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Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development

Year 2019, , 725 - 733, 01.12.2019


Digital Flipbook is one of the multimedia-based media that is recommended to be developed because it can be accessed with gadgets or laptops. This research is Research and Development level 4, which is researching and testing in creating new products. Researchers developed the Digital Flip Book with the title Me: Teenagers and My Health. The purpose of developing this media is to increase the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents after reading the Digital Flipbook. This media design is a cover page, content (introduction to adolescent reproductive health situations, adolescent definitions, risk behaviors in adolescents which consists of understanding, impact, and prevention of premarital sex, violence, and early marriage), and improving adolescent reproductive health. The results of media development from media experts said that based on the assessment aspects, namely simplicity, cohesiveness, emphasis, balance, shape and color, the results obtained 91.67%.The media to be used must be simple, easy to use on a gadget or laptop and balanced color combination. Material expert assesses 97.22%.The language used in media must be easily understood, not a textbook, by the target of adolescents. Thus, a digital flipbook entitled "Me: Teenagers and My Health" is suitable for use in health promotion among adolescents and furtherfield testing. This media has been tested on target, with the result that knowledge is good as much as 51.9% and a positive attitude as much as 59%. Thus, the media has been used. However This process affects the output of learning using the application as a medium for health promotion for adolescents.


  • Ayu, S. musvita, Wibowo, M., & Sofiana, L. (2019). Phenomenologıcal study of risky teenager behavior in vocational high school “a” in Yogyakarta. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 8(3)., S. M., Kristinadewi, P. A. N., Rachmawati, P. D., Fauziningtyas, R., Efendi, F., & Bushy, A. (2018). Determinants of early marriage among female adolescent in Indonesia. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. Santoso, T. N., Siswandari, S., & Sawiji, H. (2018). The Effectiveness of e-Book versus printed booksin the rural schools in Indonesia at the modern learning era. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(4), 77–84., C., & Hertz, M. F. (2007). Electronic media, violence, and adolescents:An emerging public health problem. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41(6 SUPPL.), 1–5., S. N. (2017). The Adolescents Overview with healthy sexual behavior in the risky environment. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 6(3), 221., S., Freeman, B., & Jones, S. C. (2016). Marketing to youth in the digital age: The promotion of unhealthy products and health promoting behaviours on social media. Media and Communication, 4(3), 35., A., & Sumargiyani, S. (2018). The developing math electronic module with scientific approach using kvisoft flipbook maker pro for xi grade of senior high school students. Infinity Journal, 7(2), 109–122., J. C., Kan, M. L., Jones, S. B., Williams, J. C., Evans, W. D., & Davis, K. C. (2011). Organizational use of a media campaign booklet to encourage parent–child communication about waiting to have sex. Social Marketing Quarterly, 17(1), 91–107., K., Levine, D., Martins, S., Lira, A., Gaarde, J., Westmorland, W., & Gilliam, M. (2012). Interventions using new digital media to improve adolescent sexual health: A systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(6), 535–543., U. S., & Rohman, F. (2017). Pengembangan media flipbook pada materi. Jurnal Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan, 2(11), 1450–1455. Retrieved from, K., Eathington, P., Baldwin, K., & Sipsma, H. (2014). The impact of health education transmitted via social media or text messaging on adolescent and young adult risky sexual behavior. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 41(7), 413–419.,S. (2016). Opinions and suggestions regarding various subjects on the educational guidance in the second constitutional era. Journal of Family, Counseling and Education,1(1),1-9.Kuswandari, T. Y., Suryoputro, A., & Nugraha, P. (2014). Pemanfaatan Buku Kesehatan dan Buku Info Remaja di Kabupaten Bondowoso. Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 9(1), 104–115. Retrieved from, H., &Sugiharti. (2011). Perilaku Berisiko Remaja Di Indonesia Menurut Survey Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia ( Skrri ) Tahun 2007. Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi, 1(3), 136–144. Retrieved from, D. U., Wahyuni, S., & Handayani, R. D. (2016). Pengembangan Media Flash Flipbook Untuk Menıngkatkan Keterampilan Berfıkır Kreatıf Sıswa Dalam Pembelajaran Ipa Dı Smp. Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika, 4(4), 296–301. Retrieved from, C., Nelson, D., Parvanta, S., & Harner, R. (2011). Essentials of public healthcommunication(R. Riegelman, ed.). USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Pornamasari, E. I. (2017). Pengembangan Modul peembelajaran Berbantu Flipbook maker dengan Model Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Berbasis Teori Vygotsky Materi Pokok Relasi dan Fungsi. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 1(1), 74–83. Retrieved from, H., & Winarso, W. (2019). Sex education pattern for 12 years compulsory education age in digital era. SSRN Electronic Journal., M. D., Bearman, P. S., Blum, R. W., Bauman, K. E., Harris, K. M., Jones, J., ... Udry, J. R. (1997). Protecting adolescents from harm: Finding from the national longitudinal study on adolescent health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 278(10), 1–6., L., Peterman, A., Irdiana, N., Triyana, M., & Minnick, E. (2018). An empirical exploration of female child marriage determinants in Indonesia. BMC Public Health, 18(1)., V. A. V., & Herlambang, B. A. (2015). Model edukasi gizi berbasis e-booklet untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi ıbu balita. Jurnal Informatika Upgris, 1(1 Juni), 86–94. JUNI.810.Simak, V. F., Fitriyani, P., & Setiawan, A. (2019). The Relationships between Risky sexual practices and spiritual ıntelligence of adolescents inIndonesia. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 42(sup1), 73–81., D., Abdullah, A. G., Elvyanti, S., & Muladi, Y. (2015). Modul virtual: Multimedia flipbook dasar teknik digital. Invotec, IX(2), 101–116. Retrieved from, T., Rahmawati, I., Wuryaningsih, E. W., Saito, R., Syahrul, Kimura, R., ... Sugama, J. (2016). Prevalence of factors related to active reproductive health behavior: a cross-sectional study Indonesian adolescent. Epidemiology and Health, 38, e2016041., F., & Hadi, E. N. (2019). Determinants of adolescent reproductive health service utilization by senior high school students in Makassar, Indonesia. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1–7., Y. (2016). Efektıvıtas penggunaan media pembelajaran flip book terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pai dan budi pekerti di sma negeri4 bandung.Tarbawy, 3(1), 22–36. Retrieved from, E., Rideout, V., Montague, H., Beaudoin-Ryan, L., & Lauricella, A. (2016). Teens, health and technology: A national survey.Media and Communication, 4(3), 13., Y., Mumin,K. A., & Yuliantisari. (2017).The Optimalization of Adolescent Health in The Era of SDGs.Retrieved from 20. Yani Widyastuti proceeding book.pdfWijayanto, & Saifuddin Zuhri, M. (2014). Pengembangan E-modul berbasis flip book maker dengan model project based learning untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika.Prosiding Mathematics and Sciences Forum, 625–628. Retrieved from, K., Adi, R., Siswanto, U., Wilopo, A., &Hakimi, M. (2013). Premarital sexual ınisiation of adolescence. Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, 7(11), 180–185. Retrieved from
Year 2019, , 725 - 733, 01.12.2019



  • Ayu, S. musvita, Wibowo, M., & Sofiana, L. (2019). Phenomenologıcal study of risky teenager behavior in vocational high school “a” in Yogyakarta. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 8(3)., S. M., Kristinadewi, P. A. N., Rachmawati, P. D., Fauziningtyas, R., Efendi, F., & Bushy, A. (2018). Determinants of early marriage among female adolescent in Indonesia. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. Santoso, T. N., Siswandari, S., & Sawiji, H. (2018). The Effectiveness of e-Book versus printed booksin the rural schools in Indonesia at the modern learning era. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(4), 77–84., C., & Hertz, M. F. (2007). Electronic media, violence, and adolescents:An emerging public health problem. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41(6 SUPPL.), 1–5., S. N. (2017). The Adolescents Overview with healthy sexual behavior in the risky environment. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 6(3), 221., S., Freeman, B., & Jones, S. C. (2016). Marketing to youth in the digital age: The promotion of unhealthy products and health promoting behaviours on social media. Media and Communication, 4(3), 35., A., & Sumargiyani, S. (2018). The developing math electronic module with scientific approach using kvisoft flipbook maker pro for xi grade of senior high school students. Infinity Journal, 7(2), 109–122., J. C., Kan, M. L., Jones, S. B., Williams, J. C., Evans, W. D., & Davis, K. C. (2011). Organizational use of a media campaign booklet to encourage parent–child communication about waiting to have sex. Social Marketing Quarterly, 17(1), 91–107., K., Levine, D., Martins, S., Lira, A., Gaarde, J., Westmorland, W., & Gilliam, M. (2012). Interventions using new digital media to improve adolescent sexual health: A systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(6), 535–543., U. S., & Rohman, F. (2017). Pengembangan media flipbook pada materi. Jurnal Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan, 2(11), 1450–1455. Retrieved from, K., Eathington, P., Baldwin, K., & Sipsma, H. (2014). The impact of health education transmitted via social media or text messaging on adolescent and young adult risky sexual behavior. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 41(7), 413–419.,S. (2016). Opinions and suggestions regarding various subjects on the educational guidance in the second constitutional era. Journal of Family, Counseling and Education,1(1),1-9.Kuswandari, T. Y., Suryoputro, A., & Nugraha, P. (2014). Pemanfaatan Buku Kesehatan dan Buku Info Remaja di Kabupaten Bondowoso. Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 9(1), 104–115. Retrieved from, H., &Sugiharti. (2011). Perilaku Berisiko Remaja Di Indonesia Menurut Survey Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia ( Skrri ) Tahun 2007. Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi, 1(3), 136–144. Retrieved from, D. U., Wahyuni, S., & Handayani, R. D. (2016). Pengembangan Media Flash Flipbook Untuk Menıngkatkan Keterampilan Berfıkır Kreatıf Sıswa Dalam Pembelajaran Ipa Dı Smp. Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika, 4(4), 296–301. Retrieved from, C., Nelson, D., Parvanta, S., & Harner, R. (2011). Essentials of public healthcommunication(R. Riegelman, ed.). USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Pornamasari, E. I. (2017). Pengembangan Modul peembelajaran Berbantu Flipbook maker dengan Model Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Berbasis Teori Vygotsky Materi Pokok Relasi dan Fungsi. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 1(1), 74–83. Retrieved from, H., & Winarso, W. (2019). Sex education pattern for 12 years compulsory education age in digital era. SSRN Electronic Journal., M. D., Bearman, P. S., Blum, R. W., Bauman, K. E., Harris, K. M., Jones, J., ... Udry, J. R. (1997). Protecting adolescents from harm: Finding from the national longitudinal study on adolescent health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 278(10), 1–6., L., Peterman, A., Irdiana, N., Triyana, M., & Minnick, E. (2018). An empirical exploration of female child marriage determinants in Indonesia. BMC Public Health, 18(1)., V. A. V., & Herlambang, B. A. (2015). Model edukasi gizi berbasis e-booklet untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi ıbu balita. Jurnal Informatika Upgris, 1(1 Juni), 86–94. JUNI.810.Simak, V. F., Fitriyani, P., & Setiawan, A. (2019). The Relationships between Risky sexual practices and spiritual ıntelligence of adolescents inIndonesia. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 42(sup1), 73–81., D., Abdullah, A. G., Elvyanti, S., & Muladi, Y. (2015). Modul virtual: Multimedia flipbook dasar teknik digital. Invotec, IX(2), 101–116. Retrieved from, T., Rahmawati, I., Wuryaningsih, E. W., Saito, R., Syahrul, Kimura, R., ... Sugama, J. (2016). Prevalence of factors related to active reproductive health behavior: a cross-sectional study Indonesian adolescent. Epidemiology and Health, 38, e2016041., F., & Hadi, E. N. (2019). Determinants of adolescent reproductive health service utilization by senior high school students in Makassar, Indonesia. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1–7., Y. (2016). Efektıvıtas penggunaan media pembelajaran flip book terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pai dan budi pekerti di sma negeri4 bandung.Tarbawy, 3(1), 22–36. Retrieved from, E., Rideout, V., Montague, H., Beaudoin-Ryan, L., & Lauricella, A. (2016). Teens, health and technology: A national survey.Media and Communication, 4(3), 13., Y., Mumin,K. A., & Yuliantisari. (2017).The Optimalization of Adolescent Health in The Era of SDGs.Retrieved from 20. Yani Widyastuti proceeding book.pdfWijayanto, & Saifuddin Zuhri, M. (2014). Pengembangan E-modul berbasis flip book maker dengan model project based learning untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika.Prosiding Mathematics and Sciences Forum, 625–628. Retrieved from, K., Adi, R., Siswanto, U., Wilopo, A., &Hakimi, M. (2013). Premarital sexual ınisiation of adolescence. Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, 7(11), 180–185. Retrieved from
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Marsiana Wibowo This is me

Erni Gustina This is me

Suci Musvita Ayu This is me

Liena Sofiana This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Wibowo, M., Gustina, E., Ayu, S. M., Sofiana, L. (2019). Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 4, 725-733.
AMA Wibowo M, Gustina E, Ayu SM, Sofiana L. Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development. IJERE. December 2019;4:725-733. doi:10.24331/ijere.628717
Chicago Wibowo, Marsiana, Erni Gustina, Suci Musvita Ayu, and Liena Sofiana. “Digital Flipbook Media As a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 4, December (December 2019): 725-33.
EndNote Wibowo M, Gustina E, Ayu SM, Sofiana L (December 1, 2019) Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development. International Journal of Educational Research Review 4 725–733.
IEEE M. Wibowo, E. Gustina, S. M. Ayu, and L. Sofiana, “Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development”, IJERE, vol. 4, pp. 725–733, 2019, doi: 10.24331/ijere.628717.
ISNAD Wibowo, Marsiana et al. “Digital Flipbook Media As a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 4 (December 2019), 725-733.
JAMA Wibowo M, Gustina E, Ayu SM, Sofiana L. Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development. IJERE. 2019;4:725–733.
MLA Wibowo, Marsiana et al. “Digital Flipbook Media As a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development”. International Journal of Educational Research Review, vol. 4, 2019, pp. 725-33, doi:10.24331/ijere.628717.
Vancouver Wibowo M, Gustina E, Ayu SM, Sofiana L. Digital Flipbook Media as a Media for Health Promotion in Youth: Research and Development. IJERE. 2019;4:725-33.

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