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Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 830 - 860, 30.09.2021


Günümüz küresel iş ortamında tedarik zincirlerinin yönetimi son derece kritiktir. Sürdürülebilirlik, işletme faaliyetleri ve tedarik zinciri yönetiminde en önemli faktörler arasındadır. Tedarik zinciri yönetimin sürdürülebilirliğin üç boyutuyla (ekonomik, çevresel ve sosyal) entegrasyonu sürdürülebilir tedarik zinciri yönetiminin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Sürdürülebilir tedarik zinciri yönetimi, çevresel etkileri en aza indirirken, sosyal refahı ve tedarik zinciri karlılığını en üst düzeye çıkarmak için tedarik zinciri operasyonlarının, kaynaklarının, bilgilerinin ve fonlarının yönetimidir. Günümüzde işletmeler, dâhili operasyonlarından ve tedarikçilerinin operasyonlarından kaynaklanan çevresel, sosyal ve ekonomik sonuçlardan giderek daha fazla sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir tedarik zinciri yönetimi, işletmelerin sadece hayatta kalmak için değil; uzun vadede gelişmek ve başarılı olmak için neler yapılması gerektiğiyle ilgili sorulara da yanıt vermektedir. Bu çalışma, sürdürülebilir tedarik zinciri yönetimi kavramıyla ilgili geniş bir teorik çerçeve oluşturmaya odaklanmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma, tedarik zinciri yönetimi sürdürülebilirlik stratejileri ve uygulamaları, sürdürülebilir tedarik zinciri yönetimi avantajları ve zorluklarından da bahsedilerek işletmelerde üst yönetim kararlarına yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Aarabi, M., Saman, M., Khoei, M., Wong, K., Beheshti, H. ve Zakuan, N. (2011). Conceptual Model for Information Systems of Sustainable Supply Chain Management, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 303-307.
  • Abbasi, M. (2012). Themes and Challenges in Developing Sustainable Supply Chains: Towards a Complexity Theory Perspective. Lund University, Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Sweden.
  • Ali, A., Bentley, Y., Cao, G. ve Habib, F. (2017). Green Supply Chain Management–Food for Thought?, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 20(1), 22-38.
  • Aljoghaiman, A., Saad, M. ve Kumar, V. (2020). Investigating the Motivators, Barriers and Enablers Associated with the Implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain in Saudi Manufacturing Industry, 3rd IEOM European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
  • Al-Odeh, M. ve Smallwood, J. (2012). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Literature Review, Trends, and Framework, IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, Vol:15(1), 85-90.
  • Alves, A., Schultz, G. ve De Barcellos, M. (2019). Understanding Sustainable Supply Chain Coordination: A Review of Publications in Brazilian Journals. Revista Ciencias Administrativas, 24(3), 1-17.
  • Alzoubi, H., Ahmed, G., Al-Gasaymeh, A. ve Al Kurdi, B. (2020). Empirical Study on Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies and Its Impact on Competitive Priorities: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Collaboration, Management Science Letters, 10, 703–708.
  • Barrientos, A. ve De La Mota, I. (2016). Modeling Sustainable Supply Chain Management as a Complex Adaptive System: The Emergence of Cooperation, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, 195-218.
  • Beske, P., Land, A. ve Seuring, S. (2014). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Dynamic Capabilities in the Food Industry: A Critical Analysis of the Literature, International Journal Production Economics, 152, 131-143.
  • Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. ve Seuring, S. (2014). Quantitative Models for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Developments and Directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 233, 299-312.
  • Carter, C. ve Easton, P. (2011). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Evolution and Future Directions, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol: 41(1), 46-62.
  • Carter, C. ve Rogers, D. (2008). A Framework of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Moving Toward New Theory, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol: (5), 360-387.
  • Çetinkaya, B. (2010). Developing a Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg., 17-55.
  • Das, D. (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Indian Organisations: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Production Research, 1-19.
  • Diabat , A., Kannan, D. ve Mathiyazhagan, K. (2014). Analysis of Enablers for Implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain Management A Textile Case, Journal of Cleaner Production, 83, 391-403.
  • Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., Childe, S., Papadopoulos, T. ve Fosso-Wamba, S. (2017). World Class Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Critical Review and Further Research Directions. International Journal of Logistics Management, 28 (2), 332-362.
  • Eitiveni, I., Kurnia, S. ve Buyya, R. (2017). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Taxonomy, Gaps, and Future Directions, Twenty First Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Langkawi, 1-12.
  • Emamisaleh, K., Rahmani, K. ve Iranzadeh, S. (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Sustainability Performance In The Food Industry, The South East Asian Journal of Management, Vol:12 (1), 1-19.
  • Erol, İ. ve Nurtanis Velioglu, M. (2019). An Investigation Into Sustaianable Supply Chain Management Practices In A Developing Country, International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 11(2), 104 - 118.
  • Esfahbodi, A., Zhang, Y. ve Watson, G. (2016). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies: Trade-offs Between Environmental and Cost Performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 350-366.
  • Farooque, M., Zhang, A., Thürer, M., Qu, T. ve Huisingh, D. (2019). Circular Supply Chain Management: A Definition and Structured, Journal of Cleaner Production, 228, 882-900.
  • Font, X., Tapper, R., Schwartz, K. ve Kornilaki, M. (2008). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Tourism, Business Strategy and the Environment, 17 (4), 260 – 271.
  • Formentini, M ve Taticchi, P. (2016). Corporate Sustainability Approaches and Governance Mechanisms in Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 1920-1933.
  • Geyi,D., Yusuf, Y., Menhat, M., Abubakar, T. ve Ogbuke, N. (2020). Agile Capabilities as Necessary Conditions for Maximising Sustainable Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Production Economics, 222, 107501.
  • Govindan, K., Rajeev, A., Padhi, S. ve Pati, R. (2020). Supply Chain Sustainability and Performance of Firms: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 137, 101923.
  • Hamdy, O., Elsayed, K. ve Elahmady, B. (2018). Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on Egyptian Companies’ Performance. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 7, 4, 119-130.
  • (2020). Make Your Company’s Supply Chain Sustainable Through EMAS, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2010). Supply Chain Sustainability A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement, United Nations Global Impact and Business for Social Responsibility Report, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Increases Business Success, DHL, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2019). Leading Business Challenges for Retailers Around Their Supply Chain in 2018, E. Mazareanu, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2019b). Biggest Supply Chain Challenges Worldwide 2017-2018, E. Mazareanu, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • Junge, A. ve Straube, F. (2020). Sustainable Supply Chains – Digital Transformation Technologies Impact on The Social and Environmental Dimension, Procedia Manufacturing 43, 736–742.
  • Koberg, E. ve Longoni, A. (2019). A Systematic Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Global Supply Chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 207, 1084-1098.
  • Lee, C. ve Ha, B. C. (2020). The Impact of Interactional Justice and Supply-Chain Collaboration on Sustainable SCM Performance: The Case of Multinational Pharmaceutical Firms, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol: 7(2), 237-247.
  • Li, J., Fang, H. ve Song , W. (2019). Sustainable Supplier Selection Based on SSCM Practices: A Rough Cloud TOPSIS Approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 606-621.
  • Mann, I. (2018). Impact of Adoption of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on a Firm‘s Performance. Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, PhD Thesis.
  • Modica, P., Altinay, , L., Farmaki, A., Gursoy, D. ve Zenga,, M. (2020). Consumer Perceptions Towards Sustainable Supply Chain Practices in the Hospitality Industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(3), 358-375.
  • Morali, O. ve Searcy, C. (2013). A Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Canada, Journal of Business Ethics,117, 635–658.
  • Ostdick, N. (2016). 5 Steps for Creating a More Sustainable Supply Chain,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • Panigrahi, S., Bahinipati, B. ve Jain, V. (2019). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Review of Literature and Implications for Future Research. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol:30(5), 1001-1049.
  • Paulraj, A., Chen, I. ve Blome, C. (2017). Motives and Performance Outcomes of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: A Multi-theoretical Perspective, Journal of Business Ethics, 145, 239–258.
  • Petljak, K. ve Kotzab, H. (2020). Sustainable Retail Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric Viewpoint, International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 215-224.
  • Romiguer , A. (2011). Sustainable Development: Objectives, Enablers and Challenges for Spanish Companies. Tampere University of Technology, Master of Science Thesis.
  • Sajjad, A., Eweje, G. ve Tappin, D. (2019). Managerial Perspectives on Drivers for and Barriers to Sustainable Supply Chain Management Implementation: Evidence from New Zealand, Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 592-604.
  • Sebastianelli, R. ve Tamimi, N. (2020). Antecedents of Sustainable Supply Chain Initiatives: Empirical Evidence from the S&P 500. Business and Society Review, 125(1), 3-22.
  • Seuring, S. ve Muller, M. (2008). From a Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, 16, 1699–1710.
  • Shaikh, F., Shahbaz, M. ve Odhano, N. (2020). A Short Review on Green Supply Chain Management Practices: The Impact on Operational and Environmental Performance, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 10(2), 5367-5370.
  • Shaverdi, M., Ramezani, I. ve Rostamy, A. (2016). Multi-Criteria Decision Making Models for Sustainable and Green Supply Chain Management Based on Fuzzy Approach, Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing, IGI Global, 291-307.
  • Silvestre, B. (2015). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies: Environmental Turbulence, Institutional Voids and Sustainability Trajectories, International Journal of Production Economics, 167, 156-169.
  • Skender, H. ve Zaninovic, P. (2020). Perspectives of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Supply Chains, Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management, 77-92.
  • Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F. ve Pasqualino, R. (2013). Performance Measurement of Sustainable Supply Chains, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol: 62(8) , 782-804.
  • Tseng, M.-L., Chen, C.-C., Wu, K.-J. ve Tan, R. (2020). Eco-Efficient Sustainable Service Supply Chain Management Hierarchical Model Based on Qualitative Information and Quantitative Data, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.
  • Turker, D. ve Altuntas, C. (2014). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Fast Fashion Industry: An Analysis of Corporate Reports, European Management Journal, 32(5), 837-849.
  • Vachon, S. ve Mao, Z. (2008). Linking Supply Chain Strength to Sustainable Development: A Country-level Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 16, 1552–1560.
  • Verma, A. (2014). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: Selective Case Studies from Indian Hospitality Industry. International Management Review, Vol:10(2), 13-23.
  • Vidal, N. ve Croom, S. (2018). Integrating Sustainable Practices Within Supply Chain Management: A Systems Perspective. BioProducts Business 3(8), 92-106.
  • Walker, H. ve Jones, N. (2012). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Across the UK Private Sector, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(1), 15-28.
  • Wang, J. ve Dai, J. (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol:118(1), 2-21.
  • Wolf, J. (2014). The Relationship Between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol: 119, 317–328.
  • Yadav, G., Luthra, S., Jakhar, S., Mangla, S. ve Rai, D. (2020). A Framework to Overcome Sustainable Supply Chain Challenges Through Solution Measures of Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy: An Automotive Case, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol: 254, 1.
  • Zailani , S., Jeyaraman, K., Vengadasan, G. ve Premkumar, R. (2012). Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) in Malaysia: A Survey, International Journal of Production Economics 140, 330–340.
  • Zimon, D., Madzik, P. ve Sroufe, R. (2020). The Influence of ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 on Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Textile Industry. Sustainability, 12, 4282, 1-19.


Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 830 - 860, 30.09.2021


Management of supply chains is critical in today's global business environment. Sustainability is among the most important factors in business activities and supply chain management. The integration of supply chain management with the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental and social) has led to the emergence of sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable supply chain management is the management of supply chain operations, resources, information and funds to maximize social welfare and supply chain profitability while minimizing environmental impacts. Today, businesses are increasingly held responsible for the environmental, social and economic consequences resulting from their internal operations and the operations of their suppliers. Sustainable supply chain management is not just for businesses to survive; it also answers questions about what needs to be done to develop and succeed in the long term. This study focuses on establishing a broad theoretical framework on sustainable supply chain management. In addition, the study aims to help top management decisions in businesses by mentioning the sustainability strategies and practices of supply chain management, the advantages and challenges of sustainable supply chain management.


  • Aarabi, M., Saman, M., Khoei, M., Wong, K., Beheshti, H. ve Zakuan, N. (2011). Conceptual Model for Information Systems of Sustainable Supply Chain Management, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 303-307.
  • Abbasi, M. (2012). Themes and Challenges in Developing Sustainable Supply Chains: Towards a Complexity Theory Perspective. Lund University, Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Sweden.
  • Ali, A., Bentley, Y., Cao, G. ve Habib, F. (2017). Green Supply Chain Management–Food for Thought?, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 20(1), 22-38.
  • Aljoghaiman, A., Saad, M. ve Kumar, V. (2020). Investigating the Motivators, Barriers and Enablers Associated with the Implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain in Saudi Manufacturing Industry, 3rd IEOM European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
  • Al-Odeh, M. ve Smallwood, J. (2012). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Literature Review, Trends, and Framework, IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, Vol:15(1), 85-90.
  • Alves, A., Schultz, G. ve De Barcellos, M. (2019). Understanding Sustainable Supply Chain Coordination: A Review of Publications in Brazilian Journals. Revista Ciencias Administrativas, 24(3), 1-17.
  • Alzoubi, H., Ahmed, G., Al-Gasaymeh, A. ve Al Kurdi, B. (2020). Empirical Study on Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies and Its Impact on Competitive Priorities: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Collaboration, Management Science Letters, 10, 703–708.
  • Barrientos, A. ve De La Mota, I. (2016). Modeling Sustainable Supply Chain Management as a Complex Adaptive System: The Emergence of Cooperation, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, 195-218.
  • Beske, P., Land, A. ve Seuring, S. (2014). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Dynamic Capabilities in the Food Industry: A Critical Analysis of the Literature, International Journal Production Economics, 152, 131-143.
  • Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. ve Seuring, S. (2014). Quantitative Models for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Developments and Directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 233, 299-312.
  • Carter, C. ve Easton, P. (2011). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Evolution and Future Directions, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol: 41(1), 46-62.
  • Carter, C. ve Rogers, D. (2008). A Framework of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Moving Toward New Theory, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol: (5), 360-387.
  • Çetinkaya, B. (2010). Developing a Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg., 17-55.
  • Das, D. (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Indian Organisations: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Production Research, 1-19.
  • Diabat , A., Kannan, D. ve Mathiyazhagan, K. (2014). Analysis of Enablers for Implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain Management A Textile Case, Journal of Cleaner Production, 83, 391-403.
  • Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., Childe, S., Papadopoulos, T. ve Fosso-Wamba, S. (2017). World Class Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Critical Review and Further Research Directions. International Journal of Logistics Management, 28 (2), 332-362.
  • Eitiveni, I., Kurnia, S. ve Buyya, R. (2017). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Taxonomy, Gaps, and Future Directions, Twenty First Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Langkawi, 1-12.
  • Emamisaleh, K., Rahmani, K. ve Iranzadeh, S. (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Sustainability Performance In The Food Industry, The South East Asian Journal of Management, Vol:12 (1), 1-19.
  • Erol, İ. ve Nurtanis Velioglu, M. (2019). An Investigation Into Sustaianable Supply Chain Management Practices In A Developing Country, International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 11(2), 104 - 118.
  • Esfahbodi, A., Zhang, Y. ve Watson, G. (2016). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies: Trade-offs Between Environmental and Cost Performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 350-366.
  • Farooque, M., Zhang, A., Thürer, M., Qu, T. ve Huisingh, D. (2019). Circular Supply Chain Management: A Definition and Structured, Journal of Cleaner Production, 228, 882-900.
  • Font, X., Tapper, R., Schwartz, K. ve Kornilaki, M. (2008). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Tourism, Business Strategy and the Environment, 17 (4), 260 – 271.
  • Formentini, M ve Taticchi, P. (2016). Corporate Sustainability Approaches and Governance Mechanisms in Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 1920-1933.
  • Geyi,D., Yusuf, Y., Menhat, M., Abubakar, T. ve Ogbuke, N. (2020). Agile Capabilities as Necessary Conditions for Maximising Sustainable Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Production Economics, 222, 107501.
  • Govindan, K., Rajeev, A., Padhi, S. ve Pati, R. (2020). Supply Chain Sustainability and Performance of Firms: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 137, 101923.
  • Hamdy, O., Elsayed, K. ve Elahmady, B. (2018). Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on Egyptian Companies’ Performance. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 7, 4, 119-130.
  • (2020). Make Your Company’s Supply Chain Sustainable Through EMAS, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2010). Supply Chain Sustainability A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement, United Nations Global Impact and Business for Social Responsibility Report, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Increases Business Success, DHL, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2019). Leading Business Challenges for Retailers Around Their Supply Chain in 2018, E. Mazareanu, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • (2019b). Biggest Supply Chain Challenges Worldwide 2017-2018, E. Mazareanu, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • Junge, A. ve Straube, F. (2020). Sustainable Supply Chains – Digital Transformation Technologies Impact on The Social and Environmental Dimension, Procedia Manufacturing 43, 736–742.
  • Koberg, E. ve Longoni, A. (2019). A Systematic Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Global Supply Chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 207, 1084-1098.
  • Lee, C. ve Ha, B. C. (2020). The Impact of Interactional Justice and Supply-Chain Collaboration on Sustainable SCM Performance: The Case of Multinational Pharmaceutical Firms, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol: 7(2), 237-247.
  • Li, J., Fang, H. ve Song , W. (2019). Sustainable Supplier Selection Based on SSCM Practices: A Rough Cloud TOPSIS Approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 606-621.
  • Mann, I. (2018). Impact of Adoption of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on a Firm‘s Performance. Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, PhD Thesis.
  • Modica, P., Altinay, , L., Farmaki, A., Gursoy, D. ve Zenga,, M. (2020). Consumer Perceptions Towards Sustainable Supply Chain Practices in the Hospitality Industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(3), 358-375.
  • Morali, O. ve Searcy, C. (2013). A Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Canada, Journal of Business Ethics,117, 635–658.
  • Ostdick, N. (2016). 5 Steps for Creating a More Sustainable Supply Chain,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.07.2020
  • Panigrahi, S., Bahinipati, B. ve Jain, V. (2019). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Review of Literature and Implications for Future Research. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol:30(5), 1001-1049.
  • Paulraj, A., Chen, I. ve Blome, C. (2017). Motives and Performance Outcomes of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: A Multi-theoretical Perspective, Journal of Business Ethics, 145, 239–258.
  • Petljak, K. ve Kotzab, H. (2020). Sustainable Retail Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric Viewpoint, International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 215-224.
  • Romiguer , A. (2011). Sustainable Development: Objectives, Enablers and Challenges for Spanish Companies. Tampere University of Technology, Master of Science Thesis.
  • Sajjad, A., Eweje, G. ve Tappin, D. (2019). Managerial Perspectives on Drivers for and Barriers to Sustainable Supply Chain Management Implementation: Evidence from New Zealand, Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 592-604.
  • Sebastianelli, R. ve Tamimi, N. (2020). Antecedents of Sustainable Supply Chain Initiatives: Empirical Evidence from the S&P 500. Business and Society Review, 125(1), 3-22.
  • Seuring, S. ve Muller, M. (2008). From a Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, 16, 1699–1710.
  • Shaikh, F., Shahbaz, M. ve Odhano, N. (2020). A Short Review on Green Supply Chain Management Practices: The Impact on Operational and Environmental Performance, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 10(2), 5367-5370.
  • Shaverdi, M., Ramezani, I. ve Rostamy, A. (2016). Multi-Criteria Decision Making Models for Sustainable and Green Supply Chain Management Based on Fuzzy Approach, Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing, IGI Global, 291-307.
  • Silvestre, B. (2015). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies: Environmental Turbulence, Institutional Voids and Sustainability Trajectories, International Journal of Production Economics, 167, 156-169.
  • Skender, H. ve Zaninovic, P. (2020). Perspectives of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Supply Chains, Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management, 77-92.
  • Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F. ve Pasqualino, R. (2013). Performance Measurement of Sustainable Supply Chains, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol: 62(8) , 782-804.
  • Tseng, M.-L., Chen, C.-C., Wu, K.-J. ve Tan, R. (2020). Eco-Efficient Sustainable Service Supply Chain Management Hierarchical Model Based on Qualitative Information and Quantitative Data, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.
  • Turker, D. ve Altuntas, C. (2014). Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Fast Fashion Industry: An Analysis of Corporate Reports, European Management Journal, 32(5), 837-849.
  • Vachon, S. ve Mao, Z. (2008). Linking Supply Chain Strength to Sustainable Development: A Country-level Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 16, 1552–1560.
  • Verma, A. (2014). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: Selective Case Studies from Indian Hospitality Industry. International Management Review, Vol:10(2), 13-23.
  • Vidal, N. ve Croom, S. (2018). Integrating Sustainable Practices Within Supply Chain Management: A Systems Perspective. BioProducts Business 3(8), 92-106.
  • Walker, H. ve Jones, N. (2012). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Across the UK Private Sector, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(1), 15-28.
  • Wang, J. ve Dai, J. (2018). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol:118(1), 2-21.
  • Wolf, J. (2014). The Relationship Between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol: 119, 317–328.
  • Yadav, G., Luthra, S., Jakhar, S., Mangla, S. ve Rai, D. (2020). A Framework to Overcome Sustainable Supply Chain Challenges Through Solution Measures of Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy: An Automotive Case, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol: 254, 1.
  • Zailani , S., Jeyaraman, K., Vengadasan, G. ve Premkumar, R. (2012). Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) in Malaysia: A Survey, International Journal of Production Economics 140, 330–340.
  • Zimon, D., Madzik, P. ve Sroufe, R. (2020). The Influence of ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 on Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Textile Industry. Sustainability, 12, 4282, 1-19.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasemin Gedik 0000-0002-1166-3227

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Submission Date August 13, 2020
Acceptance Date March 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Gedik, Y. (2021). SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ YÖNETİMİ: KURAMSAL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 17(3), 830-860.