Subject Category: Education
Educational Programs and Instruction: Values Education, Readiness in Education, Program Evaluation in Education, Program Development in Education, Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education, Psychological Foundations of Education, Lifelong Learning, In-Service Education, Informal Learning, Comparative and Intercultural Education, Out-of-School Learning, Program Design, Adult Education, Multicultural Education, Learning Theories, Instructional Theories, Instructional Design, Instructional Technologies, Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators, Curriculum and Instruction (Other)
Educational Management, Inspection, Planning and Economics: Educational Planning, Educational Management, Educational Supervision, Educational Leadership, Inspection and Planning, Educational Management, Inspection, Planning and Economics (Other)
Studies on Education: Educational Policy, Educational Technology and Computing, Inclusive Education, Learning Analytics, Learning Sciences, Teacher and Student Wellbeing, Studies on Education (Other)
Measurement and Evaluation in Education: Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology, Intercultural Comparisons of Education: International Exams, Intercultural Scale Adaptation, Classroom Measurement Applications, National and International Achievement Comparisons, Scale Development, Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other)
Science and Mathematics Fields Education: Biology Education, Science Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Mathematics Education, STEM Education, Science and Mathematics Fields Education (Other)
Vocational Education and Training: Vocational Education, Vocational Education and Training (Other)
Guidance and Psychological Counseling: Career Counselling, School Psychological Counselling, Psychological Counseling Training, Guidance and Psychological Counseling (Other)
Art Education: Fine Arts Education, Media and Communication Education, Museum Education, Creative Drama Education, Art Education (Other)
Basic Education: Preschool Education, Classroom Education, Primary Education, Basic Education (Other)
Turkish and Social Sciences Education: Geography Education, Religious Education, Philosophy Education, Psychology Education, Social Studies Education, Sociology Education, History Education, Turkish Language and Literature Education, Turkish Education, Turkish and Social Sciences Education (Other)
Special Education and Disabled Education: Visually Impaired Education, Speech Impaired Education, Autistic Children Education, Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education, Mental Disability Education, Multiple Disability Education, Special Talented Education, Hearing Impaired Education, Special Education and Disabled Education (Other)
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