Writing Rules

Author Guidelines
The writing rules applied by the journal and necessary information are given below (The new writing rules will be valid as of the Volume 5 Issue 2. Authors sending manuscripts must follow these rules).
1. The language of publication is Turkish and English. The spelling of Turkish texts should be based on the Spelling Guide published by the Turkish Language Association. http://tdk.gov.tr/tdk/kurumsal/yazim-kilavuzu/
2. The journal has an online publication.That’s why manuscript submissions are made only from the journal's website. Please upload your article to the system after completing the necessary registration procedures thoroughly.
3. The length of a study should be no longer than 9000 words including appendices. Given that the Harran Education Journal is under review for national and international indexing, an extended abstract of 600-1000 words should be written in English for the studies submitted in Turkish while an extended abstract of 600-1000 words should be written in Turkish for the studies submitted in English the accepted manuscripts (e.g.: Introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusionsections). Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the final version should be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author according to the template below. The extended abstract in English may also be uploaded while formatting the manuscript according to the template following its acceptance.
Template for studies requiring the ethics committee
Template for studies that do not require the ethics committee
4. The Turkish and English titles of the manuscript must be left-aligned, single-spaced and no longer than 15 words, font face must be Book Antique 14 point. Each word except for the conjunctions must be capitalized.
5. The manuscripts must be in Word format with A4 paper size (top, bottom, left and right 2.5cm space), justified and font face must be Book Antique 12 point with 1.15 spaced.
6. The manuscript and extended English must start in different pages.
a) The Turkish abstract must be between 150-200 words, in the Book Antique font, justified, 10 point, singled-spaced and3-5 keywords.
b) The English abstract must be between 150-200 words, in the Book Antique font, justified, 10 point, singled-spaced and 3-5 keywords.
c) Paragraphs must be indented 1.25 cm. It will be 12 nk before the paragraph and 6 nk after the paragraph.
d) Tables must be in the Book Antiquefont, 10 pointand single-spaced.
e) Table and figure captions be in the Book Antique font, 11 point and left-aligned.
f) Direct quotations including 40 words or more must be indented 1.25 cm from left and right, in the Book Antique font, 11 point, justified, italicized and single-spaced.
* Level 1 headings must be centered, in the Book Antique font, 12 point and bold. Except for the conjunctions, the first letters of the words will be capitalized.
* Level 2 headings must be left-aligned, in the Book Antique font, 12 point and bold. Except for the conjunctions, the first letters of the words will be capitalized.
*Level 3 headings must be left-aligned, in the Book Antique font, 12 point and italic. Except for the conjunctions, the first letters of the words will be capitalized.

g) The main text of the research studies must consist of introduction, methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion. The methodology section must further comprise sub-sections including participants, data collection tools and data analysis etc.
h) In review studies, the related literature must effectively be analyzed, problem(s) must be presented, and solutions must be suggested.
i) APA (6th) style should be used for references (within or at the end of the text), titles, tables, pictures, diagrams, quotations, citations, and other matters.
j) The tables and figures must not extend the original page size of the journal. If they appear at the end of a page and thus (partly) extend the original size, they must be placed in the subsequent page.
k) References must be justified, in the Book Antique font, 11 point and single-spaced.
7. For the manuscripts accepted for publication, the author(s) must upload the copyright form to ‘additional files’ section during submission in order to indicate that the study has been read and approved by all authors, has not been published or is under review elsewhere, and if published, all publication rights will be reserved by the journal. Moreover, it is a must that a) for studies that do not require the ethics committee, the corresponding author fill out the “Research Ethics Commitment” given below and upload a color-scanned copy of it to the ‘additional files’ section during submission; for studies requiring the ethics committee, the corresponding author directly upload a scanned copy of the ethics committee letter to the ‘additional files’ section during submission.
Click for the Copyright Transfer Form
Click for the Research Ethics Commitment
8. Any legal, legal, economic and ethical responsibility that may arise from the manuscripts sent to the Harran Education Journal belongs to the authors, even if the manuscript in question has been published. The journal does not accept any liability
Submission Checklist During the submission process, authors must check the compliance of their submissions with all the items in the list below, applications that do not comply with this guideline will be sent back to the authors.
a) The submitted manuscript has not been published before and has not been submitted to any journal for review (or a statement has been made in the Notes to the Editor section).
b) The submission file is in one of the following formats: the OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RT For WordPerfect.
c) The URLs for the references are given, if available.
d) The text has been prepared in accordance with the formal and bibliographic requirements specified in the Author Guidelines in the "About the Journal" section.
e) During the referee review, the principles given in the Blind Review section will be implemented.