Research Article
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Year 2019, , 423 - 438, 26.09.2019


ülkenin kurumsal altyapısı ile ülkenin ekonomik performansı yakından
ilişkilidir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de ekonomik büyümenin kurumsal yapıdan nasıl
etkilendiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır ve özellikle 1980 sonrası dönem
ele alınmıştır. Buna göre kurumsal değişimdeki gerçekleştirilen olumlu adımlar,
yatırımların artışını ve ekonomik büyümeyi beraberinde getirmektedir. Ancak
ülkemizde kurumsal yapıdaki reformlar bir süreklilik arz etmediği için,
ekonomik büyümenin sürdürülebilirliği sorunlu hale gelmektedir. 1990’lı yıllar
uyumsuz koalisyonlar tarafından yönetilmiştir ve 2000’li yılların başında
ülkemiz sancılı krizler yaşamıştır. Bu yılların başında artan kurumsallık
ekonomiye de olumlu yansımıştır ancak bu sürdürülememiştir.


  • Acemoğlu, D. (2003), “Why not a Political Coase Theorem? Social Conflict, Commitment, and Politics”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(4), 620-652.
  • Acemoğlu, D., S. Johnson, J. Robinson (2005), “Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-run Growth”, Handbook of Economic Growth, 1, 385-472.
  • Aron, J. (2000), "Growth and Institutions: A Review of the Evidence", The World Bank Research Observer, 15(1), 99-135.
  • Atiyas, İ. (2012), “Economic Institutions and Institutional Change in Turkey During the Neoliberal Era”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 47, 57-81.
  • Atiyas, İ., B. Oder (2008), Türkiye'de Özelleştirmenin Hukuk ve Ekonomisi, Ankara: TEPAV.
  • Aydın, S., Y. Taşkın (2014), 1960’dan Günümüze Türkiye Tarihi, 1. bs., İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık.
  • Çetin, T. (2007), “Devletin Ekonomiye Müdahalesinin Kurumsal Maliyeti”, Çimento İşveren Dergisi, 21(3), 38-54.
  • Çetin, T. (2010), “The Role of Institutions over Economic Change in Turkey”, Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach, ed. Tamer Çetin, Feridun Yılmaz, 21-39, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Çetin T., F. Yilmaz (2010), Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Çetin, T. (2011), “The Role of Institutions over Economic Change in Turkey”, Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach, ed. Tamer Çetin, Feridun Yılmaz, 21-39, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Çetin, T., F. Oğuz (2007), “The Politics of Regulation in the Turkish Electricity Market”, Energy Policy, 35(3), 1761-1770.
  • Çetin, T., F. Oğuz (2011), “Introduction: Regulation and Competition in Turkey”, The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey, ed. Tamer Çetin, Fuat Oğuz, 1-11, New York: Springer.
  • Ercan, M.R., Z. Öniş (2001), “Turkish Privatization: Institutions and Dilemmas”, Turkish Studies, 2(1), 109-34.
  • Heper, M. (2000), “The Ottoman Legacy and Turkish Politics”, Journal of International Affairs, 54(1), 63-82.
  • İliman, T., R. Tekeli (2016), “Türkiye’deki Düzenleyici ve Denetleyici Kuruluşlar: İdari Para Cezalarının Hukuksal Zeminlerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 23-36.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E., A.Y. Sarıbay (2007), Türkiye'de Politik Değişim ve Modernleşme, Alfa Basım Yayın.
  • Keyman, F. (2009), Küreselleşen Dünyada Türkiye ve Demokratikleşme: Süreçler, Sorunlar, Aktörler. Bilgesam Rapor No.7. E.T.: 02.02.2018.
  • Keyman, E.F., Z. Öniş (2007), Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations, Vol. 184, Bilgi University Press.
  • Khan, M. H. (2004), “State Failure in Developing Countries and Institutional Reform Strategies”, Toward Pro-Poor Policies, Aid, Institutions, and Globalization, ed. Bertil Tungodden, Nicholas Herbert Stern, Ivar Kolstad, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington, Oxford: the World Bank, Oxford University Press: 165-195.
  • Khan, M.H. (2007), “Governance and Growth: A Preliminary Report, E.T.: 01.07.2019.
  • Kibritçioğlu, A. (2001), “Economic Crisis and the Governments in Turkey, 1969-2001”, Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, 1(7), 174-182.
  • Mardin, Ş. (2000), “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key in the Turkish Politics”, Political Change and Modernization in Turkey, ed. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu and Ali Yaşar Sarıbay, 79-104, İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Ménard, C., M.M. Shirley (2005), Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Vol. 9, Dordrecht: Springer.
  • North, D.C. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • North, D.C. (2005), Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • OECD (2002a), Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries: From Interventionism to Regulatory Governance, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • OECD (2002b), OECD Economic Surveys: Turkey 2002, Paris: OECD Publishing Press.
  • OECD (2008), OECD Economic Surveys: Turkey 2008, Paris: OECD Publishing Press.
  • Olson, M. K. (1999), “Agency Rulemaking, Political Influences, Regulation, and Industry Compliance”, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15(3), 573-601.
  • Öniş, Z. (2003), “Domestic Politics versus Global Dynamics: Towards a Political Economy of the 2000 and 2001 Financial Crises in Turkey”, The Turkish Economy in Crisis, ed. Ziya Öniş, Barry Rubin, 1-30, London: Frank Cass.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2010), “Economic Growth and Institutional Change in Turkey before 1980”, Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Analysis, ed. Tamer Çetin and Feridun Yılmaz, 15-30, New York: NOVA Science Publishers.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2016), Türkiye'nin 200 Yıllık İktisadi Tarihi: Büyüme, Kurumlar ve Bölüşüm, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2019), “Türkiye’de 1980 Sonrası İktisadi Politika ve Kurumların Evrimi”, İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi, 100, 7-11.
  • Rawdanowicz, Ł. (2010), “The 2008-09 Crisis in Turkey: Performance, Policy Responses and Challenges for Sustaining the Recovery”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No.819.
  • Rodrik, D. (2000), "Institutions for High-Quality Growth: What They Are and How to Acquire Them", Studies in Comparative International Development, 35(3), 3-31.
  • Spiller, P. T., M. Tommasi (2003), "The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy: A Transactions Approach with Application to Argentina", Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 19(2), 281-306.
  • Spiller, P. T., E. Stein, M. Tommasi (2003), "Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes, and Policy Outcomes”, An Intertemporal Transactions Framework.
  • TÜSİAD (2001), Türkiye'de Demokratikleşme Perspektifleri ve AB Kopenhag Siyasal Kriterleri, Rapor No: T/2001-05/3002001, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (2002), Bağımsız Düzenleyici Kurumlar ve Türkiye Uygulaması, Rapor No: T/2002-12/349, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (2003), Türkiye’de Düzenleyici Reformlar: Yaşamsal Dönüşüme Destek, Rapor No: T/2003/9/359, İstanbul.
  • Ulusoy, A., F. Oğuz (2007), “The Privatization of Electricity Distribution in Turkey: A Legal and Economic Analysis”, Energy Policy, 35(10), 5021-5034.
  • Voyvoda E., E. Yeldan (2001), “Patterns of Productivity Growth and the Wage Cycles in Turkish Manufacturing”, International Review of Applied Economics, 15(4), 375-396.


Year 2019, , 423 - 438, 26.09.2019


country's institutional structure is closely related to its economic
performance.  In this study, how economic
growth in Turkey is being influenced by the institutional structure is tried to
be explained, and especially after the 1980 period is discussed within the
framework of New Institutional Economics. Accordingly, the positive steps in
institutional change bring about an increase in investments and economic growth.
However, since institutional reforms in Turkey do not
have a continuity, the sustainability of economic growth is becoming
problematic. The 1990s are ruled by incompatible coalitions and in the
early 2000s Turkey suffered from painful crises. Increasing inclusive
institutionalism after these years are also positively reflected in the economy,
but this could not be sustained


  • Acemoğlu, D. (2003), “Why not a Political Coase Theorem? Social Conflict, Commitment, and Politics”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(4), 620-652.
  • Acemoğlu, D., S. Johnson, J. Robinson (2005), “Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-run Growth”, Handbook of Economic Growth, 1, 385-472.
  • Aron, J. (2000), "Growth and Institutions: A Review of the Evidence", The World Bank Research Observer, 15(1), 99-135.
  • Atiyas, İ. (2012), “Economic Institutions and Institutional Change in Turkey During the Neoliberal Era”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 47, 57-81.
  • Atiyas, İ., B. Oder (2008), Türkiye'de Özelleştirmenin Hukuk ve Ekonomisi, Ankara: TEPAV.
  • Aydın, S., Y. Taşkın (2014), 1960’dan Günümüze Türkiye Tarihi, 1. bs., İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık.
  • Çetin, T. (2007), “Devletin Ekonomiye Müdahalesinin Kurumsal Maliyeti”, Çimento İşveren Dergisi, 21(3), 38-54.
  • Çetin, T. (2010), “The Role of Institutions over Economic Change in Turkey”, Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach, ed. Tamer Çetin, Feridun Yılmaz, 21-39, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Çetin T., F. Yilmaz (2010), Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Çetin, T. (2011), “The Role of Institutions over Economic Change in Turkey”, Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach, ed. Tamer Çetin, Feridun Yılmaz, 21-39, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Çetin, T., F. Oğuz (2007), “The Politics of Regulation in the Turkish Electricity Market”, Energy Policy, 35(3), 1761-1770.
  • Çetin, T., F. Oğuz (2011), “Introduction: Regulation and Competition in Turkey”, The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey, ed. Tamer Çetin, Fuat Oğuz, 1-11, New York: Springer.
  • Ercan, M.R., Z. Öniş (2001), “Turkish Privatization: Institutions and Dilemmas”, Turkish Studies, 2(1), 109-34.
  • Heper, M. (2000), “The Ottoman Legacy and Turkish Politics”, Journal of International Affairs, 54(1), 63-82.
  • İliman, T., R. Tekeli (2016), “Türkiye’deki Düzenleyici ve Denetleyici Kuruluşlar: İdari Para Cezalarının Hukuksal Zeminlerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 23-36.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E., A.Y. Sarıbay (2007), Türkiye'de Politik Değişim ve Modernleşme, Alfa Basım Yayın.
  • Keyman, F. (2009), Küreselleşen Dünyada Türkiye ve Demokratikleşme: Süreçler, Sorunlar, Aktörler. Bilgesam Rapor No.7. E.T.: 02.02.2018.
  • Keyman, E.F., Z. Öniş (2007), Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations, Vol. 184, Bilgi University Press.
  • Khan, M. H. (2004), “State Failure in Developing Countries and Institutional Reform Strategies”, Toward Pro-Poor Policies, Aid, Institutions, and Globalization, ed. Bertil Tungodden, Nicholas Herbert Stern, Ivar Kolstad, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington, Oxford: the World Bank, Oxford University Press: 165-195.
  • Khan, M.H. (2007), “Governance and Growth: A Preliminary Report, E.T.: 01.07.2019.
  • Kibritçioğlu, A. (2001), “Economic Crisis and the Governments in Turkey, 1969-2001”, Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, 1(7), 174-182.
  • Mardin, Ş. (2000), “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key in the Turkish Politics”, Political Change and Modernization in Turkey, ed. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu and Ali Yaşar Sarıbay, 79-104, İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Ménard, C., M.M. Shirley (2005), Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Vol. 9, Dordrecht: Springer.
  • North, D.C. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • North, D.C. (2005), Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • OECD (2002a), Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries: From Interventionism to Regulatory Governance, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • OECD (2002b), OECD Economic Surveys: Turkey 2002, Paris: OECD Publishing Press.
  • OECD (2008), OECD Economic Surveys: Turkey 2008, Paris: OECD Publishing Press.
  • Olson, M. K. (1999), “Agency Rulemaking, Political Influences, Regulation, and Industry Compliance”, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15(3), 573-601.
  • Öniş, Z. (2003), “Domestic Politics versus Global Dynamics: Towards a Political Economy of the 2000 and 2001 Financial Crises in Turkey”, The Turkish Economy in Crisis, ed. Ziya Öniş, Barry Rubin, 1-30, London: Frank Cass.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2010), “Economic Growth and Institutional Change in Turkey before 1980”, Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Analysis, ed. Tamer Çetin and Feridun Yılmaz, 15-30, New York: NOVA Science Publishers.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2016), Türkiye'nin 200 Yıllık İktisadi Tarihi: Büyüme, Kurumlar ve Bölüşüm, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2019), “Türkiye’de 1980 Sonrası İktisadi Politika ve Kurumların Evrimi”, İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi, 100, 7-11.
  • Rawdanowicz, Ł. (2010), “The 2008-09 Crisis in Turkey: Performance, Policy Responses and Challenges for Sustaining the Recovery”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No.819.
  • Rodrik, D. (2000), "Institutions for High-Quality Growth: What They Are and How to Acquire Them", Studies in Comparative International Development, 35(3), 3-31.
  • Spiller, P. T., M. Tommasi (2003), "The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy: A Transactions Approach with Application to Argentina", Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 19(2), 281-306.
  • Spiller, P. T., E. Stein, M. Tommasi (2003), "Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes, and Policy Outcomes”, An Intertemporal Transactions Framework.
  • TÜSİAD (2001), Türkiye'de Demokratikleşme Perspektifleri ve AB Kopenhag Siyasal Kriterleri, Rapor No: T/2001-05/3002001, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (2002), Bağımsız Düzenleyici Kurumlar ve Türkiye Uygulaması, Rapor No: T/2002-12/349, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (2003), Türkiye’de Düzenleyici Reformlar: Yaşamsal Dönüşüme Destek, Rapor No: T/2003/9/359, İstanbul.
  • Ulusoy, A., F. Oğuz (2007), “The Privatization of Electricity Distribution in Turkey: A Legal and Economic Analysis”, Energy Policy, 35(10), 5021-5034.
  • Voyvoda E., E. Yeldan (2001), “Patterns of Productivity Growth and the Wage Cycles in Turkish Manufacturing”, International Review of Applied Economics, 15(4), 375-396.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yıldırım Beyazıt Çiçen 0000-0002-3425-280X

Publication Date September 26, 2019
Submission Date June 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Çiçen, Y. B. (2019). TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(3), 423-438.
AMA Çiçen YB. TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. September 2019;37(3):423-438. doi:10.17065/huniibf.437925
Chicago Çiçen, Yıldırım Beyazıt. “TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 37, no. 3 (September 2019): 423-38.
EndNote Çiçen YB (September 1, 2019) TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 37 3 423–438.
IEEE Y. B. Çiçen, “TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 423–438, 2019, doi: 10.17065/huniibf.437925.
ISNAD Çiçen, Yıldırım Beyazıt. “TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 37/3 (September 2019), 423-438.
JAMA Çiçen YB. TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;37:423–438.
MLA Çiçen, Yıldırım Beyazıt. “TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 37, no. 3, 2019, pp. 423-38, doi:10.17065/huniibf.437925.
Vancouver Çiçen YB. TÜRKİYE’NİN 1980 SONRASI KURUMSAL YAPISINDAKİ DEĞİŞİMİ VE EKONOMİK SONUÇLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;37(3):423-38.

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