Policy - Archiving Policy

  • Articles published in the Journal of AI are archived in LOCKSS hosted by Dergipark.
  • In addition, with the initiative of the author, articles can be accessed without restriction and time limit in areas such as YOKSIS, university databases (such as DSpace, AVESIS), Google Scholar, Academia, Researchgate, SSRN, Arxiv, Techrxiv etc..
  • Journal of AI not only gives the author the freedom of archiving and use, but also offers the scientific articles and research published in the journal to the end users and institutions free of charge, as it has adopted the open access policy of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, search or link the full texts of the articles published in the Journal of AI without requiring the permission of the publisher or the author. Thus, it is aimed to disseminate knowledge and facilitate its use.
  • Journal of AI allows all versions of articles to be archived by the author without any restrictions. This archiving includes all versions recorded in the journal system from the first version of the article submitted to the journal until it is accepted.

Versions Published in the Journal
Publication Type: Open Access
OAI: https://dergipark.org.tr/api/public/oai/jai/
RSS: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jai/rss-feeds
LOCKSS: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jai/lockss-manifest
Embargo Duration: No Duration
Open Access License: CC BY 4.0
Archive Location: Archive-based online data storage places such as Institutional Archive, Crossref, Journal Website, Institutional Site, Author's Personal Website, YÖKSIS, Google Scholar, Academia, Researchgate, SSRN, Arxiv, Techrxiv.
Policy Conditions: The journal should be cited in accordance with the citation and citation standards.

Last Update Time: 12/28/24, 5:15:41 AM

Journal of AI
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Izmir Academy Association

Although the scope of our journal is related to artificial intelligence studies, the abbreviation "AI" in the name of the journal is derived from "Academy Izmir".