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Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 157 - 165, 17.03.2025



  • Abu-Ellail, F.F., El-Gamal, I.S. & El-Sherbiny, S.E. (2024). Biplot analysis for yield and quality traits and comprehensive evaluation of sugar beet varieties treated by abscisic acid under water deficit stress. Egyptian Sugar Journal, 22.
  • Akcura, M. (2011). The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 35(2): 115-125.
  • Altunbay, S.G. (2014). The effects of different varieties and harvest times on yield, yield components and some technological properties of sugar beet in Kahramanmaraş conditions. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmama University, Institute of Science (Doctoral thesis) "(in Turkish)".
  • Anonymous, (2023). Product report sugar beet and sugar 2023. Agricultural economics and policy development institute (TEPGE). 978-625-8451-44-3. 10-12.
  • Azam Jah, K., Shad, A., Younas, M., Mohammad, I. & Khan, D. (2003). Selection and evulation of exotic geno-types of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Peshawar Valley. Asian Journal of Plant Science 2(8):655-660.
  • Badiu, A.F., Baia, A. & Cociu, A. (1996) Studies concerning the possibility of selection in order to improve the shape and technical features of sugarbeet roots. Lucrãri Stuntifice Sfeclã si Zahãr 21: 81-92 .
  • Baran, N., Andirman, M., Shimira, F., Nyirahabimana, F. & Temiz, M.G. (2022). The determination of tolerances of some cotton genotypes against wilt disease (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) under the ecological conditions of Diyarbakir. Turkish Journal f Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 0(12):2358-2367.
  • Baran, N. (2025). Evaluation of morphological characteristics of different sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) genotypes that can grow in muş conditions with different analysis methods. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(1), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14586641
  • Basalak, F. & Karadoğan, T. (2022). Effects of some foliar fertilizers on the yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera). Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 17(2), 49-54.
  • Benjamin, L.R. & Sutherland, R.A. (1989). Storage-root weight, diameter and length relationships in carrot (Daucus carota) and red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). The Journal of Agricultural Science, 113(1), 73-80.
  • Cárdenas-Fernández, M., Bawn, M., Hamley-Bennett, C., Bharat, P.K.V., Subrizi, F., Suhaili, N., Lye, G.J. (2017). An integrated biorefinery concept for conversion of sugar beet pulp into value-added chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates. Faraday Discussions, 202.
  • Catal, M.İ. & Akinerdem, F. (2013). Determination of yield and quality properties of some sugar beet varieties in conditions of Konya. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 27(2), 112-120.
  • El-Karouri, M.O. & El-Rayah, A. (2006). Prospects of sugarbeet production in the Sudan. Journal of Agricultural Investment, 4, 89-92.
  • Erciyes, H., Bulut, S. & Arslan, M. (2016). Yield and quality characteristics of sugar beet cultivars under continental climatic conditions. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 5(9). Fasahat, P., Aghaeezadeh, M., Hosseinpour, M. & Sadeghzadeh Hemayati, S. (2021). Correlation between root weight and sugar content; do we have to continue traditional hypothesis? Plant Physiology Reports, 26, 188-191.
  • Gunes, E., Gun, S., Gulcubuk, B. & Olhan, E. (2004, September). The effect of sugar beet production of sugar policy in Turkey: the case of Ankara-Polatlı province, VI. In Congress of agricultural economics of Türkiye (pp. 16-18).
  • Hassani, M., Heidari, B., Dadkhodaie, A. & Stevanato, P. (2018). Genotype by environment interaction components underlying variations in root, sugar and white sugar yield in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Euphytica, 214, 1-21.
  • Hoberg, F., Ladewig, E. & Kenter, C. (2016). Genotype environment interactions in sugar beet in Germany. 75. In IIRB-Congress, Brussels (pp. 16-17).
  • Hoffmann, C.M. (2005). Changes in N composition of sugar beet varieties in response to increasing N supply. Journal of agronomy and crop science, 191(2), 138-145.
  • Hoffmann, C.M. (2017). Changes in root morphology with yield level of sugar beet. Sugar Industry, 142(7), 420-425.
  • Hoffmann, C.M., Huijbregts, T., van Swaaij, N. & Jansen, R. (2009). Impact of different environments in Europe on yield and quality of sugar beet genotypes. European Journal of Agronomy, 30(1), 17-26.
  • Hozayn, M., Abd El Monem, A.A., Abdelraouf, R.E. & Abdalla, M.M. (2013). Do magnetic water affect water use efficiency, quality and yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plant under arid regions conditions. Journal of Agronomy, 12(1): 1-10.
  • Kavas, M.F. & Leblebici, M.J. (2004). Quality and operation control laboratories Handbook, Türkiye Sugar Factories Inc. General Directorate, Ankara, 85-196.
  • Lauer, J.G. (1995). Plant density and nitrogen rate effects on sugar beet yield and quality early in harvest. Agronomy journal, 87(3), 586-591.
  • Leducke, H. (1956). Sugar beet cultivation. Trans. Gediz, A. Türkiye sugar factories Joint Stock Company, Fine Arts Press, Ankara.
  • Andırman, M., & Baran, N. (2023). Some Soybean [Glycine max. L. (Merill)] varieties determination of cultivation possibilities of as main crop. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 6(4), 373-379. https://doi.org/10.47115/bsagriculture.1298590
  • Mikami, T., Yamamoto, M., Matsuhira, H., Kitazaki, K. & Kubo, T. (2011). Molecular basis of cytoplasmic male sterility in beets: an overview. Plant Genetic Research 9:284–287. https://doi.org/10.1017/S147926 2111000177.
  • Mostafavi, K., Orazizadeh, M., Rajabi, A. & Ilkaei, M.N. (2018). Stability and adaptability analysis in sugar beet varieties for sugar content using GGE-biplot and AMMI methods. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(1).
  • Okut, N. & Yildirim, B. (2004). Effects of variety and planting time on yield, yield components and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris variety. saccharifera L.) in Van conditions. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(2), 149-158.
  • Ozbay, S. (2018). Effects of different irrigation methods and levels on yield, quality and physiological characteristics of sugar beet (Master's thesis, Institute of Science) "(in Turkish)".
  • Ozcan, E. (1993). Research on the yield and yield components of some sugar beet varieties in the Thrace region (Master's thesis, Institute of Science) "(in Turkish)".
  • Ozceylan, M.R. (1986). Effects of summer and winter plantings on the yield and some characteristics of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Samsun (Master's thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science).
  • Pavlečić, M., Vrana, I., Vibovec, K., Ivančić Šantek, M., Horvat, P. & Šantek, B. (2010). Ethanol production from different intermediates of sugar beet processing. Food technology and biotechnology,.48(3), 362-367.
  • Peto, F.H. & Boyes, J.W. (1940). Comparison of diploid and triploid sugar beets. Canadian Journal of Research, 18(7), 273-282.
  • Rashidi, M. & Abbassi, S. (2011). Influence of different tillage methods on root yield, yield components and some quality characteristics of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 13(5).
  • Rychcik, B. & Zawislak, K. (2002). Yields and root technological quality of sugar beet grown in crop rotation and long-term monoculture. Rostlinna Vyroba, 48(10), 458-462.
  • Sahiner, A. (2020). Determination of yield and quality traits of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties in Kırşehir ecological conditions (Master's thesis, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Türkiye).
  • Sahiner, A. & Demir, İ. (2020). Determination of yield and quality traits of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties in Kırsehir ecological conditions. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 10(2), 71-75.
  • Sanghera, G.S., Singh, R.P., Kashyap, L., Tyagi, V. & Sharma, B. (2016). Evaluation of sugarbeet genotypes (Beta Vulgaris L.) for root yield and quality traits under subtropical conditions. Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 5(1), 67-73.
  • Sanlı, A., Karadogan, T. & Tosun, B. (2015). The effects of sugar beet molasses applications on root yield and sugar content of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 24(2), 103-108.
  • Šantek, B., Gwehenberger, G., Šantek, M.I., Narodoslawsky, M. & Horvat, P. (2010). Evaluation of energy demand and the sustainability of different bioethanol production processes from sugar beet. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(11), 872-877.
  • Sklenar, P., KovaČev, L., ČAČiĆ, N., Mezei, S. & Nagl, N. (1998). Genetic and phenotypic correlations for some sugar beet root characteristics. In Progress in Botanical Research: Proceedings of the 1 st Balkan Botanical Congress. Springer Netherlands, 569-572.
  • Stevanato, P., Chiodi, C., Broccanello, C., Concheri, G., Biancardi, E., Pavli, O. & Skaracis, G. (2019). Sustainability of the sugar beet crop. Sugar Tech, 21, 703-716.
  • Şanlı, A., Ok, F. Z. & Erbaş, S. (2023). Effects of foliar amino acid applications on yield and quality of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera L.) cultivars. Journal of Yüzüncü Yıl University Institute of Science, 28(1), 290-298.
  • Taleghani, D., Rajabi, A., Saremirad, A. & Fasahat, P. (2023). Stability analysis and selection of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes using AMMI, BLUP, GGE biplot and MTSI. Scientific reports, 13(1), 10019.
  • Tosun, B. (2014). Determination of the effects of different harvest times on yield and some quality traits of different types of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera L.) varieties (Master's thesis, Institute of Science).
  • Tsialtas, J.T., Maslaris, N. (2010). Sugar beet root shape and its relation with yield and quality. Sugar Tech, 12(1), 47-52 "(in Turkish)".
  • TUIK, (2023). Turkish Statistical Institute. https://tuikweb.tuik.gov.tr/PreTablo.do?alt_id=1001. Access Date: 05.12. 2024.
  • Xiao, S., Chai, H., Wang, Q., Shao, K., Meng, L., Wang, R., Li, B. & Ma, Y. (2021). Estimating economic benefit of sugar beet based on three-dimensional computer vision: a case study in Inner Mongolia. China. Eur. J. Agron. 130, 126378 https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.eja.2021.126378.
  • Xie, X., Zhu, Q., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ding, F. & Li, G. (2022). Potassium determines sugar beets’ yield and sugar content under drip irrigation condition. Sustainability, 14(19), 12520.
  • Yalinkilic, N.A., Bayram, S.C., Basbag, S. & Bayram, A. (2022). Investigation of yield and quality parameters in some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. altissima) varieties grown in Mus ecological conditions. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29 (2), 497-506
  • Yalinkilic, N.A., Cicek, Ş. & Basbag, S. (2024). The Effect of Different Salt Concentrations on Germination and Early Development of Some Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Varieties. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, 6(3), 2063-2075.
  • Yan, W., Seg, Q. & Sli, Z. (2000). Cultivar evaluation and mega environment investigation based on the biplot. Crop Science 40: 597–605.
  • Yan, W. & Tinker, N.A. (2006). Biplot analysis of multi-environment trial data: Principles and applications Canadian journal of plant science,.86(3), 623-645.
  • Zicari, S., Zhang, R. & Kaffka, S. (2019). Sugar beet. In.Integrated processing technologies for food and agricultural by-products (pp. 331-351). Academic Press.

Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties by different analytical methods

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 157 - 165, 17.03.2025


Sugar beet is known globally as one of the most important sources of sucrose. Sugar beet, which provides raw materials to many industries, creating an important employment opportunity in the regions where it is cultivated. In this study, yield and quality parameters of eight different sugar beet varieties were determined by different analytical methods. The experiment was carried out in 2024 at the experimental field of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Muş Alparslan University, utilizing a randomized block design with three replications. Following a seven-month vegetative period, yield and quality analysis of the harvested beets were carried out, allowing for the determination of relationships between variety and traits. Statistically significant and important differences were found among the sugar beet varieties in terms of the parameters analyzed. Notably, the Lamberta variety came to the forefront in terms of storage root yield parameters (root weight, root length, single plant weight). Consequently, this variety displayed the highest average root yield compared to other varieties. While the Agatella variety demonstrated high averages for dry matter content and polar sugar content, it exhibited lower storage root and sugar yields. These findings suggest a negative correlation between sugar content and storage root yield and sugar yield. Overall, the Lamberta variety stood out in terms of root yield, while the Annamira variety stood out in terms of sugar yield. As a result of the research, sugar beet varieties varied between root diameters of 9.11-15.41 cm, root lengths of 15.34-18.43 cm, root weights of 646-2892 g, dry matter content of 20.87-24.40%, polar sugar content of 16.68-19.41%, root yields of 5196-8229 kg/da, and sugar yields of 908-1348 kg/da. According to the “which-where-won” model of GGE biplot analysis, the studied traits were clustered under 3 mega environments.


  • Abu-Ellail, F.F., El-Gamal, I.S. & El-Sherbiny, S.E. (2024). Biplot analysis for yield and quality traits and comprehensive evaluation of sugar beet varieties treated by abscisic acid under water deficit stress. Egyptian Sugar Journal, 22.
  • Akcura, M. (2011). The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 35(2): 115-125.
  • Altunbay, S.G. (2014). The effects of different varieties and harvest times on yield, yield components and some technological properties of sugar beet in Kahramanmaraş conditions. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmama University, Institute of Science (Doctoral thesis) "(in Turkish)".
  • Anonymous, (2023). Product report sugar beet and sugar 2023. Agricultural economics and policy development institute (TEPGE). 978-625-8451-44-3. 10-12.
  • Azam Jah, K., Shad, A., Younas, M., Mohammad, I. & Khan, D. (2003). Selection and evulation of exotic geno-types of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Peshawar Valley. Asian Journal of Plant Science 2(8):655-660.
  • Badiu, A.F., Baia, A. & Cociu, A. (1996) Studies concerning the possibility of selection in order to improve the shape and technical features of sugarbeet roots. Lucrãri Stuntifice Sfeclã si Zahãr 21: 81-92 .
  • Baran, N., Andirman, M., Shimira, F., Nyirahabimana, F. & Temiz, M.G. (2022). The determination of tolerances of some cotton genotypes against wilt disease (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) under the ecological conditions of Diyarbakir. Turkish Journal f Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 0(12):2358-2367.
  • Baran, N. (2025). Evaluation of morphological characteristics of different sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) genotypes that can grow in muş conditions with different analysis methods. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(1), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14586641
  • Basalak, F. & Karadoğan, T. (2022). Effects of some foliar fertilizers on the yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera). Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 17(2), 49-54.
  • Benjamin, L.R. & Sutherland, R.A. (1989). Storage-root weight, diameter and length relationships in carrot (Daucus carota) and red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). The Journal of Agricultural Science, 113(1), 73-80.
  • Cárdenas-Fernández, M., Bawn, M., Hamley-Bennett, C., Bharat, P.K.V., Subrizi, F., Suhaili, N., Lye, G.J. (2017). An integrated biorefinery concept for conversion of sugar beet pulp into value-added chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates. Faraday Discussions, 202.
  • Catal, M.İ. & Akinerdem, F. (2013). Determination of yield and quality properties of some sugar beet varieties in conditions of Konya. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 27(2), 112-120.
  • El-Karouri, M.O. & El-Rayah, A. (2006). Prospects of sugarbeet production in the Sudan. Journal of Agricultural Investment, 4, 89-92.
  • Erciyes, H., Bulut, S. & Arslan, M. (2016). Yield and quality characteristics of sugar beet cultivars under continental climatic conditions. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 5(9). Fasahat, P., Aghaeezadeh, M., Hosseinpour, M. & Sadeghzadeh Hemayati, S. (2021). Correlation between root weight and sugar content; do we have to continue traditional hypothesis? Plant Physiology Reports, 26, 188-191.
  • Gunes, E., Gun, S., Gulcubuk, B. & Olhan, E. (2004, September). The effect of sugar beet production of sugar policy in Turkey: the case of Ankara-Polatlı province, VI. In Congress of agricultural economics of Türkiye (pp. 16-18).
  • Hassani, M., Heidari, B., Dadkhodaie, A. & Stevanato, P. (2018). Genotype by environment interaction components underlying variations in root, sugar and white sugar yield in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Euphytica, 214, 1-21.
  • Hoberg, F., Ladewig, E. & Kenter, C. (2016). Genotype environment interactions in sugar beet in Germany. 75. In IIRB-Congress, Brussels (pp. 16-17).
  • Hoffmann, C.M. (2005). Changes in N composition of sugar beet varieties in response to increasing N supply. Journal of agronomy and crop science, 191(2), 138-145.
  • Hoffmann, C.M. (2017). Changes in root morphology with yield level of sugar beet. Sugar Industry, 142(7), 420-425.
  • Hoffmann, C.M., Huijbregts, T., van Swaaij, N. & Jansen, R. (2009). Impact of different environments in Europe on yield and quality of sugar beet genotypes. European Journal of Agronomy, 30(1), 17-26.
  • Hozayn, M., Abd El Monem, A.A., Abdelraouf, R.E. & Abdalla, M.M. (2013). Do magnetic water affect water use efficiency, quality and yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plant under arid regions conditions. Journal of Agronomy, 12(1): 1-10.
  • Kavas, M.F. & Leblebici, M.J. (2004). Quality and operation control laboratories Handbook, Türkiye Sugar Factories Inc. General Directorate, Ankara, 85-196.
  • Lauer, J.G. (1995). Plant density and nitrogen rate effects on sugar beet yield and quality early in harvest. Agronomy journal, 87(3), 586-591.
  • Leducke, H. (1956). Sugar beet cultivation. Trans. Gediz, A. Türkiye sugar factories Joint Stock Company, Fine Arts Press, Ankara.
  • Andırman, M., & Baran, N. (2023). Some Soybean [Glycine max. L. (Merill)] varieties determination of cultivation possibilities of as main crop. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 6(4), 373-379. https://doi.org/10.47115/bsagriculture.1298590
  • Mikami, T., Yamamoto, M., Matsuhira, H., Kitazaki, K. & Kubo, T. (2011). Molecular basis of cytoplasmic male sterility in beets: an overview. Plant Genetic Research 9:284–287. https://doi.org/10.1017/S147926 2111000177.
  • Mostafavi, K., Orazizadeh, M., Rajabi, A. & Ilkaei, M.N. (2018). Stability and adaptability analysis in sugar beet varieties for sugar content using GGE-biplot and AMMI methods. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(1).
  • Okut, N. & Yildirim, B. (2004). Effects of variety and planting time on yield, yield components and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris variety. saccharifera L.) in Van conditions. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(2), 149-158.
  • Ozbay, S. (2018). Effects of different irrigation methods and levels on yield, quality and physiological characteristics of sugar beet (Master's thesis, Institute of Science) "(in Turkish)".
  • Ozcan, E. (1993). Research on the yield and yield components of some sugar beet varieties in the Thrace region (Master's thesis, Institute of Science) "(in Turkish)".
  • Ozceylan, M.R. (1986). Effects of summer and winter plantings on the yield and some characteristics of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Samsun (Master's thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science).
  • Pavlečić, M., Vrana, I., Vibovec, K., Ivančić Šantek, M., Horvat, P. & Šantek, B. (2010). Ethanol production from different intermediates of sugar beet processing. Food technology and biotechnology,.48(3), 362-367.
  • Peto, F.H. & Boyes, J.W. (1940). Comparison of diploid and triploid sugar beets. Canadian Journal of Research, 18(7), 273-282.
  • Rashidi, M. & Abbassi, S. (2011). Influence of different tillage methods on root yield, yield components and some quality characteristics of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 13(5).
  • Rychcik, B. & Zawislak, K. (2002). Yields and root technological quality of sugar beet grown in crop rotation and long-term monoculture. Rostlinna Vyroba, 48(10), 458-462.
  • Sahiner, A. (2020). Determination of yield and quality traits of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties in Kırşehir ecological conditions (Master's thesis, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Türkiye).
  • Sahiner, A. & Demir, İ. (2020). Determination of yield and quality traits of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties in Kırsehir ecological conditions. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 10(2), 71-75.
  • Sanghera, G.S., Singh, R.P., Kashyap, L., Tyagi, V. & Sharma, B. (2016). Evaluation of sugarbeet genotypes (Beta Vulgaris L.) for root yield and quality traits under subtropical conditions. Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 5(1), 67-73.
  • Sanlı, A., Karadogan, T. & Tosun, B. (2015). The effects of sugar beet molasses applications on root yield and sugar content of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 24(2), 103-108.
  • Šantek, B., Gwehenberger, G., Šantek, M.I., Narodoslawsky, M. & Horvat, P. (2010). Evaluation of energy demand and the sustainability of different bioethanol production processes from sugar beet. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(11), 872-877.
  • Sklenar, P., KovaČev, L., ČAČiĆ, N., Mezei, S. & Nagl, N. (1998). Genetic and phenotypic correlations for some sugar beet root characteristics. In Progress in Botanical Research: Proceedings of the 1 st Balkan Botanical Congress. Springer Netherlands, 569-572.
  • Stevanato, P., Chiodi, C., Broccanello, C., Concheri, G., Biancardi, E., Pavli, O. & Skaracis, G. (2019). Sustainability of the sugar beet crop. Sugar Tech, 21, 703-716.
  • Şanlı, A., Ok, F. Z. & Erbaş, S. (2023). Effects of foliar amino acid applications on yield and quality of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera L.) cultivars. Journal of Yüzüncü Yıl University Institute of Science, 28(1), 290-298.
  • Taleghani, D., Rajabi, A., Saremirad, A. & Fasahat, P. (2023). Stability analysis and selection of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes using AMMI, BLUP, GGE biplot and MTSI. Scientific reports, 13(1), 10019.
  • Tosun, B. (2014). Determination of the effects of different harvest times on yield and some quality traits of different types of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera L.) varieties (Master's thesis, Institute of Science).
  • Tsialtas, J.T., Maslaris, N. (2010). Sugar beet root shape and its relation with yield and quality. Sugar Tech, 12(1), 47-52 "(in Turkish)".
  • TUIK, (2023). Turkish Statistical Institute. https://tuikweb.tuik.gov.tr/PreTablo.do?alt_id=1001. Access Date: 05.12. 2024.
  • Xiao, S., Chai, H., Wang, Q., Shao, K., Meng, L., Wang, R., Li, B. & Ma, Y. (2021). Estimating economic benefit of sugar beet based on three-dimensional computer vision: a case study in Inner Mongolia. China. Eur. J. Agron. 130, 126378 https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.eja.2021.126378.
  • Xie, X., Zhu, Q., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ding, F. & Li, G. (2022). Potassium determines sugar beets’ yield and sugar content under drip irrigation condition. Sustainability, 14(19), 12520.
  • Yalinkilic, N.A., Bayram, S.C., Basbag, S. & Bayram, A. (2022). Investigation of yield and quality parameters in some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. altissima) varieties grown in Mus ecological conditions. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29 (2), 497-506
  • Yalinkilic, N.A., Cicek, Ş. & Basbag, S. (2024). The Effect of Different Salt Concentrations on Germination and Early Development of Some Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Varieties. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, 6(3), 2063-2075.
  • Yan, W., Seg, Q. & Sli, Z. (2000). Cultivar evaluation and mega environment investigation based on the biplot. Crop Science 40: 597–605.
  • Yan, W. & Tinker, N.A. (2006). Biplot analysis of multi-environment trial data: Principles and applications Canadian journal of plant science,.86(3), 623-645.
  • Zicari, S., Zhang, R. & Kaffka, S. (2019). Sugar beet. In.Integrated processing technologies for food and agricultural by-products (pp. 331-351). Academic Press.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Industrial Crops
Journal Section Research Articles

Nurettin Baran 0000-0003-2212-3274

Nazlı Aybar Yalınkılıç 0000-0002-7462-775X

Publication Date March 17, 2025
Submission Date January 29, 2025
Acceptance Date March 10, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Baran, N., & Aybar Yalınkılıç, N. (2025). Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties by different analytical methods. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 9(1), 157-165. https://doi.org/10.31015/2025.1.18

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