Research Article
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Year 2022, Issue: 27, 205 - 220, 09.02.2023



  • Amandry, P. (1978). Consécration d’armes galates à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 102 (2), 571-586. google scholar
  • Arafat, K.W. (2009). Treasure, treasuries and value in Pausanias. The Classical Quarterly, New Series, 59 (2), 578-592. google scholar
  • Audiat, J. (1933). Le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes II, 1, 4, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Boardman, J. (1972). Herakles, Peisistratos and Sons. Revue Archéologique, 1, 57-72. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1938). Nouvelles Inscriptions de Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 62, 332-369. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1952). Le Trésor de Cyrène. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Burkert, W. (1985). Greek Religion. (Çev: J. Raffan). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Colin, G. (1906). Inscriptions de Delphes: La Théorie Athénienne à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 30, 161-329. google scholar
  • Çelgin, G. (2011). Eski Yunanca-Türkçe sözlük. İstanbul: Kabalcı. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1927). La frise du trésor de Siphnos. Dimensions et composition. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 51, 1-56. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & Hansen, E. (1987). Le Trésor de Siphnos. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1936). Au Musée de Delphes: recherches sur quelques monuments archaïques et leur décor sculpté. Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1969). Topographie delphique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 93 (2), 730-758. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. & Marcadé, J. (1953). Corés delphiques. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 77, 346-376. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1912). Studies of the Delphian Treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 36, 439-493. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1913). Studies of the Delphian treasuries. II: The four Ionic treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 37, 5-83. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1975). The architecture of ancient Greece: an account of its historic development. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. google scholar
  • Dyer, L. (1905). Olympian treasuries and treasuries in general. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 25, 294-319. google scholar
  • Hansen, E. (1960). Les abords du Trésor de Siphnos à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 84 (2), 387-433. google scholar
  • Herodotos. (2018). Tarih. (M. Ökmen, Trans.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010a). İlyada. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010b). Odysseia. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Höcker, C. (2002). Thesauros. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP): Enzyklopädie der Antike 12/1, (pp. 433-434). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
  • Kaplan, P. (2006). Dedications to Greek sanctuaries by foreign kings in the eighth through sixth centuries BCE. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 55 (2), 129-152. google scholar
  • Konsola, D. (1985). Delphi: The archaeological site and the museum. (A. Doumas, Trans.). UK: Old Vicarage Publications. google scholar
  • Kortanoğlu, R.E. (2018). Varlık ve Tapınak: Eski Yunan tapınağının kavramsal inşası üzerine arkitektonik bir deneme. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1990). Le Trésor de Sicyone et ses fondations. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 114 (1), 241-284. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1993). Études sur les trésors en poros à Delphes. Les Grands Ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.-C. Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, éd. J. des Courtils et J.-Ch. Moretti, Paris, Istanbul: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Varia Anatolica, 3, 227-245. google scholar
  • Lenzen, V.F. (1946). The Figure of Dionysos on the Siphnian Frieze. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, 3 (1). google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1977). The Gigantomachy of the Siphnian Treasury: Reconstruction of the three Lacunae. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 4, 305-335. google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1985). The West Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury: a new reconstruction. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 109 (1), 131-156. google scholar
  • Mastrokostas, E. (1956). Zu den Namensbeischriften des Siphnier-Frieses. Athenische Mitteilungen 71, 74-82. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2001). Framing the Gift: The politics of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. Classical Antiquity, 20 (2), October, 273-344. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2004). The Athenian treasury at Delphi and the material of politics. Classical Antiquity, 23 (1), April, 63-93. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2007). Delphi, Olympia and the art of politics. In H.A. Shapiro (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to archaic Greece (pp. 225-264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Oberberg-Mavrudis, M. (1996). Schatzhäuser von Olympia: Stand der Forschung. (Master Thesis). Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Parke H.W. (1984). Croesus and Delphi. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 25 (3), 209-232. google scholar
  • Pausanias. (1969-1971). Description of Greece. (W.H.S. Jones, Trans.). London: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Picard, C. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1928). Art archaïque (suite): Les Trésors “ioniques”. Fouilles de Delphes, IV (2), Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1962). The west frieze of the Siphnian treasury at Dephi: A rearrengement. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 86, 24-35. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1965). The east pediment of the Siphnian Treasury: A Reinterpretation. American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1), 1-5. google scholar
  • Roux, G. (1984). Trésors, temples, tholos. Temples et Sanctuaires, Séminaire de Recherche 1981-1983/G.I.S., Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, Collection Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, 7, Lyon, 153-172. google scholar
  • Rups, M. (1986). Thesauros: A Study of Treasury Building as Found in Greek Sanctuaries. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Johns Hopkins Universiy. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2007). Putting architectural sculpture into its archaeological context: The case of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. BABESCH Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 82-2007 (2), 321-331. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2010). Delphi and Olympia: The spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Sinn, U. (2005). Thesauros I (Schatzhaus). In Thesaurus cultus et rituum antiquorum (ThesCRA) IV, (pp. 121-123). Los Angeles: Getty Publications. google scholar
  • Strabo. (1917-1949). Geography. (H.L. Jones, Eds. and Trans.). Cambridge: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Vian, F. (1952). La guerre des Géants. Le mythe avant l’époque hellénistique. Paris: C. Klincksieck. google scholar
  • Watrous, L.V. (1982). The sculptural program of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. American Journal of Archaeology, 86 (2), 159-172. google scholar
  • Yıldırımtürk, M. (2019). Antik Dönem Yunan Coğrafyasında Thesauros Mimarisi: Köken, Yapı, Anlam. (Unpublished Master thesis). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Ziehen, L. (1992). ©n^aupôç. In Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE), VI A1, (pp. 1-7). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar

Treasury Architecture as a Dialectical Construction in Ancient Greece: A Conceptual Evaluation of the Siphnian Treasury

Year 2022, Issue: 27, 205 - 220, 09.02.2023


Ancient Greek cities dedicated a variety of valuable objects to the gods in sacred areas. The means for protecting these objects were provided by the thesauros [treasuries] they had built on behalf of their cities and were also a votive offering themself. While only cultic objects were place in temples, objects that had been dedicated by citizens and cities were kept in the treasuries. The now-lost offerings were housed by treasuries that are mentioned in ancient sources and had been built between the 7th-3rd centuries BC. Dedicated by the Greek city-states to the sacred sites of Delphi, Olympia, and Delos, the function of these structures was to protect valuable dedications to the gods and to politically demonstrate the connection the cities had to these sacred areas. The architectural details of these buildings reflect the elements of the city-state that dedicated it. This study explains the origin and meaning of the treasuries that were constructed in the sanctuaries, as well as their architectural form and function, and discusses the social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that existed between the cities and sanctuaries through the example of one of the most striking treasuries from the Archaic period, the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi (525 BC). 


  • Amandry, P. (1978). Consécration d’armes galates à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 102 (2), 571-586. google scholar
  • Arafat, K.W. (2009). Treasure, treasuries and value in Pausanias. The Classical Quarterly, New Series, 59 (2), 578-592. google scholar
  • Audiat, J. (1933). Le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes II, 1, 4, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Boardman, J. (1972). Herakles, Peisistratos and Sons. Revue Archéologique, 1, 57-72. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1938). Nouvelles Inscriptions de Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 62, 332-369. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1952). Le Trésor de Cyrène. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Burkert, W. (1985). Greek Religion. (Çev: J. Raffan). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Colin, G. (1906). Inscriptions de Delphes: La Théorie Athénienne à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 30, 161-329. google scholar
  • Çelgin, G. (2011). Eski Yunanca-Türkçe sözlük. İstanbul: Kabalcı. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1927). La frise du trésor de Siphnos. Dimensions et composition. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 51, 1-56. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & Hansen, E. (1987). Le Trésor de Siphnos. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1936). Au Musée de Delphes: recherches sur quelques monuments archaïques et leur décor sculpté. Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1969). Topographie delphique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 93 (2), 730-758. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. & Marcadé, J. (1953). Corés delphiques. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 77, 346-376. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1912). Studies of the Delphian Treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 36, 439-493. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1913). Studies of the Delphian treasuries. II: The four Ionic treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 37, 5-83. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1975). The architecture of ancient Greece: an account of its historic development. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. google scholar
  • Dyer, L. (1905). Olympian treasuries and treasuries in general. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 25, 294-319. google scholar
  • Hansen, E. (1960). Les abords du Trésor de Siphnos à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 84 (2), 387-433. google scholar
  • Herodotos. (2018). Tarih. (M. Ökmen, Trans.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010a). İlyada. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010b). Odysseia. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Höcker, C. (2002). Thesauros. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP): Enzyklopädie der Antike 12/1, (pp. 433-434). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
  • Kaplan, P. (2006). Dedications to Greek sanctuaries by foreign kings in the eighth through sixth centuries BCE. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 55 (2), 129-152. google scholar
  • Konsola, D. (1985). Delphi: The archaeological site and the museum. (A. Doumas, Trans.). UK: Old Vicarage Publications. google scholar
  • Kortanoğlu, R.E. (2018). Varlık ve Tapınak: Eski Yunan tapınağının kavramsal inşası üzerine arkitektonik bir deneme. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1990). Le Trésor de Sicyone et ses fondations. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 114 (1), 241-284. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1993). Études sur les trésors en poros à Delphes. Les Grands Ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.-C. Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, éd. J. des Courtils et J.-Ch. Moretti, Paris, Istanbul: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Varia Anatolica, 3, 227-245. google scholar
  • Lenzen, V.F. (1946). The Figure of Dionysos on the Siphnian Frieze. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, 3 (1). google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1977). The Gigantomachy of the Siphnian Treasury: Reconstruction of the three Lacunae. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 4, 305-335. google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1985). The West Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury: a new reconstruction. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 109 (1), 131-156. google scholar
  • Mastrokostas, E. (1956). Zu den Namensbeischriften des Siphnier-Frieses. Athenische Mitteilungen 71, 74-82. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2001). Framing the Gift: The politics of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. Classical Antiquity, 20 (2), October, 273-344. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2004). The Athenian treasury at Delphi and the material of politics. Classical Antiquity, 23 (1), April, 63-93. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2007). Delphi, Olympia and the art of politics. In H.A. Shapiro (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to archaic Greece (pp. 225-264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Oberberg-Mavrudis, M. (1996). Schatzhäuser von Olympia: Stand der Forschung. (Master Thesis). Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Parke H.W. (1984). Croesus and Delphi. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 25 (3), 209-232. google scholar
  • Pausanias. (1969-1971). Description of Greece. (W.H.S. Jones, Trans.). London: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Picard, C. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1928). Art archaïque (suite): Les Trésors “ioniques”. Fouilles de Delphes, IV (2), Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1962). The west frieze of the Siphnian treasury at Dephi: A rearrengement. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 86, 24-35. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1965). The east pediment of the Siphnian Treasury: A Reinterpretation. American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1), 1-5. google scholar
  • Roux, G. (1984). Trésors, temples, tholos. Temples et Sanctuaires, Séminaire de Recherche 1981-1983/G.I.S., Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, Collection Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, 7, Lyon, 153-172. google scholar
  • Rups, M. (1986). Thesauros: A Study of Treasury Building as Found in Greek Sanctuaries. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Johns Hopkins Universiy. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2007). Putting architectural sculpture into its archaeological context: The case of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. BABESCH Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 82-2007 (2), 321-331. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2010). Delphi and Olympia: The spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Sinn, U. (2005). Thesauros I (Schatzhaus). In Thesaurus cultus et rituum antiquorum (ThesCRA) IV, (pp. 121-123). Los Angeles: Getty Publications. google scholar
  • Strabo. (1917-1949). Geography. (H.L. Jones, Eds. and Trans.). Cambridge: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Vian, F. (1952). La guerre des Géants. Le mythe avant l’époque hellénistique. Paris: C. Klincksieck. google scholar
  • Watrous, L.V. (1982). The sculptural program of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. American Journal of Archaeology, 86 (2), 159-172. google scholar
  • Yıldırımtürk, M. (2019). Antik Dönem Yunan Coğrafyasında Thesauros Mimarisi: Köken, Yapı, Anlam. (Unpublished Master thesis). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Ziehen, L. (1992). ©n^aupôç. In Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE), VI A1, (pp. 1-7). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 27, 205 - 220, 09.02.2023



  • Amandry, P. (1978). Consécration d’armes galates à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 102 (2), 571-586. google scholar
  • Arafat, K.W. (2009). Treasure, treasuries and value in Pausanias. The Classical Quarterly, New Series, 59 (2), 578-592. google scholar
  • Audiat, J. (1933). Le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes II, 1, 4, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Boardman, J. (1972). Herakles, Peisistratos and Sons. Revue Archéologique, 1, 57-72. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1938). Nouvelles Inscriptions de Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 62, 332-369. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1952). Le Trésor de Cyrène. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Burkert, W. (1985). Greek Religion. (Çev: J. Raffan). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Colin, G. (1906). Inscriptions de Delphes: La Théorie Athénienne à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 30, 161-329. google scholar
  • Çelgin, G. (2011). Eski Yunanca-Türkçe sözlük. İstanbul: Kabalcı. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1927). La frise du trésor de Siphnos. Dimensions et composition. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 51, 1-56. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & Hansen, E. (1987). Le Trésor de Siphnos. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1936). Au Musée de Delphes: recherches sur quelques monuments archaïques et leur décor sculpté. Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1969). Topographie delphique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 93 (2), 730-758. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. & Marcadé, J. (1953). Corés delphiques. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 77, 346-376. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1912). Studies of the Delphian Treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 36, 439-493. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1913). Studies of the Delphian treasuries. II: The four Ionic treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 37, 5-83. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1975). The architecture of ancient Greece: an account of its historic development. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. google scholar
  • Dyer, L. (1905). Olympian treasuries and treasuries in general. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 25, 294-319. google scholar
  • Hansen, E. (1960). Les abords du Trésor de Siphnos à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 84 (2), 387-433. google scholar
  • Herodotos. (2018). Tarih. (M. Ökmen, Trans.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010a). İlyada. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010b). Odysseia. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Höcker, C. (2002). Thesauros. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP): Enzyklopädie der Antike 12/1, (pp. 433-434). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
  • Kaplan, P. (2006). Dedications to Greek sanctuaries by foreign kings in the eighth through sixth centuries BCE. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 55 (2), 129-152. google scholar
  • Konsola, D. (1985). Delphi: The archaeological site and the museum. (A. Doumas, Trans.). UK: Old Vicarage Publications. google scholar
  • Kortanoğlu, R.E. (2018). Varlık ve Tapınak: Eski Yunan tapınağının kavramsal inşası üzerine arkitektonik bir deneme. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1990). Le Trésor de Sicyone et ses fondations. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 114 (1), 241-284. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1993). Études sur les trésors en poros à Delphes. Les Grands Ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.-C. Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, éd. J. des Courtils et J.-Ch. Moretti, Paris, Istanbul: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Varia Anatolica, 3, 227-245. google scholar
  • Lenzen, V.F. (1946). The Figure of Dionysos on the Siphnian Frieze. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, 3 (1). google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1977). The Gigantomachy of the Siphnian Treasury: Reconstruction of the three Lacunae. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 4, 305-335. google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1985). The West Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury: a new reconstruction. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 109 (1), 131-156. google scholar
  • Mastrokostas, E. (1956). Zu den Namensbeischriften des Siphnier-Frieses. Athenische Mitteilungen 71, 74-82. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2001). Framing the Gift: The politics of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. Classical Antiquity, 20 (2), October, 273-344. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2004). The Athenian treasury at Delphi and the material of politics. Classical Antiquity, 23 (1), April, 63-93. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2007). Delphi, Olympia and the art of politics. In H.A. Shapiro (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to archaic Greece (pp. 225-264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Oberberg-Mavrudis, M. (1996). Schatzhäuser von Olympia: Stand der Forschung. (Master Thesis). Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Parke H.W. (1984). Croesus and Delphi. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 25 (3), 209-232. google scholar
  • Pausanias. (1969-1971). Description of Greece. (W.H.S. Jones, Trans.). London: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Picard, C. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1928). Art archaïque (suite): Les Trésors “ioniques”. Fouilles de Delphes, IV (2), Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1962). The west frieze of the Siphnian treasury at Dephi: A rearrengement. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 86, 24-35. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1965). The east pediment of the Siphnian Treasury: A Reinterpretation. American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1), 1-5. google scholar
  • Roux, G. (1984). Trésors, temples, tholos. Temples et Sanctuaires, Séminaire de Recherche 1981-1983/G.I.S., Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, Collection Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, 7, Lyon, 153-172. google scholar
  • Rups, M. (1986). Thesauros: A Study of Treasury Building as Found in Greek Sanctuaries. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Johns Hopkins Universiy. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2007). Putting architectural sculpture into its archaeological context: The case of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. BABESCH Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 82-2007 (2), 321-331. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2010). Delphi and Olympia: The spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Sinn, U. (2005). Thesauros I (Schatzhaus). In Thesaurus cultus et rituum antiquorum (ThesCRA) IV, (pp. 121-123). Los Angeles: Getty Publications. google scholar
  • Strabo. (1917-1949). Geography. (H.L. Jones, Eds. and Trans.). Cambridge: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Vian, F. (1952). La guerre des Géants. Le mythe avant l’époque hellénistique. Paris: C. Klincksieck. google scholar
  • Watrous, L.V. (1982). The sculptural program of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. American Journal of Archaeology, 86 (2), 159-172. google scholar
  • Yıldırımtürk, M. (2019). Antik Dönem Yunan Coğrafyasında Thesauros Mimarisi: Köken, Yapı, Anlam. (Unpublished Master thesis). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Ziehen, L. (1992). ©n^aupôç. In Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE), VI A1, (pp. 1-7). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 27, 205 - 220, 09.02.2023



  • Amandry, P. (1978). Consécration d’armes galates à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 102 (2), 571-586. google scholar
  • Arafat, K.W. (2009). Treasure, treasuries and value in Pausanias. The Classical Quarterly, New Series, 59 (2), 578-592. google scholar
  • Audiat, J. (1933). Le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes II, 1, 4, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Boardman, J. (1972). Herakles, Peisistratos and Sons. Revue Archéologique, 1, 57-72. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1938). Nouvelles Inscriptions de Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 62, 332-369. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1952). Le Trésor de Cyrène. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Burkert, W. (1985). Greek Religion. (Çev: J. Raffan). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Colin, G. (1906). Inscriptions de Delphes: La Théorie Athénienne à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 30, 161-329. google scholar
  • Çelgin, G. (2011). Eski Yunanca-Türkçe sözlük. İstanbul: Kabalcı. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1927). La frise du trésor de Siphnos. Dimensions et composition. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 51, 1-56. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & Hansen, E. (1987). Le Trésor de Siphnos. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1936). Au Musée de Delphes: recherches sur quelques monuments archaïques et leur décor sculpté. Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1969). Topographie delphique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 93 (2), 730-758. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. & Marcadé, J. (1953). Corés delphiques. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 77, 346-376. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1912). Studies of the Delphian Treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 36, 439-493. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1913). Studies of the Delphian treasuries. II: The four Ionic treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 37, 5-83. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1975). The architecture of ancient Greece: an account of its historic development. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. google scholar
  • Dyer, L. (1905). Olympian treasuries and treasuries in general. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 25, 294-319. google scholar
  • Hansen, E. (1960). Les abords du Trésor de Siphnos à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 84 (2), 387-433. google scholar
  • Herodotos. (2018). Tarih. (M. Ökmen, Trans.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010a). İlyada. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010b). Odysseia. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Höcker, C. (2002). Thesauros. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP): Enzyklopädie der Antike 12/1, (pp. 433-434). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
  • Kaplan, P. (2006). Dedications to Greek sanctuaries by foreign kings in the eighth through sixth centuries BCE. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 55 (2), 129-152. google scholar
  • Konsola, D. (1985). Delphi: The archaeological site and the museum. (A. Doumas, Trans.). UK: Old Vicarage Publications. google scholar
  • Kortanoğlu, R.E. (2018). Varlık ve Tapınak: Eski Yunan tapınağının kavramsal inşası üzerine arkitektonik bir deneme. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1990). Le Trésor de Sicyone et ses fondations. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 114 (1), 241-284. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1993). Études sur les trésors en poros à Delphes. Les Grands Ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.-C. Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, éd. J. des Courtils et J.-Ch. Moretti, Paris, Istanbul: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Varia Anatolica, 3, 227-245. google scholar
  • Lenzen, V.F. (1946). The Figure of Dionysos on the Siphnian Frieze. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, 3 (1). google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1977). The Gigantomachy of the Siphnian Treasury: Reconstruction of the three Lacunae. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 4, 305-335. google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1985). The West Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury: a new reconstruction. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 109 (1), 131-156. google scholar
  • Mastrokostas, E. (1956). Zu den Namensbeischriften des Siphnier-Frieses. Athenische Mitteilungen 71, 74-82. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2001). Framing the Gift: The politics of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. Classical Antiquity, 20 (2), October, 273-344. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2004). The Athenian treasury at Delphi and the material of politics. Classical Antiquity, 23 (1), April, 63-93. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2007). Delphi, Olympia and the art of politics. In H.A. Shapiro (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to archaic Greece (pp. 225-264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Oberberg-Mavrudis, M. (1996). Schatzhäuser von Olympia: Stand der Forschung. (Master Thesis). Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Parke H.W. (1984). Croesus and Delphi. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 25 (3), 209-232. google scholar
  • Pausanias. (1969-1971). Description of Greece. (W.H.S. Jones, Trans.). London: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Picard, C. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1928). Art archaïque (suite): Les Trésors “ioniques”. Fouilles de Delphes, IV (2), Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1962). The west frieze of the Siphnian treasury at Dephi: A rearrengement. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 86, 24-35. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1965). The east pediment of the Siphnian Treasury: A Reinterpretation. American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1), 1-5. google scholar
  • Roux, G. (1984). Trésors, temples, tholos. Temples et Sanctuaires, Séminaire de Recherche 1981-1983/G.I.S., Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, Collection Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, 7, Lyon, 153-172. google scholar
  • Rups, M. (1986). Thesauros: A Study of Treasury Building as Found in Greek Sanctuaries. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Johns Hopkins Universiy. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2007). Putting architectural sculpture into its archaeological context: The case of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. BABESCH Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 82-2007 (2), 321-331. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2010). Delphi and Olympia: The spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Sinn, U. (2005). Thesauros I (Schatzhaus). In Thesaurus cultus et rituum antiquorum (ThesCRA) IV, (pp. 121-123). Los Angeles: Getty Publications. google scholar
  • Strabo. (1917-1949). Geography. (H.L. Jones, Eds. and Trans.). Cambridge: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Vian, F. (1952). La guerre des Géants. Le mythe avant l’époque hellénistique. Paris: C. Klincksieck. google scholar
  • Watrous, L.V. (1982). The sculptural program of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. American Journal of Archaeology, 86 (2), 159-172. google scholar
  • Yıldırımtürk, M. (2019). Antik Dönem Yunan Coğrafyasında Thesauros Mimarisi: Köken, Yapı, Anlam. (Unpublished Master thesis). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Ziehen, L. (1992). ©n^aupôç. In Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE), VI A1, (pp. 1-7). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar

Eski Yunan’da Diyalektik Bir İnşa Olarak Thesauros Mimarisi: Siphnoslular Thesaurosu Üzerinden Kavramsal Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2022, Issue: 27, 205 - 220, 09.02.2023


Eski Yunan’da antik kentler, tanrılara kutsal alanlarda çok çeşitli değerli objeler adamıştır. Bunların korunma ihtiyacı, kendi kentleri adına yaptırdıkları ve yine bir adak olan mimari yapılar (thesauroslar) ile sağlanmıştır. Tapınaklara sadece kült işlevli dini objeler koyulurken, thesauroslara vatandaşların ve kentlerin tanrılara adadıkları saklanmıştır. Thesaurosların barındırdığı ve günümüze kadar korunamamış olan adaklar, antik kaynaklarda bahsedilmiştir. Thesauroslar MÖ 7.yy ile MÖ 3.yy arasında yapılmışlardır. Yunan kent devletleri tarafından, Delphoi, Olympia ve Delos gibi kutsal alanlarda adanmış olan bu yapının işlevi, tanrılara adanan değerli objeleri korumak ve politik olarak kentlerin bu kutsal alanlarla bağlantısının gösterilmesidir. Bu yapıların mimari detayları, adayan kent devletinin ögelerini yansıtmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, belli alanlarda yapılmış thesaurosların kökeni ve anlamı, daha sonra mimari formu ve işlev açıklanmış, Thesaurosların en çarpıcı örneklerinden biri olan Delphoi Apollon Kutsal Alanında bulunan ve Arkaik Dönem’e ait (MÖ 525) Siphnoslular thesaurosunun üzerinden, thesaurosların yapıldığı kutsal alanlar ve bu mimari eserleri yaptıran kentler arasındaki sosyal, kültürel, politik ve ekonomik bağlamlar incelenmiştir.


  • Amandry, P. (1978). Consécration d’armes galates à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 102 (2), 571-586. google scholar
  • Arafat, K.W. (2009). Treasure, treasuries and value in Pausanias. The Classical Quarterly, New Series, 59 (2), 578-592. google scholar
  • Audiat, J. (1933). Le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes II, 1, 4, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Boardman, J. (1972). Herakles, Peisistratos and Sons. Revue Archéologique, 1, 57-72. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1938). Nouvelles Inscriptions de Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 62, 332-369. google scholar
  • Bousquet, J. (1952). Le Trésor de Cyrène. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Burkert, W. (1985). Greek Religion. (Çev: J. Raffan). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Colin, G. (1906). Inscriptions de Delphes: La Théorie Athénienne à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 30, 161-329. google scholar
  • Çelgin, G. (2011). Eski Yunanca-Türkçe sözlük. İstanbul: Kabalcı. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1927). La frise du trésor de Siphnos. Dimensions et composition. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 51, 1-56. google scholar
  • Daux, G. & Hansen, E. (1987). Le Trésor de Siphnos. Fouilles de Delphes II, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1936). Au Musée de Delphes: recherches sur quelques monuments archaïques et leur décor sculpté. Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1969). Topographie delphique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 93 (2), 730-758. google scholar
  • de La Coste-Messelière, P. & Marcadé, J. (1953). Corés delphiques. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 77, 346-376. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1912). Studies of the Delphian Treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 36, 439-493. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1913). Studies of the Delphian treasuries. II: The four Ionic treasuries. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 37, 5-83. google scholar
  • Dinsmoor, W.B. (1975). The architecture of ancient Greece: an account of its historic development. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. google scholar
  • Dyer, L. (1905). Olympian treasuries and treasuries in general. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 25, 294-319. google scholar
  • Hansen, E. (1960). Les abords du Trésor de Siphnos à Delphes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 84 (2), 387-433. google scholar
  • Herodotos. (2018). Tarih. (M. Ökmen, Trans.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010a). İlyada. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Homeros (2010b). Odysseia. (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Trans.). İstanbul: Can Yayınları. google scholar
  • Höcker, C. (2002). Thesauros. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP): Enzyklopädie der Antike 12/1, (pp. 433-434). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
  • Kaplan, P. (2006). Dedications to Greek sanctuaries by foreign kings in the eighth through sixth centuries BCE. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 55 (2), 129-152. google scholar
  • Konsola, D. (1985). Delphi: The archaeological site and the museum. (A. Doumas, Trans.). UK: Old Vicarage Publications. google scholar
  • Kortanoğlu, R.E. (2018). Varlık ve Tapınak: Eski Yunan tapınağının kavramsal inşası üzerine arkitektonik bir deneme. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1990). Le Trésor de Sicyone et ses fondations. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 114 (1), 241-284. google scholar
  • Laroche, D. & Nenna, M.D. (1993). Études sur les trésors en poros à Delphes. Les Grands Ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.-C. Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, éd. J. des Courtils et J.-Ch. Moretti, Paris, Istanbul: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Varia Anatolica, 3, 227-245. google scholar
  • Lenzen, V.F. (1946). The Figure of Dionysos on the Siphnian Frieze. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, 3 (1). google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1977). The Gigantomachy of the Siphnian Treasury: Reconstruction of the three Lacunae. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 4, 305-335. google scholar
  • Moore, M.B. (1985). The West Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury: a new reconstruction. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 109 (1), 131-156. google scholar
  • Mastrokostas, E. (1956). Zu den Namensbeischriften des Siphnier-Frieses. Athenische Mitteilungen 71, 74-82. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2001). Framing the Gift: The politics of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. Classical Antiquity, 20 (2), October, 273-344. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2004). The Athenian treasury at Delphi and the material of politics. Classical Antiquity, 23 (1), April, 63-93. google scholar
  • Neer, R.T. (2007). Delphi, Olympia and the art of politics. In H.A. Shapiro (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to archaic Greece (pp. 225-264). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Oberberg-Mavrudis, M. (1996). Schatzhäuser von Olympia: Stand der Forschung. (Master Thesis). Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Parke H.W. (1984). Croesus and Delphi. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 25 (3), 209-232. google scholar
  • Pausanias. (1969-1971). Description of Greece. (W.H.S. Jones, Trans.). London: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Picard, C. & de La Coste-Messelière, P. (1928). Art archaïque (suite): Les Trésors “ioniques”. Fouilles de Delphes, IV (2), Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1962). The west frieze of the Siphnian treasury at Dephi: A rearrengement. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 86, 24-35. google scholar
  • Ridgway, B.S. (1965). The east pediment of the Siphnian Treasury: A Reinterpretation. American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1), 1-5. google scholar
  • Roux, G. (1984). Trésors, temples, tholos. Temples et Sanctuaires, Séminaire de Recherche 1981-1983/G.I.S., Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, Collection Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, 7, Lyon, 153-172. google scholar
  • Rups, M. (1986). Thesauros: A Study of Treasury Building as Found in Greek Sanctuaries. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Johns Hopkins Universiy. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2007). Putting architectural sculpture into its archaeological context: The case of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. BABESCH Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 82-2007 (2), 321-331. google scholar
  • Scott, M.C. (2010). Delphi and Olympia: The spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Sinn, U. (2005). Thesauros I (Schatzhaus). In Thesaurus cultus et rituum antiquorum (ThesCRA) IV, (pp. 121-123). Los Angeles: Getty Publications. google scholar
  • Strabo. (1917-1949). Geography. (H.L. Jones, Eds. and Trans.). Cambridge: The Loeb Classical Library. google scholar
  • Vian, F. (1952). La guerre des Géants. Le mythe avant l’époque hellénistique. Paris: C. Klincksieck. google scholar
  • Watrous, L.V. (1982). The sculptural program of the Siphnian treasury at Delphi. American Journal of Archaeology, 86 (2), 159-172. google scholar
  • Yıldırımtürk, M. (2019). Antik Dönem Yunan Coğrafyasında Thesauros Mimarisi: Köken, Yapı, Anlam. (Unpublished Master thesis). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Ziehen, L. (1992). ©n^aupôç. In Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE), VI A1, (pp. 1-7). Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Merve Yıldırımtürk 0000-0002-9828-3592

Rıfat Eser Kortanoğlu 0000-0002-7903-9498

Publication Date February 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 27


APA Yıldırımtürk, M., & Kortanoğlu, R. E. (2023). Treasury Architecture as a Dialectical Construction in Ancient Greece: A Conceptual Evaluation of the Siphnian Treasury. Anatolian Research(27), 205-220.

Since 1955

Anadolu Araştırmaları – Anatolian Research