Writing Rules

Journal Writing Guidelines

Dear Authors,

We would like to express our gratitude for choosing our journal. We kindly request you to prepare your work according to the journal template. Please carefully read the rules outlined below.

Thank you.

To ensure the acceptance of articles in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Science, authors must adhere to the following rules and guidelines for manuscript preparation before submission. The journal template, accessible below, should be used:


Key Considerations for Article Writing:

  1. The main title should be concise, avoiding excessive length, and mathematical expressions should be avoided whenever possible.
  2. Format specifications: 14pt for the main title, 10pt for the abstract, and 11pt for the main text, section headings, and subheadings.
  3. If the article is in English, the Turkish abstract section should only include the main title and author information, article type should not be included, and vice versa.
  4. Author address information should be presented in the format: "Department name, institution name, province, country" (e.g., "Department of Computer Engineering, Munzur University, Tunceli, Türkiye").
  5. The abstract should be between 100 and 200 words, without references. Mathematical formulae should be included only if necessary.
  6. Include at least 3 and no more than 5 keywords, preferably single words.
  7. Number sections, align section headings, and number 2nd and 3rd level subheadings. Subheadings beyond the third level should not be numbered.
  8. Centralize equations, present long equations orderly, and use Cambria Math as the default equation font. Do not attach equations as photographs.
  9. Equation numbers should start with the chapter number, followed by the equation number in parentheses (e.g., (3.1)).
  10. Utilize the Word equation editor for equations, ensuring the default font is Cambria Math.
  11. In-text references to equations should specify the relevant equation number (e.g., "from equation (4.1) ...").
  12. Number statements (e.g., Definition, Theorem, Lemma, Conclusion) with the chapter number (e.g., Theorem 3.1).
  13. Warning, Note, and proofs should not be numbered.
  14. In-text references to statements should include the relevant expression number (e.g., "If Theorem 4.2 is used...").
  15. Start each paragraph with a "tab" space. Maintain the same spacing levels as in the template (0.9 cm).
  16. Write text with 1 line spacing and justified alignment.
  17. Center figures and tables. Provide independent numbering for figures and tables. Place figure numbers and descriptions below the figure and table numbers and descriptions above the table. Italicize table captions.
  18. If figures include drawings, create them using appropriate programs rather than using low-resolution, compressed images.
  19. Ensure photographs have sufficient resolution for readability.
  20. In-text references should use source numbers. For multiple citations simultaneously, use a "-" sign (e.g., [1-3]).
  21. Use the following samples  for references. Use "&" in reference writing. Italicize journal names. Include publisher information for books.

    Sample References:

    a. Article:Badescu, V. (2002). First and second law analysis of a solar assisted heat pump based heating system. Energy Conversion and Management, 43(18), 2539-2552.

    Note: It should be checked whether the works on non-print open source platforms such as Arxiv have been published elsewhere and if they have been published, the printed version should be cited. If the work is not in print, the reference should be as follows:
    Preprint: Perelman, G. (2002). The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications. arXiv preprint math/0211159.
    The same format should be used as the article, and Arxiv description and number should be added instead of the journal name.
    b. Book:
    Belitz, H. D., Grosch, W., and Schieberle, P. (2008). Food Chemistry. Springer Science and Business Media.
    Author's surname, initial. (year). Book title (italic), Publisher name
    c. Proceedings:
    Unal, I., and Yildirim, Ö. (2018). Geometric methods in deep learning. In 2018 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
    Author's surname, initial. (year). Title of the paper, name of the conference (italic), page range,

Last Update Time: 3/27/24, 9:16:30 AM