Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed Journal, published quarterly by the Faculty of Agriculture at Harran University.
The aim of the Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science is to publish high quality original articles, and provides an opportunity to share the information among the scientists and researchers. This scientific journal includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for the quality of publishing.
The journal invites original research and review papers containing new insights into any aspect of Agricultural Sciences, including Horticulture, Plant Protection, Agronomy, Agricultural Machinery and Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Soil Science, Animal Science, and Food Science that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. Prospective manuscripts may be written in either English or Turkish.
Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science is indexed by the following indices;
• Clarivate Analytics-Zoological Record,
• Google Scholar,
• CAB Abstract,
• CABI (Full Text),
• Global Health,
• Crossref
· Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science must neither have published nor being considered for publication elsewhere.
· However, papers presented at national or international conferences and published only in their abstract form may be considered for publication.
· Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences is very sensitive to plagiarism and duplication and has no tolerance to these issues.
· Preliminary, confirmatory or inconclusive research, review articles, case and local studies or studies relying on basic questionaires and works presenting taxonomy will not be published.
· The journal uses double-blind system for peer-review; both reviewers and authors’ identities remain anonymous. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers from outside and one editor from the journal typically involve in reviewing a submission. After preliminary reviewing, the chief editor has the right to turn down manuscripts that are thought to have no merits or quality for publication without directing them to departmental editors for reviewing. Becides, manuscripts that do not conform with the journal publication rules or suffering from proficiency in English or Turkish are subject to sending back to their authors for revisions.
· Submitted manuscripts can not be withdrawn from the reviewing process once the procedure has been initialized.
· Manuscripts under reviewing are sent to two blind referees by departmental editors for evaluation. Revised manuscripts that have passed through referee evaluation must be uploaded to the system within no later than 10 days. Revisions that are uploaded after the deadline are not accepted. Departmental editors recommend whether the manuscript under consideration should be published or not, taking into consideration if the corresponding authors have adequately applied the revisions requested by the reviewers in their reports. Editorial board gethered under the chief editor’s leadership is the final decision authority.
· Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences supports open Access to manuscripts it publishes. Our scientific society will benefit from open access based on facilitated global information exchange.
· Authors should upload to the system the filled-out and seperately signed copy right release form along with their accepted manuscript.
· Manuscript control List should be uploaded to the system once it has been signed by the corresponding author.
· All responsibilities belong to the authors writing the paper published in Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences. Manuscripts must be prepared complying to the ethical rules, accompanied by a copy of ethical committee report, if neccessary.
· Harran Journal of Agriculture and Food Science does not charge any submission and publication fees.
Indexing and Abstracting