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Year 2019, , 814 - 833, 01.10.2019


Motivation factors affecting entrepreneurship intention in the context of push-pull approach was examined in an earlier study in 2010 in a qualitative study conducted in Eskişehir with women who intended to be entrepreneurs. In this research, motivation factors emerged in the mentioned study above are used in order to determine the significance levels of motivation factors that creates the entrepreneurship intention of female entrepreneurs in Eskişehir by Analytical Hierarchical Process, a decision making technique. Thus, the significance levels of female entrepreneurs’ motivation factors are obtained in the context of push-pull approach, objectively. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the effect of the pulling factors was stronger than the pushing factors. While the strongest motivation factor among the pull factor was “Self-Realization”, on the other hand, the strongest motivation factor among the push factors was “Lack of Job Security”


  • Baumol, W.J. (1986). Entrepreneurship and a century of growth. Journal of Business Venturing, 1(2), 141-145.
  • Birch, D.L. (1979). The job generating process. Cambridge: MIT Publications.
  • Birley, S. (1986). The role of networks in the entrepreneurial process. Journal of Business Venturing, 1, 107-117.
  • Bozkurt, Ö., & Erdurur, K. (2013). Girişimci kişilik özelliklerinin girişimcilik eğilimindeki etkisi: Potansiyel girişimciler üzerinde bir araştırma. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 8(2) 57-78.
  • Brandstätter, H. (2011). Personality aspects of entrepreneurship: A look at five meta-analyses. Personality and Individual Differences, 51(3), 222-230.
  • Brockhaus, R. H. (1980). Risk taking propensity of entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Journal, 23(3), 509-520.
  • Buttner, E. H., & Moore, D. P. (1997). Women’s organizational exodus to entrepreneurship: Self-reported motivations and correlates with success. Journal of Small Business Management, 35(1), 34-46.
  • Bygrave, W. D., & Hofer, C. W. (1992). Theorizing about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16(2), 13-22.
  • Dawson, C., & Henley, A. (2012). “Push” versus “pull” entrepreneurship: an ambiguous distinction?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 18(6), 697-719.
  • Fromm, E. (1998). Özgürlükten kaçış. 2.basım, İstanbul: Öteki Yayınevi.
  • Harper, M. (1991). Enterprise development in poorer nations. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15, 7-11.
  • Hattab, H. (2012). Towards understanding female entrepreneurship in Middle Eastern and North African countries: A cross-country comparison of female entrepreneurship. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 5(3), 171-186.
  • Hisrich, R. D., & O’Brien, M. (1981). The woman entrepreneur from a business and sociological perspective. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 21, 11-19.
  • Hughes, K. D. (2006). Exploring motivation and success among Canadian women entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 19(2), 107-120.
  • Humbert, A. L., & Drew, E. (2010). Gender, entrepreneurship and motivational factors in an Irish context. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 173-196.
  • Garanti. (2015). Kadın girişimci araştırması. Erişim Tarihi: 29.05.2018, kobi/kobilere_ozel/kadin-girisimcibankaciligi/
  • Gemconsortium (2017). Küresel girişimcilik raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 29.05.2018, http://gemconsortium. org/report/49812
  • Glancey, K., Greig, M., & Pettigrew, M. (1998). Entrepreneurial dynamics in small business service firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 4(3), 249-268.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E., & Çarkoğlu, A. (2018). İşe yönelim’de Türkiye’ye karşılaştırmalı bir bakış: Araştırma raporu. Sabancı Universitesi, Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi (IPC / IPM).
  • Karagül, A.A., & Özdemir, A., (2010). Finansal bilgi kalitesinin analitik hiyerarşi süreci tekniğiyle değerlendirilmesi: Bankacılık sektörü uygulaması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10 (3), 43-58.
  • Keh, H. T., Foo, M. D., & Lim, B. C. (2002). Opportunity evaluation under risky conditions: The cognitive processes of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 27(2), 125-148.
  • Kirkwood, J. (2009). Motivational factors in a push-pull theory of entrepreneurship. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 24(5), 346-364.
  • Kirkwood, J., & Walton, S. (2010). What motivates ecopreneurs to start businesses?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 16(3), 204-228.
  • Kirzner, I. M. (2009). The alert and creative entrepreneur: A clarification. Small Business Economics, 32(2), 145-152.
  • Kuruüzüm, A., & Atsan, N. (2001). Analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi ve işletmecilik alanındaki uygulamaları. Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 1, 83-105.
  • Kutanış, R. Ö., & Bayraktaroğlu, S. (2003). Female entrepreneurs: Social feminist insights for overcoming barriers. Erişim Tarihi: 05.06.2005, cmconference/203/proceedings/gender/ kuntanis.pdf.
  • Küresel Kadın Girişimcilik Raporu (2017). Womens%20Report.pdf (erişim tarihi:29.05.2018).
  • Kyootai, L., Kailash, J., & Mueun, B. (2008). Using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to identify the relative importance of the features needed for web-based systems development. Information Resources Management Journal, 21 (3), 88-100.
  • Liñán, F., & Chen, Y. W. (2009). Development and cross-cultural application of a specific instrument to measure entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(3), 593-617.
  • McClelland, D. C. (1987). Human motivation. Oakland, NJ: Scott, Foresman.
  • Meager, N. (1992). The fall and rise of self-employment (again): A comment on Bogenhold and Staber. Work, Employment and Society, 6(1), 127–34.
  • Mengüşoğlu, T. (1998). İnsan felsefesi. Ankara: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Navir, Z. D. (2008). İş ve ailesi arasındaki kadın: Tekstil ve bilgi işlem girişimcilerini rol çatışmasına getirdikleri çözüm stratejileri. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 8(2), 631-650.
  • Orhan, M., & Scott, D. (2001). Why women enter into entrepreneurship: An explanatory model. Women in Management Review, 16(5), 232-247.
  • Özdemir, A. (2010). Ürün grupları temelinde tedarikçi seçim probleminin ele alınması ve analitik hiyerarşi süreci ile çözümlenmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 2 (1), 55-84.
  • Özdemir, A. A., (2010). Potansiyel girişimci olan kadınların motivasyon faktörleri ve Eskişehir’de bir araştırma. Ege Akademik Bakış, 10 (1), 117-139.
  • Öztürk, M. D. (2016). Türkiye’de kadın girişimcilik: Kadınları girişimciliğe yönelten faktörler, karşılaştıkları sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisan Tezi, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi.
  • Rosa, P., Kodithuwakku, S., & Balunywa, W. (2008). Entrepreneurial motivation in developing countries: What does ‘necessity’ and ‘opportunity’ entrepreneurship really mean?.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1990). How to make a decision: The analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 48, 9-26.
  • Saaty, T. L. (2001). Decision making with dependence and feedback the analytic network process. RWS Publications.
  • Sağır Özdemir, M., (2002). Bir işletmede analitik hiyerarşi süreci kullanılarak performans değerleme sistemi tasarımı. Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 13 (2), 2-11.
  • Sánchez, V. B., & Sahuquillo, C. A. (2012). Entrepreneurial behavior: Impact of motivation factors on decision to create a new venture. Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 18(2), 132-138.
  • Sarri, K., & Trihopoulou, A. (2005). Female entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics and motivation: A review of the Greek situation. Women in management review, 20(1), 24-36.
  • Schein, V. E., Mueller, R., Lituchy, T., & Liu, J. (1996). Think manager—think male: A global phenomenon?. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17(1), 33-41.
  • Schwartz, R. G., Teach, R. D., & Birch, N. J. (2005). A longitudinal study of entrepreneurial firms opportunity recognition and product development management strategies: Implications by firm type. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 11(4), 315-329.
  • Segal, G., Borgia, D., & Schoenfeld, J. (2005). The motivation to become an entrepreneur. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 11(1), 42-57.
  • Shane, S., Locke, E. A., & Collins, C. J. (2003). Entrepreneurial motivation. Human Resource Management Review, 13(2), 257-279.
  • Shane, S., & Nicolaou, N. (2015). Creative personality, opportunity recognition and the tendency to start businesses: A study of their genetic predispositions. Journal of Business Venturing, 30(3), 407- 419.
  • Thomas, A. S., & Mueller, S. L. (2000). A case for comparative entrepreneurship: Assessing the relevance of culture. Journal of International Business Studies, 31(2), 287-301.
  • Tlaiss, H. A. (2015). Entrepreneurial motivations of women: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates. International Small Business Journal, 33(5), 562-581.
  • Van Praag, C. M. (1999). Some classic views on entrepreneurship. De Economist, 147(3), 311-335.
  • Yağcı, F., & Bener, Ö. (2005). Girişimci kadınların demografik ve genel karakteristikleri ile kadınları girişimciliğe motive eden faktörler. Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 33, 85-100.
  • Yetim, N. (2002). Sosyal sermaye olarak kadın girişimciler: Mersin örneği. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 2 (2), 77-90.
  • Zgheib, P. (2018). Multi-level framework of push-pull entrepreneurship: Comparing American and Lebanese women. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(3), 768- 786.
  • Zhao, H., Seibert, S.E., & Hills, G.E. (2005). The mediating role of self–efficacy in the development of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), 1265–1272.
  • Zimmer, C., & Aldrich, H. (1987). Resource mobilization through ethnic networks: Kinship and friendship ties of shopkeepers in England. Sociological Perspectives, 30(4), 422-445.


Year 2019, , 814 - 833, 01.10.2019


Girişimcilik niyetini etkileyen motivasyon faktörlerinin iten-çeken yaklaşımı çerçevesinde neler olduğu, girişimci olmayı hedefleyen kadınlarla 2010 yılında Eskişehir’de yapılan nitel bir çalışmada incelenmiştir. Bu araştırmada ise belirtilen çalışmada ortaya çıkan motivasyon faktörleri kullanılarak, Eskişehir’deki kadın girişimcilerin, girişimcilik niyetini oluşturan motivasyon faktörlerinin önem dereceleri bir karar verme tekniği olan Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ile belirlenmiştir. Böylece kadın girişimcilerin, motivasyon faktörlerinin önem sıralaması itençeken yaklaşımı çerçevesinde nesnel bir yolla elde edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda çeken faktörlerin etkisinin, iten faktörlerden daha güçlü olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çeken faktörler arasında en güçlü motivasyon faktörü “Kendini gerçekleştirme” iken, iten faktörler arasında en güçlü motivasyon faktörünün “İş güvencesinin olmaması” olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Baumol, W.J. (1986). Entrepreneurship and a century of growth. Journal of Business Venturing, 1(2), 141-145.
  • Birch, D.L. (1979). The job generating process. Cambridge: MIT Publications.
  • Birley, S. (1986). The role of networks in the entrepreneurial process. Journal of Business Venturing, 1, 107-117.
  • Bozkurt, Ö., & Erdurur, K. (2013). Girişimci kişilik özelliklerinin girişimcilik eğilimindeki etkisi: Potansiyel girişimciler üzerinde bir araştırma. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 8(2) 57-78.
  • Brandstätter, H. (2011). Personality aspects of entrepreneurship: A look at five meta-analyses. Personality and Individual Differences, 51(3), 222-230.
  • Brockhaus, R. H. (1980). Risk taking propensity of entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Journal, 23(3), 509-520.
  • Buttner, E. H., & Moore, D. P. (1997). Women’s organizational exodus to entrepreneurship: Self-reported motivations and correlates with success. Journal of Small Business Management, 35(1), 34-46.
  • Bygrave, W. D., & Hofer, C. W. (1992). Theorizing about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16(2), 13-22.
  • Dawson, C., & Henley, A. (2012). “Push” versus “pull” entrepreneurship: an ambiguous distinction?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 18(6), 697-719.
  • Fromm, E. (1998). Özgürlükten kaçış. 2.basım, İstanbul: Öteki Yayınevi.
  • Harper, M. (1991). Enterprise development in poorer nations. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15, 7-11.
  • Hattab, H. (2012). Towards understanding female entrepreneurship in Middle Eastern and North African countries: A cross-country comparison of female entrepreneurship. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 5(3), 171-186.
  • Hisrich, R. D., & O’Brien, M. (1981). The woman entrepreneur from a business and sociological perspective. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 21, 11-19.
  • Hughes, K. D. (2006). Exploring motivation and success among Canadian women entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 19(2), 107-120.
  • Humbert, A. L., & Drew, E. (2010). Gender, entrepreneurship and motivational factors in an Irish context. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 173-196.
  • Garanti. (2015). Kadın girişimci araştırması. Erişim Tarihi: 29.05.2018, kobi/kobilere_ozel/kadin-girisimcibankaciligi/
  • Gemconsortium (2017). Küresel girişimcilik raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 29.05.2018, http://gemconsortium. org/report/49812
  • Glancey, K., Greig, M., & Pettigrew, M. (1998). Entrepreneurial dynamics in small business service firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 4(3), 249-268.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E., & Çarkoğlu, A. (2018). İşe yönelim’de Türkiye’ye karşılaştırmalı bir bakış: Araştırma raporu. Sabancı Universitesi, Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi (IPC / IPM).
  • Karagül, A.A., & Özdemir, A., (2010). Finansal bilgi kalitesinin analitik hiyerarşi süreci tekniğiyle değerlendirilmesi: Bankacılık sektörü uygulaması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10 (3), 43-58.
  • Keh, H. T., Foo, M. D., & Lim, B. C. (2002). Opportunity evaluation under risky conditions: The cognitive processes of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 27(2), 125-148.
  • Kirkwood, J. (2009). Motivational factors in a push-pull theory of entrepreneurship. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 24(5), 346-364.
  • Kirkwood, J., & Walton, S. (2010). What motivates ecopreneurs to start businesses?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 16(3), 204-228.
  • Kirzner, I. M. (2009). The alert and creative entrepreneur: A clarification. Small Business Economics, 32(2), 145-152.
  • Kuruüzüm, A., & Atsan, N. (2001). Analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi ve işletmecilik alanındaki uygulamaları. Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 1, 83-105.
  • Kutanış, R. Ö., & Bayraktaroğlu, S. (2003). Female entrepreneurs: Social feminist insights for overcoming barriers. Erişim Tarihi: 05.06.2005, cmconference/203/proceedings/gender/ kuntanis.pdf.
  • Küresel Kadın Girişimcilik Raporu (2017). Womens%20Report.pdf (erişim tarihi:29.05.2018).
  • Kyootai, L., Kailash, J., & Mueun, B. (2008). Using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to identify the relative importance of the features needed for web-based systems development. Information Resources Management Journal, 21 (3), 88-100.
  • Liñán, F., & Chen, Y. W. (2009). Development and cross-cultural application of a specific instrument to measure entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(3), 593-617.
  • McClelland, D. C. (1987). Human motivation. Oakland, NJ: Scott, Foresman.
  • Meager, N. (1992). The fall and rise of self-employment (again): A comment on Bogenhold and Staber. Work, Employment and Society, 6(1), 127–34.
  • Mengüşoğlu, T. (1998). İnsan felsefesi. Ankara: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Navir, Z. D. (2008). İş ve ailesi arasındaki kadın: Tekstil ve bilgi işlem girişimcilerini rol çatışmasına getirdikleri çözüm stratejileri. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 8(2), 631-650.
  • Orhan, M., & Scott, D. (2001). Why women enter into entrepreneurship: An explanatory model. Women in Management Review, 16(5), 232-247.
  • Özdemir, A. (2010). Ürün grupları temelinde tedarikçi seçim probleminin ele alınması ve analitik hiyerarşi süreci ile çözümlenmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 2 (1), 55-84.
  • Özdemir, A. A., (2010). Potansiyel girişimci olan kadınların motivasyon faktörleri ve Eskişehir’de bir araştırma. Ege Akademik Bakış, 10 (1), 117-139.
  • Öztürk, M. D. (2016). Türkiye’de kadın girişimcilik: Kadınları girişimciliğe yönelten faktörler, karşılaştıkları sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisan Tezi, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi.
  • Rosa, P., Kodithuwakku, S., & Balunywa, W. (2008). Entrepreneurial motivation in developing countries: What does ‘necessity’ and ‘opportunity’ entrepreneurship really mean?.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1990). How to make a decision: The analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 48, 9-26.
  • Saaty, T. L. (2001). Decision making with dependence and feedback the analytic network process. RWS Publications.
  • Sağır Özdemir, M., (2002). Bir işletmede analitik hiyerarşi süreci kullanılarak performans değerleme sistemi tasarımı. Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 13 (2), 2-11.
  • Sánchez, V. B., & Sahuquillo, C. A. (2012). Entrepreneurial behavior: Impact of motivation factors on decision to create a new venture. Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 18(2), 132-138.
  • Sarri, K., & Trihopoulou, A. (2005). Female entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics and motivation: A review of the Greek situation. Women in management review, 20(1), 24-36.
  • Schein, V. E., Mueller, R., Lituchy, T., & Liu, J. (1996). Think manager—think male: A global phenomenon?. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17(1), 33-41.
  • Schwartz, R. G., Teach, R. D., & Birch, N. J. (2005). A longitudinal study of entrepreneurial firms opportunity recognition and product development management strategies: Implications by firm type. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 11(4), 315-329.
  • Segal, G., Borgia, D., & Schoenfeld, J. (2005). The motivation to become an entrepreneur. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 11(1), 42-57.
  • Shane, S., Locke, E. A., & Collins, C. J. (2003). Entrepreneurial motivation. Human Resource Management Review, 13(2), 257-279.
  • Shane, S., & Nicolaou, N. (2015). Creative personality, opportunity recognition and the tendency to start businesses: A study of their genetic predispositions. Journal of Business Venturing, 30(3), 407- 419.
  • Thomas, A. S., & Mueller, S. L. (2000). A case for comparative entrepreneurship: Assessing the relevance of culture. Journal of International Business Studies, 31(2), 287-301.
  • Tlaiss, H. A. (2015). Entrepreneurial motivations of women: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates. International Small Business Journal, 33(5), 562-581.
  • Van Praag, C. M. (1999). Some classic views on entrepreneurship. De Economist, 147(3), 311-335.
  • Yağcı, F., & Bener, Ö. (2005). Girişimci kadınların demografik ve genel karakteristikleri ile kadınları girişimciliğe motive eden faktörler. Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 33, 85-100.
  • Yetim, N. (2002). Sosyal sermaye olarak kadın girişimciler: Mersin örneği. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 2 (2), 77-90.
  • Zgheib, P. (2018). Multi-level framework of push-pull entrepreneurship: Comparing American and Lebanese women. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(3), 768- 786.
  • Zhao, H., Seibert, S.E., & Hills, G.E. (2005). The mediating role of self–efficacy in the development of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), 1265–1272.
  • Zimmer, C., & Aldrich, H. (1987). Resource mobilization through ethnic networks: Kinship and friendship ties of shopkeepers in England. Sociological Perspectives, 30(4), 422-445.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Şenay Lezki This is me

Aytül Ayşe Cengiz This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Lezki, Ş., & Cengiz, A. A. (2019). ESKİŞEHİR’DE KADIN GİRİŞİMCİLERİN MOTİVASYON FAKTÖRLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 15(3), 814-833.