New Contributions to the Flora of Beytepe Campus Ankara and Floristic Comparison with Neighboring Floras and Other Campus Floras
Year 2008,
Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 181 - 195, 01.08.2008
Birol Mutlu
Sadık Erik
Burcu Tarikahya
Flora of Beytepe Campus of Hacettepe University was published in 1994 with the specimens collected in 1975-1977. In this research, 79 different species were included and thus total species number of the campus increased to 510. The phytogeographical spectrum of the species with the last collections is as follows: Irano-Turanian elements 134 26% , Euro-Siberian elements 24 4.7 % and Mediterranean elements 21 4.1% . Similarities between the taxa of Beytepe and those of 6 other studies performed near our study area were compared using clustering analysis. At the same time, 79 new species for the flora of Beytepe was given and threatened category was evaluated.
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