Research Article
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An ecological study of Matricaria chamomilla L. var. chamomilla

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 82 - 89, 17.03.2025


In this study, the phytoremediation potential and essential element utilization potential of Matricaria chamomilla var. chamomilla species were investigated and the ecological characteristics of the species were determined. The plant and soil samples were collected from the Karaoren road in Aksaray province in April (2023). The research focused on the consantration of the following minerals: Ba, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, S, and Zn in plant and soil samples. ICP-MS was used for plant samples and XRF device was used for soil samples. The obtained data were analyzed statistically by SPSS (version 25). According to the analysis results, while the concentrations of Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, and S in the soil were above optimal values, the concentrations of Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Pb in the plants were within the optimal range. In the stem part of the plant, the concentration of Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn elements was found being below the reference values. But, Cr and Fe concentrations in the plant were determined above reference values. However, the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) value was low for all elements in the plant and was less than 1. This means that the potential use of this species in phytoremediation is quite limited.


  • Aksaray Governorship (2024). Geographical Structure, Retrieved in January, 20, 2024 from
  • Ayran, İ., Çelik, S. A., Kan, A. & Kan, Y. (2018). Essential oil yield and compositions of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) cultivated in different province of Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 2 (Special 1), 202-203.
  • Barker A. V., & Pilbeam, D. J. (2007). Handbook of Plant Nutrition. (pp. 1-613). Boca Raton, USA, CRC Press.
  • Black, C. A. (1965). Methods of soil analysis. In: Part I, Physical and mineralogical properties (pp. 1-1572). Madison, Wisconsin, American Society of Agronomy.
  • Blum, W. E. H., Horak, O., & Mentler, A. (2014). Trace elements. In: Sabljic a.(Ed.), Environmental and ecological chemistry, Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Oxford.
  • Caglar, K. Ö. (1949). Soil science. Ankara University, Ziraat Publications.
  • Catani, M. V., Rinaldi, F., Tullio, V., Gasperi, V., & Savini, I. (2021). Comparative analysis of phenolic composition of six commercially available chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) extracts: Potential biological implications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(19), 1-18, 10601.
  • Cemek, M., Kağa, S., Şimşek, N., Büyükokuroğlu, M. E. & Konuk, M. (2008). Antihyperglycemic and antioxidative potential of Matricaria chamomilla L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Natural Medicines, 62, 284-293.
  • Coskun, D. (2016). Relationships between geotechnical characteristics of soils in the Aksaray region. Aksaray University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master's thesis, Aksaray, Turkiye, 78 pp.
  • Davis, P. H., Matthews, V. A., Kupicha, F. K., & Parris, B. S. (1975). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh at the University Press.
  • Demir, A., Baysal Furtana, G., Tekşen, M. & Tıpırdamaz, R. (2021). Determination of the heavy metal contents and the benefit/cost analysis of Hypericum salsugineum in the vicinity of Salt Lake. Sains Malaysiana, 50(12), 3493-3503.
  • Eskin, B., & Doganay, S. (2019). Investigation of foreseen and existing green area presence in example of Aksaray province. Journal of Urban Academy, 12(4), 812-822.
  • Ghosh, M. & Singh, S.P. (2005). Comparative uptake and phytoextraction study of soil induced chromium by accumulator and high biomass weed species. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 3(2), 67-79.
  • Inceer, H. & Ozcan, M. (2011). Leaf anatomy as an additional taxonomy tool for 18 taxa of Matricaria L. and Tripleurospermum Sch. Bip.(Anthemideae-Asteraceae) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 296, 205-215.
  • Inceer, H. & Bal, M. (2019). Morphoanatomical study of Matricaria L. (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Botanica Serbica, 43 (2), 151-159.
  • Jones, C., & Jacobsen, J. (2005). Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility. Nutrient management module 2. Montana State University Extension Service.
  • Kacar, B., & Katkat, V. (2010). Plant Nutrition. Nobel Publication.
  • Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. B. (2007). Trace Elements from Soil to Human (pp. 1-576). New York, USA: Springer Science and Business Media.
  • Kabata-Pendias, A., & Pendias, H. (2001). Trace Elements in Soils and Plants (pp. 1-432). Boca-Raton, USA: CRC Press.
  • Mahdavi, B., Ghorat, F., Nasrollahzadeh, M. S., Hosseyni-Tabar, M. & Rezaei-Seresht, H. (2020). Chemical composition, antioxidant, antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and hemolyses activity of essential oils from flower of Matricaria chamomilla var. chamomilla. Anti-Infective Agents, 18 (3), 224-232.
  • Mihyaoui, A. E., Esteves da Silva, J. C., Charfi, S., Candela Castillo, M. E., Lamarti, A. & Arnao, M. B. (2022). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): a review of ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry and pharmacological uses. Life, 12 (479), 1-41.
  • Olsen, S.R., & Sommers, L. E. (1982). Phosphorus. In: Methods of Soil Analysis (Part 2). American Society of Agronomy.
  • Osma, E., Kıymaz, M. O., Varol, T., Turkoglu, H. I., Yıldız, F., Kandemir, A., Elverici, M., Kılıc, E., Akverdi, A., Kus, K. & Hasbenli, A. (2023). Determination of heavy metals (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb) accumulation in commonly grown plant species at different altitudes of mount Ergan. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 13(3), 981-996.
  • Osma E., Varol T. & Elveren M. (2023). Determination of concentration of some heavy metals (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb) in plants growing from different habitats (gypsum, simestone, serpentine). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology 6(2):1562-1578.
  • Ozdemir, M., Selçuk, S. S., Kara, E. M. & Çelik, B. Ö. (2021). Pharmacopoeia researches and antimicrobial activity studies on Matricaria chamomilla L. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 11(4), 801-808.
  • Rashidi, A., Eskin, B. & Demir, A. (2024). Determination of heavy metals and trace element contents in Veronica grisebachii SM WALTERS. Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies, 5(3), 182-187.
  • Rezaeih, K. A. P., Gurbuz, B., Uyanik, M., Rahimi, A, & Arslan, N. (2015). Volatile constituents variability in Matricaria chamomilla L. from Ankara, Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 18 (1), 255-260.
  • Salamon, I. (2009). Chamomile biodiversity of the essential oil qualitative quantitative characteristics. In: B. Sener (Ed), Innovations in Chemical Biology (pp. 83-90). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Shahid, M., Shamshad, S., Rafiq, M., Khalid, S., Bibi, I., Niazi, N. K., Dumat, C. & Rashid, M. I. (2017). Chromium speciation, bioavailability, uptake, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant system: A review. Chemosphere, 178, 513-533.
  • Singh, O., Khanam, Z., Misra, N. & Srivastava, M. K. (2011). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): an overview. Pharmacognosy reviews, 5(9), 82-95.
  • Solouki, M., Mehdikhani, H., Zeinali, H. & Emamjomeh, A. A. (2008). Study of genetic diversity in Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) based on morphological traits and molecular markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 117(3), 281-287.
  • Turkish Plants Data Service (2024). Distribution of Matricaria chamomilla L. over Turkey. Retrieved in April, 14, 2024 from
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, (2024). Population of province/district centers and towns/villages and annual population growth rate by province, 2021, 2022. Retrieved in January, 20, 2024 from Bulten/Index?p=The-Results-of-Address-Based-Population-Registration-System-2022-49685&dil=2
  • Yaz, H. H., Uysal, I., Polat, A. O., Mohammed, F. S. & Sevindik, M. (2023). Usage areas, biological activities and volatile oil compounds of Matricaria aurea and Matricaria chamomilla. Lekovite Sirovine, 43 (1), 1-6.
  • Yildiz, M., Terzi, H. & Uruşak, B. (2011). Chromium toxicity and cellular responses in plants. Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 27(2), 163-176.
  • Zayed, A., Lytle, C. M., Qian, J. H. & Terry, N. (1998). Chromium accumulation, translocation and chemical speciation in vegetable crops. Planta, 206, 293-299.

A ecologıcal study of Matricaria chamomilla L. var. chamomilla

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 82 - 89, 17.03.2025


In this study, the heavy metal accumulation capacity and essential element utilization potential of Matricaria chamomilla var. chamomilla species were investigated and the ecological characteristics of the species were determined. The plant and soil samples were collected from the Karaören road in Aksaray province in April (2023). The research focuses on the consantration of the following minerals: Ba, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, S, and Zn in plant and soil samples. ICP-MS was used for plant samples and XRF device was used for soil samples. The data obtained were analyzed statistically by SPSS (version 25). According to the analysis results, while the concentrations of Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, and S in the soil were above optimal values, the concentrations of Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Pb in the plants were within the optimal range. In the stem part of the plant, the concentration of Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn elements was found to be below the reference values. However, Cr and Fe concentrations in the plant were determined above reference values. This means that this species can be a good bioaccumulator for Cr and Fe elements and can be used in phytoremediation studies.


  • Aksaray Governorship (2024). Geographical Structure, Retrieved in January, 20, 2024 from
  • Ayran, İ., Çelik, S. A., Kan, A. & Kan, Y. (2018). Essential oil yield and compositions of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) cultivated in different province of Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 2 (Special 1), 202-203.
  • Barker A. V., & Pilbeam, D. J. (2007). Handbook of Plant Nutrition. (pp. 1-613). Boca Raton, USA, CRC Press.
  • Black, C. A. (1965). Methods of soil analysis. In: Part I, Physical and mineralogical properties (pp. 1-1572). Madison, Wisconsin, American Society of Agronomy.
  • Blum, W. E. H., Horak, O., & Mentler, A. (2014). Trace elements. In: Sabljic a.(Ed.), Environmental and ecological chemistry, Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Oxford.
  • Caglar, K. Ö. (1949). Soil science. Ankara University, Ziraat Publications.
  • Catani, M. V., Rinaldi, F., Tullio, V., Gasperi, V., & Savini, I. (2021). Comparative analysis of phenolic composition of six commercially available chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) extracts: Potential biological implications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(19), 1-18, 10601.
  • Cemek, M., Kağa, S., Şimşek, N., Büyükokuroğlu, M. E. & Konuk, M. (2008). Antihyperglycemic and antioxidative potential of Matricaria chamomilla L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Natural Medicines, 62, 284-293.
  • Coskun, D. (2016). Relationships between geotechnical characteristics of soils in the Aksaray region. Aksaray University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master's thesis, Aksaray, Turkiye, 78 pp.
  • Davis, P. H., Matthews, V. A., Kupicha, F. K., & Parris, B. S. (1975). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh at the University Press.
  • Demir, A., Baysal Furtana, G., Tekşen, M. & Tıpırdamaz, R. (2021). Determination of the heavy metal contents and the benefit/cost analysis of Hypericum salsugineum in the vicinity of Salt Lake. Sains Malaysiana, 50(12), 3493-3503.
  • Eskin, B., & Doganay, S. (2019). Investigation of foreseen and existing green area presence in example of Aksaray province. Journal of Urban Academy, 12(4), 812-822.
  • Ghosh, M. & Singh, S.P. (2005). Comparative uptake and phytoextraction study of soil induced chromium by accumulator and high biomass weed species. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 3(2), 67-79.
  • Inceer, H. & Ozcan, M. (2011). Leaf anatomy as an additional taxonomy tool for 18 taxa of Matricaria L. and Tripleurospermum Sch. Bip.(Anthemideae-Asteraceae) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 296, 205-215.
  • Inceer, H. & Bal, M. (2019). Morphoanatomical study of Matricaria L. (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Botanica Serbica, 43 (2), 151-159.
  • Jones, C., & Jacobsen, J. (2005). Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility. Nutrient management module 2. Montana State University Extension Service.
  • Kacar, B., & Katkat, V. (2010). Plant Nutrition. Nobel Publication.
  • Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. B. (2007). Trace Elements from Soil to Human (pp. 1-576). New York, USA: Springer Science and Business Media.
  • Kabata-Pendias, A., & Pendias, H. (2001). Trace Elements in Soils and Plants (pp. 1-432). Boca-Raton, USA: CRC Press.
  • Mahdavi, B., Ghorat, F., Nasrollahzadeh, M. S., Hosseyni-Tabar, M. & Rezaei-Seresht, H. (2020). Chemical composition, antioxidant, antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and hemolyses activity of essential oils from flower of Matricaria chamomilla var. chamomilla. Anti-Infective Agents, 18 (3), 224-232.
  • Mihyaoui, A. E., Esteves da Silva, J. C., Charfi, S., Candela Castillo, M. E., Lamarti, A. & Arnao, M. B. (2022). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): a review of ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry and pharmacological uses. Life, 12 (479), 1-41.
  • Olsen, S.R., & Sommers, L. E. (1982). Phosphorus. In: Methods of Soil Analysis (Part 2). American Society of Agronomy.
  • Osma, E., Kıymaz, M. O., Varol, T., Turkoglu, H. I., Yıldız, F., Kandemir, A., Elverici, M., Kılıc, E., Akverdi, A., Kus, K. & Hasbenli, A. (2023). Determination of heavy metals (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb) accumulation in commonly grown plant species at different altitudes of mount Ergan. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 13(3), 981-996.
  • Osma E., Varol T. & Elveren M. (2023). Determination of concentration of some heavy metals (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb) in plants growing from different habitats (gypsum, simestone, serpentine). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology 6(2):1562-1578.
  • Ozdemir, M., Selçuk, S. S., Kara, E. M. & Çelik, B. Ö. (2021). Pharmacopoeia researches and antimicrobial activity studies on Matricaria chamomilla L. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 11(4), 801-808.
  • Rashidi, A., Eskin, B. & Demir, A. (2024). Determination of heavy metals and trace element contents in Veronica grisebachii SM WALTERS. Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies, 5(3), 182-187.
  • Rezaeih, K. A. P., Gurbuz, B., Uyanik, M., Rahimi, A, & Arslan, N. (2015). Volatile constituents variability in Matricaria chamomilla L. from Ankara, Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 18 (1), 255-260.
  • Salamon, I. (2009). Chamomile biodiversity of the essential oil qualitative quantitative characteristics. In: B. Sener (Ed), Innovations in Chemical Biology (pp. 83-90). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Shahid, M., Shamshad, S., Rafiq, M., Khalid, S., Bibi, I., Niazi, N. K., Dumat, C. & Rashid, M. I. (2017). Chromium speciation, bioavailability, uptake, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant system: A review. Chemosphere, 178, 513-533.
  • Singh, O., Khanam, Z., Misra, N. & Srivastava, M. K. (2011). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): an overview. Pharmacognosy reviews, 5(9), 82-95.
  • Solouki, M., Mehdikhani, H., Zeinali, H. & Emamjomeh, A. A. (2008). Study of genetic diversity in Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) based on morphological traits and molecular markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 117(3), 281-287.
  • Turkish Plants Data Service (2024). Distribution of Matricaria chamomilla L. over Turkey. Retrieved in April, 14, 2024 from
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, (2024). Population of province/district centers and towns/villages and annual population growth rate by province, 2021, 2022. Retrieved in January, 20, 2024 from Bulten/Index?p=The-Results-of-Address-Based-Population-Registration-System-2022-49685&dil=2
  • Yaz, H. H., Uysal, I., Polat, A. O., Mohammed, F. S. & Sevindik, M. (2023). Usage areas, biological activities and volatile oil compounds of Matricaria aurea and Matricaria chamomilla. Lekovite Sirovine, 43 (1), 1-6.
  • Yildiz, M., Terzi, H. & Uruşak, B. (2011). Chromium toxicity and cellular responses in plants. Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 27(2), 163-176.
  • Zayed, A., Lytle, C. M., Qian, J. H. & Terry, N. (1998). Chromium accumulation, translocation and chemical speciation in vegetable crops. Planta, 206, 293-299.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Aynur Demir 0000-0002-7856-2789

Bülent Eskin 0000-0002-7990-4138

Adeleh Rashidi 0000-0002-4831-7539

Publication Date March 17, 2025
Submission Date December 7, 2024
Acceptance Date March 1, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Demir, A., Eskin, B., & Rashidi, A. (2025). An ecological study of Matricaria chamomilla L. var. chamomilla. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 9(1), 82-89.

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