Peer Review Process

In the evaluation process, a double-blind peer review process takes place.

1. The Associate Editor is assigned to the article by the chief editor/editor.
2. Referees are invited to the article by the editor-in-chief/editor. At least two (2) referees are appointed from the Editorial Board and Associate Editors, Scientific Advisory Board and other expert groups. At least one (1) of the referees cannot be appointed from the institution where the author is located. In the double-blind peer review process, the identities of the referees and authors are kept confidential.
3. Conclusion of the article can be rejection, correction/revision or acceptance. The article evaluation process is completed within a period of 10 weeks.

- At least two (2) referees must give acceptance approval for the article in order to proceed to the editing and publication processes in the article evaluation process. The accepted article is prepared for publication by going through the editing phase.
- The article is rejected in line with the majority of the referee's opinions being negative and the article process is ended.
- In case that the majority of the referee's opinions cannot form a certain decision to accept or reject the article, a new referee is invited to the article by the chief editor/editor, and a decision of acceptance or rejection is provided by providing the majority.

- If a correction/revision decision is made for the article by the referees in line with the revisions/suggestions stated in the reports (major/minor), the author is requested to make the corrections within one month at the latest. All corrections made by the author in the article should be marked in red and submitted as an Manuscript Correction Report. Response to Reviewers should be prepared as a response to the corrections, criticisms and suggestions of the referees. In addition to these 2 reports, the final version of the article prepared for publication after making all the corrections should be uploaded in Word format to the DergiPark system. If the corrections made in the article are presented to the reviewers again and the acceptance is approved, the article is prepared for publication by going to the editing stage.

You can find detailed information about the reports under the Required Forms section.

4. The articles that are approved for acceptance are evaluated by the Editorial Board for the last time and transferred to the Publication Editorial Board.

Last Update Time: 1/24/23, 1:15:27 PM