Current Issue

Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education (ISSEJ) (ISSN 2146-6297) is a scholarly open access journal. It publishes extended full-length research papers that have the scope to substantively address current issues in education. There is no restriction on the length of the papers relevant to any field of study within education. Submissions that synthesize information from disparate backgrounds, place research findings within a broad context, extend our methodological and theoretical understanding, and have the likelihood of informing education policy and practice, are preferred.

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education (ISSEJ)  publishes across all relevant fields of research, including but not restricted to:

  • Curriculum: what shall we teach and how shall we teach it?
  • Learning: conditions under which cognitive, affective, and participatory learning takes place
  • Historical and social science ideas: how shall we apply them in the classroom?
  • Perspectives on social sciences: emerging topics and controversial issues
  • Topics of current interest: global issues; gender and ethnicity; the use of technology; higher-order critical thinking; peace education and conflict management; multicultural social sciences curriculum; thematic instruction; and reading and writing in the social sciences classroom
  • Testing and evaluation
  • Teacher education
  • Special education
  • Sociology of education
  • Pedagogies
  • Learning and teaching
  • Educational technology
  • Educational technology systems
  • Curriculum studies
  • Educational policy
  • Educational history
  • Educational philosophy and theory of education
  • Educational administration and educational management

Publication Period


The Journal of International Social Sciences Education, as a international journal being listed in some international indexes, is published two times a year in electronic (eISSN: 2147-6297) printed, in June and December.

Publication Language 

The publication language of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is Turkish and English. The full text articles published in Turkish also include abstracts, keywords and summaries in English. If the native language of the authors of these articles is Turkish, there must be abstracts, keywords and summaries in Turkish in the articles.   

Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education attaches importance to obeying publication and grammar rules. Articles must be written grammatically and understandably in a plain language, and they must be in keeping with the literature. It’s expected that the articles are free of foreign words. In case the authors use foreign words, they must also write the Turkish meaning of these words in parenthesis.

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education does not provide any translation services. The articles accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are primarily read by language editors (Turkish and English). The authors whose native language is not Turkish can be offered some revisions by the Editorial Board, reviewers or language editors. These revisions are under the responsibility of the authors.

Language Editing

In cases where manuscripts by authors whose native language is not Turkish are accepted for publication, the manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial board after their translation and editing is done by the companies indicated below.

The language (Turkish and English) of the manuscripts submitted to ISSEJ must be accurate in terms of rules of grammar and scientific literature and must have a plain and clear language quality. Manuscripts should be written in fluent language and free of foreign words. If the manuscripts are edited before they are submitted for review, the process of publication gets healthy.

The editorial board may demand that the manuscripts be edited for language mistakes during the review process or after acception. The author(s) who has been requested to get his/her manuscript edited can do so referring to one of the companies below and present a related document to the editorial board afterwards

Sections of the Journal

Original research articles are mainly published in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education (% 50 - % 100). Besides, 50 percent articles at most can be published in every issue.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education adopts sharing the knowledge, transparency and open access as the publishing policy. 

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is published within open access policy and promotes Budapest Open Access Initiative (Budapeşte Açık Erişim Girişimi). So The Journal of International Social Sciences Education Editorial Board adopts the open access policies of Budapest Open Access Initiative ( Within this scope, we signed the declaration of the original BOAI at and after the approval process The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is going to be added to the site. 

Besides the articles published in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License within the context of open access policies  (

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education, the publisher of Dr. AbdulkadirUZUNÖZ does not request a fee from the authors for their articles. The electronic form of the journal is free in libraries, and so the access and subscription to electronic and hard copy versions of the journal is also free of charge. The Journal of International Social Sciences Education sends limited number of printed versions to some instructors and libraries costlessly. All processes of the journal are free of charge, so there is no fee paid for the Reviewers and the members of Editorial Board.   

Therefore, The Journal of International Social Sciences Education has no income; the journal continues this scientific duty with public fundings. Pecuniary obligations of the articles sent to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education are under the responsibility of the authors.

The Policy of Repudiating Sponsorships and Advertisements

The publisher of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is Dr. Abdulkadir UZUNÖZ, who is an academician and has no-profit. One of the publishing policies of the journal is repudiating sponsorships and advertisements.

However, due to the fact that all the processes from the article application to the publication of the electronic articles are made free of charge on the electronic server, the charges of DOI numbers of the articles published are paid, and technical support is also given to it, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DERGİPARK (, as a public establishment, is the public sponsor of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education.

Publishing Policies of Articles and Journal

The original and recent articles contributing to the field must be sent to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education. The articles must also be unpublished or unsent to another journal for publication.

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education does not evaluate multiple applicants of an author at the same time.

Article Submission

Author(s) can send their articles to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education after registering process at

All submitted manuscripts must be prepared in strict accordance with the 7th edition of the Publication Manuel of the American Psychological Association (APA; see or

Publication Rules

The articles must be written with regard to Article Publication Rules on the "Article Template"

Copyright Transfer 

Authors must transfer their copyrights to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education during the application period. For this purpose, all the authors fill in and sign the “Copyright Notice Form”, and then they load it with their articles to electronic system of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DERGİPARK ( Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is entitled to publish the article. 

In addition to that, except for copyrights, patent rights of the authors, rights to use the articles in their lessons, presentations or studies without any charge, rights to duplicate the articles for their own purposes provided that they do not sell them, and rights to distribute the articles by mail or electronically are reserved. Authors are also allowed to use some parts of their articles in other publications, providing that The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is cited in that publication. If authors do not load Copyright Notice Form to the system with their applications, their articles are not evaluated. Copyright Transfer Form only goes for the articles published in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education; authors of unpublished articles have their copyrights on their articles. 

Evaluation Process

The articles are evaluated by double-blind peer review, in which identities of authors and reviewers are kept confidential. Neither the authors know the reviewers nor the reviewers know the authors in this process. 

Preliminary Review and Preliminary Evaluation Process

The editors in preliminary review evaluate the articles sent to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education. At this stage, the articles which are not suitable for the aim, scope and publication policies of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education; the articles which are not suitable for language rules; the articles which are inaccurate in terms of methodology;

 Similarty and Authenticity

The articles having no originality and exceeding %10 similarity rate after a review through iThenticate software are rejected, and the authors of these articles are informed on this case.  

Preliminary Assesment

The articles sent to the field editor is reviewed with regard to titles, literature in introduction, method, findings and comments, discussion-conclusion, suggestions, originality and actuality, and the aim, scope and publishing policies of the journal. Field editor informs the editor of the conclusion of the review by a report and the editor, according to that report, rejects inconvenient articles. Field editor also transmits his/her offers for reviewers to the editor for convenient articles

 Peer Review Process

Reviewer offers of field editors and some other reviewers are evaluated simultaneously by the editor. Then the article is sent to 2 reviewers. Editorial Board of the journal cares: not to assign reviewers from the same institution with the authors; not to assign among the people which the authors conflict with or the people they have relationships based on mutual interests; and not to assign authors’ thesis advisors or jury members.

Reviewers must guarantee that they will not share the documents and the processes about the articles they reviewed.

Peer review is based on studying the article in terms of literature, originality, methodology, appropriateness to ethics, and presenting the conclusions coherently.

Reviewers are given one month for peer review process. This period can be enlarged in accordance with the reviewer. After reviewers study the articles, they fill in "Research Article Evaluation Form" for research articles and "Review Artcile Evaluation Form" for review articles. These forms are sent to reviewers with the articles at the end of the process. Reviewers can also state their revision offers on the article text.

In accordance with the revision offers from reviewers and/or the editors, the authors must prepare Article Revision Report in three weeks. The authors, in that report, indicate the revisions they did or they did not with their reasons, and then they load the revised articles to electronic application system. The revised articles are sent to reviewers who want to see the revisions. Reviewers or editors may want more than one revision from the authors and the authors are expected to revise them.

Evaluation Result and Editorial Board Decision

The editor evaluates views from the reviewers and convenes the Editorial Board to make decisions on the articles. In accordance with the views of field editors and the reviewers, Editorial Board discusses the articles and makes the final decision.

In case affirmative decisions are taken, the layout of the articles is made up. Language editors (Turkish, English) study the articles and revision offers, if any, are sent to the authors. At last, he approval for “Publishable” is received from the authors.

Right of Objection to the Evaluation

Authors have right to object to the decisions about their articles that Editorial Board of the journal makes. Authors may send their objection reasons with proofs to by a mail. Editorial Board gives an answer to the authors about their objections after discussing the case. In case authors’ objections are recognized, Editorial Board restarts the evaluation process with new reviewers.

Citation and Bibliography Control

According to the publication ethics of the International Journal of Social Sciences Education, it is mandatory that the submissions (citations) to the articles be given accurately and completely. This audit is done by the referees first during the evaluation and then by the editors according to the results of the iThenticate program.

In articles submitted to the International Journal of Social Sciences Education, citation and bibliography control are as follows:

• The bibliography must conform to the format in APA Version 7.

• It is checked whether the references used in the text are given in the bibliography completely and correctly. If the references (references) in the text of each reference in the bibliography are not done properly, they are corrected.

• It is checked whether the references (references) in the text are made in accordance with the principles of sending, and the missing or incorrect ones are corrected.

• Turkish articles are based on Turkish and English articles are based on English citation.

 Withdrawal of a Manuscript

Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education has been striving to publish original and scientific research articles. In the case that an article published in or just sent to the journal is to be withdrawn, Editorial Board and authors should fulfill the responsibilities such as below:


In case there are problems in copyright and ethical principles or doubts on plagiarism about the articles published full text or published as Online First, Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is responsible for starting an investigation urgently.

In case the Editorial Board determines that an article in evaluation process is contrary to ethical principles and has plagiarism or copyright problems, the Editorial Board withdraws the article and reports the decision with the reasons to the author(s) of the article

In case it’s determined that a published or Online First article is contrary to ethical principles and has plagiarism or copyright problems, the Editorial Board notifies that to the authors and to institutions of the authors in written. If the article is produced from a thesis, it is also notified to the relevant institute or other relevant establishments.


In case the authors notice mistakes in their articles, they must be in cooperation with the editors to withdraw their articles.

After the application an article has finished, the authors cannot send their articles to another journal unless the Editorial Board approves their demands for withdrawal of their articles.

The authors, who want to request withdrawal of their articles in the evaluation process, fill in and sign the “Article Withdrawal Form” and send it to the Editorial Board of the journal via Editorial Board views the request for withdrawal in a short time and sends the decision to the authors.

Privacy Statement

Personal information used in article application processes and correspondences is only used in line with the scientific purposes of the journal; this information is not used for another purpose and is not shared with third parties.


The Journal of Social Sciences Education moved to TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DERGİPARK (

The data and full texts of the articles published in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education are published as PDF on TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DERGİPARK server, and they are kept and archived without any access ( , LOCKSS;

Publication Ethics
Publication processes of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education are based on producing, developing and sharing knowledge evenhandedly within scientific methods.
Refereed articles are studies require scientific methods and they provide objectivity. All components of the publication process (publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and readers) should obey ethical rules for scientific production. Within this context, the policies of ‘publication ethics’ and ‘open access’ also require all components of publication process to obey the ethical principles, in direction of guides and policies of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”.

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education Journal pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on 

In case we identify that author(s) of the manuscript use(s) falsified and fabricated data, then we will report this to the institution of the authors where he/she works and reject the manuscript. Editorial members of the journal and/or the reviewers reserve the right to ask author(s) to provide raw data that was used in the manuscript.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Dr. Abdulkadir UZUNÖZ, the publisher of The Journal of Social Sciences Education, is a public-spirited and nonprofit-making public educational institution.
The members of the Editorial Board are assigned for three years considering the disciplines of educational sciences. An editor is assigned as the chair of the Editorial Board with two assistants and field editors. A new member is assigned for the leaver and Editorial Board can enlarge membership times. According the subject of the study, the editor can send an article to some other instructors out of the Editorial Board as field editors.

The Responsibilities of Editorial Board of The Journal of Internaional Social Science Education
1. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is responsible for all processes of the articles sent to the journal. This responsibility requires deciding independently by considering public interest, not personal gains. The relationship between Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on independence policy, and all decisions of the editors are independent from the publisher and the other persons and institutions.
2. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education permanently strives to develop and raise the quality of the journal.
3. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education determines and performs journal policies as publication, blind review, evaluation process and ethical principles.
4. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education keeps copyrights of the articles published in The Journal of International Social Science Education.
5. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education is responsible for keeping intellectual property rights of authors in publication processes and guarding against unethical behaviors, plagiarism and reference gangs.
6. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education prepares a “Guide for Authors” to inform authors and “Guide for Reviewers” to inform reviewers about evaluation processes.
7. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education determines incentive policies for the authors.
8. Editorial Board of The Journal of International Social Sciences Education her keeps records of every article electronically or in written forms.

The Responsibilities of Editors, Editor Assistants and Field Editors
1. Editors try to inform reviewers, authors, researchers and readers, to answer their questions clearly within the principles of clarity.
2. Editors, during the publication process, consider that the articles should be original and contribute the literature, the readers and researchers
3. While editors are making decisions about the article publication, they consider originality, contribution to the field, clarity of expressions, content and validity and reliability of the articles
4. Editors take the articles without any problem to the preliminary evaluation, consider positive views of reviewers, and they do not change the decisions of the reviewers unless there is a big problem for publishing
5. Editors implement the policies of blind review and evaluation processes, keep private personal identity information of the authors, and provide impartial evaluation processes in due of time for the articles
6. Editors send the articles to field editors and reviewers considering their professional fields, and care that the articles are evaluated impartially and independently
7. Editors, in evaluation processes, consider if there are conflicts or collaborations between authors and reviewers or not.
8. Editors generate a large number or reviewers, and they update it consistently
9. Editors prevent non-scientific that do not comply with academic etiquette rules
10. Editors ensure that journal publishing processes are operated in accordance with publishing policies and guidelines, inform those who are in the process of the developments on publishing policies, and prepare training programs when necessary
11. Editors communicate effectively with everyone involved in the publishing processes and organize meetings at regular intervals.
12. Editors provide protection of personal data in assessed articles; they keep personal data of authors, referees and readers
13. Editors attach importance to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, emphasize that the clear approval of the participants of the article is documented, and rejects the articles without the approval of the ethics committee on the participants of the article and without any permit in experimental investigations
14. Editors take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about the abuse of duty, they share the findings about the subject by conducting an objective investigation.
15. Editors provide errors, inconsistencies, or misleading errors in articles to be corrected.
16. Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles, and defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of violation.
17. Editors also take the necessary precautions to ensure that the content of the published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; they control authenticity-similarity.
18. Editors considers consistent critiques for the articles published in the journal and enables authors to answer these critiques.
19. Editors considers the studies including negative conclusions also.
20. Editors evaluate the complaints sent to the journal and make necessary statements.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The articles in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education are evaluated by double-blind review in a process, which neither the authors know the reviewers nor the reviewers know the authors; reviewers cannot communicate the authors directly; article evaluation forms and proofreading requests are sent to the authors through the website of the journal. Reviewers must bear the ethical responsibilities in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education as below:
1. Reviewers should only accept to evaluate the articles related to the field of their specializations.
2. Reviewers should make the evaluation impartially and confidentially. In accordance with this principle, the articles they review should be annihilated after the evaluation process, but they should be used after publication. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not distort the impartiality of the evaluation
3. When reviewers understand that there is a conflict or collaboration, they should inform the editors and refuse to evaluate the article.
4. Reviewers must evaluate articles with a constructive attitude in accordance with the academic etiquette rules; they should refrain from insulting and hostile personal comments.
5. Reviewers should evaluate the articles they agree on during the evaluation.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
The ethical responsibilities of the authors that apply to The Journal of International Social Science Education as below
1. The authors should not send an article published in or sent to be published in another journal to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education at the same time.
2. The authors should send original articles to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education. Authors should refer to the sources they use in writing articles in the correct way in the direction of ethical principles
3. Persons who do not contribute to the articles should not be listed as authors, and it should not be proposed to change the author order of a published article and to add authors.
4. Reviewers must notify the editors of the conflicts and collaborations about the article.
5. In the evaluation process of the articles the authors should provide the editorial staff with information about the articles or the raw data if required.
6. The authors must document the rights to use the data they use in their articles, the permission for research or the approval of the participants to whom they have searched.
7. Authors should communicate with the editors to provide information, to correct the article or to withdraw it when they are aware of the error associated with the evaluation and early appearance phase or the published article in electronic form.

Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published as of 2020 in line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index. Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for research in all scientific fields, including social and human sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethical committee decision, this approval must be stated and documented in the papers.
In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first / last page of the paper. Papers should include a statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied.

Studies requiring Ethics Committee Permission are listed below. When uploading your manuscript to Journal of Economics, Politics & Finance Research, you must upload the Ethics Committee Permission document along with your paper file. If your study is not included in the study group requiring ethics committee approval, you must sign the declaration form indicating this situation and state the situation in the text of the paper.

The researches requiring the permission of the Ethics Committee are as follows.

• Any research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
• Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical researches on humans,
• Researches on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law of protection of personal data,
• In the case reports, it is stated that the “informed consent form” was taken,
• Obtaining and specifying the permission of the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs of others,
• Stating that the copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used
• Before 2020, research data has been used, produced from postgraduate/doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), and the articles that have been submitted to the journal for the previous year, have not received retrospective ethics permission.
• Researchers who are not members of the university can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their region.
• In studies requiring ethical committee permission, information about the permission (board name, date and issue number) should be included in the method section and on the first/last page of the article.

Notification of Ethics Non-Principles Status Editor
In case of encountering an unethical situation in articles or about editors, reviewers and authors or in articles that do not comply with the ethical principles regarding in The Journal of International Social Sciences Education, it should be reported by

Open Access Policy
ISSEJ is an Open Access journal and provides immediate open access to its contents. The Journal aims to promote the development of global Open Access to scientific information and research. All the articles published in ISSEJ are licensed by "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License".

License Policy and Copyright
ISSEJ adopted the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License" rules.

Plagiarism Detection
Papers submitted to ISSEJ will be screened for plagiarism using iThenticate plagiarism detection tools. ISSEJ will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. In ISSEJ, iThenticate is used as a plagiarism program.

Submission fee
There is no author’s submission fee or other publication-related fees since every cost for the publication process is supported by the publisher; therefore it is an open-access journal. ISSEJ is a completely free journal.

The Journal of International Social Sciences Education, the publisher of Dr. AbdulkadirUZUNÖZ does not request a fee from the authors for their articles. The electronic form of the journal is free in libraries, and so the access and subscription to electronic and hard copy versions of the journal is also free of charge. The Journal of International Social Sciences Education sends limited number of printed versions to some instructors and libraries costlessly. All processes of the journal are free of charge, so there is no fee paid for the Reviewers and the members of Editorial Board.

Therefore, The Journal of International Social Sciences Education has no income; the journal continues this scientific duty with public fundings. Pecuniary obligations of the articles sent to The Journal of International Social Sciences Education are under the responsibility of the authors.

21910All papers published in the journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International