Research Article
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Courtyard in Contemporary Multi-Unit Housing: Residential Quality with Sustainability and Sense of Community

Year 2021, , 802 - 826, 28.09.2021


Courtyard is an important element, a representation of success in social sustainability and architectural quality. The philosophy of courtyard within the urban fabric is an expression of cohesion and community. While courtyard typology sustains in some urban patterns with an adaptation, this continuum has not been achieved in some contexts. Vernacular architecture had to face several challenges and courtyard typology was replaced with profitable mass housing without previous spatial codes at the expense of the human needs and values that guide design decisions. In this context, this paper aims to provide sustainability of the courtyard in contemporary housing with an adaptation such as after-war Syria redevelopment in order to provide a socio-spatial quality and sustainability. The study reviews the sense of courtyard for residential areas and examines the reasons for the absence of this element in contemporary multi-unit housing. Moreover, this study analyses housing examples with courtyard from different periods of Vienna with cause-effect relationship. The study concludes that Vienna has provided a wealth of innovative experimentations of courtyard in contemporary housing successfully which can lead new housing dynamics in urban contexts such as Syria.


  • Abass, F., Ismail, L. H., & Solla, M. (2016). A review of courtyard house: history evolution forms, and functions. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(4), 2557-2563. ‏ Alic, D., & Jadric, M. (2019). AT HOME IN VIENNA| Zu Hause in Wien: Studies of exemplary affordabel housing| Eine Studie und Sammlung geförderter Wiener Wohnbauten (Vol. 1). TU Wien Academic Press.
  • Al-Jokhadar, A., & Jabi, W. (2016). Towards a ‘Contemporary Vernacular’ high-rise residential development in the Middle-East and North-Africa: Learning from the Socio-Spatial qualities of the vernacular model. Amman, Jordan.
  • AllesWirdGut. (n.d.). Retrieved from WAS– Social Housing, 170 Units: Al-Najem, I. (2015, November 07). The Shami wedding... ululating, "Hanahin" and Henna. Retrieved from E-Syria: site=damascus&p=stories&category=community&filename=201501071718591
  • Al-Sabouni, M. (2017). From a model of peace to a model of conflict: The effect of architectural modernization on the Syrian urban and social make-up. International Review of the Red Cross, 99(906), 1019-1036. Doi:10.1017/S181638311900002X
  • Al-Sabouni, M., & Scruton, R. (2016). The Battle for Home: The Vision of a Young Architect in Syria. Thames & Hudson; Illustrated edition.
  • Architekturzentrum Wien. (2003, September 14). Next Room. Retrieved July 16, 2021, from Wohnregal Helmut Wimmer - Wien (A) - 1999: Architekturzentrum Wien. (2008, June 08). Next Room. Retrieved July 16, 2021, from Wohnhaus Welingergasse Jadric Architektur - Wien (A) - 2007:
  • Ayçam, İ., Akalp, S., & Görgülü, L. S. (2020). The application of courtyard and settlement layouts of the traditional Diyarbakır houses to contemporary houses: A case study on the analysis of energy performance. Energies, 13(3), 587.
  • Aycam, I., & Varshabi, N. (2016). The analysis of form, settlement pattern and envelope alternatives on building cooling loads in traditional Yazd houses of Iran. Gazi University Journal of Science, 29(3), 503-514.
  • Bently, I., Alcock, A., Murrain, P., McGlynn, S., & Smith, G. (1985). Responsive environments A manual for designers. Oxford.
  • Competition line. (2012, October 30). Retrieved July 16, 2021, from Wohnanlage Sonnwendviertel II - Smart Wohnen:
  • Edwards, B., Sibley, M., Hakmi , M., & Land, P. (2006). Courtyard Housing : Past,Present, Future. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Fathy, H. (2010). Architecture for the poor: an experiment in rural Egypt. University of Chicago press. ‏ Fierlinger, T. (2016). Der Wiener kommunale Wohnbau der Nachkriegszeit am Beispiel der Per-Albin-Hansson Siedlung West (Doctoral dissertation, Wien).
  • GIBBONS, A. (2019, MAY 25). Red vıenna, a vısıon of housıng. Retrieved from MAY 25, 2019:
  • Hassan, S. A., & Resen, M. J. (2018). The transformations in the urban fabric of traditional city centers (Lebanese Experience: Case Study). KnE Engineering, 1-15.
  • Hatipoğlu, H. K., & Aytekin, Ç. K. Mimaride tasarım kodları ve anlamsal sürdürlebilirlik: Dil, Bellek ve Kimlik Tartışması. İdealkent, 11(31), 1676-1698. ‏ Jacobs, J. (1992). The death and life of great American cities. 1961. New York: Vintage.
  • Kandakji, L. (2013). التحولات التصميمية للعمارة السكنية السورية منذ عهد الاستقلال وحتى وقتنا الحالي مدينة حلب حالة دراسية [Design Transformations of Residential Architecture In the Syrian Cities since Independence Till Now : Case study : Aleppo City ].University of Aleppo.
  • Khalili, S. (2012). The Courtyard House Using cultural references of the past as an alternative to Ottawa's current housing typologies. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University.
  • Lee, M.-S., & Park, Y. (2015). The Courtyard as a Microcosm of Everyday Life and Social Interaction. Archıtectural Research, 17(2), 65-74. Doi:
  • Makboul, D. (2016). المدينة العربية الحديثة قراءة سوسيو لسانية في أعراض التمدن[The Modern Arab CityA Socio-Linguistic Reading of Symptoms of Urbanization Phenomena]. Omran. DOI: 10.12816/002756
  • Mansour, H. (2015). The lost identity of the city: The case of Damascus. In CITTA 8 th Annual Conference on Planning Research AESOP TG Public Spaces & Urban Cultures Event (p.1-20). ‏ Monterumisi, C., & Porotto, A. (2017). Why can’t we lıve together? Stockholm–Vienna’s large courtyard blocks. AMPS Proceedings Series 10, 10(CONF). ‏ Nasar, J. L., & Julian, D. A. (1995). The psychological sense of community in the neighborhood. Journal of the American Planning Association, 61(2), 178-184.
  • Nikeghbali, S. (2017). Adapting design principles of traditional courtyard housing for future urban design. Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(6). ‏ Pelleteret, L. (2020). “Housing is a Human Right, Not a Business”. Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère. doi:DOI: 10.4000/craup.5202
  • Petruccioli, A. (2007). After Amnesia. Learning from the Islamic Mediterranean Urban Fabric. ICAR. Pomeroy, J. (2020). Cities of opportunities connecting culture and innovation. London. doi:
  • Porotto , A. (2019). Wealth of Typological Solutions from the Twenties: Vienna and Frankfurt. II Congreso Internacional Cultura y Ciudad. La Casa. Espacios domésticos, modos de habitar. Granada, Spain: ETSAG Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Granada. Retrieved from
  • Porotto, A. (2016). Utopia and Vision. Learning from Vienna and Frankfurt. Joelho, 84-103. doi:10.14195/1647-8681_7_7
  • Porotto, A. (2017). Kleinwohnung vs Existenzminimum: Social housing types from inter-war years. In ATINER'S Conference Paper Series (No. CONF). Athens Institute for Education and Research.‏
  • Quer kraft. (n.d.). Wood Housing Seestadt Aspern / Berger+Parkkinen Architekten + Querkraft. Retrieved from
  • Salman, M. (2018). Sustainability and vernacular architecture: Rethinking what identity is. In Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation within Sustainability. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.82025
  • Tafuri, M. (1985). Architettura e Realismo. In V. Magnago Lampugnani (Ed.), Architettura moderna: L’avventura delle idee 1750-1980, (p.123-145). Milano: Electa
  • Taleghani, M. (2014). Dwelling on courtyards exploring the energy efficiency and comfort potential of courtyards for dwellings in the Netherlands.
  • Trans City. (n.d.). Retrieved from Stavangergasse zwei+plus: An intergenerational network:
  • Wien Geschichte Wiki. (2021, April 24). Retrieved July 16, 2021, from George-Washington-Hof:
  • Wohnfonds_wien. (2018, November). Wohnfonds_wien. Retrieved from sonnwendviertel subsidised living in a new urban district: _web.pdf
  • Zein Alabidin, M. (2010, March 9). The courtyard houses of Syria. Retrieved from Muslim heritage:

Günümüz Çok Katlı Konut Alanlarında Avlu: Sürdürülebilirlik ve Güçlü Topluluk Hissi ile Oluşturulan Kaliteli Yaşam Alanları

Year 2021, , 802 - 826, 28.09.2021


Avlu, sosyal sürdürülebilirlik ve mimari kalitedeki başarının bir temsili olarak önemli bir tasarım unsurdur. Kent dokusu içerisinde avlu, felsefik olarak sosyal uyum ve topluluğun bir ifadesidir. Avlu tipolojisi bazı kent morfolojilerinde bir uyarlama ile varlığını sürdürürken, bazı bağlamlarda bu süreklilik sağlanamamıştır. Çeşitli dönüşümlerle konut çeşitli zorluklarla yüzleşmek zorunda kalmış ve avlu tipolojisi, tasarım kararlarını yönlendiren insan ihtiyaçları ve değerlerinin yok olması pahasına ve rant uğruna kopukluğa uğrayan mekansal kodlarla farklı konut biçimlerine evrilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bu makale, sosyo-mekânsal bir kalite ve sürdürülebilirlik sağlamak için savaş sonrası Suriye güncel çok katlı konut alanlarının yeniden yapılandırılması gibi bağlamlarda avlu tipolojisinin adaptasyonla devamının sağlanmasına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, konut alanları için avlu olgusunun önemini vurgularken, çağdaş konutlarda bu unsurun kayboluşunun nedenlerini de ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, bu çalışma, bir mimari kod olarak avlu tipolojisini yaratıcı bir süreklilik ve adaptasyon ile ortaya koyan Viyana şehrinin farklı dönemlerine ait avlulu konut örneklerini neden-sonuç ilişkisi ile analiz etmektedir. Çağdaş konutlarda başarılı ve yaratıcı avlu deneyimlerinin ve bu sürdürülebilirliğin somut olarak ortaya konması ile Viyana'nın, Suriye gibi bağlamlarda güncel konut dinamiklerine yön verme potansiyelini açığa çıkarırken nasıl sağlanabileceği konusunda rehber niteliğindedir.


  • Abass, F., Ismail, L. H., & Solla, M. (2016). A review of courtyard house: history evolution forms, and functions. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(4), 2557-2563. ‏ Alic, D., & Jadric, M. (2019). AT HOME IN VIENNA| Zu Hause in Wien: Studies of exemplary affordabel housing| Eine Studie und Sammlung geförderter Wiener Wohnbauten (Vol. 1). TU Wien Academic Press.
  • Al-Jokhadar, A., & Jabi, W. (2016). Towards a ‘Contemporary Vernacular’ high-rise residential development in the Middle-East and North-Africa: Learning from the Socio-Spatial qualities of the vernacular model. Amman, Jordan.
  • AllesWirdGut. (n.d.). Retrieved from WAS– Social Housing, 170 Units: Al-Najem, I. (2015, November 07). The Shami wedding... ululating, "Hanahin" and Henna. Retrieved from E-Syria: site=damascus&p=stories&category=community&filename=201501071718591
  • Al-Sabouni, M. (2017). From a model of peace to a model of conflict: The effect of architectural modernization on the Syrian urban and social make-up. International Review of the Red Cross, 99(906), 1019-1036. Doi:10.1017/S181638311900002X
  • Al-Sabouni, M., & Scruton, R. (2016). The Battle for Home: The Vision of a Young Architect in Syria. Thames & Hudson; Illustrated edition.
  • Architekturzentrum Wien. (2003, September 14). Next Room. Retrieved July 16, 2021, from Wohnregal Helmut Wimmer - Wien (A) - 1999: Architekturzentrum Wien. (2008, June 08). Next Room. Retrieved July 16, 2021, from Wohnhaus Welingergasse Jadric Architektur - Wien (A) - 2007:
  • Ayçam, İ., Akalp, S., & Görgülü, L. S. (2020). The application of courtyard and settlement layouts of the traditional Diyarbakır houses to contemporary houses: A case study on the analysis of energy performance. Energies, 13(3), 587.
  • Aycam, I., & Varshabi, N. (2016). The analysis of form, settlement pattern and envelope alternatives on building cooling loads in traditional Yazd houses of Iran. Gazi University Journal of Science, 29(3), 503-514.
  • Bently, I., Alcock, A., Murrain, P., McGlynn, S., & Smith, G. (1985). Responsive environments A manual for designers. Oxford.
  • Competition line. (2012, October 30). Retrieved July 16, 2021, from Wohnanlage Sonnwendviertel II - Smart Wohnen:
  • Edwards, B., Sibley, M., Hakmi , M., & Land, P. (2006). Courtyard Housing : Past,Present, Future. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Fathy, H. (2010). Architecture for the poor: an experiment in rural Egypt. University of Chicago press. ‏ Fierlinger, T. (2016). Der Wiener kommunale Wohnbau der Nachkriegszeit am Beispiel der Per-Albin-Hansson Siedlung West (Doctoral dissertation, Wien).
  • GIBBONS, A. (2019, MAY 25). Red vıenna, a vısıon of housıng. Retrieved from MAY 25, 2019:
  • Hassan, S. A., & Resen, M. J. (2018). The transformations in the urban fabric of traditional city centers (Lebanese Experience: Case Study). KnE Engineering, 1-15.
  • Hatipoğlu, H. K., & Aytekin, Ç. K. Mimaride tasarım kodları ve anlamsal sürdürlebilirlik: Dil, Bellek ve Kimlik Tartışması. İdealkent, 11(31), 1676-1698. ‏ Jacobs, J. (1992). The death and life of great American cities. 1961. New York: Vintage.
  • Kandakji, L. (2013). التحولات التصميمية للعمارة السكنية السورية منذ عهد الاستقلال وحتى وقتنا الحالي مدينة حلب حالة دراسية [Design Transformations of Residential Architecture In the Syrian Cities since Independence Till Now : Case study : Aleppo City ].University of Aleppo.
  • Khalili, S. (2012). The Courtyard House Using cultural references of the past as an alternative to Ottawa's current housing typologies. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University.
  • Lee, M.-S., & Park, Y. (2015). The Courtyard as a Microcosm of Everyday Life and Social Interaction. Archıtectural Research, 17(2), 65-74. Doi:
  • Makboul, D. (2016). المدينة العربية الحديثة قراءة سوسيو لسانية في أعراض التمدن[The Modern Arab CityA Socio-Linguistic Reading of Symptoms of Urbanization Phenomena]. Omran. DOI: 10.12816/002756
  • Mansour, H. (2015). The lost identity of the city: The case of Damascus. In CITTA 8 th Annual Conference on Planning Research AESOP TG Public Spaces & Urban Cultures Event (p.1-20). ‏ Monterumisi, C., & Porotto, A. (2017). Why can’t we lıve together? Stockholm–Vienna’s large courtyard blocks. AMPS Proceedings Series 10, 10(CONF). ‏ Nasar, J. L., & Julian, D. A. (1995). The psychological sense of community in the neighborhood. Journal of the American Planning Association, 61(2), 178-184.
  • Nikeghbali, S. (2017). Adapting design principles of traditional courtyard housing for future urban design. Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(6). ‏ Pelleteret, L. (2020). “Housing is a Human Right, Not a Business”. Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère. doi:DOI: 10.4000/craup.5202
  • Petruccioli, A. (2007). After Amnesia. Learning from the Islamic Mediterranean Urban Fabric. ICAR. Pomeroy, J. (2020). Cities of opportunities connecting culture and innovation. London. doi:
  • Porotto , A. (2019). Wealth of Typological Solutions from the Twenties: Vienna and Frankfurt. II Congreso Internacional Cultura y Ciudad. La Casa. Espacios domésticos, modos de habitar. Granada, Spain: ETSAG Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Granada. Retrieved from
  • Porotto, A. (2016). Utopia and Vision. Learning from Vienna and Frankfurt. Joelho, 84-103. doi:10.14195/1647-8681_7_7
  • Porotto, A. (2017). Kleinwohnung vs Existenzminimum: Social housing types from inter-war years. In ATINER'S Conference Paper Series (No. CONF). Athens Institute for Education and Research.‏
  • Quer kraft. (n.d.). Wood Housing Seestadt Aspern / Berger+Parkkinen Architekten + Querkraft. Retrieved from
  • Salman, M. (2018). Sustainability and vernacular architecture: Rethinking what identity is. In Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation within Sustainability. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.82025
  • Tafuri, M. (1985). Architettura e Realismo. In V. Magnago Lampugnani (Ed.), Architettura moderna: L’avventura delle idee 1750-1980, (p.123-145). Milano: Electa
  • Taleghani, M. (2014). Dwelling on courtyards exploring the energy efficiency and comfort potential of courtyards for dwellings in the Netherlands.
  • Trans City. (n.d.). Retrieved from Stavangergasse zwei+plus: An intergenerational network:
  • Wien Geschichte Wiki. (2021, April 24). Retrieved July 16, 2021, from George-Washington-Hof:
  • Wohnfonds_wien. (2018, November). Wohnfonds_wien. Retrieved from sonnwendviertel subsidised living in a new urban district: _web.pdf
  • Zein Alabidin, M. (2010, March 9). The courtyard houses of Syria. Retrieved from Muslim heritage:
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Kalfaoğlu Hatipoğlu 0000-0002-0716-7431

Shorouk Mohammad 0000-0003-4577-8126

Publication Date September 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kalfaoğlu Hatipoğlu, H., & Mohammad, S. (2021). Courtyard in Contemporary Multi-Unit Housing: Residential Quality with Sustainability and Sense of Community. İDEALKENT, 12(33), 802-826.