Research Article
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The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia

Year 2020, , 334 - 339, 15.09.2020


Kacang goat (Capra hircus) is one of Indonesian germ plasm and kept by smallholders for meat production. This research was carried out to obtain the growth curve of body weight from 1 to 24 months of age in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia. Total of 100 goats (51 buck and 49 does) were used in this study to obtain Logistic and Gompertz growth curves. Research showed that the Logistic and Gompertz growth curve have similar of coefficient of determination value (R2= 0.98). However, the standard error (SE) value in Gompertz was lower than Logistic curves. The inflection weight (IW) was reached of 13.16 to 15.30 kg (Logistic) and 12.76 to 14.41 kg (Gompertz). The inflection age (IA) was reached of 12.95 to 15.57 months (Logistic) and 12.71 to14.41 months (Gompertz). The growth rate (GR) were reached of 1.06 to 1.23 kg/month (Logistic) and 1.02 to 1.10 kg/month (Gompertz). It was concluded that Gompertz growth curve was the best predictor to predict body weight in Kacang goats.


  • Abadi, T., Lestari, C. M. S. and Purbowati, E. (2015). Growth pattern of body weight of female Kacang goats in Grobogan Regency. Animal Agriculture Journal, 4(1), 93-97. []
  • Amrullah, A. H. K. (2016). Prediction of age at puberty and growth rate of Ongole grade and Brahman female cattle with non linear mathematical model. Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. p.103. []
  • Balan, C., Kathiravan, G., Thirunavukkarasu, M. and Jeichitra, V. (2017). Non-linear growth modeling in Mecheri breed of sheep. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 5(5), 2005-2008. []
  • Cak, B., Yilmaz, O., Keskin, S., Bayril, T. and Tariq, M. M. (2017). Determination of appropriate growth models for early selection possibilities in goats. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 49(2), 543-547. []
  • Gaddour, A., Ouni, M. and Najari, S. (2012). Growth curve estimation in pure goat breeds and crosses of first and second generation in Tunisian oases. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology, 6(6), 99-103. []
  • Ganesan, R., Dhanavanthan, P., Balasubramanyam, D., Kumarasamy, P. and Kiruthika. (2015). Indian Journal of Animal Research, 49(1), 20-25 []
  • Garcia-Muniz, J. G., Ramirez-Valverde, R., Nunez-Dominguez, R. and Hidalgo-Moreno, J. A. (2019). Dataset on growth curves on Boer goats fitted by top non-linear functions. Data in Brief, 23, 103672. []
  • Gautam, L., Kumar, V., Waiz, H. A. and Nagda, R. A. (2018). Estimation of growth curve parameters using non-linear growth curve models in Sonadi sheep. International Journal of Livestock Research, 8(9), 104-113. []
  • Ghiasi, H., Lupi, T. M. and Mokhtari, M. S. (2018). The estimation of genetic parameters for growth curve traits in Raeini Cashmere goat described by Gompertz model. Small Ruminant Research, 165, 66-70. []
  • Hojjati, F. and Hossein-Zadeh, N. G. (2017). Comarison of non-linear growth models to describe the growth curve of Mehraban sheep. Jurnal of Applied Animal Research. []
  • Keskin, I., Dag, B., Sariyel, V. and Gokmen, M. (2009). Estimation of growth curve parameters in Konya Merino sheep. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(2), 163-168. [
  • Kheirabadi, K. and Rashidi, A. (2018). Modelling and genetic evaluation of Markhoz goat growth curve parameters. Small Ruminant Research, 170, 43-50.[]
  • Kopuzlu, S., Sezgin, E., Esenbuga, N. and Bilgin, O. C. (2014). Estimation of growth curve characteristics of Hemsin male and female sheep. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 42(2), 228-232. []
  • Kucuk, M. and Eyduran, E. (2009). The determination of the best growth model for Akkaraman and German Blackheaded Mutton × Akkaraman B1 Crosbreed Lambs. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, []
  • Kum, D., Karakus, K. and Ozdemir, T. (2010). The best non-linear function for body weight at early phase of Norduz female lambs. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 8(2), 62067. []
  • Kume, K. and Hajno, L. (2010). Study of growth curve variations for kids 0-6 months old of Alpine goat breed in Albania. Archiva Zootechnica, 13(2), 54-62 []
  • Lawrence, T. L. J. and Fowler, V. R. (2002). Growth of Farm Animals. 2nd ed. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK. p.368. []
  • Malhado, C. H. M., Carneiro, P. L. S., Affonso, P. R. A. M., Souza Jr., A. A. O. and Sarmento, J. L. R. (2009). Growth curves in Dorper sheep crossed with the local Brazilian breeds Morada Nova, Rabo Largo, and Santa Ines. Small Ruminant Research, 84, 16-21. []
  • McManus, C., Evangelista, C., Fernandes, L. A. C., de Miranda, R. M., Moreno-Bernal, F. E. and dos Santos, N. R. (2003). Parameters for three growth curves and factors that influences them for Bargamasca sheep in the Brasilia region. Revista Brasileira Zootechnia, 32(5), 1207-1212. []
  • Najari, S., Gaddoun, A., Hamouda, M. B., Djemali, M. and Khaldi, G. (2007). Growth model adjustment oflocal goat population under pastoral conditions in Tunisian arid zone. Journal of Agronomy, 6(1), 61-67. []
  • Nuriadin, Saili, T. and Ba’a. L. O. (2017). Analisis potensi reproduksi kambing Kacang di Kepulauan Wangi-Wangi, Kabupaten Wakatobi. JITRO, 4(1), 37-43 []
  • Özdemir, H. and Dellal, G. (2009). Determination of growth curves in young Angora goats. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 358-362. []
  • Pires, L. C., Machado, Carneiro, P. L. S., da Silva, J. B. L., Barbosa, A. D. H. and Torres, R. A. (2017). Growth curve of Repartida goats reared in the Caatinga region, Brazil. Ciencias Agrarias, 38(2), 1041-1050. []
  • Regadasfilho, J. G. L., Tedeschi, L. O., Rodrigues, M. T., Brito, L. F. and Oliveira, T. S. (2014). Comparison of growth curves of two genotypes of dairy goats using nonlinear mixed models. Journal of Agriculture Science, 152, 829-842. []
  • Soeparno (2005). Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging. 4th ed. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. p.526.
  • Sumardianto, T. A. P., Purbowati, E. and Masykuri. (2013). Carcass characteristic of male Kacang, Ettawa crossbred and Kejobong goat at one year old. Animal Agriculture Journal, 2(1), 175-182. []
  • Tariq, M. M., Iqbal, F., Eyduran, E., Bajwa, M. A., Huma, Z. E. and Waheed, A. (2013). Comparison of non-linear functions to describe the growth in Mengali sheep breed of Balochistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(3), 661-665. [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.or/3c80/25505f00bef9c52e15793e6eb378e1b5e197.pdf?_ga=2.22131512.285913127.1579631531-1785726838.1573581558]
  • Tatar, A. M., Tekel, N., Özkan, M., Baritci, I. and Dellal, G. (2009). The determination of growth function in young Hair goat. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8(2), 213-216. []
  • Topal, M., Ozdemir, M., Aksakal, V. Yildiz, N. and Dogru, U. (2004). Determination of the best nonlinear function in order to estimate growth in Morkaraman and Awassi lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 55, 229-232.[]
  • Tsukahara, Y., Chomei, Y., Oishi, K., Kahi, A. K., Panandam, J. M., Mukherjee, T. K. and Hirooka, H. (2008). Analysis of growth patterns in purebreed Kambing Katjang goat and its crosses wih the German Fawn. Small Ruminant Research, 80, 8-15. []
  • Waheed, A., Eyduran, E., Tariq, M. M., Ahmad, S., Hameed, T. and Bukhari, F. A. (2016). Comparison of the non-linear models defining the growth of Thalli sheep under desert conditions. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48(2), 423-426. [
  • Waheed, A., Khan, M. S., Ali, S. and Sarwar, M. (2011). Estimation of growth curve parameters in Beetal goats. Archiv Tierzucht, 54(3), 287-296. []
  • Waiz, H. A., Gautam, L. and Waiz, S. A. (2019). Appraisal of growth curve in Sirohi goat using non-linear growth curve models. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 51(5), 1135-1140. []
  • Yurmiaty, H. (2006). The relationship of slaughter weight of male Kacang goat with the quantity of leather. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak, 6(2), 121-125 []
Year 2020, , 334 - 339, 15.09.2020



  • Abadi, T., Lestari, C. M. S. and Purbowati, E. (2015). Growth pattern of body weight of female Kacang goats in Grobogan Regency. Animal Agriculture Journal, 4(1), 93-97. []
  • Amrullah, A. H. K. (2016). Prediction of age at puberty and growth rate of Ongole grade and Brahman female cattle with non linear mathematical model. Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. p.103. []
  • Balan, C., Kathiravan, G., Thirunavukkarasu, M. and Jeichitra, V. (2017). Non-linear growth modeling in Mecheri breed of sheep. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 5(5), 2005-2008. []
  • Cak, B., Yilmaz, O., Keskin, S., Bayril, T. and Tariq, M. M. (2017). Determination of appropriate growth models for early selection possibilities in goats. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 49(2), 543-547. []
  • Gaddour, A., Ouni, M. and Najari, S. (2012). Growth curve estimation in pure goat breeds and crosses of first and second generation in Tunisian oases. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology, 6(6), 99-103. []
  • Ganesan, R., Dhanavanthan, P., Balasubramanyam, D., Kumarasamy, P. and Kiruthika. (2015). Indian Journal of Animal Research, 49(1), 20-25 []
  • Garcia-Muniz, J. G., Ramirez-Valverde, R., Nunez-Dominguez, R. and Hidalgo-Moreno, J. A. (2019). Dataset on growth curves on Boer goats fitted by top non-linear functions. Data in Brief, 23, 103672. []
  • Gautam, L., Kumar, V., Waiz, H. A. and Nagda, R. A. (2018). Estimation of growth curve parameters using non-linear growth curve models in Sonadi sheep. International Journal of Livestock Research, 8(9), 104-113. []
  • Ghiasi, H., Lupi, T. M. and Mokhtari, M. S. (2018). The estimation of genetic parameters for growth curve traits in Raeini Cashmere goat described by Gompertz model. Small Ruminant Research, 165, 66-70. []
  • Hojjati, F. and Hossein-Zadeh, N. G. (2017). Comarison of non-linear growth models to describe the growth curve of Mehraban sheep. Jurnal of Applied Animal Research. []
  • Keskin, I., Dag, B., Sariyel, V. and Gokmen, M. (2009). Estimation of growth curve parameters in Konya Merino sheep. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(2), 163-168. [
  • Kheirabadi, K. and Rashidi, A. (2018). Modelling and genetic evaluation of Markhoz goat growth curve parameters. Small Ruminant Research, 170, 43-50.[]
  • Kopuzlu, S., Sezgin, E., Esenbuga, N. and Bilgin, O. C. (2014). Estimation of growth curve characteristics of Hemsin male and female sheep. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 42(2), 228-232. []
  • Kucuk, M. and Eyduran, E. (2009). The determination of the best growth model for Akkaraman and German Blackheaded Mutton × Akkaraman B1 Crosbreed Lambs. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, []
  • Kum, D., Karakus, K. and Ozdemir, T. (2010). The best non-linear function for body weight at early phase of Norduz female lambs. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 8(2), 62067. []
  • Kume, K. and Hajno, L. (2010). Study of growth curve variations for kids 0-6 months old of Alpine goat breed in Albania. Archiva Zootechnica, 13(2), 54-62 []
  • Lawrence, T. L. J. and Fowler, V. R. (2002). Growth of Farm Animals. 2nd ed. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK. p.368. []
  • Malhado, C. H. M., Carneiro, P. L. S., Affonso, P. R. A. M., Souza Jr., A. A. O. and Sarmento, J. L. R. (2009). Growth curves in Dorper sheep crossed with the local Brazilian breeds Morada Nova, Rabo Largo, and Santa Ines. Small Ruminant Research, 84, 16-21. []
  • McManus, C., Evangelista, C., Fernandes, L. A. C., de Miranda, R. M., Moreno-Bernal, F. E. and dos Santos, N. R. (2003). Parameters for three growth curves and factors that influences them for Bargamasca sheep in the Brasilia region. Revista Brasileira Zootechnia, 32(5), 1207-1212. []
  • Najari, S., Gaddoun, A., Hamouda, M. B., Djemali, M. and Khaldi, G. (2007). Growth model adjustment oflocal goat population under pastoral conditions in Tunisian arid zone. Journal of Agronomy, 6(1), 61-67. []
  • Nuriadin, Saili, T. and Ba’a. L. O. (2017). Analisis potensi reproduksi kambing Kacang di Kepulauan Wangi-Wangi, Kabupaten Wakatobi. JITRO, 4(1), 37-43 []
  • Özdemir, H. and Dellal, G. (2009). Determination of growth curves in young Angora goats. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 358-362. []
  • Pires, L. C., Machado, Carneiro, P. L. S., da Silva, J. B. L., Barbosa, A. D. H. and Torres, R. A. (2017). Growth curve of Repartida goats reared in the Caatinga region, Brazil. Ciencias Agrarias, 38(2), 1041-1050. []
  • Regadasfilho, J. G. L., Tedeschi, L. O., Rodrigues, M. T., Brito, L. F. and Oliveira, T. S. (2014). Comparison of growth curves of two genotypes of dairy goats using nonlinear mixed models. Journal of Agriculture Science, 152, 829-842. []
  • Soeparno (2005). Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging. 4th ed. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. p.526.
  • Sumardianto, T. A. P., Purbowati, E. and Masykuri. (2013). Carcass characteristic of male Kacang, Ettawa crossbred and Kejobong goat at one year old. Animal Agriculture Journal, 2(1), 175-182. []
  • Tariq, M. M., Iqbal, F., Eyduran, E., Bajwa, M. A., Huma, Z. E. and Waheed, A. (2013). Comparison of non-linear functions to describe the growth in Mengali sheep breed of Balochistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(3), 661-665. [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.or/3c80/25505f00bef9c52e15793e6eb378e1b5e197.pdf?_ga=2.22131512.285913127.1579631531-1785726838.1573581558]
  • Tatar, A. M., Tekel, N., Özkan, M., Baritci, I. and Dellal, G. (2009). The determination of growth function in young Hair goat. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8(2), 213-216. []
  • Topal, M., Ozdemir, M., Aksakal, V. Yildiz, N. and Dogru, U. (2004). Determination of the best nonlinear function in order to estimate growth in Morkaraman and Awassi lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 55, 229-232.[]
  • Tsukahara, Y., Chomei, Y., Oishi, K., Kahi, A. K., Panandam, J. M., Mukherjee, T. K. and Hirooka, H. (2008). Analysis of growth patterns in purebreed Kambing Katjang goat and its crosses wih the German Fawn. Small Ruminant Research, 80, 8-15. []
  • Waheed, A., Eyduran, E., Tariq, M. M., Ahmad, S., Hameed, T. and Bukhari, F. A. (2016). Comparison of the non-linear models defining the growth of Thalli sheep under desert conditions. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48(2), 423-426. [
  • Waheed, A., Khan, M. S., Ali, S. and Sarwar, M. (2011). Estimation of growth curve parameters in Beetal goats. Archiv Tierzucht, 54(3), 287-296. []
  • Waiz, H. A., Gautam, L. and Waiz, S. A. (2019). Appraisal of growth curve in Sirohi goat using non-linear growth curve models. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 51(5), 1135-1140. []
  • Yurmiaty, H. (2006). The relationship of slaughter weight of male Kacang goat with the quantity of leather. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak, 6(2), 121-125 []
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Tantan Rustandi Wiradarya This is me 0000-0001-9954-5665

Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra 0000-0002-1102-6447

Anwar Efendi Harahap This is me 0000-0002-3891-9245

Alwi Suska This is me 0000-0002-6156-7073

Publication Date September 15, 2020
Submission Date January 24, 2020
Acceptance Date August 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Rustandi Wiradarya, T., Pintaka Bayu Putra, W., Efendi Harahap, A., Suska, A. (2020). The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(3), 334-339.
AMA Rustandi Wiradarya T, Pintaka Bayu Putra W, Efendi Harahap A, Suska A. The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. September 2020;4(3):334-339. doi:10.31015/jaefs.2020.3.12
Chicago Rustandi Wiradarya, Tantan, Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra, Anwar Efendi Harahap, and Alwi Suska. “The Growth Curve of Body Weight in Kacang Goats Managed by Smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 4, no. 3 (September 2020): 334-39.
EndNote Rustandi Wiradarya T, Pintaka Bayu Putra W, Efendi Harahap A, Suska A (September 1, 2020) The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 4 3 334–339.
IEEE T. Rustandi Wiradarya, W. Pintaka Bayu Putra, A. Efendi Harahap, and A. Suska, “The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia”, int. j. agric. environ. food sci., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 334–339, 2020, doi: 10.31015/jaefs.2020.3.12.
ISNAD Rustandi Wiradarya, Tantan et al. “The Growth Curve of Body Weight in Kacang Goats Managed by Smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 4/3 (September 2020), 334-339.
JAMA Rustandi Wiradarya T, Pintaka Bayu Putra W, Efendi Harahap A, Suska A. The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. 2020;4:334–339.
MLA Rustandi Wiradarya, Tantan et al. “The Growth Curve of Body Weight in Kacang Goats Managed by Smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, vol. 4, no. 3, 2020, pp. 334-9, doi:10.31015/jaefs.2020.3.12.
Vancouver Rustandi Wiradarya T, Pintaka Bayu Putra W, Efendi Harahap A, Suska A. The growth curve of body weight in Kacang goats managed by smallholders at Tambang District of Indonesia. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. 2020;4(3):334-9.


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