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Çin’in Nükleer Askeri Stratejisi ve Ulusal Güvenliği

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 151 - 185, 08.04.2016


Düşmana dayanılmaz zararlar verebilme kapasitesine sahip olan nükleer silahlar 1945 yılından günümüze, uluslararası politikanın temel meselelerinden biridir. 1945 yılında yalnızca ABD nükleer silahlara sahipken, bu tarihten sonra nükleer silaha sahip devletlerin sayısı artmıştır. Nükleer silaha sahip devletler, materyal kapasiteleri ve uluslararası politikadaki konumlarıyla uyumlu bir şekilde inandırıcı ve etkili bir nükleer caydırıcılık oluşturabilmek için optimal nükleer askeri stratejiyi belirlemeye çalışmışlardır. İlk nükleer denemesini 1964 yılında gerçekleştiren Çin, ulusal bütünlüğünü korumak ve güvenliğini sağlamak amacıyla hem nükleer kapasitesini arttırmaya hem de en uygun nükleer caydırıcılık stratejisini geliştirmeye gayret etmiştir. Ancak Çinli yetkililer, 1980’lerin ortalarına değin tutarlı ve müstakil bir nükleer askeri strateji geliştirememiştir. Çalışmada Çin’in nükleer askeri stratejisi ve kapasitesi, Alastair Iain Johnston tarafından işlemsel hale getirilen sınırlı caydırıcılık kavramsallaştırması çerçevesinde ele alınacaktır. Bu bağlamda nükleer caydırıcılık stratejisinin, Çin’in ulusal güvenlik meseleleri üzerindeki etkisi analiz edilecektir.


Anahtar Kelimeler: Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, Nükleer Silahlar, Caydırıcılık, Sınırlı Caydırıcılık.


  • Kitaplar
  • CHAPMAN, Bert, Military Doctrine A Reference Handbook, Praeger Press, California, 2009.
  • FISHER Jr., Richard D., China’s Military Modernization Building for Regional and Global Reach, Praeger Security International, New York, 2008.
  • JIAN, Chen, Mao’s China and the Cold War, The University of North Carolina Press, North Caroline, 2001.
  • KARACA, Kutay, Dünyadaki Yeni Güç Çin: Tek Kutuptan Çift Kutuba,, IQ Kültüre Sanat Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2004.
  • LUTHI, Lorenz M., The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2008.
  • MCMAHON, Robert J., The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction, The Oxford University Press, New York, 2003.
  • MORGAN, Patrick M., Deterrence Now, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2003.
  • POSEN, Barry R., Sources of Military Doctrine France, Britain and Germany Between World Wars, Cornell University Press, New York, 1984.
  • POWEL, Robert, Nuclear Deterrence Theory The Search for Credibility, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.
  • SÖNMEZOĞLU, Faruk, Uluslararası Politika ve Dış Politika Analizi, 5. bs., Der Kitapevi, İstanbul, 2012.
  • Makaleler
  • CHALLENEY, Brahma, “The India-Pakistan-China Strategic Triangle and the Role of Nuclear Weapons”, Proliferation Papers, Winter 2002, s. 5-28.
  • CHASE, Michael S., “Chinese Theater and Strategic Missile Force Modernization and Its Implications”, The Journal of Strategic Studies, Cilt 32, No 1, February 2009, s. 67-114.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Thomas J., “The Meaning of the Nuclear Evolution China's Strategic Modernization and US-China”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Cilt 35, No 4, 2012, s. 447-487.
  • HARRIS, William R., “Chinese Nuclear Doctrine The Decade Prior to Weapons Development (1945-1955)”, The China Quarterly, No 21, January-March 1965, s. 87-95.
  • HSIEH, Alice Langley, “China's Nuclear-Missile Programme Regional or Intercontinental”, The China Quarterly, No 45, Jan.-Mar. 1971, s. 85-99.
  • HUA, Hongxun, “China’s Strategic Missile Programs Limited Aims Not “Limited Deterrence”, The Nonproliferation Review, Winter 1998, s. 60-68.
  • HUTH, Pau, Bruce RUSSETT, “General Deterrence Between Enduring Rivals Testing Three Competing Models”, The American Political Science Review, Cilt 87, No 1, March 1993, s. 61-73.
  • JOHNSTON, Alastair Iain, “China's New Old Thinking The Concept of Limited Deterrence”, International Security, Cilt 20, No 3, Winter 1995-1996, s. 4-42.
  • LAWRENCE, Susan V., Michael F. MARTIN, “Understanding China’s Political System”,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-41.
  • LEWIS, Jeffrey G., “Chinese Nuclear Posture And Force Modernization”, The Nonproliferation Review, Cilt 16, No 2, 2009, s. 197-209.
  • LEWIS, Jeffrey, “Chinese Views of Nuclear Weapons”, Adelphi Series, Cilt 54, No. 446, 2014, s. 13-42.
  • LO, James, “Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia: Theory and Practice”, International Journal, Cilt 58, No. 3, Summer 2003, s. 395-141.
  • MALIK, Mohan, “Nuclear Proliferation in Asia: The China Factor”, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Cilt 53, No. 1, 1999, s. 31-41.
  • MINOR, Michael S., “China's Nuclear Development Program”, Asian Survey, Cilt 16, No. 6, June 1976, s. 571-579.
  • MLM Revolutionary Study Group in the U.S., “Chinese Foreign Policy during the Maoist Era and its Lessons for Today”,, January 2007, (Erişim tarihi 15.10.2014).
  • NALEBUFF, Barry, “Minimal Nuclear Deterrence”, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Cilt 32, No. 3, Sep. 1988, s. 441-425.
  • PANDE, Savita, “Chinese nuclear doctrine”, Strategic Analysis, Cilt 23, No. 23, 2000, s. 2011-2035.
  • PAUL, T.V., “Chinese-Pakistani nuclear/missile ties and balance of power politics”, The Nonproliferation Review, Cilt 10, No. 2, 2003, s. 21-29.
  • RIQIANG, Wu, “Certainty of Uncertainty Nuclear Strategy with Chinese Characteristics”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Cilt 36, No 4, 2013, s. 579-614.
  • SAGAN, Scott D., “Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons Three Models in Search of a Bomb”, International Security, Cilt 21, No 3, Winter 1996-1997, s. 54-86.
  • TAYLOR, Fravel M., Evan S. MEDEIROS, “China's Search for Assured Retaliation: The Evolution of Chinese Nuclear Strategy and Force Structure”, International Security, Cilt 35, No. 2, 2011, s. 48-87.
  • WANG, Robert S., “China's Evolving Strategic Doctrines”, Asian Survey, Cilt 24, No. 10, Oct. 1984, s. 1040-1055.
  • YANG, Jian, “China’s Security Challenges: Priorities and Policy Implications”, The National Institute for Defense Studies (Tokyo-Japan),, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015), s. 142-159.
  • ZHANG, Baohui, “The Modernization of ChineseNuclear Forces and Its Impact on Sino-U.S. Relations”, Asian Affairs: An American Review, Cilt 34, No. 2, 2007, s. 87-100.
  • ZHANG, Baohui, “The Taiwan Strait and the Future of China's No-First-Use Nuclear Policy”, Comparative Strategy, Cilt 27, No. 2, 2008, s. 164-182.
  • ZHU, Mingquan, “The Evolution of China's Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy”, The Nonproliferation Review, Winter 1997, s. 40-48.
  • İnternet Siteleri
  • “Actively Promoting International Arms Control And Dıisarmament”, China: Arms Control and Disarmament (1995), Database/WhitePapers/2004-12/28/content_ 4002692.htm (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • AKÇADAĞ, Emine, “Doğu Çin Denizi’nde Gerginlik: Senkaku/Diaoyu Adaları Sorunu”, 13.10.2014, VYQHzBsVjIU, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “Arms Control and Disarmament, China's National Defense in 1998”,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “Building and Development of China's Armed Forces”, China's National Defense in 2015”,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “Commentary: Japan's New Defense Bills Pose Threat To Regional Peace”, People’s Daily, 15.05.2015, 0-8892851.html, (Erişim tarihi 21.06.2015).
  • “Country vs. Country: China and United States Compared: Military Stats,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “CTBT Treaty Text”,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • DUJARRIC, Robert, “Assessing Japan’s New Defense Policy Bills”, Diplomat, 04.06.2015,, (Erişim tarihi 21.06.2015).
  • KASIM, Kamer, “Güney Çin Denizi: Tehlikeli Sular”, 01.03.204,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • National Defense Policy, China's National Defense in 2000,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “National Defense Policy”, China's National Defense in 2006, 4364.htm (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “National Defense Policy”, China's National Defense in 2008, _17162883.htm, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “National Security Situation”, China's National Defense in 2015, (, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “Nuclear Testing Chronology”, /TestingChronology.shtml, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “Strategic Guideline of Active Defense”, China's National Defense in 2015, 4586711.htm, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “The Second Artillery Force”, China's National Defense in 2008, 4005744.htm (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • White paper outlines China's "active defense" strategy, People’s Daily, 26.05.2015,, (Erişim tarihi: 18.06.2015).
  • ZHAO, Tong, “Strategic Warning and China’s Nuclear Posture”, The Diplomat, 28.05.2015,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • Raporlar
  • “Armaments, Disarmament and International Security”, SIPRI Yearbook, (Erişim tarihi 15.10.2014), s. 1-24.
  • CHASE, Michael S., Jeffrey ENGSTROM, Tai Ming CHEUNG, Kristen A. GUNNESS, , Scott Warren HAROLD, Susan PUSKA, Samuel K. BERKOWITZ, China’s Incomplete Military Transformation Assessing the Weaknesses of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Rand Cooperation, 2015,'s%20Incomplete%20Military%20Transformation_2.11.15.pdf, (Erişim tarihi 19.06.2015), s. 1-184.
  • CORDESMAN, Anthony H., “Chinese Strategy and Military Power in 2014 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, and US Perspectives”, CSIS,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-515.
  • “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2014”, Department of Defence,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-87.
  • “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2013”, Department of Defence,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-83.
  • POLING, Gregory B., “The South China Sea in Focus Clarifying the Limits of Maritime Dispute”, CSIS, _SouthChinaSea_Web.pdf, (Erişim tarihi 15.06.2015), s. 1-29.

The Nuclear Military Strategy of China and Its National Security

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 151 - 185, 08.04.2016


Nuclear weapons, with their unbearable damage capacity, have been one of the fundamental issues of international politics since 1945. In 1945, only the USA had nuclear weapons but then, the number of nuclear weapon states has increased. Nuclear weapon states have tried to determine optimal nuclear military strategies in accordance with their material capacity and political situation in world politics so as to create a credible and effective nuclear deterrence. China, having made its first nuclear test in 1964, has sought for both improving its nuclear capability and making up for optimal nuclear deterrence strategy in order to secure its well-being.  However, Chinese officials could not develop a coherent and exclusive nuclear military strategy until the midst of 1980s. In this paper, Chinese nuclear military strategy and capability will be handled within the framework of limited deterrence outlined by Alastair Iain Johnston. In this sense, Chinese nuclear military strategy and its effects on Chinese national security issues will be analyzed in terms of limited deterrence.


Keywords: People’s Republic of China, Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence, Limited Deterrence.


  • Kitaplar
  • CHAPMAN, Bert, Military Doctrine A Reference Handbook, Praeger Press, California, 2009.
  • FISHER Jr., Richard D., China’s Military Modernization Building for Regional and Global Reach, Praeger Security International, New York, 2008.
  • JIAN, Chen, Mao’s China and the Cold War, The University of North Carolina Press, North Caroline, 2001.
  • KARACA, Kutay, Dünyadaki Yeni Güç Çin: Tek Kutuptan Çift Kutuba,, IQ Kültüre Sanat Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2004.
  • LUTHI, Lorenz M., The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2008.
  • MCMAHON, Robert J., The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction, The Oxford University Press, New York, 2003.
  • MORGAN, Patrick M., Deterrence Now, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2003.
  • POSEN, Barry R., Sources of Military Doctrine France, Britain and Germany Between World Wars, Cornell University Press, New York, 1984.
  • POWEL, Robert, Nuclear Deterrence Theory The Search for Credibility, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.
  • SÖNMEZOĞLU, Faruk, Uluslararası Politika ve Dış Politika Analizi, 5. bs., Der Kitapevi, İstanbul, 2012.
  • Makaleler
  • CHALLENEY, Brahma, “The India-Pakistan-China Strategic Triangle and the Role of Nuclear Weapons”, Proliferation Papers, Winter 2002, s. 5-28.
  • CHASE, Michael S., “Chinese Theater and Strategic Missile Force Modernization and Its Implications”, The Journal of Strategic Studies, Cilt 32, No 1, February 2009, s. 67-114.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Thomas J., “The Meaning of the Nuclear Evolution China's Strategic Modernization and US-China”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Cilt 35, No 4, 2012, s. 447-487.
  • HARRIS, William R., “Chinese Nuclear Doctrine The Decade Prior to Weapons Development (1945-1955)”, The China Quarterly, No 21, January-March 1965, s. 87-95.
  • HSIEH, Alice Langley, “China's Nuclear-Missile Programme Regional or Intercontinental”, The China Quarterly, No 45, Jan.-Mar. 1971, s. 85-99.
  • HUA, Hongxun, “China’s Strategic Missile Programs Limited Aims Not “Limited Deterrence”, The Nonproliferation Review, Winter 1998, s. 60-68.
  • HUTH, Pau, Bruce RUSSETT, “General Deterrence Between Enduring Rivals Testing Three Competing Models”, The American Political Science Review, Cilt 87, No 1, March 1993, s. 61-73.
  • JOHNSTON, Alastair Iain, “China's New Old Thinking The Concept of Limited Deterrence”, International Security, Cilt 20, No 3, Winter 1995-1996, s. 4-42.
  • LAWRENCE, Susan V., Michael F. MARTIN, “Understanding China’s Political System”,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-41.
  • LEWIS, Jeffrey G., “Chinese Nuclear Posture And Force Modernization”, The Nonproliferation Review, Cilt 16, No 2, 2009, s. 197-209.
  • LEWIS, Jeffrey, “Chinese Views of Nuclear Weapons”, Adelphi Series, Cilt 54, No. 446, 2014, s. 13-42.
  • LO, James, “Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia: Theory and Practice”, International Journal, Cilt 58, No. 3, Summer 2003, s. 395-141.
  • MALIK, Mohan, “Nuclear Proliferation in Asia: The China Factor”, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Cilt 53, No. 1, 1999, s. 31-41.
  • MINOR, Michael S., “China's Nuclear Development Program”, Asian Survey, Cilt 16, No. 6, June 1976, s. 571-579.
  • MLM Revolutionary Study Group in the U.S., “Chinese Foreign Policy during the Maoist Era and its Lessons for Today”,, January 2007, (Erişim tarihi 15.10.2014).
  • NALEBUFF, Barry, “Minimal Nuclear Deterrence”, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Cilt 32, No. 3, Sep. 1988, s. 441-425.
  • PANDE, Savita, “Chinese nuclear doctrine”, Strategic Analysis, Cilt 23, No. 23, 2000, s. 2011-2035.
  • PAUL, T.V., “Chinese-Pakistani nuclear/missile ties and balance of power politics”, The Nonproliferation Review, Cilt 10, No. 2, 2003, s. 21-29.
  • RIQIANG, Wu, “Certainty of Uncertainty Nuclear Strategy with Chinese Characteristics”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Cilt 36, No 4, 2013, s. 579-614.
  • SAGAN, Scott D., “Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons Three Models in Search of a Bomb”, International Security, Cilt 21, No 3, Winter 1996-1997, s. 54-86.
  • TAYLOR, Fravel M., Evan S. MEDEIROS, “China's Search for Assured Retaliation: The Evolution of Chinese Nuclear Strategy and Force Structure”, International Security, Cilt 35, No. 2, 2011, s. 48-87.
  • WANG, Robert S., “China's Evolving Strategic Doctrines”, Asian Survey, Cilt 24, No. 10, Oct. 1984, s. 1040-1055.
  • YANG, Jian, “China’s Security Challenges: Priorities and Policy Implications”, The National Institute for Defense Studies (Tokyo-Japan),, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015), s. 142-159.
  • ZHANG, Baohui, “The Modernization of ChineseNuclear Forces and Its Impact on Sino-U.S. Relations”, Asian Affairs: An American Review, Cilt 34, No. 2, 2007, s. 87-100.
  • ZHANG, Baohui, “The Taiwan Strait and the Future of China's No-First-Use Nuclear Policy”, Comparative Strategy, Cilt 27, No. 2, 2008, s. 164-182.
  • ZHU, Mingquan, “The Evolution of China's Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy”, The Nonproliferation Review, Winter 1997, s. 40-48.
  • İnternet Siteleri
  • “Actively Promoting International Arms Control And Dıisarmament”, China: Arms Control and Disarmament (1995), Database/WhitePapers/2004-12/28/content_ 4002692.htm (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • AKÇADAĞ, Emine, “Doğu Çin Denizi’nde Gerginlik: Senkaku/Diaoyu Adaları Sorunu”, 13.10.2014, VYQHzBsVjIU, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “Arms Control and Disarmament, China's National Defense in 1998”,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “Building and Development of China's Armed Forces”, China's National Defense in 2015”,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “Commentary: Japan's New Defense Bills Pose Threat To Regional Peace”, People’s Daily, 15.05.2015, 0-8892851.html, (Erişim tarihi 21.06.2015).
  • “Country vs. Country: China and United States Compared: Military Stats,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “CTBT Treaty Text”,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • DUJARRIC, Robert, “Assessing Japan’s New Defense Policy Bills”, Diplomat, 04.06.2015,, (Erişim tarihi 21.06.2015).
  • KASIM, Kamer, “Güney Çin Denizi: Tehlikeli Sular”, 01.03.204,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • National Defense Policy, China's National Defense in 2000,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “National Defense Policy”, China's National Defense in 2006, 4364.htm (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “National Defense Policy”, China's National Defense in 2008, _17162883.htm, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “National Security Situation”, China's National Defense in 2015, (, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “Nuclear Testing Chronology”, /TestingChronology.shtml, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • “Strategic Guideline of Active Defense”, China's National Defense in 2015, 4586711.htm, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • “The Second Artillery Force”, China's National Defense in 2008, 4005744.htm (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015).
  • White paper outlines China's "active defense" strategy, People’s Daily, 26.05.2015,, (Erişim tarihi: 18.06.2015).
  • ZHAO, Tong, “Strategic Warning and China’s Nuclear Posture”, The Diplomat, 28.05.2015,, (Erişim tarihi 18.06.2015).
  • Raporlar
  • “Armaments, Disarmament and International Security”, SIPRI Yearbook, (Erişim tarihi 15.10.2014), s. 1-24.
  • CHASE, Michael S., Jeffrey ENGSTROM, Tai Ming CHEUNG, Kristen A. GUNNESS, , Scott Warren HAROLD, Susan PUSKA, Samuel K. BERKOWITZ, China’s Incomplete Military Transformation Assessing the Weaknesses of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Rand Cooperation, 2015,'s%20Incomplete%20Military%20Transformation_2.11.15.pdf, (Erişim tarihi 19.06.2015), s. 1-184.
  • CORDESMAN, Anthony H., “Chinese Strategy and Military Power in 2014 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, and US Perspectives”, CSIS,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-515.
  • “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2014”, Department of Defence,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-87.
  • “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2013”, Department of Defence,, (Erişim tarihi 19.02.2015), s. 1-83.
  • POLING, Gregory B., “The South China Sea in Focus Clarifying the Limits of Maritime Dispute”, CSIS, _SouthChinaSea_Web.pdf, (Erişim tarihi 15.06.2015), s. 1-29.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Samet Yılmaz

Publication Date April 8, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Yılmaz, S. (2016). Çin’in Nükleer Askeri Stratejisi ve Ulusal Güvenliği. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 151-185.

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