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Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 13 - 23, 01.05.2021


Aeromonas türleri yaygın olarak çevrede özellikle deniz ve taze su kaynaklarında bulunmakta, balık ve deniz ürünlerini sıklıkla kontamine etmektedir. Bu türler insanlarda ve balıklarda enfeksiyon etkeni olan fırsatçı patojenler olarak kabul edilmektedir. İnsanlarda gastrointestinal, ekstraintestinal ve yara infeksiyonlarına neden olur. Bu çalışmada, açık halk pazarı ve marketlerden temin edilen balık örneklerinden elde edilen hareketli Aeromonas türlerinde bazı ekstrasellüler enzim genlerinin varlığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada 8 A. hydrophila, 19 A. caviae ve 9 A. veronii biovar sobria olmak üzere toplam 36 hareketli Aeromonas izolatında sıcaklık-duyarlı proteaz (eprCAI), serin proteaz (ser), elastaz (ela) ve lipaz (lip) genlerinin varlığı PZR tekniği ile araştırılmıştır. İzolatların 8’i (%22,2) eprCAI, 32’si (%88,9) ser, 23’ü (%63,9) ela ve 17’si (%47,2) lip geni için pozitif bulunmuştur. A. hydrophila izolatlarının hepsinde (%100) eprCAI, ser ve lip enzim genlerinin taşındığı saptanmıştır. A. veronii bv sobria izolatlarının tamamında ser gen bölgesi pozitif bulunmuştur. Ancak bu izolatların hiçbirinin eprCAI ve lip enzim genlerini taşımadığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma sonuçları, balık örneklerinden izole edilen hareketli Aeromonas türlerinde en az bir veya daha fazla ekstrasellüler enzim kodlayan genlerin varlığını göstermiştir. Virulans ve gıdanın bozulması ile ilişkili ekstrasellüler enzimleri salgılayan hareketli Aeromonas izolatlarının gıdada varlığı, gıda hijyeni ve güvenliği açısından sorun oluşturabilir.


  • [1] Krovacek, K. and Faris, A. (2003). Aeromonas species. In: Miliotis, M.D. and Bier J.W., editors. International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens, Marcel Dekker, Inc. USA.
  • [2] Farmer III, J.J., Arduinoiii, M.J., and Hickman-Brenner, F.W. (2006). The genera Aeromonas and Plesiomonas. In: M. Dworkin, S. Falkow, E. Rosenberg, K.H. Schleifer, and E. Stackebrandt, editors. The Prokaryotes. New York: Springer, 564–596.
  • [3] Radu, S., Ahmad, N., Ling, F.H., and Reezal, A. (2003). Prevalence and resistance to antibiotics for Aeromonas species from retail fish in Malaysia. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 81, 261-266.
  • [4] Castro-Escarpulli, G., Figueras, M.J., Aguilera-Arreola, G., Soler, L., Fernández-Rendón, E., Aparicio, G.O., Guarro, J., and Chacon, M.R. (2003). Characterization of Aeromonas spp. isolated from frozen fish intended for human 439 consumption in Mexico. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 84(1), 41-49.
  • [5] Da Silva, M., Matte, G., Germano, P., and Matte, M. (2010). Occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms in fish sold in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Food Safety, 30, 94-110.
  • [6] Sharma, I. and Kumar, A. (2011). Occurrence of enterotoxigenic Aeromonas species in foods of animal origin in North East India. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 15, 883-887.
  • [7] Hu, M., Wang, N., Pan, Z.H., Lu, C.P., and Liu, Y.J. (2012). Identity and virulence properties of Aeromonas isolates from diseased fish, healthy controls and water environment in China. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 55, 224-233.
  • [8] Bhat, S.B., Khan, A.M., Bashir, S.M., and Roy, S.S. (2013). Isolation and antibiogram profile of Aeromonas species from common carp (fish) of Kashmir Valley. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7, 1165-1169.
  • [9] Arslan, S. and Küçüksarı, R. (2015). Phenotypic and genotypic virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance of motile Aeromonas spp. from fish and ground beef. Journal of Food Safety, 35, 551-559.
  • [10] Isonhood, J.H. and Drake, M. (2002). Aeromonas species in foods. Journal of Food Protection, 65, 575-582.
  • [11] Kingombe, C.I., Huys, G., Howald, D., Luthi, E., Swings, J., and Jemmi, T. (2004). The usefulness of molecular techniques to assess the presence of Aeromonas spp. harboring virulence markers in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94(2), 113-121.
  • [12] Igbinosa, O.E., Odjardare, E.E,. Akpor, O.B., Aiyegoro, O.A., and Ogunmwonyi, I.H. (2006). Incidence and prevalence of Aeromonas species from retail food: public health implications. Science Focus, 12 (2), 19-22.
  • [13] Ottaviani, D., Parlani, C., Citterio, B., Masini, L., Leoni, F., Canonico, C., Sabatini, L., Bruscolini, F., and Pianetti, A. (2011). Putative virulence properties of Aeromonas strains isolated from food, environmental and clinical sources in Italy: A comparative study. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 144(3), 538-545.
  • [14] Zhang Q, Shi, G.Q., Tang, G.P., Zou, Z.T., Yao, G.H., and Zeng, G. (2012). A foodborne outbreak of Aeromonas hydrophila in a college, Xingyi City, Guizhou, China, 2012. Western Pacific Surveillance and Response, 3(4).
  • [15] Martin-Carnahan, A. and Joseph, S.W. (2005). Genus I. Aeromonas. In: Brenner, D.J., Krieg, N.R. and Staley, J.T., editors. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Springer, New York, 557-578.
  • [16] Ray, B. (2004). Fundamental Food Microbiology. 3rd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
  • [17] Fernandez-Bravo A. and Figueras M.J. (2020). An Update on the Genus Aeromonas: Epidemiology, and Pathogenicity. Microorganisms, 8, 129.
  • [18] Janda, J.M. and Abbott, S.L. (2010). The genus Aeromonas: taxonomy, pathogenicity, and infection. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 23, 35-73.
  • [19] Kirov, S.M. (2003). Bacteria that express lateral fagella enable dissection of the multifunctional roles of fagella in pathogenesis. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 224, 151-159.
  • [20] Janda, J.M. and Abbott, S.L. (1998). Evolving concepts regarding the genus Aeromonas: an expanding panorama of species, disease presentations, and unanswered questions. Clinical Infectious Diseases 27, 332-344.
  • [21] İşleyici, Ö. ve Sancak, Y. C. (2009). Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. YYU Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 20(2), 69-74.
  • [22] Camus, A.C., Durborow, R.M., Hemstreet, W.G., Thune, R.L., and Hawke, J.P. (1998). Aeromonas Bacterial Infections-Motile Aeromonad Septicemia. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC), 478.
  • [23] Şık, Z., Altındaş, Ö., ve Atıcı, E.G. (2020). Balıklardan izole edilen bakteriyel etkenler: Beş yıllık değerlendirme. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 31(1), 29-33.
  • [24] Singh, V., Rathore, G., Kapoor, D., Mishra, B.N., and Lakra, W.S. (2008). Detection of aerolysin gene in Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from fi sh and pond water. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 48, 453-458.
  • [25] Cascon, A., Fregenda, J., Allen, M., Yugueros, J., Temprano, A., and Hernanz, C. (2000). Cloning, characterization and insertional inactivation of a major extracellular serine protease gene with elastolytic activity from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of Fish Diseases, 23, 49-59.
  • [26] Rabaan, A.A., Gryllos, I., Tomas, J.M., and Shaw, J.G. (2001). Motility and the polar flagellum are required for Aeromonas caviae adherence to HEp-2 cells. Infection and Immunity, 69, 4257-4267.
  • [27] Merino, S., Aguilar, A., Nogueras, M.M., Regue, M., Swift, S., and Tomas, J.M. (1999). Cloning, sequencing, and role in virulence of two phospholipases (A1 and C) from mesophilic Aeromonas sp. serogroup O:34. Infection and Immunity, 67, 4008–4013.
  • [28] Pemberton, J.M., Kidd, S.P., and Schmidt, R. (1997). Secreted enzymes of Aeromonas. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 152, 1-10.
  • [29] Thomas, J.M. (2012). The main Aeromonas pathogenic factors. International Scholarly Research Network, 256261.
  • [30] Rasmussen-Ivey, C., Figueras, M.J., McGarey, D., and Liles, M.R. (2016). Virulence Factors of Aeromonas hydrophila: In the Wake of Reclassification. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1337.
  • [31] Rivero, O., Anguita, J., Paniagua, C., and Naharro, G. (1990). Molecular cloning and characterization of an extracellualar protease gene from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of Bacteriology, 172, 3905-3908.
  • [32] Leung, K.Y. and Stevenson, R.M. (1988). Characteristics and distribution of extracellular protease from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of General Microbiology, 134, 151–160.
  • [33] Esteve, C. and Birkbeck, T.H. (2004). Secretion of haemolysins and proteases by Aeromonas hydrophila EO63: separation and characterization of the serine protease (caseinase) and the metalloprotease (elastase). Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96, 994-1001.
  • [34] Zacaria, J., Delamare, A.P.L., Costa, S.O.P., and Echeverrigaray, S. (2010). Diversity of extracellular proteases among Aeromonas determined by zymogram analysis. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 109, 212-219.
  • [35] Loewy, A.G., Santer, U.V., Wieczorek, M., Blodgett, J.K., Jones, S.W., and Cheronis, J.C. (1993). Purification and characterization of a novel zinc-proteinase of Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal Biological Chemistry, 268, 9071–9078.
  • [36] Nakasone, N., Toma, C., Song, T., and Iwanaga, M. (2004). Purification and characterization of a novel metalloprotease isolated from Aeromonas caviae. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 237, 127-132.
  • [37] Rivero, O., Anguita, J., Mateos, D., Paniagua, C., and Naharro, G. (1991). Cloning and characterization of an extracellular temperature-labile serine protease gene from Aeromonas hydrophila. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 81, 1-7.
  • [38] Toma, C. Ichinose, Y., and Iwanaga, M. (1999). Purification and characterization of an Aeromonas caviae metalloprotease that is related to the Vibrio cholera hemagglutinin/protease. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 170, 237-242.
  • [39] Okamoto, K., Nomura, T., Hamada, M., Fukuda, T., Noguchi, Y., and Fujii, Y. (2000). Production of serine protease of Aeromonas sobria is controlled by the protein encoded by the gene lying adjacent to 3' end of the protease gene. Microbiology and Immunology, 9, 787-798.
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Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 13 - 23, 01.05.2021



  • [1] Krovacek, K. and Faris, A. (2003). Aeromonas species. In: Miliotis, M.D. and Bier J.W., editors. International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens, Marcel Dekker, Inc. USA.
  • [2] Farmer III, J.J., Arduinoiii, M.J., and Hickman-Brenner, F.W. (2006). The genera Aeromonas and Plesiomonas. In: M. Dworkin, S. Falkow, E. Rosenberg, K.H. Schleifer, and E. Stackebrandt, editors. The Prokaryotes. New York: Springer, 564–596.
  • [3] Radu, S., Ahmad, N., Ling, F.H., and Reezal, A. (2003). Prevalence and resistance to antibiotics for Aeromonas species from retail fish in Malaysia. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 81, 261-266.
  • [4] Castro-Escarpulli, G., Figueras, M.J., Aguilera-Arreola, G., Soler, L., Fernández-Rendón, E., Aparicio, G.O., Guarro, J., and Chacon, M.R. (2003). Characterization of Aeromonas spp. isolated from frozen fish intended for human 439 consumption in Mexico. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 84(1), 41-49.
  • [5] Da Silva, M., Matte, G., Germano, P., and Matte, M. (2010). Occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms in fish sold in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Food Safety, 30, 94-110.
  • [6] Sharma, I. and Kumar, A. (2011). Occurrence of enterotoxigenic Aeromonas species in foods of animal origin in North East India. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 15, 883-887.
  • [7] Hu, M., Wang, N., Pan, Z.H., Lu, C.P., and Liu, Y.J. (2012). Identity and virulence properties of Aeromonas isolates from diseased fish, healthy controls and water environment in China. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 55, 224-233.
  • [8] Bhat, S.B., Khan, A.M., Bashir, S.M., and Roy, S.S. (2013). Isolation and antibiogram profile of Aeromonas species from common carp (fish) of Kashmir Valley. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7, 1165-1169.
  • [9] Arslan, S. and Küçüksarı, R. (2015). Phenotypic and genotypic virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance of motile Aeromonas spp. from fish and ground beef. Journal of Food Safety, 35, 551-559.
  • [10] Isonhood, J.H. and Drake, M. (2002). Aeromonas species in foods. Journal of Food Protection, 65, 575-582.
  • [11] Kingombe, C.I., Huys, G., Howald, D., Luthi, E., Swings, J., and Jemmi, T. (2004). The usefulness of molecular techniques to assess the presence of Aeromonas spp. harboring virulence markers in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94(2), 113-121.
  • [12] Igbinosa, O.E., Odjardare, E.E,. Akpor, O.B., Aiyegoro, O.A., and Ogunmwonyi, I.H. (2006). Incidence and prevalence of Aeromonas species from retail food: public health implications. Science Focus, 12 (2), 19-22.
  • [13] Ottaviani, D., Parlani, C., Citterio, B., Masini, L., Leoni, F., Canonico, C., Sabatini, L., Bruscolini, F., and Pianetti, A. (2011). Putative virulence properties of Aeromonas strains isolated from food, environmental and clinical sources in Italy: A comparative study. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 144(3), 538-545.
  • [14] Zhang Q, Shi, G.Q., Tang, G.P., Zou, Z.T., Yao, G.H., and Zeng, G. (2012). A foodborne outbreak of Aeromonas hydrophila in a college, Xingyi City, Guizhou, China, 2012. Western Pacific Surveillance and Response, 3(4).
  • [15] Martin-Carnahan, A. and Joseph, S.W. (2005). Genus I. Aeromonas. In: Brenner, D.J., Krieg, N.R. and Staley, J.T., editors. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Springer, New York, 557-578.
  • [16] Ray, B. (2004). Fundamental Food Microbiology. 3rd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
  • [17] Fernandez-Bravo A. and Figueras M.J. (2020). An Update on the Genus Aeromonas: Epidemiology, and Pathogenicity. Microorganisms, 8, 129.
  • [18] Janda, J.M. and Abbott, S.L. (2010). The genus Aeromonas: taxonomy, pathogenicity, and infection. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 23, 35-73.
  • [19] Kirov, S.M. (2003). Bacteria that express lateral fagella enable dissection of the multifunctional roles of fagella in pathogenesis. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 224, 151-159.
  • [20] Janda, J.M. and Abbott, S.L. (1998). Evolving concepts regarding the genus Aeromonas: an expanding panorama of species, disease presentations, and unanswered questions. Clinical Infectious Diseases 27, 332-344.
  • [21] İşleyici, Ö. ve Sancak, Y. C. (2009). Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. YYU Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 20(2), 69-74.
  • [22] Camus, A.C., Durborow, R.M., Hemstreet, W.G., Thune, R.L., and Hawke, J.P. (1998). Aeromonas Bacterial Infections-Motile Aeromonad Septicemia. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC), 478.
  • [23] Şık, Z., Altındaş, Ö., ve Atıcı, E.G. (2020). Balıklardan izole edilen bakteriyel etkenler: Beş yıllık değerlendirme. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 31(1), 29-33.
  • [24] Singh, V., Rathore, G., Kapoor, D., Mishra, B.N., and Lakra, W.S. (2008). Detection of aerolysin gene in Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from fi sh and pond water. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 48, 453-458.
  • [25] Cascon, A., Fregenda, J., Allen, M., Yugueros, J., Temprano, A., and Hernanz, C. (2000). Cloning, characterization and insertional inactivation of a major extracellular serine protease gene with elastolytic activity from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of Fish Diseases, 23, 49-59.
  • [26] Rabaan, A.A., Gryllos, I., Tomas, J.M., and Shaw, J.G. (2001). Motility and the polar flagellum are required for Aeromonas caviae adherence to HEp-2 cells. Infection and Immunity, 69, 4257-4267.
  • [27] Merino, S., Aguilar, A., Nogueras, M.M., Regue, M., Swift, S., and Tomas, J.M. (1999). Cloning, sequencing, and role in virulence of two phospholipases (A1 and C) from mesophilic Aeromonas sp. serogroup O:34. Infection and Immunity, 67, 4008–4013.
  • [28] Pemberton, J.M., Kidd, S.P., and Schmidt, R. (1997). Secreted enzymes of Aeromonas. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 152, 1-10.
  • [29] Thomas, J.M. (2012). The main Aeromonas pathogenic factors. International Scholarly Research Network, 256261.
  • [30] Rasmussen-Ivey, C., Figueras, M.J., McGarey, D., and Liles, M.R. (2016). Virulence Factors of Aeromonas hydrophila: In the Wake of Reclassification. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1337.
  • [31] Rivero, O., Anguita, J., Paniagua, C., and Naharro, G. (1990). Molecular cloning and characterization of an extracellualar protease gene from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of Bacteriology, 172, 3905-3908.
  • [32] Leung, K.Y. and Stevenson, R.M. (1988). Characteristics and distribution of extracellular protease from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of General Microbiology, 134, 151–160.
  • [33] Esteve, C. and Birkbeck, T.H. (2004). Secretion of haemolysins and proteases by Aeromonas hydrophila EO63: separation and characterization of the serine protease (caseinase) and the metalloprotease (elastase). Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96, 994-1001.
  • [34] Zacaria, J., Delamare, A.P.L., Costa, S.O.P., and Echeverrigaray, S. (2010). Diversity of extracellular proteases among Aeromonas determined by zymogram analysis. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 109, 212-219.
  • [35] Loewy, A.G., Santer, U.V., Wieczorek, M., Blodgett, J.K., Jones, S.W., and Cheronis, J.C. (1993). Purification and characterization of a novel zinc-proteinase of Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal Biological Chemistry, 268, 9071–9078.
  • [36] Nakasone, N., Toma, C., Song, T., and Iwanaga, M. (2004). Purification and characterization of a novel metalloprotease isolated from Aeromonas caviae. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 237, 127-132.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Özdemir 0000-0002-4804-936X

Seza Arslan 0000-0002-2478-6875

Publication Date May 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Özdemir, F., & Arslan, S. (2021). Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 13-23.
AMA Özdemir F, Arslan S. Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi. GÜFFD. May 2021;2(1):13-23. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4843082
Chicago Özdemir, Fatma, and Seza Arslan. “Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi 2, no. 1 (May 2021): 13-23.
EndNote Özdemir F, Arslan S (May 1, 2021) Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi 2 1 13–23.
IEEE F. Özdemir and S. Arslan, “Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi”, GÜFFD, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 13–23, 2021, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4843082.
ISNAD Özdemir, Fatma - Arslan, Seza. “Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi 2/1 (May 2021), 13-23.
JAMA Özdemir F, Arslan S. Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi. GÜFFD. 2021;2:13–23.
MLA Özdemir, Fatma and Seza Arslan. “Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2021, pp. 13-23, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4843082.
Vancouver Özdemir F, Arslan S. Balıktan İzole Edilen Hareketli Aeromonas Türlerinin Bazı Ekstrasellüler Enzimlerinin Belirlenmesi. GÜFFD. 2021;2(1):13-2.