Research Article
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Reading Motivation Scale for Texts: A Validity and Reliability Study

Year 2013, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 2 - 12, 26.06.2013


In this study, it was aimed to develop a reading motivation scale in order to determine reading motivations of students for texts. The work group was consisted of 259 students who were attending to 5th grade of the schools in the center of Sakarya during the 2nd term of 2010-2011 school year. First of all, in the process of developing the scale, a review of literature was made and a pool of 60 items was created. Opinions of experts were applied for the content validity and exploratory factor analysis was conducted for the construct validity of the scale. Finally, internal consistency coefficient was applied for the reliability studies. When the results were assessed, a valid and reliable scale that consists of 22 items and four factors which are “perceived reading difficulty,” “reading ability,” “effort/being appreciated to read” and “social aspect of reading” was obtained. The four factors found in the scale explained %46.23 of the total variance. In total, internal consistency coefficient was found as .81. These values show that the scale explained the reading motivations of the primary school students of the 5th grade for texts in a valid and reliable manner.


  • Ames, C. (1992). Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(3), 261-271.
  • Anderson, R.C, Wilson, P.T. & Fielding, L.G. (1988). Growth in reading and how children spend their time outside of school. Reading Research Quarterly, 23(3), 285-303.
  • Athey, I. (1982). Reading: The affective domain reconceptualized. In B.A. Hutson (Ed.), Advances in reading/language research (Vol. 1., pp. 203-218). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Baker, L. & Wigfield, A. (1999). Dimensions of children’s motivation for reading and their relations to reading activity and reading achievement. Reading Research Quarterly, 34(4), 452-477.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2007). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık. Chapman, J.W. & Tunmer, W.E. (1995). Development of young children's reading self-concepts: An examination of emerging subcomponents and their relationship with reading achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(1), 154-167.
  • Deci, E.L. ve Ryan, R.M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination In Human Behavior. New York: Plenum Press. Definitions and New Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25(1), 54-67.
  • Eccles, J.S., Wigfield, A., Schiefele, U., Roeser R.W. & Kean, P.D. (2006). The development of achievement motivation. In W. Damon, Richard M. Lerner ve N. Eisenberg (Eds.). Handbook of Child Psychology: Social, emotional, and personality development.(Sixth Edition), pp. 9349 New York: Wiley.
  • Edmunds, K.M. & Bauserman, K.L. (2006). What teachers can learn about reading motivation through conversations with children. The Reading Teacher, 59 (5), 414–424
  • Gambrell, L.B., Palmer, B.M., Codling, R.M. & Mazzoni, S.A. (1996). Assessing motivation to read. The Reading Teacher, 49(7), 2-19.
  • Guthrie, J.T., Van Meter, P., Mccann, A. D., Wigfield, A., Bennett, L., Poundstone, C. C., Rice, M. E., Faibisch, F. M., Hunt, B. ve Mitchell, A. M. (1996). Growth in literacy engagement: Changes in motivations and strategies during concept-oriented reading instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 31(3), 306-332.
  • Guthrie, J.T. & Alao, S. (1997). Designing contexts to increase motivations for reading. Educational Psychologist, 32( 2), 95- 105.
  • Guthrie, J.T., Wigfield, A., Metsala, J.L. & Cox, K.E. (1999). Motivational and Cognitive Predictors of Text Comprehension and Reading Amount. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3 (3), 231-257.
  • Günay, V.D. (2007). Metin Bilgisi. İstanbul: Multilingual.
  • Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex: Longman Press.
  • Mathewson, G.C. (1994). Model of Attitude İnfluence Upon Reading and Learning to Read. In R.B. Ruddell, M.R. Ruddell ve H. Singer (Eds.). Theoretical Models And Processes Of Reading (4th Ed., pp. 1131-1161). Newark, De: International Reading Association.
  • Mazzoni, S.A., Gambrell, L.B. & Korkeamaki, R.L. (1999). A cross-cultural perspective of early literacy motivation. Journal of Reading Psychology, 20, 237-253.
  • Mckenna, M.C., Kear, D.J. & Ellsworth, R.A. (1995). Children's Attitudes Toward Reading: A National Survey. Reading Research Quarterly, 30 (4), 934-956.
  • Nicholls, J.G., Cheung, P.C., Lauer, J. & Patashnick, M. (1989). Individual differences in academic motivation: Perceived ability, goals, beliefs, and values. Learning and Individual Differences, 1(1), 63-84.
  • Pintrich, P.R. (2003). A Motivational Science Perspective on the Role of Student Motivation in Learning and Teaching Contexts. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (4), 667–686.
  • Taylor, B.M., Frye, B.J. & Maruyama, G.M. (1990). Time spent reading and reading growth. American Educational Research Journal, 27(2), 351-362.
  • Watkins, M.W. & Coffey, D.Y. (2004). Reading motivation: Multidimensional and indeterminate. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(1), 110-118.
  • Wentzel, K.R. (1996). Social goals and social relationships as motivators of school adjustment. In J. Juvonen ve K. R. Wentzel (Eds.). Social motivation: Understanding children’s school adjustment. (pp. 226-247). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wigfield, A. & Eccles, J.S. (1992). The development of achievement task values: A theoretical analysis. Developmental Review, 12, 1-46.
  • Wigfield, A. & Guthrie, J.T. (1995). Dimensions of Children's Motivations for Reading: An Initial Study (Research Rep. No. 34). Athens, GA: National Reading Research Center.
  • Yılmaz, H. ve Çavaş Huyugüzel, P. (2007). Fen Öğrenimine Yönelik Motivasyon Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İlköğretim Online, 6(3), 430-440.[Online]: adresinden 13 Ekim 2011 tarihinde indirilmiştir.

Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Year 2013, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 2 - 12, 26.06.2013


Bu çalışmada ilköğretim öğrencilerinin metinlere yönelik okuma motivasyonlarını belirlemek üzere okuma motivasyonu ölçeği geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunu 2010-2011 öğretim yılı II. Dönem Sakarya ili merkezinde bulunan okullardaki 259 5.sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Ölçek geliştirme sürecinde ilk olarak alan yazın taraması yapılmış ve 60 maddelik bir havuz oluşturulmuştur. Ölçeğin geçerlik çalışmalarında kapsam geçerliği için uzman görüşü alınmış, yapı geçerliliği içinde açımlayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Son olarak da güvenirlik çalışmaları için iç tutarlılık katsayısı hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde, “okuma zorluğunun algılanması” , “okuma yeterliği”, “okumaya yönelik çaba/takdir edilme” ve “okumanın sosyal yönü” olmak üzere dört faktör ve 22 maddeden oluşan geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek elde edilmiştir. Ölçekte yer alan dört faktör toplam varyansın %46.23’ünü açıklamaktadır. Toplamda iç tutarlık katsayısı da .81 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu değerler ölçeğin ilköğretim 5. sınıf düzeyinde öğrencilerin metinlere yönelik okuma motivasyonlarını iyi bir şekilde açıkladığını göstermektedir


  • Ames, C. (1992). Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(3), 261-271.
  • Anderson, R.C, Wilson, P.T. & Fielding, L.G. (1988). Growth in reading and how children spend their time outside of school. Reading Research Quarterly, 23(3), 285-303.
  • Athey, I. (1982). Reading: The affective domain reconceptualized. In B.A. Hutson (Ed.), Advances in reading/language research (Vol. 1., pp. 203-218). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Baker, L. & Wigfield, A. (1999). Dimensions of children’s motivation for reading and their relations to reading activity and reading achievement. Reading Research Quarterly, 34(4), 452-477.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2007). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık. Chapman, J.W. & Tunmer, W.E. (1995). Development of young children's reading self-concepts: An examination of emerging subcomponents and their relationship with reading achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(1), 154-167.
  • Deci, E.L. ve Ryan, R.M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination In Human Behavior. New York: Plenum Press. Definitions and New Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25(1), 54-67.
  • Eccles, J.S., Wigfield, A., Schiefele, U., Roeser R.W. & Kean, P.D. (2006). The development of achievement motivation. In W. Damon, Richard M. Lerner ve N. Eisenberg (Eds.). Handbook of Child Psychology: Social, emotional, and personality development.(Sixth Edition), pp. 9349 New York: Wiley.
  • Edmunds, K.M. & Bauserman, K.L. (2006). What teachers can learn about reading motivation through conversations with children. The Reading Teacher, 59 (5), 414–424
  • Gambrell, L.B., Palmer, B.M., Codling, R.M. & Mazzoni, S.A. (1996). Assessing motivation to read. The Reading Teacher, 49(7), 2-19.
  • Guthrie, J.T., Van Meter, P., Mccann, A. D., Wigfield, A., Bennett, L., Poundstone, C. C., Rice, M. E., Faibisch, F. M., Hunt, B. ve Mitchell, A. M. (1996). Growth in literacy engagement: Changes in motivations and strategies during concept-oriented reading instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 31(3), 306-332.
  • Guthrie, J.T. & Alao, S. (1997). Designing contexts to increase motivations for reading. Educational Psychologist, 32( 2), 95- 105.
  • Guthrie, J.T., Wigfield, A., Metsala, J.L. & Cox, K.E. (1999). Motivational and Cognitive Predictors of Text Comprehension and Reading Amount. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3 (3), 231-257.
  • Günay, V.D. (2007). Metin Bilgisi. İstanbul: Multilingual.
  • Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex: Longman Press.
  • Mathewson, G.C. (1994). Model of Attitude İnfluence Upon Reading and Learning to Read. In R.B. Ruddell, M.R. Ruddell ve H. Singer (Eds.). Theoretical Models And Processes Of Reading (4th Ed., pp. 1131-1161). Newark, De: International Reading Association.
  • Mazzoni, S.A., Gambrell, L.B. & Korkeamaki, R.L. (1999). A cross-cultural perspective of early literacy motivation. Journal of Reading Psychology, 20, 237-253.
  • Mckenna, M.C., Kear, D.J. & Ellsworth, R.A. (1995). Children's Attitudes Toward Reading: A National Survey. Reading Research Quarterly, 30 (4), 934-956.
  • Nicholls, J.G., Cheung, P.C., Lauer, J. & Patashnick, M. (1989). Individual differences in academic motivation: Perceived ability, goals, beliefs, and values. Learning and Individual Differences, 1(1), 63-84.
  • Pintrich, P.R. (2003). A Motivational Science Perspective on the Role of Student Motivation in Learning and Teaching Contexts. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (4), 667–686.
  • Taylor, B.M., Frye, B.J. & Maruyama, G.M. (1990). Time spent reading and reading growth. American Educational Research Journal, 27(2), 351-362.
  • Watkins, M.W. & Coffey, D.Y. (2004). Reading motivation: Multidimensional and indeterminate. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(1), 110-118.
  • Wentzel, K.R. (1996). Social goals and social relationships as motivators of school adjustment. In J. Juvonen ve K. R. Wentzel (Eds.). Social motivation: Understanding children’s school adjustment. (pp. 226-247). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wigfield, A. & Eccles, J.S. (1992). The development of achievement task values: A theoretical analysis. Developmental Review, 12, 1-46.
  • Wigfield, A. & Guthrie, J.T. (1995). Dimensions of Children's Motivations for Reading: An Initial Study (Research Rep. No. 34). Athens, GA: National Reading Research Center.
  • Yılmaz, H. ve Çavaş Huyugüzel, P. (2007). Fen Öğrenimine Yönelik Motivasyon Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İlköğretim Online, 6(3), 430-440.[Online]: adresinden 13 Ekim 2011 tarihinde indirilmiştir.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep (ileri) Aydemir

Ergün Öztürk

Publication Date June 26, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Aydemir, Z. (., & Öztürk, E. (2013). Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İlköğretim Online, 12(1), 2-12.
AMA Aydemir Z(, Öztürk E. Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İOO. March 2013;12(1):2-12.
Chicago Aydemir, Zeynep (ileri), and Ergün Öztürk. “Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik Ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”. İlköğretim Online 12, no. 1 (March 2013): 2-12.
EndNote Aydemir Z(, Öztürk E (March 1, 2013) Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İlköğretim Online 12 1 2–12.
IEEE Z. (. Aydemir and E. Öztürk, “Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”, İOO, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 2–12, 2013.
ISNAD Aydemir, Zeynep (ileri) - Öztürk, Ergün. “Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik Ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”. İlköğretim Online 12/1 (March 2013), 2-12.
JAMA Aydemir Z(, Öztürk E. Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İOO. 2013;12:2–12.
MLA Aydemir, Zeynep (ileri) and Ergün Öztürk. “Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik Ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 12, no. 1, 2013, pp. 2-12.
Vancouver Aydemir Z(, Öztürk E. Metinlere Yönelik Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. İOO. 2013;12(1):2-12.