Aim & Scope

"Hitit University Journal of Social Sciences Institute"  aims to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge in the social sciences by publishing scientific studies at the national and international level in the field of social science. 


"Hitit University Journal of Social Sciences Institute" in the scope of science field of the Social, Humanity and Administrative Sciences such as; Econometrics, Finance, Economics, Islamic History and Arts, Urban and Environmental Policy, Finance, Accounting, Quantitative Decision Methods, Marketing, Art History, Sociology, History, Public Administration, Tourism, Turkish Islamic Art, International Relations, Production Management, Local Governments, Management and Strategy Original Articles: Articles reflecting original research with findings and results Scanning Articles: Very important scientific articles that can only be printed in the university journal and scan sufficient number of articles and criticize them by comparing findings that evaluate the subject by summarizing on the current level of knowledge are accepted as translation writing.

Articles sent to the journal shouldn’t be published elsewhere or shouldn’t be submitted to other journals for publication.

Publications produced from graduate thesis should be defended at last 3 years up to the publication date of the Hitit University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences publication. Besides, this situation should be specified as footnote ‘’In study is derived from and 123456 number master/doctorate thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr./Assoc. Dr./ Instructor Dr. by ……… on date of……. titled ( Thesis number will be taken from YOK Thesis Center).

Studies presented previously as abstract paper are accepted, but due to journal publication principles studies presented as full text paper are not accepted. Articles derived from abstract paper (summary reports) should be presented at last 3 years from presentation date. Besides this situation should be specified as footnote ‘’This article presented as oral presentation between 1-2 November 2018 …. In the event named ….. organized in…. Istanbul and is the completed version of ….. headed report whose abstract published in congress / conference / symposium abstract book.


Period Months
April August December