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Dimensions of Foot Waste and Sustainability in Health Institutions

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 585 - 592, 21.06.2023


Food systems take into account socioeconomic-environmental consequences, food supply and related elements, as well as food activities. When evaluating food waste, it is concluded that approximately 2100 kcal/day of food per person is wasted each year globally. In addition to the complications related to malnutrition, hospital food waste leads to financial and environmental concerns. Food waste management can encompass a range of strategies, including source reduction, helping those in need, feeding animals, industrial use, composting, and disposal, which can be prioritized in accordance with the food recovery hierarchy from most to least appropriate options. Many developed countries strive to establish national, legal and administrative regulations in order to create a sustainable health sector management system. The EATLancet Commission's 2019 report sets goals for healthy eating and sustainable food production, considering every step of the food supply chain. Recommended strategies include sustainably increasing food production and reducing food loss and waste. In the light of these guidelines, it is essential to ensure the correct management of waste at all stages from production to consumption, and to adopt and implement sustainable practices for environmentally friendly food systems in the health sector.


  • Carino S, Porter J, Malekpour S, Collins J. Environmental sustainability of hospital food services across the food supply chain: a systematic review. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020; 120(5): 825-873. Available from:
  • Landrigan PJ, Fuller R, Acosta NJR, Adeyi O, Arnold R, Basu NN, et al. The lancet commission on pollution and health. The Lancet. 2018; 391(10119): 462–512. Available from: 6736(17)32345-0
  • Cohen AJ, Brauer M, Burnett R, Anderson HR, Frostad J, Estep K, et al. Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the global burden of diseases study 2015. The Lancet. 2017; 389(10082):1907–18. Available from:
  • Sherman JD, Thiel C, MacNeill A, Eckelman MJ, Dubrow R, Hopf H, et al. The green print: advancement of environmental sustainability in healthcare. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2020; 161: 104882. Available from:
  • World Health Organization. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. 2009. Available from:
  • Alberdi G, Begiristain-Zubillaga M. Identifying a sustainable food procurement strategy in healthcare systems: a scoping review. Sustainability. 2021; 13(4): 2398. Available from: su13042398
  • Rose D, Heller MC, Roberto CA. Position of the society for nutrition education and behavior: the ımportance of ıncluding environmental sustainability in dietary guidance. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2019; 51(1): 3-15. e1. Available from:
  • Garnett T. What is a sustainable healthy diet? A discussion paper. Oxford, United Kingdom: Food Climate Research Network (FCRN). 2014 Available from:
  • Conrad Z, Niles MT, Neher DA, Roy ED, Tichenor NE, Jahns L. Relationship between food waste, diet quality, and environmental sustainability. PloS one. 2018; 13(4): e0195405-e. Available from: https://
  • Prada M, Prada IF, Cristea M, Popescu DE, Bungău C, Aleya L, et al. New solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency of buildings of special importance – hospitals. Sci Total Environ. 2020; 718:137446. Available from: scitotenv.2020.137446
  • Shen C, Zhao K, Ge J, Zhou Q. Analysis of building energy consumption in a hospital in the hot summer and cold winter area. Energy Procedia. 2019; 158:3735–3740. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.883
  • Melikoglu M. Appraising food waste generation and forecasting food waste to energy potentials of hospitals in Turkey: a global to local analysis. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2020; 24: 292–297. Available from:
  • Williams P, Walton K. Plate waste in hospitals and strategies for change. e-SPEN Journal. 2011; 6(6): 235-241. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1016/J.ECLNM.2011.09.006
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Atık Yönetimi Yönetmeliği. T.C. Resmi Gazete. 2015; 29314. Available from: https://www.resmigazete.
  • Çilhoroz Y, Işık O. Ankara’daki hastanelerin yeşil hastane ölçütlerine uygunluğunun incelenmesi. HSİD. 2018; 21(1):41-63. Available from:
  • Anari R, Amini M, Nikooyeh B, Ghodsi D, Torabi P, Neyestani TR. Evaluation of nutritional status, food intake and costs of food waste in hospitalized patients, considering relevant causes and finding possible solutions: protocol of a mixed-method study. Nutr Food Sci Res. 2021; 8(3): 1-10. Available from:
  • Wood LC, Wang C, Rahmand HA, Nasirc NSJA. Green hospital design: integrating quality function deployment and end-user demands. J Clean Prod. 2016; 112(1): 903-13. Available from: jclepro.2015.08.101
  • Martins ML, Henriques SA, Rocha A. Evaluation of food waste at a Portuguese Geriatric Institution. Sustainability. 2021; 13: 2452. Available from:
  • McCray S, Maunder K, Norris R, Moir J, MacKenzie-Shalders K. Bedside menu ordering system increases energy and protein intake while decreasing plate waste and food costs in hospital patients. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018; 26: 66-71. Available from: clnesp.2018.04.012
  • Hajifathali A, Ainy E, Jafari H, Moghadam NM, Kohyar E, Hajikaram S. In-patient satisfaction and its related factors in Taleghani University Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Pak J Med Sci. 2008;24(2):274. Available from:
  • Dias-Ferreira C, Santos T, Oliveira V. Hospital food waste and environmental and economic indicators–a Portuguese case study. Waste Management. 2015;46:146-54. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.09.025
  • Hong W, Kirk D. The analysis of edible plate waste results in 11 hospitals in the UK. Foodservice Research International. 1995;8(2):115- 23. Available from:
  • Barton A, Beigg C, Macdonald I, Allison S. High food wastage and low nutritional intakes in hospital patients. Clin Nutr. 2000;19(6):445- 9. Available from:
  • Porter J, Collins JA. Qualitative study exploring hospital food waste from the patient perspective. J Nutr Edu Behavior. 2021; 53: 410-7. Available from:
  • Ranjbari M, Esfandabadi ZS, Shevchenko T, Chassagnon-Haned N, Peng W, et al. Mapping healthcare waste management research: past evolution, current challenges, and future perspectives towards a circular economy transition. J Hazard Mater. 2022; 422(2022): 126724. Available from:
  • WHO, 2015a. WHO | Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities [WWW Document]. Available from: water_sanitation_health/publications/wash -health-care-facilities/en/
  • Voudrias EA. Healthcare waste management from the point of view of circular economy. Waste Manag. 2018; 75, 1–2. Available from:
  • UN. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the adverse effects of the movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights. Available from: https://digitallibrary.
  • Rizan C, Bhutta MF, Reed M, Lillywhite R.The carbon footprint of waste streams in a UK hospital. J. Clean. Prod. 2021; 286: 125446. Available from: jclepro.2020.125446
  • Kumari S, Kumar R. Green hospital - a necessity and not option. J Manag Res Anal. 2020; 7(2): 46-51. Available from: http://dx.doi. org/10.18231/j.jmra.2020.010
  • World Health Organization and Health Care Without Harm. Healthy hospitals healthy planet healthy people. Addressing climate change in health care settings, Geneva, Switzerland; 2009-28. Available from: healthy-people
  • Veri Kaynağı. OECD ülkelerinde toplam hastane sayısı sıralaması. 2017. Available from: toplam-hastane-sayisi-siralamasi-2017/
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı. Mevcut ve yeni yapılacak sağlık tesislerinde uyulması gereken asgari teknik standartlar. Ankara, İnşaat ve Onarım Dairesi Başkanlığı. 2012. Available from: resimler/ekler/8890a54ef79ab48_ek.pdf?tipi=1&turu=H&sube=0
  • Hoşgör H. Yeşil hastane konsepti ve Türkiye deneyimi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi. 2014; 1(2): 75-84. Available from: https://
  • Yıldız H. Sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında sağlık sektöründe inovatif uygulamalar: yeşil hastaneler. KAÜİİBFD. 2016; 7(13): 323-40. Available from:
  • Stevens T. 30 Most Environmentally Friendly Hospitals in the World. 2014. Available from: net/30-most-environmentally-
  • Roberts GL. Shades of green, the evolution of hospital sustainable design standards. Health Facilities Management Magazine. 2011. Available from: green
  • Karliner J, Guenther R. Global green and healthy hospitals agenda. Health Care without Harm. 2011. Available from: https://www.
  • Kapoor R, Kumar S. Energy Efficiency in Hospitals Best Practice Guide. New Delhi: United States Agency for International Development. 2011; 41p.
  • Promoting an Energy-Efficient Public Sector (PePS). Energy conservation awareness drive at sir JJ hospital, mumbai, india. case study. 2015. Available from: jj_hospital_case_study.pdf
  • World Health Organization. Health in the green economy: health cobenefits of climate change mitigation - housing sector. 2011. Available from:
  • The Business Case for Greening the Healthcare Sector. Institute for innovations in large organizations. 2008 Available from: https://archive.
  • Sagha Zadeh R, Xuan X, Shepley MM. Sustainable healthcare design Facilities. 2016; 34(5/6): 264–288. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1108/F-09-2013-0067
  • Ali M, Wang W, Chaudhry N, Geng Y. Hospital waste management in developing countries: a mini review. Waste Manag Res. 2017; 35(6): 581– 592. Available from:
  • Muduli K, Barve A. Barriers to green practices in health care waste sector: an Indian perspective. Int J Environ Sci Technol. 2012; 3(4): 393-9. Available from:
  • Manzurul HM, Ahmed SA, Rahman AK, Biswas TK. Pattern of medical waste management: existing scenario in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. BMC Public Health. 2008; 8(1): 36. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1186/1471-2458-8-36
  • World Health Organization. Safe management of wastes from health care activities. 2nd ed. Geneva; 2014. Available from: from-health-care-activities-Eng.pdf
  • Health Care Without Harm, Practice Green Health. Addressing climate change in the health care setting: opportunities for action. 2009. Available from: toolkit/reports/ ClimateChange.pdf
  • EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Calculations from United States environmental protection agency’s waste reduction model 2015. Available from:
  • Holmner A, Rocklov J, Ng N, Nilsson M. Climate change and eHealth: a promising strategy for health sector mitigation and adaptation. Glob Health Action. 2012; 5(1): 18428. Available from: https://doi. org/10.3402/gha.v5i0.18428
  • Hossain MS, Santhanam A, Nik Norulaini NA, Mohd Omar AK. Clinical solid waste management practices and its impact on human health and environment: a review. Waste Manage. 2011; 31(4): 754–766. Available from:
  • World Health Organization. WHO guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities. Geneva; 2020. Available from: World Health Organization. WHO guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities. 2020.
  • Health Care Without Harm. Healthy food in health care: a pledge for fresh, local, sustainable food. reston (VA): healthy food in health care pledge. 2019. Available from:

Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 585 - 592, 21.06.2023


Gıda sistemi genel olarak, gıda ürünlerinin tarımı, ticareti, perakende satışı, taşıması ve tüketimi ile ilgili tüm maddeleri, süreçleri ve altyapıları içermektedir. Gıda atığı kısmı değerlendirildiğinde ise dünyada her yıl yaklaşık kişi başına 2100 kkal/gün gıdanın israf edildiği sonucuna ulaşılmaktadır. Hastanelerde servis edilen ve hastalar tarafından yenmeyen gıdaların yetersiz beslenmeyle ilişkili komplikasyonlara neden olmasına ek olarak finansal ve çevresel kaygılar da bulunmaktadır. Gıda atık yönetimi, gıdayı geri kazanım sıralamasına göre en uygun olanından uygun olmayana doğru; kaynak azaltma, ihtiyacı olanlara yardım etme, hayvanları besleme, endüstriyel kullanım, kompostlama ve imha etme olarak gösterilebilir. Birçok gelişmiş ülke, sürdürülebilir bir sağlık sektörü yönetim sistemi oluşturmak adına ulusal, yasal ve idari düzeyde düzenlemeler hedeflemiştir. EAT-Lancet Komisyonu'nun 2019 raporu, gıda tedarik zincirinin her adımını göz önünde bulundurarak sağlıklı beslenme ve sürdürülebilir gıda üretimi için hedefler tanımlamaktadır. Bu hedeflere ulaşmak için önerilen stratejiler arasında gıda üretiminin sürdürülebilir şekilde yoğunlaştırılması ve gıda kaybı ile israfının azaltılması yer almaktadır. Bu yönergeler ışığında sağlık sektöründe çevre dostu gıda sistemlerinin uygulanabilirliği için üretimden tüketime tüm aşamalarda atık yönetiminin doğru bir şekilde sağlanması, sürdürülebilirliğin benimsenmesi ve hayata geçirilmesi önem taşımaktadır.


  • Carino S, Porter J, Malekpour S, Collins J. Environmental sustainability of hospital food services across the food supply chain: a systematic review. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020; 120(5): 825-873. Available from:
  • Landrigan PJ, Fuller R, Acosta NJR, Adeyi O, Arnold R, Basu NN, et al. The lancet commission on pollution and health. The Lancet. 2018; 391(10119): 462–512. Available from: 6736(17)32345-0
  • Cohen AJ, Brauer M, Burnett R, Anderson HR, Frostad J, Estep K, et al. Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the global burden of diseases study 2015. The Lancet. 2017; 389(10082):1907–18. Available from:
  • Sherman JD, Thiel C, MacNeill A, Eckelman MJ, Dubrow R, Hopf H, et al. The green print: advancement of environmental sustainability in healthcare. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2020; 161: 104882. Available from:
  • World Health Organization. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. 2009. Available from:
  • Alberdi G, Begiristain-Zubillaga M. Identifying a sustainable food procurement strategy in healthcare systems: a scoping review. Sustainability. 2021; 13(4): 2398. Available from: su13042398
  • Rose D, Heller MC, Roberto CA. Position of the society for nutrition education and behavior: the ımportance of ıncluding environmental sustainability in dietary guidance. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2019; 51(1): 3-15. e1. Available from:
  • Garnett T. What is a sustainable healthy diet? A discussion paper. Oxford, United Kingdom: Food Climate Research Network (FCRN). 2014 Available from:
  • Conrad Z, Niles MT, Neher DA, Roy ED, Tichenor NE, Jahns L. Relationship between food waste, diet quality, and environmental sustainability. PloS one. 2018; 13(4): e0195405-e. Available from: https://
  • Prada M, Prada IF, Cristea M, Popescu DE, Bungău C, Aleya L, et al. New solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency of buildings of special importance – hospitals. Sci Total Environ. 2020; 718:137446. Available from: scitotenv.2020.137446
  • Shen C, Zhao K, Ge J, Zhou Q. Analysis of building energy consumption in a hospital in the hot summer and cold winter area. Energy Procedia. 2019; 158:3735–3740. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.883
  • Melikoglu M. Appraising food waste generation and forecasting food waste to energy potentials of hospitals in Turkey: a global to local analysis. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2020; 24: 292–297. Available from:
  • Williams P, Walton K. Plate waste in hospitals and strategies for change. e-SPEN Journal. 2011; 6(6): 235-241. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1016/J.ECLNM.2011.09.006
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Atık Yönetimi Yönetmeliği. T.C. Resmi Gazete. 2015; 29314. Available from: https://www.resmigazete.
  • Çilhoroz Y, Işık O. Ankara’daki hastanelerin yeşil hastane ölçütlerine uygunluğunun incelenmesi. HSİD. 2018; 21(1):41-63. Available from:
  • Anari R, Amini M, Nikooyeh B, Ghodsi D, Torabi P, Neyestani TR. Evaluation of nutritional status, food intake and costs of food waste in hospitalized patients, considering relevant causes and finding possible solutions: protocol of a mixed-method study. Nutr Food Sci Res. 2021; 8(3): 1-10. Available from:
  • Wood LC, Wang C, Rahmand HA, Nasirc NSJA. Green hospital design: integrating quality function deployment and end-user demands. J Clean Prod. 2016; 112(1): 903-13. Available from: jclepro.2015.08.101
  • Martins ML, Henriques SA, Rocha A. Evaluation of food waste at a Portuguese Geriatric Institution. Sustainability. 2021; 13: 2452. Available from:
  • McCray S, Maunder K, Norris R, Moir J, MacKenzie-Shalders K. Bedside menu ordering system increases energy and protein intake while decreasing plate waste and food costs in hospital patients. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018; 26: 66-71. Available from: clnesp.2018.04.012
  • Hajifathali A, Ainy E, Jafari H, Moghadam NM, Kohyar E, Hajikaram S. In-patient satisfaction and its related factors in Taleghani University Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Pak J Med Sci. 2008;24(2):274. Available from:
  • Dias-Ferreira C, Santos T, Oliveira V. Hospital food waste and environmental and economic indicators–a Portuguese case study. Waste Management. 2015;46:146-54. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.09.025
  • Hong W, Kirk D. The analysis of edible plate waste results in 11 hospitals in the UK. Foodservice Research International. 1995;8(2):115- 23. Available from:
  • Barton A, Beigg C, Macdonald I, Allison S. High food wastage and low nutritional intakes in hospital patients. Clin Nutr. 2000;19(6):445- 9. Available from:
  • Porter J, Collins JA. Qualitative study exploring hospital food waste from the patient perspective. J Nutr Edu Behavior. 2021; 53: 410-7. Available from:
  • Ranjbari M, Esfandabadi ZS, Shevchenko T, Chassagnon-Haned N, Peng W, et al. Mapping healthcare waste management research: past evolution, current challenges, and future perspectives towards a circular economy transition. J Hazard Mater. 2022; 422(2022): 126724. Available from:
  • WHO, 2015a. WHO | Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities [WWW Document]. Available from: water_sanitation_health/publications/wash -health-care-facilities/en/
  • Voudrias EA. Healthcare waste management from the point of view of circular economy. Waste Manag. 2018; 75, 1–2. Available from:
  • UN. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the adverse effects of the movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights. Available from: https://digitallibrary.
  • Rizan C, Bhutta MF, Reed M, Lillywhite R.The carbon footprint of waste streams in a UK hospital. J. Clean. Prod. 2021; 286: 125446. Available from: jclepro.2020.125446
  • Kumari S, Kumar R. Green hospital - a necessity and not option. J Manag Res Anal. 2020; 7(2): 46-51. Available from: http://dx.doi. org/10.18231/j.jmra.2020.010
  • World Health Organization and Health Care Without Harm. Healthy hospitals healthy planet healthy people. Addressing climate change in health care settings, Geneva, Switzerland; 2009-28. Available from: healthy-people
  • Veri Kaynağı. OECD ülkelerinde toplam hastane sayısı sıralaması. 2017. Available from: toplam-hastane-sayisi-siralamasi-2017/
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı. Mevcut ve yeni yapılacak sağlık tesislerinde uyulması gereken asgari teknik standartlar. Ankara, İnşaat ve Onarım Dairesi Başkanlığı. 2012. Available from: resimler/ekler/8890a54ef79ab48_ek.pdf?tipi=1&turu=H&sube=0
  • Hoşgör H. Yeşil hastane konsepti ve Türkiye deneyimi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi. 2014; 1(2): 75-84. Available from: https://
  • Yıldız H. Sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında sağlık sektöründe inovatif uygulamalar: yeşil hastaneler. KAÜİİBFD. 2016; 7(13): 323-40. Available from:
  • Stevens T. 30 Most Environmentally Friendly Hospitals in the World. 2014. Available from: net/30-most-environmentally-
  • Roberts GL. Shades of green, the evolution of hospital sustainable design standards. Health Facilities Management Magazine. 2011. Available from: green
  • Karliner J, Guenther R. Global green and healthy hospitals agenda. Health Care without Harm. 2011. Available from: https://www.
  • Kapoor R, Kumar S. Energy Efficiency in Hospitals Best Practice Guide. New Delhi: United States Agency for International Development. 2011; 41p.
  • Promoting an Energy-Efficient Public Sector (PePS). Energy conservation awareness drive at sir JJ hospital, mumbai, india. case study. 2015. Available from: jj_hospital_case_study.pdf
  • World Health Organization. Health in the green economy: health cobenefits of climate change mitigation - housing sector. 2011. Available from:
  • The Business Case for Greening the Healthcare Sector. Institute for innovations in large organizations. 2008 Available from: https://archive.
  • Sagha Zadeh R, Xuan X, Shepley MM. Sustainable healthcare design Facilities. 2016; 34(5/6): 264–288. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1108/F-09-2013-0067
  • Ali M, Wang W, Chaudhry N, Geng Y. Hospital waste management in developing countries: a mini review. Waste Manag Res. 2017; 35(6): 581– 592. Available from:
  • Muduli K, Barve A. Barriers to green practices in health care waste sector: an Indian perspective. Int J Environ Sci Technol. 2012; 3(4): 393-9. Available from:
  • Manzurul HM, Ahmed SA, Rahman AK, Biswas TK. Pattern of medical waste management: existing scenario in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. BMC Public Health. 2008; 8(1): 36. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1186/1471-2458-8-36
  • World Health Organization. Safe management of wastes from health care activities. 2nd ed. Geneva; 2014. Available from: from-health-care-activities-Eng.pdf
  • Health Care Without Harm, Practice Green Health. Addressing climate change in the health care setting: opportunities for action. 2009. Available from: toolkit/reports/ ClimateChange.pdf
  • EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Calculations from United States environmental protection agency’s waste reduction model 2015. Available from:
  • Holmner A, Rocklov J, Ng N, Nilsson M. Climate change and eHealth: a promising strategy for health sector mitigation and adaptation. Glob Health Action. 2012; 5(1): 18428. Available from: https://doi. org/10.3402/gha.v5i0.18428
  • Hossain MS, Santhanam A, Nik Norulaini NA, Mohd Omar AK. Clinical solid waste management practices and its impact on human health and environment: a review. Waste Manage. 2011; 31(4): 754–766. Available from:
  • World Health Organization. WHO guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities. Geneva; 2020. Available from: World Health Organization. WHO guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities. 2020.
  • Health Care Without Harm. Healthy food in health care: a pledge for fresh, local, sustainable food. reston (VA): healthy food in health care pledge. 2019. Available from:
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Deniz Çatar 0000-0002-3857-7150

Nilsu Dural 0000-0001-9679-9889

Rumeysa Serin 0000-0003-1727-7981

İrem Olcay Eminsoy 0000-0002-3621-0662

Early Pub Date July 13, 2023
Publication Date June 21, 2023
Submission Date June 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Çatar, D., Dural, N., Serin, R., Olcay Eminsoy, İ. (2023). Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 585-592.
AMA Çatar D, Dural N, Serin R, Olcay Eminsoy İ. Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları. İKÇÜSBFD. June 2023;8(2):585-592.
Chicago Çatar, Deniz, Nilsu Dural, Rumeysa Serin, and İrem Olcay Eminsoy. “Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları Ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (June 2023): 585-92.
EndNote Çatar D, Dural N, Serin R, Olcay Eminsoy İ (June 1, 2023) Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 585–592.
IEEE D. Çatar, N. Dural, R. Serin, and İ. Olcay Eminsoy, “Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 585–592, 2023.
ISNAD Çatar, Deniz et al. “Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları Ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (June 2023), 585-592.
JAMA Çatar D, Dural N, Serin R, Olcay Eminsoy İ. Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8:585–592.
MLA Çatar, Deniz et al. “Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları Ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, pp. 585-92.
Vancouver Çatar D, Dural N, Serin R, Olcay Eminsoy İ. Sağlık Kurumlarında Gıda Atıkları ve Sürdürebilirliğin Boyutları. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(2):585-92.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.