Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles:

Journal of Anatolian Medical Research (JAMER) publishes articles that adhere to ethical and scientific standards. The ethical, scientific, and legal responsibilities for the articles published in the journal rest with the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or the editorial board members.

The editorial and publication processes of the journal are organized in accordance with the guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). These processes are conducted in alignment with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scientific Publishing (

Ethics Committee approval must be obtained for all prospective and, if necessary, retrospective studies, including those conducted with experimental animals. The date of receipt (day-month-year) and the approval number from the Ethics Committee must be stated in the and Methods section of the article. In all articles where patient privacy must be protected due to ethical and legal regulations, patient-identifying information and photographs cannot be published without the written informed consent of the patient (or legal guardian). Therefore, the statement "A written consent document was obtained from the patient (or legal guardian) regarding the publication of medical data" should be included in the "Materials and Methods" section (or at the end of the Introduction section in articles that do not have a Materials and Methods section). For studies conducted on animals, committee approval indicating compliance with international ethical standards must be obtained from the relevant animal ethics committee. Additionally, actions taken to prevent pain, suffering, and discomfort to animals should be clearly outlined in the article.

Journal of Anatolian Medical Research (JAMER) expects authors, readers, researchers, referees, and editors to adhere to the principles of Research and Publication Ethics throughout the publication process. In the studies and scientific articles submitted, it is essential to observe the standard, general, and specific ethical rules and responsibilities outlined below, in accordance with the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the open access guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is important to emphasize that the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki must be followed throughout the study. If deemed necessary, the ethics committee report for the article may be requested from the author.

Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted on humans and animals, as well as for clinical and experimental studies that require an ethics committee decision. This approval must be clearly stated and documented in the article.
In studies that require ethics committee approval, information regarding the permission (including the board name, date, and approval number) must be included in the Materials and Methods section, as well as on the first and last pages of the article. In case reports, it is essential to include information indicating that the informed consent or assent form was signed.
Copyright regulations must be adhered to for the use of intellectual and artistic works.

Ethical Rules:

I. Againist of Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
a) Plagiarism: The act of presenting the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, figures, or works of others as one's own—either partially or completely—without proper citation in accordance with established scientific ethical standards.
b) Forgery: The act of producing data that is not based on legitimate research, altering or modifying presented or published work using false data, reporting or publishing such information, and presenting research that has not been conducted as if it has been completed.
c) Distortion: This includes falsifying research records and data, presenting methods, devices, and materials that were not utilized in the research as if they were, failing to evaluate data that does not align with the research hypothesis, manipulating data or results to conform to relevant theories or assumptions, and altering or fabricating research results to align with the interests of individuals or organizations providing support.
c) Duplicate Publication: Presenting multiple works that contain the same research results as separate submissions in evaluations for associate professorship exams and academic promotions.
d) Slicing: Presenting research results inappropriately by dividing them into fragments and presenting these fragments as separate works. This practice can undermine the integrity of the research, particularly in the context of exam evaluations, academic incentives, and promotions, as it often involves publishing multiple articles without proper citation of one another.
e) Unfair authorship: This includes adding individuals who have not made any active contributions to the list of authors, excluding those who have made significant contributions, unjustly altering the order of authorship, removing the names of contributors during publication or in subsequent editions, and using personal influence to include one's name as an author despite a lack of active involvement.
f) Other Types of Ethical Violations: Failing to clearly state the individuals, institutions, or organizations that supported the research and their contributions in published works; not adhering to ethical guidelines in research involving humans and animals; disregarding patient rights in publications; sharing information from a manuscript assigned for review with others prior to publication; misusing resources, facilities, and equipment designated for scientific research for purposes other than those intended; and making baseless, unfounded, and intentional accusations of ethical violations (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8).

II. Other Responsibilities 

1. Authors' Responsibilities
. All data presented in the article must be verified as authentic and original.
. It is mandatory to report any instances of plagiarism, errors, suspicious situations, and suggested corrections identified during the preliminary evaluation or referee evaluation. If these are not reported, a consistent explanation must be provided.
. The references for the article or research must be thoroughly prepared and in accordance with our journal's writing guidelines.
. Plagiarism and the use of fake data must be strictly avoided.
. The research must not be published in more than one journal.

2. Responsibilities of Referees 
Our journal administration is dedicated to effectively managing and enhancing the peer review process in accordance with ethical publishing standards. Stakeholders and readers of the research are encouraged to report any instances of plagiarism, duplicate publication, inaccuracies, suspicious content, or any other concerns regarding the reviews published in JAMER to The information gathered on these matters will be communicated to the appropriate parties, and the outcomes will be monitored. This process relies on the referees' adherence to the following principles.
. Evaluations should be conducted impartially.
. There should be no conflict of interest between the reviewers and the stakeholders of the article in question.
. The completion of other articles, works, sources, references, rules, and similar deficiencies related to the article should be clearly indicated.
. The articles are evaluated based on a double-blind refereeing system, and the identities of the referees should remain confidential.

3. Responsibilities of Editors
. Editors have the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. They must exercise this responsibility and authority judiciously and in a timely manner.
. Editors should avoid any conflicts of interest when deciding whether to accept or reject articles.
. Editors should accept articles that are original and will make a meaningful contribution to their field.
. Editors should reject incomplete and erroneous research that does not comply with the journal's policies, publication rules, and standards, without being influenced in any way.
. Editors should permit the withdrawal of incorrect, incomplete, and problematic articles either before or after the referee report, or allow them to be published following necessary corrections.
. Editors ensure that articles evaluated by at least two referees are assessed according to the double-blind peer review system, maintaining the confidentiality of the referees.
. Editors verify whether articles are plagiarized and ensure they contain original, unpublished research using the "Turnitin" plagiarism detection program.

4. Plagiarism Policy
Every study submitted to our journal is scanned using the Turnitin plagiarism detection program. Editors, referees, and authors are required to adhere to international publication ethics and follow the established writing guidelines for articles.

Experimental Research Ethics Guidelines
In Experimental Research, it is essential to clearly acknowledge the individuals, institutions, or organizations that provided support in any research publications. This practice ensures compliance with ethical standards in studies involving humans and animals, as well as respect for patient rights, in accordance with the Experimental Research Ethics Rules. Our journal upholds the fundamental principle of not harming ecological balance or animal health in experiments related to experimental research. Researchers must obtain the necessary ethical permissions from the appropriate official institutions for studies conducted within this framework and include these permissions in the relevant file when submitting their articles to our journal. The author bears full responsibility in this regard.

Acknowledgment of Authorship and Transfer of Copyright Agreement

During the submission of the article, authors must complete and submit the of Authorship and Transfer of Copyright Agreement clearly outline the scientific contributions and responsibilities of all authors listed in the publication, as well as disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Evaluation of the Article
Articles are accepted for publication exclusively in this journal and only in electronic format, with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere (either in part or in full, in different wording or the same wording). Furthermore, submissions should not be under simultaneous review by another publisher and must not be submitted to another journal unless they have been rejected by this journal.

Referees will conduct the evaluation, editing, and revision processes entirely online. They will utilize a unique username and password, along with the following URL address:
A published article is the responsibility of the journal. The processes related to editing, revision, acceptance, and rejection will be conducted entirely online by the editor(s) and/or referees through the website All proofreading, following corrections and typesetting, should be completed online by the author and returned to the editor within the specified timeframe.

If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact


Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÖZCAN
University of Health Sciences, Kayseri Medical Faculty, Kayseri City Training and Research Hospital

Last Update Time: 8/21/24, 4:26:46 PM