
International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed and scientific journal published twice a year (Winter-January/Summer-July) in Turkish and English internationally and electronically by Near East University, Communication Studies Center, and focuses on new and original academic research and studies conducted between the relations of communication sciences with other disciplines from different perspectives that will contribute to the field with strong theoretical foundation.

International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies
ISSN: 2792-0968

Call for Articles – January 2022
(Volume 2 – Issue 3)

Dear Scientists and Researchers,
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies, which started its publication life in 2022 with its 1st issue, is an open access international academic journal subject to double refereeing process, which publishes twice a year, in January and July. Our journal covers the fields of history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, archeology, art history, behavioral sciences, linguistics, literature and fine arts, in which the relations of communication science with other disciplines are supported by new and original academic research that will contribute to the field from different perspectives. It publishes theoretical and/or applied original and compilation articles belonging to disciplines such as No fee is charged for the articles during the application and publication process.

Publication Process
All authors are regularly informed about the processes of the articles. The articles sent to the journal are directed to the field editors after the pre-evaluation process of the editorial board and sent to two referees who are experts in the field. Referee returns vary between 6-8 weeks. In line with the evaluation reports from the referees, it is decided to publish the article, request correction from the author or reject the article. Accepted articles enter the publication process for the next issue. Detailed information about the process can be accessed at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/issar.

You can submit your article applications via the DergiPark system using the link https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/issar. The articles to be sent must be arranged in accordance with the principles specified in the "Article Writing Rules" section on the main page of the journal. Thank you in advance for your contribution.


International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies Editorial Board
Address: Near East University, Center for Communication Studies, Nicosia
E-Mail: issar.info@neu.edu.tr
Internet: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/issar