Research Article
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Year 2018, , 41 - 49, 01.01.2018



  • Adair, K., & Swinton, O. H. (2012). Lab attendance and academic performance. ISRN Educations. Arulampalam, W., Naylor, R. A., & Smith, J. (2012). Am I missing something? The effects of absence from class on student performance. Economics of Education Review, 31, 363-375. Crede, M., Roch, S. G., & Kieszczynka, U. M. (2010). Class attendance in college: A meta-analytic view of the relationship of class attendance with grades and student characteristics. American Educational Research Association, 80, 272-295. Deane, R. P., & Murphy, D. J. (2013). Student attendance and academic performance in undergraduate obstetrics/gynecology clinical rotations. American Medical Association, 310, 2282-2288. Dobkin, C., Gil, R., & Marion, J. M. (2010). Skipping class in college and exam performance: Evidence from aregression discontinuity classroom experiment. Economics of Education Review, 29, 566 575.
  • Friedman, P., Rodriguez, F and McComb, J (2001). “Why students do and do not attend classes: Myths and realities. College Teaching, 49(4), 124–133. Healy, M., Carpenter, A. and K. Lynch (1999). Non-completion in higher education: A study of first year students in three ınstitutes of technology. Carlow, Dundalk, Tralee: Institutes of Technology. Holdforth Joanne Cleary (2007) Student non-attendance in higher education. A phenomenon of student apathy or poor pedagogy. Level3 – June – Issue 5. Hunter, S., & Tetley, J. (1999). Lectures - why don't students attend? Why do students attend?, HERDSA Annual International Conference (pp. 1 - 8). Melbourne. Hurtado S, L. T., and Perorazio, T. (2003). The Transition to College from Low-Income Students: The Impact of Gates Millennium Scholars Program. Centre for the study of higher Education and Post Secondary Education. Kolari, S., Savander-Ranne, C., & Viskari, E-L. (2008). Learning needs time and effort: A time-use study of engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 33, 483–498. Kirby, A., & McElroy, B. (2003). The effect of attendance on grade for first year economics students in University College Cork. The Economic and Social Review, 34, 311–326. Launius, M. H. (1997). College student attendance: Attitudes and academic performance. College Student Journal, 31, 86-92. Retrieved from student-journal. Landin, M., & Perez, J. (2015). Class attendance and academic achievement of pharmacy students in a European University. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7, 78-83. Launius, M. H. (1997). College student attendance: Attitudes and academic performance. College Student Journal, 31, 86-92. Retrieved from student-journal. Marburger, D. R. (2001). Absenteeism and undergraduate exam performance. The Journal of Economic Education, 32, 99–109. McGuire, S. (2003) Teaching students how to learn chemistry. Strategies for Success, 4-5. Moore, R., Jensen, M., Hatch, J., Duranczyk, I., Staats, S., & Koch, L. (2003). Showing up: The importance of class attendance for academic success in introductory science courses. American Biology Teacher, 65, 325–329. Mwinzi, D. (2002). The impact of cost sharing on the living conditions of students in Kenyan Public Universities: The case of Nairobi and Moi Universities. A paper presented at the 28thAnnual International Symposium sponsored by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar and Centres for African Studies University of Illinois, in Dakar, Senegal. 25thto 27th April, 2001. Nafukho, F.M. (1996), Structural Adjustment Programmes and the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Activities among Moi University Students. Journal of Eastern Africa Research and Development. 26:79-90. Nyakunga, R.Z (2011) Cost Sharing and Academic Performance. A Case of MZUMBE University: Morogoro Main Campus, Tnazania. Masters Thesis. University of OSLO. Nyamapfene, A. (2010). Does class attendance still matter? Engineering Education, 5, 64-74. Otieno, W. (2004). Student Loans in Kenya: Past Experiences, Current Hurdles, and Opportunities for the Future.JHEA/RESA 2(2) 75-99 Oso, W. & Onen, D. (2005). A General Guide to Writing Research Proposal and Report. Kisumu, Kenya.Options Printers and Publishers . Paisley, C., & Paisley, N. J. (2004). Student attendance in an accounting module-reasons for non- attendance and the effect on academic performance at a Scottish University. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 13, 39-53. Purcell, P. (2007). Engineering student attendance at lectures: Effect on examination performance. University College Dublin, Ireland. International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE 2007. Romer, D. (1993). Do students go to class? Should they? The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7, 167-174. Rose, R., Hall, C. W., Bolen, L. M., & Webster, R. E. (1996). Locus of control and college students’ approaches to learning. Psychological Reports, 79, 163-171. Rugambuka, I. B (2008) The Performance of Higher Education Students’ Loan Scheme in Tanzania. The Stakeholders Views. Masters Thesis. University of OSLO
  • Soria, K. M., Weiner, B., ;& Lu, E. C. (2014). "Financial Decisions among Undergraduate Students from Low-Income and Working-Class Social Class Backgrounds," Journal of Student Financial Aid: Vol. 44: Iss. 1, Article 2. Standa, E. (2000), Report of the Vice Chancellors’ Committee on the Causes of Disturbance Riots in Public Universities Chaired by E. Standa, Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, Nairobi. Nairobi, and Heinemann. Silvestri, L. (2003). The effect of attendance on undergraduate methods course grades. Education, 123, 483–486 Schmulian, A., & Coetzee, S. (2011). Class absenteeism: Reasons for non-attendance and the effect on academic performance. Accounting Research Journal, 24, 178-194.
  • Thatcher, A., Fridjhon, P., & Cockcroft, K. (2007). The relationship between lecture attendance and academic performance in an ungraduated psychology class. South African Journal of Psychology, 37, 656-660.
  • Victoria Alexander1 & Richard Edward Hicks1 ( 2016) Does Class Attendance Predict Academic Performance in First Year Psychology Tutorials? International Journal of Psychological Studies; 8 (1) Woodfield, R., Jessop, D., & McMillan, L. (2006). Gender differences in undergraduate attendance rates. Studies in Higher Education, 31, 1-22.

Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities

Year 2018, , 41 - 49, 01.01.2018


This study sought to determine the effect of
higher education loan amount awarded to privately sponsored undergraduate students
on their frequency of class attendance in Kenyan public universities. The
research was conducted with the aid of a representative sample of 517
respondents proportionately drawn from the 2012/2013 cohort of privately
sponsored higher education loan recipients in three public universities.
Logistic regression analysis was used to model the relationship between loan
amount awarded to privately sponsored undergraduate students and their
frequency of class attendance while controlling for respondent and university
characteristics. The study established that majority of the privately
sponsored loan recipients missed classes on weekly basis. However, the
findings of the study revealed that higher education loan amount had no
significant effect on frequency of class attendance. This was attributed to
the loan award which was found to be inadequate for sustenance of privately
sponsored higher education loan recipients. This study recommends that Higher
Education Loans Board should raise the minimum amount of loan awarded to
privately sponsored undergraduate students to match with the general cost of
private higher education so that they can adequately participate in higher
education without much personal sacrifices that would compromise their


  • Adair, K., & Swinton, O. H. (2012). Lab attendance and academic performance. ISRN Educations. Arulampalam, W., Naylor, R. A., & Smith, J. (2012). Am I missing something? The effects of absence from class on student performance. Economics of Education Review, 31, 363-375. Crede, M., Roch, S. G., & Kieszczynka, U. M. (2010). Class attendance in college: A meta-analytic view of the relationship of class attendance with grades and student characteristics. American Educational Research Association, 80, 272-295. Deane, R. P., & Murphy, D. J. (2013). Student attendance and academic performance in undergraduate obstetrics/gynecology clinical rotations. American Medical Association, 310, 2282-2288. Dobkin, C., Gil, R., & Marion, J. M. (2010). Skipping class in college and exam performance: Evidence from aregression discontinuity classroom experiment. Economics of Education Review, 29, 566 575.
  • Friedman, P., Rodriguez, F and McComb, J (2001). “Why students do and do not attend classes: Myths and realities. College Teaching, 49(4), 124–133. Healy, M., Carpenter, A. and K. Lynch (1999). Non-completion in higher education: A study of first year students in three ınstitutes of technology. Carlow, Dundalk, Tralee: Institutes of Technology. Holdforth Joanne Cleary (2007) Student non-attendance in higher education. A phenomenon of student apathy or poor pedagogy. Level3 – June – Issue 5. Hunter, S., & Tetley, J. (1999). Lectures - why don't students attend? Why do students attend?, HERDSA Annual International Conference (pp. 1 - 8). Melbourne. Hurtado S, L. T., and Perorazio, T. (2003). The Transition to College from Low-Income Students: The Impact of Gates Millennium Scholars Program. Centre for the study of higher Education and Post Secondary Education. Kolari, S., Savander-Ranne, C., & Viskari, E-L. (2008). Learning needs time and effort: A time-use study of engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 33, 483–498. Kirby, A., & McElroy, B. (2003). The effect of attendance on grade for first year economics students in University College Cork. The Economic and Social Review, 34, 311–326. Launius, M. H. (1997). College student attendance: Attitudes and academic performance. College Student Journal, 31, 86-92. Retrieved from student-journal. Landin, M., & Perez, J. (2015). Class attendance and academic achievement of pharmacy students in a European University. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7, 78-83. Launius, M. H. (1997). College student attendance: Attitudes and academic performance. College Student Journal, 31, 86-92. Retrieved from student-journal. Marburger, D. R. (2001). Absenteeism and undergraduate exam performance. The Journal of Economic Education, 32, 99–109. McGuire, S. (2003) Teaching students how to learn chemistry. Strategies for Success, 4-5. Moore, R., Jensen, M., Hatch, J., Duranczyk, I., Staats, S., & Koch, L. (2003). Showing up: The importance of class attendance for academic success in introductory science courses. American Biology Teacher, 65, 325–329. Mwinzi, D. (2002). The impact of cost sharing on the living conditions of students in Kenyan Public Universities: The case of Nairobi and Moi Universities. A paper presented at the 28thAnnual International Symposium sponsored by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar and Centres for African Studies University of Illinois, in Dakar, Senegal. 25thto 27th April, 2001. Nafukho, F.M. (1996), Structural Adjustment Programmes and the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Activities among Moi University Students. Journal of Eastern Africa Research and Development. 26:79-90. Nyakunga, R.Z (2011) Cost Sharing and Academic Performance. A Case of MZUMBE University: Morogoro Main Campus, Tnazania. Masters Thesis. University of OSLO. Nyamapfene, A. (2010). Does class attendance still matter? Engineering Education, 5, 64-74. Otieno, W. (2004). Student Loans in Kenya: Past Experiences, Current Hurdles, and Opportunities for the Future.JHEA/RESA 2(2) 75-99 Oso, W. & Onen, D. (2005). A General Guide to Writing Research Proposal and Report. Kisumu, Kenya.Options Printers and Publishers . Paisley, C., & Paisley, N. J. (2004). Student attendance in an accounting module-reasons for non- attendance and the effect on academic performance at a Scottish University. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 13, 39-53. Purcell, P. (2007). Engineering student attendance at lectures: Effect on examination performance. University College Dublin, Ireland. International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE 2007. Romer, D. (1993). Do students go to class? Should they? The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7, 167-174. Rose, R., Hall, C. W., Bolen, L. M., & Webster, R. E. (1996). Locus of control and college students’ approaches to learning. Psychological Reports, 79, 163-171. Rugambuka, I. B (2008) The Performance of Higher Education Students’ Loan Scheme in Tanzania. The Stakeholders Views. Masters Thesis. University of OSLO
  • Soria, K. M., Weiner, B., ;& Lu, E. C. (2014). "Financial Decisions among Undergraduate Students from Low-Income and Working-Class Social Class Backgrounds," Journal of Student Financial Aid: Vol. 44: Iss. 1, Article 2. Standa, E. (2000), Report of the Vice Chancellors’ Committee on the Causes of Disturbance Riots in Public Universities Chaired by E. Standa, Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, Nairobi. Nairobi, and Heinemann. Silvestri, L. (2003). The effect of attendance on undergraduate methods course grades. Education, 123, 483–486 Schmulian, A., & Coetzee, S. (2011). Class absenteeism: Reasons for non-attendance and the effect on academic performance. Accounting Research Journal, 24, 178-194.
  • Thatcher, A., Fridjhon, P., & Cockcroft, K. (2007). The relationship between lecture attendance and academic performance in an ungraduated psychology class. South African Journal of Psychology, 37, 656-660.
  • Victoria Alexander1 & Richard Edward Hicks1 ( 2016) Does Class Attendance Predict Academic Performance in First Year Psychology Tutorials? International Journal of Psychological Studies; 8 (1) Woodfield, R., Jessop, D., & McMillan, L. (2006). Gender differences in undergraduate attendance rates. Studies in Higher Education, 31, 1-22.
There are 5 citations in total.


Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Ogenga Paul Akumu This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Paul Akumu, O. (2018). Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(1), 41-49.
AMA Paul Akumu O. Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities. IJERE. January 2018;3(1):41-49. doi:10.24331/ijere.375830
Chicago Paul Akumu, Ogenga. “Does Higher Education Loan Amount Affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 3, no. 1 (January 2018): 41-49.
EndNote Paul Akumu O (January 1, 2018) Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities. International Journal of Educational Research Review 3 1 41–49.
IEEE O. Paul Akumu, “Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities”, IJERE, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 41–49, 2018, doi: 10.24331/ijere.375830.
ISNAD Paul Akumu, Ogenga. “Does Higher Education Loan Amount Affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 3/1 (January 2018), 41-49.
JAMA Paul Akumu O. Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities. IJERE. 2018;3:41–49.
MLA Paul Akumu, Ogenga. “Does Higher Education Loan Amount Affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities”. International Journal of Educational Research Review, vol. 3, no. 1, 2018, pp. 41-49, doi:10.24331/ijere.375830.
Vancouver Paul Akumu O. Does Higher Education Loan Amount affect Students’ Class Attendance? Evidence from Privately Sponsored Undergraduate Students in Kenyan Public Universities. IJERE. 2018;3(1):41-9.

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