Publication Assessment Process

1. Studies sent to Journal of Ilahiyat Researches are assessed by the editors. The elements to be taken into consideration by the editors are stated in the Editorial Preliminary Examination Form. See Editorial Preliminary Examination Form.

2.  Studies which passed the preliminary examination are sent to two reviewers, who are the experts of that field and who are the determined by the editorial board. When positive reports are made by both of the reviewers, the study is decided to be published and the owner of the study is informed about in which issue it is going to be published. The study is not published when both of the reviewers opine negatively. In case one positive and one negative opinions are presented, by taking the content of the reports into consideration, it is decided to send the study to a third reviewer or to decline it by the Editorial Board.

3.  In the reviewer reports of the studies sent;

        a.  If the opinion “it can be published” is expressed, the study is published in the relevant issue.

        b.  If the opinion “can be published after editing” is expressed, the study is returned to the author in order for the required proofreading to be done. The author makes the corrections in a different colour. After editing it is controlled by the editorial board whether or not the reviewer remarks were taken into consideration or not. If they are corrected the study is published, otherwise it is declined.

        c. If the opinion is “I want to see after the corrections”, the study is sent back to the author. After corrections, the study is presented to the reviewers. Following this process, the study is published paying regard to the reviewer reports.

        d. The author has the right of opposition to the reviewer report, provided that it is reasoned. The editorial board makes a decision on whether the study is to be published or not by examining the opposition report with the reviewer.

        e. If the opinion is “it cannot be published”, the study is not published.

Last Update Time: 10/20/22, 3:26:58 PM