Writing Rules

Article Writing Codes
The articles that are sent to be evaluated for publication in the Journal of Anatolian Education Research (JAER) are designed according to the rules stated below:

1. Please write your text in good English and Turkish. The length of the article should not exceed 30 pages. The soft copy of the article is to be typed in Arial font.

2. Author(s’) name(s), the name of the current institution, department name, and email address are to be filled in on the copyright form. Since blind refereeing is employed in the journal, information about the author(s) should not be mentioned in the article.

3. Initially, there has to be an ‘abstract’ of the article in at most 250 words. Keywords (at most 6 words) are to be written.

4. Titles in the text are to be enumerated with Arabic figures (e.g. 1., 1.1,1.1.2...etc.) with depth, not more than

5. The text should be set to 1 line spacing 9 point- and in A4 paper size.

6. Tables and diagrams are to be titled and enumerated. Titles must be positioned above the tables (e.g. Table 1. Name of the table.), and under the figures (e.g. Figure 1. Name of the figure.).

7. References to the sources must be given in parentheses in the text. (e.g. Polat et al., 2013; Yüce, 2013; Zain and Khan, 2020).

8. All the sources referred to in the text following the rules stated above must be acknowledged in the bibliography, and sources that are not cited in the text should not be on this list. Sources must be regulated according to the examples shown in the ‘Reference Examples’ part.

9. To present the last form of the article organized according to the publication rules before the publication process is in the author’s charge; the articles are not published unless they are presented in the appropriate text format.

10. Please note that we accept manuscripts in .doc, and .docx Figures and tables should be submitted inside of the main manuscript. Acknowledgment is also strongly recommended.

11. Please add the iThenticate plagiarism detection report (Max rate: 25%) of the manuscript.

12. Please add the ethical committee permit of the study (For human studies)
13. Manuscript processing charges: 500 TL (40 dollars)

Reference Examples (American Psychological Association-APA)

 Research Papers

 Boydak Özan, M., Şener, G. (2014). Teaching and Emotional Labor. American International Journal of Social  Science, 3(5), 111-119.


Strunk, W. Jr. & White, E. B. (2000). The Elements of Style (4. Edition) New York: Longman.

Kejanlıoğlu, B. (2005). Medya Çalışmalarında Kamusal Alan Kavramı. Meral Özbek (Ed.), Kamusal Alan (s. 689-713). İstanbul.

Articles submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Education Research (JAER) are considered for publication if they:

report the original approach or test an existing theory related to educational science
are of interest to the teaching and learning
are scientifically rigorous
have not been published previously or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Turkish (Turkish and English abstract) as well as in English.
Authors are responsible for the English proofreading of the papers.

JAER is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes articles in all fields of Educational Sciences and is scanned in international indexes.

JAER Eğitim Bilimlerinin tüm alanlarında makaleler yayınlayan uluslararası indekslerde taranan hakemli uluslararası bir dergidir.