Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Scientific Research Ethics
Scientific methods are used in obtaining, analyzing and interpreting data and reaching conclusions. Unscientific results cannot be presented as research results.
While conducting research, national and international agreements must be adhered to and permission must be obtained from the competent authorities.
The data obtained in the studies should be used to the extent and in the manner authorized by the authorities. Data that should not be presented should remain confidential.
Researchers are obliged to notify the relevant persons and institutions of any negative situations that may occur as a result of the research. Each researcher has the right not to participate in the research due to these negative situations that may occur.
Statement of Research and Publication Ethics
Persons who have not made any contribution to the work during the scientific research and writing phase should not be listed as authors.
The author(s) should avoid unethical behaviors such as irresponsible authorship, piracy, fabrication, multiple publications, divisional publication, biased sources, biased publication, violation of human-animal ethics.
The author(s) should follow the citation system specified in the journal during the writing of the candidate article.
Unpublished or unpresented work should not be cited as a source.
All or part of any work may not be published without permission or reference (plagiarism).
The author(s) should indicate the financial sources of the study, if any.
İçtimaiyat Journal shows its sensitivity to research and publication ethics by adhering to national and international standards. The legal and ethical principles we comply with in this context are as follows: Press Law (a), Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (b) and Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive (c). In addition, the ethical principles to be followed in scientific publishing published by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME are the rules that the journal adheres to in terms of research and publication ethics.
Authors' Responsibilities
Authenticity: Articles uploaded to the Journal of İçtimaiyat must be original. The article must not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
Author Contributions: All contributors to the article should be listed as authors and the contribution of each author should be clearly identified.
Ethics Committee Approval: For research involving human or animal subjects, approval must be obtained from the relevant ethics committee and this approval must be indicated in the articles.
Conflict of Interest: Authors should inform the journal that they have no conflict of interest (if any) related to their article.
Accessibility of Data: The data contained in the article must be made accessible to third parties upon reasonable request.
Respect for Peer Review: Authors should respect the reviewers’ feedback and make necessary corrections.
Peer Review Ethics
Reviewers should be experts in the fields addressed by the candidate article
Reviewers are obliged to criticize objectively and openly. They should not act in line with their own personal interests/opinions and should refuse to act as a reviewer if necessary.
Reviewers should keep in mind that the articles are personal and should not be shared with third parties during the review process.
Reviewers should not transfer information for their own works from the candidate article in the review process and should not pursue any academic/personal interest.
Reviewers should provide clear and detailed reasons for their rejection of candidate atricles.
Reviewers should also consider the Journal’s rules on scientific research and publication ethics.
Editor Ethics
The Editor is obliged to appoint at least two reviewers appropriate to the subject of the candidate article.
The Editor should ensure communication between the reviewer(s) and the corresponding author, taking into account the blind review process.
The Editor should maintain transparent and objective relations without discriminating between any author and reviewer.
The Editors should not use their position for their own personal and academic interests.
The Editor should provide clear and detailed reasons for their rejection.
The Editor should also consider scientific research, publication and reviewer ethics.

Last Update Time: 4/5/24, 1:13:35 PM

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