Works that is prepared in accordance with the following writing rules can be included in the reviewer evaluation process:
Publication language is English.
The length of a study should not exceed 5000 words in quantitative studies, 8000 words in qualitative studies, and 10,000 words in mixed-pattern studies, excluding references, tables and appendices.
It should be noted that the tables, figures, pictures and graphics in the submitted paper should not go beyond the page dimensions of the journal and should comply with the APA-7 style. In addition, if desired, smaller font size and single spacing can be used in tables, figures, pictures, graphics, etc.
The paper should contain the following sections:
Title; Abstract; Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; Limitations and Conclusion; References.
Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should consist of Background, Purpose, Methods, Results and Discussion subheadings.
The paper should consist of introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendations.
APA-7 style should be used in paper writing, in-text citations and bibliography preparation.
Reference to a book:
Kıncal, R. Y. (2015). Vatandaşlık bilgisi (4. baskı). Ankara: Nobel.
Reference to a book chapter:
Yolcusoy, Ö., & Çetinkaya, G. (2021). Sorularla konuşma eğitimi. ÖT. Kara (Ed.), Sorularla Türkçe eğitimi (s. 115-161). Asos.
Hovardaoğlu, S. (2007). Psikolojik ölçmenin temelleri. Davranış bilimleri için araştırma teknikleri (2. Baskı, s. 87-125). Hatipoğlu.
Mills, K., & Unsworth, L. (2016). The literacy curriculum: A critical review. In D. Wyse, L.Hayward, & Z. Pandya (Eds.), The Sage handbook of literacy, pedagogy and assessment (Vol. 2, pp. 621–637). SAGE.
Translated book:
Bowlby, J. (2012). Bağlanma (T. V. Soylu, Çev.). Pinhan Yayıncılık. (Orijinal eserin basım tarihi 1969).
Freud, S. (1961). The interpretation of dreams: The complete and definitive text (J. Strachey, Trans.). Science Editions (Original work published 1900).
Theses and Dissertations:
Kutu, H. (2011). Yaşam temelli ARCS öğretim modeliyle 9. sınıf kimya dersi “Hayatımızda kimya” ünitesinin öğretimi (Tez No. 299754) [Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi-Erzurum]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
Reference to a journal article (single author):
Bennett, R. E. (2011). Formative assessment: A critical review. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 18(1), 5-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/0969594X.2010.513678
Reference to a journal article (two authors):
Martin, L. E., & Potts, G. F. (2004). Reward sensitivity in impulsivity. Neuroreport, 15(9), 1519-1522. http://doi.org/10.1097/01.wnr.0000132920.12990.b9
Reference to a journal article (three and more authors):
Cohen, J. F., Korevaar, D. A., Altman, D. G., Bruns, D. E., Gatsonis, C. A., Hooft, L., Irwig, L., Levine, D., Reitsma, J. B., de Vet, H. C. W., & Bossuyt, P. M. M. (2016). STARD 2015 guidelines for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies: explanation and elaboration. BMJ Open, 6(11), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012799
If there is no doi number:
Küçükoğlu, A., & Ozan, C. (2013). Sınıf öğretmenliği alanındaki lisansüstü tezlere yönelik bir içerik analizi. Uluslararası Avrasya Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(12), 27-47. http://www.ijoess.com