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Physical and Chemicial Properties of a Type of Almond Called "Akbadem" Grown in the Aegean Region in Turkey

Year 2017, , 134 - 141, 25.11.2017


A type of almond, called "Akbadem", grown in the Aegean region in Turkey were evaluated in terms of several physical and chemicial properties of nut and kernel. The average length, width, thickness, arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, particle size and surface area of nuts were 39.04±2.94 mm, 23.56±1.88 mm, 15.60±1.15 mm, 26.07±1.19 mm, 24.29±1.75 mm, 5053.05±1100.12 mm3 and 1565.14±225.63 mm2 respectively. Corresponding values for kernel were 28.25±1.92 mm, 14.28±1.17 mm, 6.87±0.53 mm, 16.46±1.05 mm, 14.03±0.87 mm, 887.05 ± 167.28 mm3 and 533.90±65.86 mm2 respectively. "Akbadem" nut shell has a significant impact on the dimensional properties. Dimensional properties were decreased significantly than the almond nut to almonds kernel. The average almond nut shell thickness was determined as 3.35±0.34 mm. Akbadem nut gravimetric properties; thousand seed weight, seed density and bulk density were determined 4950±0.01 g, 1140±0.001 kg/m³ and 375±5.00 kg/m³ respectively. Corresponding values for "Akbadem" kernel were determined 1430±0.08 g, 1080±0.003 kg/m³ ve 485±5.00 kg/m³ respectively. Internal efficiency of Akbadem was determined as 30±0.50%. The "Akbadem" kernel was determined L-value 59.56±1.98, a-value 5.68±0.79 and b-value 16.74±0.54. "Akbadem" kernel shell is quite dark as shown in Hunter color values. Chemical composition of Akbadem kernel; moisture, total oil, total ash, protein, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and palmitholeic acid were 3.57±0.15%, 52.32±1.21%, 3.15±0.01%, 20.57±0.07%, 76.11±1.18%, 17.71±1.14%, 6.14±0.05% and 0.04±0.01%. "Akbadem" is seen that fatty acids and the relatively high amount of protein. 


  • Gradziel, T. M. (2009). Almond (Prunus dulcis) breeding. In Breeding plantation tree crops: temperate species (pp. 1-31). Springer New York.
  • Ballhorn, D. J. (2011). Cyanogenic glycosides in nuts and seeds. In Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 129-136).
  • Mcgloughlin, M. (1999). Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology (pp. 2681-2682). Wiley Inc. New York.
  • Barreira, J., Ferreira, I. C., Oliveira, M. B. P. P., & Pereira, J. A. (2009). Effects of different phenols extraction conditions on antioxidant activity of almond (Prunus dulcis) fruits. Journal of food biochemistry, 33(6), 763-776.
  • Mirrahimi, A., Srichaikull, K., Esfahanil, A., Banachl, M.S., Sievenpiperl, J.L., Kendall, C.W.C. & Jenkins, D.J.A. (2011). Almond (Prunus dulcis) Seeds and Oxidative Stress. Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 160–162). Academic Press London.
  • Mori, A., Lapsley, K., & Mattes, R. D. (2011). Almonds (Prunus dulcis): Post-Ingestive Hormonal Response. In Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 167-173). Academic Press London.
  • Gray, J. (2005). Nuts and seeds. Encyclopedia of human nutrition, 329-335. Academic Press London.
  • Kester, D. E., Kader, A. A., & Cunningham, S. (2003). Almonds. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Ten-Volume Set, 150-155.
  • Payne, T.J. (2005). “Nuts” Processing Fruits Science and Technology (pp. 765). CRC press.
  • Durmuş, E., & Yiğit, A. (2003). Türkiye’nin meyve üretim yöreleri. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Fırat University Journal Of Social Science), 13(2), 23-54.
  • Akçay, M. E., & Tosun, İ. (2005). Bazı geç çiçek açan yabancı badem çeşitlerinin yalova ekolojik koşullarındaki gelişme ve verim davranışları. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 36(1).
  • Anonymous. (2011). Badem Yetiştiriciliği. T.C. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı. Bahçecilik. 621EEH042 Ankara.
  • Karabacak, M. (2012). Trakya bölgesinde badem (Prunus dulcis) ağaçlarında görülen virüs hastalıklarının saptanması (Master's thesis, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi). [14]. Yavuz, G.G. (2011). Badem. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü,.Tepge Bakış. ISSN: 1303–8346 / Nüsha: 6. [15]. Anonymous. (2007). (10.01.2014),
  • Küden, A., Mendi, Y.Y., Kacar, Y. A., Bayazit, S., Cömlekcioglu, S., & Irmak, B. (2005). The identified of Plant and Molecular Characteristics of Almond Genotypes in Different Ecologies. TUBITAK, TOGTAG. Project No: TOGTAG 3063, Adana.
  • Güçlü, Y. (2010). The examination of climate comfortable conditions in terms of coastal tourism on the Aegean Region coastal belt. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 794-823.
  • Yada, S., Lapsley, K., & Huang, G. (2011). A review of composition studies of cultivated almonds: Macronutrients and micronutrients. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 24(4), 469-480.
  • Anonymous. (2013). 17.05.2011 (accessed Dec 15).
  • Askin, M. A., Balta, M. F., Tekintas, F. E., Kazankaya, A., & Balta, F. (2007). Fatty acid composition affected by kernel weight in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Webb.] genetic resources. Journal of food composition and analysis, 20(1), 7-12.
  • Sathe, S. K., Monaghan, E. K., Kshirsagar, H. H., & Venkatachalam, M. (2009). Chemical composition of edible nut seeds and its implications in human health. Tree nuts: composition, phytochemicals, and health effects, 12-36.
  • Yada, S., Huang, G., & Lapsley, K. (2013). Natural variability in the nutrient composition of California-grown almonds. Journal of food composition and analysis, 30(2), 80-85.
  • Moss, J. R., & Otten, L. (1989). A relationship between colour development and moisture content during roasting of peanuts. Canadian Institute of food science and technology journal, 22(1), 34-39.
  • Driscoll, R. H., & Madamba, P. S. (1994). Modelling the browning kinetics of garlic. Food Australia, 46(2), 66-71.
  • AOAC. (1997). Official Methods of Analysis. Analysis of Total Fat. Official Method 948.22, 18th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Yetim, H. (2002). Protein Analizleri. Gıda Analizleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraaat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları (sayfa 19-37). Erzurum.
  • Moore, J. C., DeVries, J. W., Lipp, M., Griffiths, J. C., & Abernethy, D. R. (2010). Total protein methods and their potential utility to reduce the risk of food protein adulteration. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9(4), 330-357.
  • AOAC. (200). Official Methods of Analysis. Ash of Fruits and Fruit Products. Official Method 948.22, 17th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Mohsenin, N.N. (1980). Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc (pp. 51-87). New York.
  • Jain, R. K., & Bal, S. (1997). Properties of pearl millet. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 66(2), 85-91.
  • Bakkalbaşı, E. (2009). Farklı Ambalaj Materyalleri ve Depo Koşullarının Ceviz Bileşimine Etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı. Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Amrein, T. M., Andres, L., Schönbächler, B., Conde-Petit, B., Escher, F., & Amadò, R. (2005). Acrylamide in almond products. European Food Research and Technology, 221(1-2), 14-18.
  • AOAC. (1996). AOAC Official Methot 996.06 Fat (total, saturated and unsaturated) in Foods. Hydrolitic Extraction Gas Chromatographic Metdod.
  • Sathe, S. K. (1992). Solubilization, electrophoretic characterization and in vitro digestibility of almond (Prunus amygdalus) proteins. Journal of food biochemistry, 16(4), 249-264.
  • Yıldırım, A., Koyuncu, F., Tekintaş, E., & Yıldırım, F. A. (2008). Isparta bölgesinde selekte edilen badem (prunus amygdalus batsch.) genotiplerinin bazı kimyasal özellikleri ve yağ asitleri kompozisyonları. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 5(1), 19-25.
  • Şimşek, M., Çömlekçioğlu, S., & Osmanoğlu, A. (2010). Çüngüş İlçesinde Doğal Olarak Yetişen Bademlerin Seleksiyonu Üzerinde Bir Araştirma. Harran Tarim ve Gida Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(1), 37-44.
  • Aydin, C. (2003). Physical properties of almond nut and kernel. Journal of Food Engineering, 60(3), 315-320.
  • Mexis, S. F., & Kontominas, M. G. (2009). Effect of γ-irradiation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(9), 1501-1507.

Physical and Chemicial Properties of a Type of Almond Called "Akbadem" Grown in the Aegean Region in Turkey

Year 2017, , 134 - 141, 25.11.2017


type of almond, called "Akbadem", grown in the Aegean region in
Turkey were evaluated in terms of several physical and chemicial properties of
nut and kernel. The average length, width, thickness, arithmetic mean diameter,
geometric mean diameter, particle size and surface area of nuts were 39.04±2.94
mm, 23.56±1.88 mm, 15.60±1.15 mm, 26.07±1.19 mm, 24.29±1.75 mm, 5053.05±1100.12
mm3 and 1565.14±225.63 mm2 respectively. Corresponding
values for kernel were 28.25±1.92 mm, 14.28±1.17 mm, 6.87±0.53 mm, 16.46±1.05
mm, 14.03±0.87 mm, 887.05 ± 167.28 mm3 and 533.90±65.86 mm2
respectively. "Akbadem" nut shell has a significant impact on the
dimensional properties. Dimensional properties were decreased significantly
than the almond nut to almonds kernel. The average almond nut shell thickness
was determined as 3.35±0.34 mm. Akbadem nut gravimetric properties; thousand
seed weight, seed density and bulk density were determined 4950±0.01 g,
1140±0.001 kg/m³ and 375±5.00 kg/m³ respectively. Corresponding values for
"Akbadem" kernel were determined 1430±0.08 g, 1080±0.003 kg/m³ ve
485±5.00 kg/m³ respectively. Internal efficiency of Akbadem was determined as
30±0.50%. The "Akbadem" kernel was determined L-value 59.56±1.98, a-value
5.68±0.79 and b-value 16.74±0.54.
"Akbadem" kernel shell is quite dark as shown in Hunter color values.
Chemical composition of Akbadem kernel; 
moisture, total oil, total ash, protein, oleic acid, linoleic acid,
palmitic acid and palmitholeic acid were 3.57±0.15%, 52.32±1.21%, 3.15±0.01%,
20.57±0.07%, 76.11±1.18%, 17.71±1.14%, 6.14±0.05% and 0.04±0.01%.
"Akbadem" is seen that fatty acids and the relatively high amount of


  • Gradziel, T. M. (2009). Almond (Prunus dulcis) breeding. In Breeding plantation tree crops: temperate species (pp. 1-31). Springer New York.
  • Ballhorn, D. J. (2011). Cyanogenic glycosides in nuts and seeds. In Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 129-136).
  • Mcgloughlin, M. (1999). Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology (pp. 2681-2682). Wiley Inc. New York.
  • Barreira, J., Ferreira, I. C., Oliveira, M. B. P. P., & Pereira, J. A. (2009). Effects of different phenols extraction conditions on antioxidant activity of almond (Prunus dulcis) fruits. Journal of food biochemistry, 33(6), 763-776.
  • Mirrahimi, A., Srichaikull, K., Esfahanil, A., Banachl, M.S., Sievenpiperl, J.L., Kendall, C.W.C. & Jenkins, D.J.A. (2011). Almond (Prunus dulcis) Seeds and Oxidative Stress. Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 160–162). Academic Press London.
  • Mori, A., Lapsley, K., & Mattes, R. D. (2011). Almonds (Prunus dulcis): Post-Ingestive Hormonal Response. In Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 167-173). Academic Press London.
  • Gray, J. (2005). Nuts and seeds. Encyclopedia of human nutrition, 329-335. Academic Press London.
  • Kester, D. E., Kader, A. A., & Cunningham, S. (2003). Almonds. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Ten-Volume Set, 150-155.
  • Payne, T.J. (2005). “Nuts” Processing Fruits Science and Technology (pp. 765). CRC press.
  • Durmuş, E., & Yiğit, A. (2003). Türkiye’nin meyve üretim yöreleri. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Fırat University Journal Of Social Science), 13(2), 23-54.
  • Akçay, M. E., & Tosun, İ. (2005). Bazı geç çiçek açan yabancı badem çeşitlerinin yalova ekolojik koşullarındaki gelişme ve verim davranışları. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 36(1).
  • Anonymous. (2011). Badem Yetiştiriciliği. T.C. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı. Bahçecilik. 621EEH042 Ankara.
  • Karabacak, M. (2012). Trakya bölgesinde badem (Prunus dulcis) ağaçlarında görülen virüs hastalıklarının saptanması (Master's thesis, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi). [14]. Yavuz, G.G. (2011). Badem. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü,.Tepge Bakış. ISSN: 1303–8346 / Nüsha: 6. [15]. Anonymous. (2007). (10.01.2014),
  • Küden, A., Mendi, Y.Y., Kacar, Y. A., Bayazit, S., Cömlekcioglu, S., & Irmak, B. (2005). The identified of Plant and Molecular Characteristics of Almond Genotypes in Different Ecologies. TUBITAK, TOGTAG. Project No: TOGTAG 3063, Adana.
  • Güçlü, Y. (2010). The examination of climate comfortable conditions in terms of coastal tourism on the Aegean Region coastal belt. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 794-823.
  • Yada, S., Lapsley, K., & Huang, G. (2011). A review of composition studies of cultivated almonds: Macronutrients and micronutrients. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 24(4), 469-480.
  • Anonymous. (2013). 17.05.2011 (accessed Dec 15).
  • Askin, M. A., Balta, M. F., Tekintas, F. E., Kazankaya, A., & Balta, F. (2007). Fatty acid composition affected by kernel weight in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Webb.] genetic resources. Journal of food composition and analysis, 20(1), 7-12.
  • Sathe, S. K., Monaghan, E. K., Kshirsagar, H. H., & Venkatachalam, M. (2009). Chemical composition of edible nut seeds and its implications in human health. Tree nuts: composition, phytochemicals, and health effects, 12-36.
  • Yada, S., Huang, G., & Lapsley, K. (2013). Natural variability in the nutrient composition of California-grown almonds. Journal of food composition and analysis, 30(2), 80-85.
  • Moss, J. R., & Otten, L. (1989). A relationship between colour development and moisture content during roasting of peanuts. Canadian Institute of food science and technology journal, 22(1), 34-39.
  • Driscoll, R. H., & Madamba, P. S. (1994). Modelling the browning kinetics of garlic. Food Australia, 46(2), 66-71.
  • AOAC. (1997). Official Methods of Analysis. Analysis of Total Fat. Official Method 948.22, 18th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Yetim, H. (2002). Protein Analizleri. Gıda Analizleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraaat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları (sayfa 19-37). Erzurum.
  • Moore, J. C., DeVries, J. W., Lipp, M., Griffiths, J. C., & Abernethy, D. R. (2010). Total protein methods and their potential utility to reduce the risk of food protein adulteration. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9(4), 330-357.
  • AOAC. (200). Official Methods of Analysis. Ash of Fruits and Fruit Products. Official Method 948.22, 17th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Mohsenin, N.N. (1980). Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Inc (pp. 51-87). New York.
  • Jain, R. K., & Bal, S. (1997). Properties of pearl millet. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 66(2), 85-91.
  • Bakkalbaşı, E. (2009). Farklı Ambalaj Materyalleri ve Depo Koşullarının Ceviz Bileşimine Etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı. Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Amrein, T. M., Andres, L., Schönbächler, B., Conde-Petit, B., Escher, F., & Amadò, R. (2005). Acrylamide in almond products. European Food Research and Technology, 221(1-2), 14-18.
  • AOAC. (1996). AOAC Official Methot 996.06 Fat (total, saturated and unsaturated) in Foods. Hydrolitic Extraction Gas Chromatographic Metdod.
  • Sathe, S. K. (1992). Solubilization, electrophoretic characterization and in vitro digestibility of almond (Prunus amygdalus) proteins. Journal of food biochemistry, 16(4), 249-264.
  • Yıldırım, A., Koyuncu, F., Tekintaş, E., & Yıldırım, F. A. (2008). Isparta bölgesinde selekte edilen badem (prunus amygdalus batsch.) genotiplerinin bazı kimyasal özellikleri ve yağ asitleri kompozisyonları. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 5(1), 19-25.
  • Şimşek, M., Çömlekçioğlu, S., & Osmanoğlu, A. (2010). Çüngüş İlçesinde Doğal Olarak Yetişen Bademlerin Seleksiyonu Üzerinde Bir Araştirma. Harran Tarim ve Gida Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(1), 37-44.
  • Aydin, C. (2003). Physical properties of almond nut and kernel. Journal of Food Engineering, 60(3), 315-320.
  • Mexis, S. F., & Kontominas, M. G. (2009). Effect of γ-irradiation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(9), 1501-1507.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Nizam Mustafa Nizamlıoğlu

Sebahattin Nas

Publication Date November 25, 2017
Submission Date May 3, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Nizamlıoğlu, N. M., & Nas, S. (2017). Physical and Chemicial Properties of a Type of Almond Called "Akbadem" Grown in the Aegean Region in Turkey. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 4(3, Special Issue 1), 134-141.
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

e-ISSN: 2148-6905