Peer Review Process

Double-Blind Peer Review Process

Double-Blind Peer Review Process is a method applied for the publication of scientific publications with the highest quality. This method forms the basis of the objective evaluation of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals.

Peer reviews have a decisive role in HÜSBED's broadcast quality.

All studies sent to HÜSBED are evaluated by double-blinding according to the following stages: The author and referee identities of the studies are hidden in the double-blind method. In the double-blind method, the author and refrees identities of the studies are hidden.

For this reason, it is requested from authors that to delete their names when uploading their articles to the system.

Initial Manuscript Evaluation

Manuscripts sent to HÜSBED are firstly evaluated by editors. For this reason, manuscript that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal and contain scientifically critical errors and are weak in terms of language and narrative rules in Turkish, English and other languages, have no original value and not meet the publication policies are rejected. The authors of the rejected works will be informed within one month at the latest from the date of submission. Appropriate manuscript for the pre-evaluation are sent to a field editor for the field of study.

In the initial manuscript evaluation, the manuscript is examined in terms of the article writing rules. Then the editor examines detailed the introduction and literature, methods, findings, results, evaluation and discussion sections in terms of originality with the scope of journal publication policies and its scope. As a result of this examination, the manuscripts which are not eligible will be returned within one month with the field editor evaluation report. Appropriate studies are taken to the referees  process.

Referees Evaluation

As a result of the editor assessment manuscript that comply with publication policy and are sent in accordance with spelling rules and after the pre-evolution of the editor / editorial assistants, are sent to the expert of the relevant subject in the evaluation of the referees. The institution(s) of the author (s) and referees cannot be the same.

The referees are obliged to guarantee that they will not share any process and document about the manuscript they evaluate.

Period taken to referees for evaluation process is 15 days. The correction proposals from the referees or editors is compulsory to completed in accordance with ‘’correction direction’’ by the authors  within 15 days. The referees may decide on the eligibility of a manuscript by reviewing the corrections of the study and may request correction more than once if necessary. The journal of Editor/ Editorial Board decides whether the manuscript can be published or it is published in which number of the journal. If one or two referees give(s) a negative opinion, the article is not published and rejected.

Referees evaluations are generally based on the originality of the studies, the method used, compliance with the rules of ethics, the consistent presentation of the findings and results, and the review of the literature.

This review is done based on the following elements:

1. Is the title of the article correctly identified as limited and consistent with the text content?

2. Does the abstract reflect the work correctly and clearly?

3. Does the English summary correspond to the Turkish abstract?

4. Is the introductory part of the study well defined?

5. Are the theoretical information on the subject of the study adequately defined?

6. Is the review of domestic and foreign literature relevant to the subject of the study sufficient?

7. Is the method and application of the study correct and sufficient?

8. Is the purpose of the study adequately defined?

9. Are the findings of the study adequately explained?

10. Is the conclusion part of the study well defined?

11. Are the sources used in the study compatible and adequate?

12. Are the table shapes, graphics or pictures used in the study clear, adequate and understandable?

13. Is the study written in a fluent and understandable language that complies with the grammar rules? (Is English enough?)

14. Is the structuring and expression of the study consistent and sufficient as a whole?

15. Is the contribution of the study to literature or practice sufficient?

Publishing Process: The author (s) cannot make any major changes (except for the suggestions of the editors / referees) on the completion of the referee evaluation process (section, paragraph, table, picture, adding graphics, adding the name of another author (s) to the article later.

The journal of Editor/ Editorial Board decides whether the manuscript can be published or it is published in which number of the journal. If one or two referees give(s) a negative opinion, the article is not published and rejected.

Last Update Time: 4/11/20, 11:53:22 PM