Review Principles
1. Manuscripts that have not been previously published or are not currently under review for publication in another journal and approved by each author are accepted for consideration.
2. Submitted manuscripts that pass the preliminary check are scanned for similarity using iThenticate, Turnitin or other software.
3. im: Journal of communication & media studies conducts a double blind review process. All manuscripts are first evaluated by the editor for suitability to the journal. Appropriate articles are sent to at least two independent referees who are experts in their fields to evaluate the scientific quality of the article.
4. The editor evaluates the manuscripts independently of the ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religious belief, political opinion and philosophy of life of the authors. He ensures that the referees he sends for evaluation adopt the same fair attitude.
5. The editor does not allow any conflict of interest between authors, other editors and referees.
6. The editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts, and his/her decisions are final.
7. The editors are not involved in decisions about manuscripts prepared by themselves or their family members or colleagues, nor are they involved in decisions about manuscripts about products or services in which they are interested. Any such submission is subject to all the usual procedures of the journal.
8. Reviewers should inform the editor if they suspect misconduct in the manuscript. The editor takes the necessary action in accordance with COPE recommendations.
9. Reviewers are given five days to respond to the evaluation proposal they receive and ten days for the evaluation process. This period can be extended for another five days upon request.
10. The article evaluation process in the journal takes an average of ten weeks.
Manuscript review process
The process in the journal consists of four main headings as preliminary review, referee process, revision and publication. Click here for detailed information.
1. Preliminary Review
• The manuscript is examined by the editor for compliance with the journal's publication principles, academic writing rules and APA 7 citation system, and is scanned for similarity using iThenticate, Turnitin or other software. Studies that do not comply with the specified principles and rules and with a similarity rate of 20% or more will not be evaluated.
2. Referee Process
• For manuscripts that pass the preliminary review stage, a double blind review process is initiated. Within the scope of this process, the article is sent to two referees who are experts in their fields. During the referee process, the identities of the referees and authors are kept confidential and the process is carried out within the framework of the principle of confidentiality. In order for a study to be published in the journal, both referees are expected to give a favourable opinion. However, if one of the referees gives a positive opinion and the other one gives a negative opinion, the study is sent to a third referee and a final decision is taken.
3. Revision Process
• In case revisions are requested by the referees, the authors should mark the changes they have made in their work with a distinctive colour. Revisions made in line with referee requests are first checked and evaluated by the editor and then by the referees.
• The manuscripts whose referee process is completed are examined by language editors. If deemed necessary, revisions regarding language and spelling are requested from the authors. Revisions made by the authors and highlighted in a prominent colour are reviewed and approved by the language editors.
4. Publication Process
• The articles, which are subjected to technical, academic and linguistic examinations, are typeset and edited and made ready for publication and published in the first issue of the following issue in line with the plans made.
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