). Tahıl ve Ürünlerinde Analitik Kalite Kontrolü, Konya Ticaret Borsası Yayınları, Yayın No: 2, Konya.
- Englyst, H.N., Kingman, S.M., Cummings, J.H. (1992). Classification and measurement of nutritionally important starch fractions. Eur J Clin Nutr, 46, 33-50.
- Francis, F.J. (1998). Colour analysis, in: Food Analysis, S.S. Nielsen (Ed.), An Aspen Publishers, Maryland, Gaithersnurg, USA, pp. 599-612.
- Gomes-Ruffi, C.R., Cunha, R.H., Almeida, E.L., Chang, Y.K., Steel, C.J. (2012). Effect of the emulsifier sodium stearoyl lactylate and of the enzyme maltogenic amylase on the quality of pan bread during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 49, 96-101, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2012.04.014.
- Güdük, H. (2016). Mısırlı ekmeklerde mısır unu seviyesi ve katkı kullanımının kalite üzerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, 104 s.
- Higgins, J.A., Dana, H.R., Donahoo, W.T., Brown, I.L., Bell, M.L., Bessesen, D.H. (2004). Resistant starch consumption promotes lipid oxidation. Nutr Metab, 1, 1-8, doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-1-8.
- Hooda, S., Jood, S. (2005). Organoleptic and nutritional evaluation of wheat biscuits supplemented with untreated and treated fenugreek flour. Food Chem, 90(3), 427-435, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2004.05.006.
- Jiang, X., Chang, M., Wang, X., Jin, Q., Wang, X. (2014). Effect of ultrasound treatment on oil recovery from soybean gum by using phospholipase C. J Clean Prod, 69, 237-242, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.060.
- Johnson, S.K., Mcquillan, P.L., Sin, J.H., Ball, M.J. (2003). Sensory acceptability of white bread with added Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) kernel fibre and its glycaemic and insulinaemic responses when eaten as a breakfast. J Sci Food Agric, 83, 1366-1372, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1552.
- Khaleel, M.L., Sharoba, A.M., El-Desouky, A.I., Mohamed, M.H. (2018). Use of some emulsifiers to improve the quality of pan bread product. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 18, 150-161.
- Kim, Y.-J., Lee, J.-H., Choi, M.-J., Choi, D.-R., Lee, S.-K. (2013). Effects of vital wheat gluten on quality characteristics of white pan bread containing resistant starch. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, 42(1), 76-82, doi: 10.3746/jkfn.2013.42.1.076.
- Krog, N. (1981). Theoretical aspects of surfactants in relation to their use in breadmaking. Cereal Chem, 58, 158-164.
- Lee, Y.P., Mori, T.A., Puddey, I.B., Sipsas, S., Ackland, T.R., Beilin, L.J., Hodgson, J.M. (2009). Effects of lupin kernel flour-enriched bread on blood pressure: A controlled intervention study. Am J Clin Nutr, 89, 766-772, doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26708.
- Li, H., Wang, J., Pan, L., Lu, Q. (2019). Effect of amino and thiol groups of wheat gluten on the quality characteristics of Chinese noodles. J Food Sci Technol, 56(6), 2825-2835, doi: 10.1007/s13197-019-03688-8.
- Liu, W., Brennan, M., Serventi, L., Brennan, C. (2017). Buckwheat flour inclusion in Chinese steamed bread: Potential reduction in glycemic response and effects on dough quality. Eur Food Res Technol, 243, 727-734, doi: 10.1007/s00217-016-2786-x.
- Martin, M.L., Zeleznak, K.J., Hoseney, R.C. (1991). A mechanism of bread firming, I. Role of starch swelling. Cereal Chem, 68, 498-503.
- Meyer, K.A., Kushi, L.H., Jacobs, D.R., Slavin, J., Sellers, T.A., Folsom, A.R. (2000). Carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and incident type 2 diabetes in older women. Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 921-930, doi: 10.1093/ajcn/71.4.921.
- Mohammed, M.A., Mohamed, E.A., Yagoub, A.E.A., Mohamed, A.R., Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effect of processing methods on alkaloids, phytate, phenolics, antioxidants activity and minerals of newly developed lupin (Lupinus albus L.) cultivar. J Food Process Preserv, 41, 1-9, doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12960.
- Morais, M.B., Feste, A., Miller, R.G., Lifichitz, C.H. (1996). Effect of resistant starch and digestible starch on intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and zinc in infant pigs. Pediatr Res, 39, 872-876, doi: 10.1203/00006450-199605000-00022.
- Oomah, B.D., Tiger, N., Olson, M., Balasubramanian, P. (2006). Phenolics and antioxidative activities in narrow-leafed lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 61, 91-97, doi: 10.1007/s11130-006-0021-9.
- Ortolan, F., Steel, C.J. (2017). Protein characteristics that affect the quality of vital wheat gluten to be used in baking: A review. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf, 16, 369-381, doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12259.
- Özkaya, B., Özkaya, H. (1992). Mısır katkılı unların teknolojik özelliklerine vital gluten ve SSL’in (Na-Stearoyl-2-Lactilate) etkileri. Gıda, 17(6), 419-426.
- Pomeranz, Y. (1987). Modern Cereal Science and Technology. VCH Publishers, Washington.
- Sanchez, D.B.O., Puppo, M.C., Anon, M.C., Ribotta, P.D., Leon, A.E., Tadini, C.C. (2014). Effect of maize resistant starch and transglutaminase: A study of fundamental and empirical rheology properties of pan bread dough. Food Bioproc Tech, 7, 2865-2876, doi: 10.1007/s11947-013-1246-x.
- Sanz-Penella, J.M., Wronkowska, M., Soral-Smietana, M., Collar, C., Haros, M. (2010). Impact of the addition of resistant starch from modified pea starch on dough and bread performance. Eur Food Res Technol, 231, 499-508, doi: 10.1007/s00217-010-1294-7.
- Sirtori, C.R., Lovati, M.R., Manzoni, C., Castiglioni, S., Duranti, M., Magni, C., Morandi, S., D’agostina, A., Arnoldi, A. (2004). Proteins of white lupin seed, a naturally isoflavone-poor legume, reduce cholesterolemia in rats and increase LDL receptor activity in HepG2 cells. J Nutr, 134, 18-23, doi: 10.1093/jn/134.1.18.
- Sluimer, P. (2005). Principles of breadmaking: Functionality of raw materials and process steps, St. Paul: The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
- van Steertegem, B., Pareyt, B., Brijs, K., Delcour, J.A. (2013). Impact of mixing time and sodium stearoyl lactylate on gluten polymerization during baking of wheat flour dough. Food Chem, 141, 4179-4185, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.07.017.
- Villarino, C.B.J., Jayasena, V., Coorey, R., Chakrabarti-Bell, S., Foley, R., Fanning, K., Johnson, S.K. (2015). The effects of lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) addition to wheat bread on its nutritional, phytochemical and bioactive composition and protein quality. Food Res Int, 76, 58-65, doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2014.11.046.
- Willhoft, E.M.A. (1973). Mechanism and theory of staling of bread and baked goods and associated changes in textural properties. J Texture Stud, 4, 292-322, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.1973.tb00844.x.
- Wong, J.M., de Souza, R., Kendall, C.W., Emam, A., Jenkins, D.J. (2006). Colonic health: Fermentation and short chain fatty acids. J Clin Gastroenterol, 40, 235-243.
- Yang, F., Liu, X., Ren, X.E., Huang, Y., Huang, C., Zhang, K. (2018). Swirling cavitation improves the emulsifying properties of commercial soy protein isolate. Ultrason Sonochem, 42, 471-481, doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.12.014.
- Yaver, E. (2020). Raf ömrü uzun lüpen unu üretimi ve besinsel-fonksiyonel özellikleri geliştirilmiş makarna ve ekmek üretiminde kullanımı. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Konya, Türkiye, 312 s.
- Yıldız, G. (2009). Karabuğday (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) ununun geleneksel Türk ekmeklerinde kullanılma imkanları üzerine araştırmalar. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya, Türkiye, 124 s.
Year 2021,
Volume: 46 Issue: 2, 243 - 255, 23.03.2021
Elif Yaver
Nermin Bilgiçli
In this study, wheat flour used in bread was replaced by flour (10%) obtained from lupin debittered by different methods (traditional and ultrasound application) and resistant starch type4 (RS-10%) to improve nutritional properties of bread. The effects of vital gluten and/or sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (SSL) on quality characteristics of bread were investigated. While volume and specific volume decreased with addition of lupin flour+RS to bread formulation, it increased with additives. Use of lupin flour debittered by ultrasound provided higher volume and specific volume, lower firmness and hardness compared to breads containing lupin flour debittered by traditional method. Hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and resilience of breads produced with vital gluten+SSL were found statistically similar to wheat flour bread (P >0.05). Overall acceptability scores of breads decreased with use of 10% lupin flour+10% RS, addition of vital gluten or vital gluten+SSL provided overall acceptability scores close to wheat flour bread.
- AACC (1990). Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, (8th ed.). St. Paul, MN, USA: AACC.
- AACC (2000). Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, (10th ed.). St. Paul, MN, USA: AACC.
- Asp, N.G., Bjorck, I. (1992). Resistant starch. Trends Food Sci Technol, 3, 111-114, doi: 10.1016/0924-2244(92)90153-N.
- Belski, R., Mori, T.A., Puddey, I.B., Sipsas, S., Woodman, R.J., Ackland, T.R., Beilin, L.J., Dove, N.B., Jayasena, V., Hodgson, J.M. (2011). Effects of lupin-enriched foods on body composition and cardiovascular disease risk factors: A 12 month randomized controlled weight loss trial. Int J Obes, 35, 810-819, doi: 10.1038/ijo.2010.213.
- Birkett, A.M., Mathers, J.C., Jones, G.P., Walker, K.Z., Roth, M.J., Muir, J.G. (2000). Changes to the quality and processing of starchy foods in a Western diet can increase polysaccharides escaping digestion and improve in vitro fermentation variables. Br J Nutr, 84, 63-72, doi: 10.1017/S0007114500001240.
- Boz, H. (2008). Farklı doğal bitkisel katkıların organik ekmek üretiminde kullanılması ve kalite üzerine etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, Türkiye, 93 s.
- Brown, I.L., McNaught, K.J., Ganly, R.N., Conway, P.L., Evans, A.J., Topping, D.L., Wang, X. (1996). Probiotic compositions. Intl. Patent WO 96/ 08261/ A1. Issued Mar 21, 1996.
- Coda, R., Varis, J., Verni, M., Rizzello, C.G., Katina, K. (2017). Improvement of the protein quality of wheat bread through faba bean sourdough addition. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 82, 296-302, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2017.04.062.
- Curti, E., Carini, E., Tribuzio, G., Vittadini, E. (2014). Bread staling: Effect of gluten on physico-chemical properties and molecular mobility. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 59, 418-425, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2014.04.057.
- Day, L., Augustin, M.A., Batey, I.L., Wrigley, C.W. (2006). Wheat-gluten uses and industry needs. Trends Food Sci Technol, 17, 82-90, doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2005.10.003.
- Dervas, G., Doxastakis, G., Hadjisavva-Zinoviadi, S., Triantafillakos, N. (1999). Lupine flour addition to wheat flour doughs and effect on rheological properties. Food Chem, 66, 67-73, doi: 10.1016/S0308-8146(98)00234-9.
- Dizlek, H., Çimer, H., Altan, A. (2013). Vital buğday gluteninin ve L-askorbik asidin buğday kepekli ekmeklerin bazı nitelikleri üzerine etkileri. Gıda, 38(2), 87-94.
- Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O., Gürbüz, F. (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistiksel Metodları-II), Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 1021, Ankara.
Elgün, A., Türker, S., Bilgiçli, N. (2001). Tahıl ve Ürünlerinde Analitik Kalite Kontrolü, Konya Ticaret Borsası Yayınları, Yayın No: 2, Konya.
- Englyst, H.N., Kingman, S.M., Cummings, J.H. (1992). Classification and measurement of nutritionally important starch fractions. Eur J Clin Nutr, 46, 33-50.
- Francis, F.J. (1998). Colour analysis, in: Food Analysis, S.S. Nielsen (Ed.), An Aspen Publishers, Maryland, Gaithersnurg, USA, pp. 599-612.
- Gomes-Ruffi, C.R., Cunha, R.H., Almeida, E.L., Chang, Y.K., Steel, C.J. (2012). Effect of the emulsifier sodium stearoyl lactylate and of the enzyme maltogenic amylase on the quality of pan bread during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 49, 96-101, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2012.04.014.
- Güdük, H. (2016). Mısırlı ekmeklerde mısır unu seviyesi ve katkı kullanımının kalite üzerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, 104 s.
- Higgins, J.A., Dana, H.R., Donahoo, W.T., Brown, I.L., Bell, M.L., Bessesen, D.H. (2004). Resistant starch consumption promotes lipid oxidation. Nutr Metab, 1, 1-8, doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-1-8.
- Hooda, S., Jood, S. (2005). Organoleptic and nutritional evaluation of wheat biscuits supplemented with untreated and treated fenugreek flour. Food Chem, 90(3), 427-435, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2004.05.006.
- Jiang, X., Chang, M., Wang, X., Jin, Q., Wang, X. (2014). Effect of ultrasound treatment on oil recovery from soybean gum by using phospholipase C. J Clean Prod, 69, 237-242, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.060.
- Johnson, S.K., Mcquillan, P.L., Sin, J.H., Ball, M.J. (2003). Sensory acceptability of white bread with added Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) kernel fibre and its glycaemic and insulinaemic responses when eaten as a breakfast. J Sci Food Agric, 83, 1366-1372, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1552.
- Khaleel, M.L., Sharoba, A.M., El-Desouky, A.I., Mohamed, M.H. (2018). Use of some emulsifiers to improve the quality of pan bread product. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 18, 150-161.
- Kim, Y.-J., Lee, J.-H., Choi, M.-J., Choi, D.-R., Lee, S.-K. (2013). Effects of vital wheat gluten on quality characteristics of white pan bread containing resistant starch. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, 42(1), 76-82, doi: 10.3746/jkfn.2013.42.1.076.
- Krog, N. (1981). Theoretical aspects of surfactants in relation to their use in breadmaking. Cereal Chem, 58, 158-164.
- Lee, Y.P., Mori, T.A., Puddey, I.B., Sipsas, S., Ackland, T.R., Beilin, L.J., Hodgson, J.M. (2009). Effects of lupin kernel flour-enriched bread on blood pressure: A controlled intervention study. Am J Clin Nutr, 89, 766-772, doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26708.
- Li, H., Wang, J., Pan, L., Lu, Q. (2019). Effect of amino and thiol groups of wheat gluten on the quality characteristics of Chinese noodles. J Food Sci Technol, 56(6), 2825-2835, doi: 10.1007/s13197-019-03688-8.
- Liu, W., Brennan, M., Serventi, L., Brennan, C. (2017). Buckwheat flour inclusion in Chinese steamed bread: Potential reduction in glycemic response and effects on dough quality. Eur Food Res Technol, 243, 727-734, doi: 10.1007/s00217-016-2786-x.
- Martin, M.L., Zeleznak, K.J., Hoseney, R.C. (1991). A mechanism of bread firming, I. Role of starch swelling. Cereal Chem, 68, 498-503.
- Meyer, K.A., Kushi, L.H., Jacobs, D.R., Slavin, J., Sellers, T.A., Folsom, A.R. (2000). Carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and incident type 2 diabetes in older women. Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 921-930, doi: 10.1093/ajcn/71.4.921.
- Mohammed, M.A., Mohamed, E.A., Yagoub, A.E.A., Mohamed, A.R., Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effect of processing methods on alkaloids, phytate, phenolics, antioxidants activity and minerals of newly developed lupin (Lupinus albus L.) cultivar. J Food Process Preserv, 41, 1-9, doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12960.
- Morais, M.B., Feste, A., Miller, R.G., Lifichitz, C.H. (1996). Effect of resistant starch and digestible starch on intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and zinc in infant pigs. Pediatr Res, 39, 872-876, doi: 10.1203/00006450-199605000-00022.
- Oomah, B.D., Tiger, N., Olson, M., Balasubramanian, P. (2006). Phenolics and antioxidative activities in narrow-leafed lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 61, 91-97, doi: 10.1007/s11130-006-0021-9.
- Ortolan, F., Steel, C.J. (2017). Protein characteristics that affect the quality of vital wheat gluten to be used in baking: A review. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf, 16, 369-381, doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12259.
- Özkaya, B., Özkaya, H. (1992). Mısır katkılı unların teknolojik özelliklerine vital gluten ve SSL’in (Na-Stearoyl-2-Lactilate) etkileri. Gıda, 17(6), 419-426.
- Pomeranz, Y. (1987). Modern Cereal Science and Technology. VCH Publishers, Washington.
- Sanchez, D.B.O., Puppo, M.C., Anon, M.C., Ribotta, P.D., Leon, A.E., Tadini, C.C. (2014). Effect of maize resistant starch and transglutaminase: A study of fundamental and empirical rheology properties of pan bread dough. Food Bioproc Tech, 7, 2865-2876, doi: 10.1007/s11947-013-1246-x.
- Sanz-Penella, J.M., Wronkowska, M., Soral-Smietana, M., Collar, C., Haros, M. (2010). Impact of the addition of resistant starch from modified pea starch on dough and bread performance. Eur Food Res Technol, 231, 499-508, doi: 10.1007/s00217-010-1294-7.
- Sirtori, C.R., Lovati, M.R., Manzoni, C., Castiglioni, S., Duranti, M., Magni, C., Morandi, S., D’agostina, A., Arnoldi, A. (2004). Proteins of white lupin seed, a naturally isoflavone-poor legume, reduce cholesterolemia in rats and increase LDL receptor activity in HepG2 cells. J Nutr, 134, 18-23, doi: 10.1093/jn/134.1.18.
- Sluimer, P. (2005). Principles of breadmaking: Functionality of raw materials and process steps, St. Paul: The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
- van Steertegem, B., Pareyt, B., Brijs, K., Delcour, J.A. (2013). Impact of mixing time and sodium stearoyl lactylate on gluten polymerization during baking of wheat flour dough. Food Chem, 141, 4179-4185, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.07.017.
- Villarino, C.B.J., Jayasena, V., Coorey, R., Chakrabarti-Bell, S., Foley, R., Fanning, K., Johnson, S.K. (2015). The effects of lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) addition to wheat bread on its nutritional, phytochemical and bioactive composition and protein quality. Food Res Int, 76, 58-65, doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2014.11.046.
- Willhoft, E.M.A. (1973). Mechanism and theory of staling of bread and baked goods and associated changes in textural properties. J Texture Stud, 4, 292-322, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.1973.tb00844.x.
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