e-ISSN: 2146-6297
Founded: 2011
Publisher: Abdulkadir UZUNÖZ
Cover Image

The Journal of International Social Science Education (ISSEJ) includes qualitative and quantitative research, critical digests based on the latest literature, meta-analysis practices, model suggestions, factual presentations, book and scientific activity presentations, discussions and similar original articles in the field of social sciences education. ISSEJ is a peer-reviewed, non-commercial and international scientific journal.
The Journal of International Social Science Education (ISSEJ) is an international journal (e-ISSN:2146-6297) that is published in june and december as two volume. The publication language of The Journal of International Social Science Education is Turkish and English. Editorial Board is absolutely free whether to publish or not publish all the articles send to journal. Submitted papers will not be returned to the authors.

ISSEJ is abstracted and indexed by the following sources;
Index Copernicus International (ICI)
Root Indexing
Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)
Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib)
Directory of Journals Indexing (DRJI)

Research Article

Ülkemizde hayat ünitesi başarı testi geliştirme: Geçerlik-güvenirlik çalışması ve öğrenci başarılarının incelenmesi

Research Article

Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenliği yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin çevre etiği yaklaşımlarının incelenmesi

Research Article

Sosyal bilgiler ders kitaplarında kullanılan grafik düzenleyicilerin çeşitli boyutlarda incelenmesi

Research Article

Coğrafya eğitimi açısından jeolojik zamanlar çizelgesi’nin incelenmesi

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