Article Cover Template (please click)
Article Template (please click)
Publication Copyright Transfer Form (please click)
Articles should be prepared in the “Office Word” program in A4 size and should not exceed 25 pages in magazine format.
Page layout should be; Top: 2 cm, Bottom: 2 cm, Left: 2 cm and Right: 2 cm.
Articles should be written in 11 point and “Times New Roman” font, using single line spacing. In writing, there should be a one-character break after commas and periods.
Initial indent should not be used in the first paragraphs, and there should be 0.5 indent in the second and following paragraphs.
6nk space should be left after the paragraph. No additional blank lines should be left between paragraphs.
The first page of the article should contain a Turkish and English title in 12 points, a Turkish and English abstract in 10 points consisting of at least 120 and at most 200 words, and at least 3 and at most 5 Turkish and English keywords.
The main headings and subheadings in the article should be bold and aligned left (without indentation) and numbered decimal such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2., All letters of the main headings should be written in capital letters, only the first letters of the subheadings should be written in capital letters, and the headings should be 11 pt in size. The headings should be divided into a maximum of 5 levels. 1 line space should be left before the main headings, and no space should be left after the heading. No line space should be left before or after the subheadings.
All tables, figures and graphs in the article should be numbered consecutively and centered on the page at appropriate places in the text. Each table, figure or graph should be given a title. The title should be placed above the table, figure or graph, centered on the page, with only the initials of the words capitalized and in 10-point font. The text within the table, figure or graph should be in 8-10-point font. Tables, figures or graphs should be in accordance with the page layout given above and in a format that can be easily read.
Articles submitted to the journal should be prepared in the American Psychological Association (APA) style in terms of the reference system, footnote format and bibliography. In this context, citations should be made using the conjunction method within the text. Explanatory notes should be expressed as footnotes at the bottom of the page and in 8-point font.
References in the text should be made in the form of the author(s) surname, year of the source and page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author.
If the citation is taken from a website and the author of the citation is known, the citation should be made in a manner similar to that in periodical publications. If no date is given for a source downloaded from the internet, the access date of the relevant file should be used as the year of the source. If the author of the citation is not known, the institution of the website and the access year should be written in parentheses.
If more than one work of an author published in the same year is cited, the works should be indicated by giving the letters a, b, c next to the year.
All sources used in the article should be included in the bibliography section. The sources used should be listed alphabetically according to the author's surname, regardless of their quality (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). The works of the same author should be placed in the bibliography starting from the "most recent" one. The bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the examples given below.
In cases not specified in the writing, the issues adopted in scientific writing should be taken into account.