You can access the Article Submission Guidelines here.
You can access the Article Submission Guidelines video here.
Please download the article template here.
For comprehensive information regarding the journal's policies on submission, peer-review, publication, and ethical standards, kindly visit the Policies page. Similarly, for detailed information about the journal, please visit the About page.
Manuscripts submitted for evaluation should be original and not previously presented or published in any electronic or print medium. If a manuscript was previously presented at a conference or meeting, or if it is produced from a master's or doctoral thesis authors should provide detailed information about the event, including the name, date, and location of the organization.
Authors are required to prepare manuscripts in accordance with the relevant guideline listed below:
• Observational original research studies: STROBE guidelines
• Qualitative research: SRQR guidelines
To find the right guideline for your research, please complete the questionnaire by Equator Network here.
The style of manuscripts should follow the the İSNAD 2 Edition.
Manuscripts can only be submitted through the journal’s online manuscript submission and evaluation system. Manuscripts submitted via any other medium and submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be evaluated.
In addition to the manuscript files, authors are required to submit the following form during the initial submission:
· Copyright Agreement and Acknowledgement of Authorship Form
Preparation of the Manuscript
Title page: A separate title page should be submitted with all submissions and this page should include:
• The full title of the manuscript as well as a short title (running head) of no more than 50 characters,
• Name(s), affiliations, highest academic degree(s), and ORCID IDs of the author(s),
• Grant information and detailed information on the other sources of support,
• Name, address, telephone (including the mobile phone number), and email address of the corresponding author,
• Acknowledgment of the individuals who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript but who do not fulfill the authorship criteria.
• If the author(s) is a member of the journal’s Editorial Board, this should be specified in the title page.
Abstract: An abstract should be submitted with all submissions including for Book Review. The abstract of Research Articles should be unstructured. Please check Table 1 below for word count specifications.
Keywords: Each submission must be accompanied by a minimum of five to a maximum of eight keywords for subject indexing at the end of the abstract. The following points about keywords should be considered.
a) Concepts that accurately reflect the relevant article should be selected.
b) It must be sorted from general to special.
c) The first concept must be the name of the related branch of Science (Political History, Sociology, Psychology, Tafsir, Hadith, Kalām, etc.).
d) The second concept should be one that is subject reflecting. They should be designated as the name of country, city, person or work (War, migration, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Speech, Qadar, Muʿtazila, al-Māturīdī, Kitāb al-Tawḥīd, etc.).
e) Concepts that reflect the content of the article should be added later (National struggle, Sakarya Meydan War, Human Acts, Kasb, Istiṭāʿa)
f) If the focus of the work is a person or a work, the name of the relavent person or work should be added in the keywords.
g) Words that have no conceptual meaning should not be preferred as a keyword concept.
h) Keywords should be written with capital letters, whether they are special names or not.
Manuscript Types
Research Articles: The main text should consist of the main headings "Introduction" and "conclusion", and in the sub-headings, numbers should be added in front of the headings. The abstract should be no more than 250 words.
Book Reviews
The journal welcomes reviews of contemporary and noteworthy books within the journal's scope, provided that they have been reviewed by an external expert on the relevant topic. These reviews should provide a critical evaluation of the book, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, as well as its relevance to the journal's readership.
Tables should be included in the main document, after the reference list, and they should be numbered consecutively in the order they are referred to within the text. Each table should have a descriptive title placed above it, and any abbreviations used in the table should be defined below the table by footnotes (even if they are defined in the main text). A descriptive title must be placed above the tables in title case in italics. Tables should be created using the "insert table" command of the Word processing software, and they should be arranged clearly to make the data easy to read and understand. The data presented in the tables should not be a repetition of the data presented in the main text, but should support and enhance the main text.
Figures and Figure Legends
Figures should be submitted as separate files in TIFF or JPEG format, and they should not be embedded in the Word document or the main manuscript file. If a figure has subunits, each subunit should be submitted as a separate file, and the subunits should not be merged into a single image. The figures should not be labeled (a, b, c, etc.) to indicate subunits. Instead, the figure legend should be used to describe the different parts of the figure. Thick and thin arrows, arrowheads, stars, asterisks, and similar marks can be used on the images to support figure legends.Images should be anonymized to remove any information that may identify individuals or institutions. The minimum resolution of each figure should be 300 DPI, and the figures should be clear and easy to read. Figure legends should be listed at the end of the main document. Figures should be referred to within the main text, and they should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned.
It is important to examine the rules in the writing of ISNAD 2 regarding the abbreviations to be used in the article. Required information can be found at
Identifying products
When mentioning a product, hardware, or software program in a manuscript, it is important to provide detailed information about the product in parentheses. This should include the name of the product, the producer of the product, and the city and country of the company. For example, if mentioning a Discovery St PET/CT scanner produced by General Electric in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, the information should be presented in the following format: "Discovery St PET/CT scanner (General Electric, Milwaukee, WI, USA)." Providing this information helps to ensure that the product is properly identified and credited.
Both in-text citations and the references must be prepared according to the İSNAD 2 Edition.
When citing publications, the latest and most up-to-date publications should be preferred. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the sources. In the main text of the article, the sources should be indicated with the author's name and publication year in parentheses. In case of direct citation in the main text, the year of publication and page number should be stated in parentheses after the author's name. Please see the examples below.
Reference List
The reference styles for different types of publications are presented in the following examples.
Journal Article: Kalaycı, Mehmet – Eren, Muhammet Emin. “Reflection of Qāḍīzādelīs-Khalwatīs Tension on the Islamic Heresiography: Muṣṭafá Ibn Ibrāhīm and is Alphabetical Classifıcation of Sects”. Ilahiyat Studies 9/2 (2018), 249-290.
محمد بن الحسن بن فورك، "المقدمة"، مجرد مقالات الشيخ أبي الحسن الأشعري، تح: أحمد عبد الرحيم السايح (القاهرة: مكتبة الثقافة الدينية، ٢٠٠٥)، ٢٤.
Journal Article with multiple authors: Ayten, Ali vd. “Dini Başa Çıkma, Şükür ve Hayat Memnuniyeti İlişkisi: Hastalar, Hasta Yakınları ve Hastane Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi 12/2 (2012), 45-79.
Without an Author: İş Kanunları ve İlgili Mevzuatı. Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi, 2014.
By a Single Author: İnan, Afet. Piri Reis’in Hayatı ve Eserleri. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2018.
محمد بن الحسن بن فورك، مجرد مقالات الشيخ أبي الحسن الأشعري، تح: أحمد عبد الرحيم السايح ( القاهرة: مكتبة الثقافة الدينية، ٢٠٠٥)، ٢٤.
By a Two Authors: Barkan, Ömer Lütfi – Ayverdi, Ekrem Hakkı. İstanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defteri 953 Tarihli. İstanbul: İstanbul Fetih Cemiyeti, 1973.
With Three or More Authors: Eisen, Mitchell L. vd. Memory and Suggestibility in the Forensic Interview. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates, 2002.
Editorial Book Section: Faroqhi, Suraiya (ed.). Türkiye Tarihi 1603-1839. çev. Fethi Aytuna. 3 Cilt. İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2011.
Edited Book: Taşköprizâde Ahmed Efendi. Miftâḥu’s-saʿâde ve miṣbâḥu’s-siyâde fî mevżûʿâti’l-ʿulûm. nşr. Abdülvehhâb Ebü’n-Nûr – Kâmil Kâmil Bekrî. 3 Cilt. Kahire: Dârü’l-Kütübi’l-Hadis, 3. Basım, 1968.
Book-Critical Edition: Saffâr, Ebû İshâk İbrâhim ez-Zâhid. Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd. thk. Angelika Brodersen. 2 Cilt. Beyrut: el-Ma‘hedü’l-Almânî li’l-Ebhâsi’l-Şarkiyye, 1432/2011.
Translation of the Qur’ān-In Print: Kur’ân-ı Kerîm Meâli. çev. Halil Altuntaş – Muzaffer Şahin. Ankara: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, 3. Basım, 2009.
Hadith: Ahmed b. Hanbel, Ebû Abdillâh Ahmed b. Muhammed b. Hanbel eş-Şeybânî. el-Müsned. nşr. Ebû Hâcir Muhammed Saîd Besyûnî. Beyrut: y.y., 1405/1985.
Dissertation or Thesis: Demir, Abdullah. Ebû İshâk Zâhid es-Saffâr’ın Kelâm Yöntemi. Sivas: Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 2014.
زينب يوسف عبد الله هاشم، الإستعارة عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني (رسالة الماجستير، جامعة أم القرى، ١٤١٤/١٩٩٤)، ٥٦.
Web sites: DİB, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı. “Din İşleri Yüksel Kurulu Başkanlığı”. Erişim 1 Mayıs 2017.
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it goes through a copy-editing process by professional language editors to ensure that it is clear and well-written. This process may involve correcting grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors, as well as making changes to improve the overall clarity and readability of the manuscript.
Before the manuscript is officially published, the corresponding author is sent a PDF proof of the accepted manuscript for review. The corresponding author is asked to review the proof and approve it for publication within a specified time period, typically 2 days. This is an important step in the publication process, as it allows the author to catch any errors or make any final changes before the manuscript is published.
1- Article acceptance is always open.
2- Use the article template for articles to be sent to the article. Article word count should not exceed 9000 words, all inclusive. ISNAD2 citation system should be used in the article.
3- Plagiarism rate is 20%.
4- The following documents are requested during the article submission process:
a- Full Text
b- Title Page
c- Copyright Agreement and Acknowledgement of Authorship Form
d- Similarity Report
e-Authorship Contribution
f- Ethics Committee Approval Certificate (if not required; Declaration Form stating that Ethics Committee Permission is not required)
g- Conflict of Interest Declaration
Journal of Ilahiyat Researches is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.