Improvement of reproductive and growth characteristics of local hair goats raised in extensive system in Kahramanmaraş province
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 868 - 875, 28.12.2024
Fülya Sert
Murat Durmuş
This study aims to ensure the profitability of the enterprise and the sustainability of production by increasing the number of populations with high breeding value in Hair goat farms producing under extensive conditions. For this purpose, the reproductive criteria for the goats were determined and data on growth performance and survival rate of the kids were recorded on an annual basis. The current study was started in 2018 with 5175 female goats and 257 male goats with the voluntary participation of 26 breeders of hair goats in Dulkadiroğlu district of Kahramanmaraş province and was conducted over five years. The morphological characteristics of the hair goat breed and the birth and weaning weights of the kids were taken into account when selecting the breeding stock to be included in the herd each year. Approximately 10% of the male kids and 50% of the female kids with the best growth and breeding characteristics were selected for breeding. At the end of the study, the birth rate was found to be between 49.77 and 63.75%, the twinning rate was between 18.33 and 25.98%, prolificacy was between 58.90 and 80.08% and the litter size was between 1.18 and 1.26. The birth weight of the kids was found to be between 2.97 kg and 3.11 kg, the weaning weight were between 11.30 kg and 14.96 kg, the daily body weight gain to weaning age were between 92.54 and 131.64 g and the survival rate was between 91.89% and 95.68%. Based on these results, it was found that the differences in the growth traits of the kids according to year were significant (P<0.001). It was also found that the growth performance of male and single-born kids were significantly higher than those of female and twin-born kids depending on sex and birth type (P<0.001). As a result, it was found that keeping records based on some performance values in production with local genetic resources grown in an extensive system and keeping offspring with high breeding value in the herd based on these records helps to increase production performance due to the improvement of genetic structure.
Ethical Statement
Publication authorization for this study was obtained from the Directorate-General for Agricultural Research and Policy byletter dated 24.05.2024 and numbered 14390928.
Supporting Institution
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies
Project Number
The authors thank Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, for their contributions.
- Alkoyak, K., Güngör, I. (2022). Effects of environmental factors on growth and survival and certain reproductive traits of hair goats. JAPS: Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 32(6): 1527-1534.
- Alşahan, S., Öztürk, Y. (2019). Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Hair Goat and Hamdani Kids. Van Veterinary Journal, 30 (1): 1-5.
- Atay, O., Gökdal, Ö., Eren, V. (2010). Some Production Traits of Hair Goat in Rural Conditions. Ulusal Keçicilik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Matbaası, 24-26 Haziran, Çanakkale, pp. 207-210 (in Turkish)
- Cengiz, F., Dellal, G., Karakaya, A. (1995). Akkeçi oğlaklarında büyüme ve gelişme. Tübitak-Doğa Türk Veterinerlik ve Hayvancılık Dergisi, 19 (6): 429-434.
- Ceyhan, A., Cinar, M., Serbester, U. (2022). Kid growth performance and reproductive characteristics of Hair goats raised under breeder conditions. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 46(4): 592-598.
- Çam, M.A., Olfaz, M., Eser, M., Selçuk, E. (2003). Ekstansif şartlarda yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin bazı verim özelliklerinin tespiti. O.M.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 18: 38-42.
- Çelik, H.T., Olfaz, M. (2018). Investigation on survival rate and growth characteristics of pure Hair goat and Saanen x Hair goat (F1, B1, B2) crossbreds in breeder conditions. Medıterranean Agrıcultural Scıences, 31(1): 77-85.
- Darcan, N. (2000). Çukurova bölgesi subtropik iklim koşullarında geliştirilen bazı keçi genotiplerinin bu koşullardaki adaptasyon mekanizmaları üzerinde karşılaştırmalı araştırmalar, Cukurova University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis, Adana, Türkiye, 106s.
- Daş, G., Savaş, T. (2002). Could Be Used the Litter Weight and its Variation as Selection Criteria in Goats? Hay Üret Derg, 43(2): 86-90.
- Elmaz, Ö., Saatci, M., AĞAOĞLU, Ö. K., AKBAŞ, A. A., METİN, M. Ö., Gezer, G., GÖKÇAY, Y. (2020). Reproductive performance and kid growth until weaning in Hair goat reared on-farm conditions in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 44(2): 370-376.
- Erduran, H., Yaman, B. (2012). Dağlık Şartlarda Kıl x Kıl, Saanen x Kıl ve Alpin x Kıl Melezlerine ait Büyüme, Yaşama Gücü Özellikleri ve Vücut Ölçülerinin Karşılaştırılması. International Animal Science Congress of Turkish and Relatives Communities. 11-13 Eylül 2012, Isparta.
- Erişir, Z., Gürdoğan, F. (2004). Ekstansif şartlarda Kıl keçilerinin döl ve süt verim özellikleri. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Araştırmaları. Elazığ.
- Erten, Ö., Yılmaz, O. (2013). Ekstansif koşullarda yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin döl ve süt verimi özelliklerinin araştırılması. YYÜ Veteriner Fak. Dergisi, 24: 105-107.
- Ertuğrul, M., Akman, N., Dellal, G., Goncagül, T. (2000). Hayvan gen kaynaklarının korunması ve Türkiye hayvan gen kaynakları. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği V. Teknik Kongresi, 1, 285-300.
- Eser, M. (1998). An investigation on determining of some yield traits of ordinary goats raised under vdllage conditions. Ondokuz Mayız University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master’ s Thesis, Samsun, Türkiye,48s.
- Gökdal, Ö., Atay, O., Özuğur, A.K., Eren, V. (2013). Yetiştirici Koşullarında Kıl, Saanen x Kıl ve Alpin x Kıl Melezi Oğlaklarda Büyüme-Gelişme ve Yaşama Gücü Özellikleri Hayvansal Üretim, 54(1): 30-37.
- Karadağ, O. (2006). Comparison of Crossbred (Saanen X Kıl ) and Purebred Saanen Goats for Growth and Feeding Performance. Trakya University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master’ s Thesis, Edirne, Türkiye, 38s.
- Koluman, N., Durmuş, M., Güngör, İ. (2024). Improving reproduction and growth characteristics of indegenous goats in smallholding farming system. Ciência Rural, 54(5), e20230028.
- Montgomery, D. C. Design and analysis and experiments. John Wiley-Sons, New York, 2001. Available from: <>. Accessed: Jul. 06, 2023.
- Odabaşıoğlu, F., Altın, T. (1992). An lnvestigation on the vlability and growth characterlstlcs of Walllser-Schwarzhals and Walllser-Schwarzhals x Halry Goat breeds. Eurasian journal of Veterinary Sciences, 8: 51-54.
- Oral, H.D., Altınel, A. (2006). Aydın ili özel işletme koşullarında yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin bazı verim özellikleri arasındaki fenotipik korelasyonlar. İstanbul Üniv.Vet. Fak. Derg., 32: 41-52.
- Özcan, L. (1977). Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesinde yetiştirilen Kilis ve Kıl keçilerinin ıslahında Saanen ve G1 genotipinden yararlanma olanakları. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları:122, Bilimsel İnceleme ve Araştırma Tezleri: 19, Kemal Matbaası, Adana.
- Öztürk, D. (2000). The characteristics of goat farming systems in Kahramanmaraş in the north eastern mediterranean region of Turkey. 7 th International Conference on Goat, France, 15-21 May, 360-361.
- SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), 2021. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 21.0, Computer software). IBM Corp.
- Şengonca, M., Taşkın, T., Koşum, N. (2003). Saanen x Kıl keçi melezlerinin ve saf Kıl keçilerinin kimi verim özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerine eş zamanlı bir araştırma. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 27: 1319-1325.
- Şimşek, Ü.G. (2005). Investigation of growth, fattening performance and carcass characteristics in Hair goat and saanen x Hair goat (F1) crossbreeds. Fırat University, Health Sciences Institute, PhD Thesis, Elazığ, Turkiye, 101pp.
- Şimşek, Ü.G., Bayraktar, M., Gürses, M. (2006). Examination of Some Production Characteristics in Pure Hair Goat Under Farm Conditions. Fırat University Journals of Health Sciences, 20: 221-227.
- Şimşek, Ü.G., Bayraktar, M. (2007). Fattening Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Pure Hair Goat and Saanen x Pure Hair Goat (F1). Fırat University Journals of Health Sciences, 21: 15-20.
- Tekin, M. E., Arlı, M. (2019). The growth and survival rate of hair goat kids raised by public in Karaman region. Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi, 90(2): 152-157.
- Tozlu, H. (2006). Comparison of Saanen x kil (F1) crossbred goats with pure Hair (Turkish kıl) goats raised in Amasya province pure Hair goat improvement project in terms of growth and other raising traits. Cukurova University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master’ s Thesis, Samsun, Turkiye, 72pp.
- TÜİK, 2024. Hayvansal Üretim İstatistikleri. Retrieved in July, 08, 2024 from
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 868 - 875, 28.12.2024
Fülya Sert
Murat Durmuş
Project Number
- Alkoyak, K., Güngör, I. (2022). Effects of environmental factors on growth and survival and certain reproductive traits of hair goats. JAPS: Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 32(6): 1527-1534.
- Alşahan, S., Öztürk, Y. (2019). Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Hair Goat and Hamdani Kids. Van Veterinary Journal, 30 (1): 1-5.
- Atay, O., Gökdal, Ö., Eren, V. (2010). Some Production Traits of Hair Goat in Rural Conditions. Ulusal Keçicilik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Matbaası, 24-26 Haziran, Çanakkale, pp. 207-210 (in Turkish)
- Cengiz, F., Dellal, G., Karakaya, A. (1995). Akkeçi oğlaklarında büyüme ve gelişme. Tübitak-Doğa Türk Veterinerlik ve Hayvancılık Dergisi, 19 (6): 429-434.
- Ceyhan, A., Cinar, M., Serbester, U. (2022). Kid growth performance and reproductive characteristics of Hair goats raised under breeder conditions. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 46(4): 592-598.
- Çam, M.A., Olfaz, M., Eser, M., Selçuk, E. (2003). Ekstansif şartlarda yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin bazı verim özelliklerinin tespiti. O.M.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 18: 38-42.
- Çelik, H.T., Olfaz, M. (2018). Investigation on survival rate and growth characteristics of pure Hair goat and Saanen x Hair goat (F1, B1, B2) crossbreds in breeder conditions. Medıterranean Agrıcultural Scıences, 31(1): 77-85.
- Darcan, N. (2000). Çukurova bölgesi subtropik iklim koşullarında geliştirilen bazı keçi genotiplerinin bu koşullardaki adaptasyon mekanizmaları üzerinde karşılaştırmalı araştırmalar, Cukurova University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis, Adana, Türkiye, 106s.
- Daş, G., Savaş, T. (2002). Could Be Used the Litter Weight and its Variation as Selection Criteria in Goats? Hay Üret Derg, 43(2): 86-90.
- Elmaz, Ö., Saatci, M., AĞAOĞLU, Ö. K., AKBAŞ, A. A., METİN, M. Ö., Gezer, G., GÖKÇAY, Y. (2020). Reproductive performance and kid growth until weaning in Hair goat reared on-farm conditions in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 44(2): 370-376.
- Erduran, H., Yaman, B. (2012). Dağlık Şartlarda Kıl x Kıl, Saanen x Kıl ve Alpin x Kıl Melezlerine ait Büyüme, Yaşama Gücü Özellikleri ve Vücut Ölçülerinin Karşılaştırılması. International Animal Science Congress of Turkish and Relatives Communities. 11-13 Eylül 2012, Isparta.
- Erişir, Z., Gürdoğan, F. (2004). Ekstansif şartlarda Kıl keçilerinin döl ve süt verim özellikleri. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Araştırmaları. Elazığ.
- Erten, Ö., Yılmaz, O. (2013). Ekstansif koşullarda yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin döl ve süt verimi özelliklerinin araştırılması. YYÜ Veteriner Fak. Dergisi, 24: 105-107.
- Ertuğrul, M., Akman, N., Dellal, G., Goncagül, T. (2000). Hayvan gen kaynaklarının korunması ve Türkiye hayvan gen kaynakları. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği V. Teknik Kongresi, 1, 285-300.
- Eser, M. (1998). An investigation on determining of some yield traits of ordinary goats raised under vdllage conditions. Ondokuz Mayız University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master’ s Thesis, Samsun, Türkiye,48s.
- Gökdal, Ö., Atay, O., Özuğur, A.K., Eren, V. (2013). Yetiştirici Koşullarında Kıl, Saanen x Kıl ve Alpin x Kıl Melezi Oğlaklarda Büyüme-Gelişme ve Yaşama Gücü Özellikleri Hayvansal Üretim, 54(1): 30-37.
- Karadağ, O. (2006). Comparison of Crossbred (Saanen X Kıl ) and Purebred Saanen Goats for Growth and Feeding Performance. Trakya University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master’ s Thesis, Edirne, Türkiye, 38s.
- Koluman, N., Durmuş, M., Güngör, İ. (2024). Improving reproduction and growth characteristics of indegenous goats in smallholding farming system. Ciência Rural, 54(5), e20230028.
- Montgomery, D. C. Design and analysis and experiments. John Wiley-Sons, New York, 2001. Available from: <>. Accessed: Jul. 06, 2023.
- Odabaşıoğlu, F., Altın, T. (1992). An lnvestigation on the vlability and growth characterlstlcs of Walllser-Schwarzhals and Walllser-Schwarzhals x Halry Goat breeds. Eurasian journal of Veterinary Sciences, 8: 51-54.
- Oral, H.D., Altınel, A. (2006). Aydın ili özel işletme koşullarında yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin bazı verim özellikleri arasındaki fenotipik korelasyonlar. İstanbul Üniv.Vet. Fak. Derg., 32: 41-52.
- Özcan, L. (1977). Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesinde yetiştirilen Kilis ve Kıl keçilerinin ıslahında Saanen ve G1 genotipinden yararlanma olanakları. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları:122, Bilimsel İnceleme ve Araştırma Tezleri: 19, Kemal Matbaası, Adana.
- Öztürk, D. (2000). The characteristics of goat farming systems in Kahramanmaraş in the north eastern mediterranean region of Turkey. 7 th International Conference on Goat, France, 15-21 May, 360-361.
- SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), 2021. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 21.0, Computer software). IBM Corp.
- Şengonca, M., Taşkın, T., Koşum, N. (2003). Saanen x Kıl keçi melezlerinin ve saf Kıl keçilerinin kimi verim özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerine eş zamanlı bir araştırma. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 27: 1319-1325.
- Şimşek, Ü.G. (2005). Investigation of growth, fattening performance and carcass characteristics in Hair goat and saanen x Hair goat (F1) crossbreeds. Fırat University, Health Sciences Institute, PhD Thesis, Elazığ, Turkiye, 101pp.
- Şimşek, Ü.G., Bayraktar, M., Gürses, M. (2006). Examination of Some Production Characteristics in Pure Hair Goat Under Farm Conditions. Fırat University Journals of Health Sciences, 20: 221-227.
- Şimşek, Ü.G., Bayraktar, M. (2007). Fattening Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Pure Hair Goat and Saanen x Pure Hair Goat (F1). Fırat University Journals of Health Sciences, 21: 15-20.
- Tekin, M. E., Arlı, M. (2019). The growth and survival rate of hair goat kids raised by public in Karaman region. Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi, 90(2): 152-157.
- Tozlu, H. (2006). Comparison of Saanen x kil (F1) crossbred goats with pure Hair (Turkish kıl) goats raised in Amasya province pure Hair goat improvement project in terms of growth and other raising traits. Cukurova University, Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master’ s Thesis, Samsun, Turkiye, 72pp.
- TÜİK, 2024. Hayvansal Üretim İstatistikleri. Retrieved in July, 08, 2024 from