For Reviewers

Dear,  Journal of Aviation (JAV) Reviewers,

To be accepted for publication in JAV, an article must fulfill the criteria given below:

1) It does not involve any ethical violation.
2) It has a clear message to be conveyed to the scientific community.
3) It can be read and understood easily.
4) It possesses structural and logical integrity:

  • Reasons for doing the study are explained in the Introduction section,
  • Experiments, statistics and other analyses are carried out adequately, and described in sufficient detail,
  • Conclusion of the article is drawn directly from the findings of the study,
  • Conclusion section answers the research question (aim) addressed in the Introduction section,
  • Sections of the manuscript, including the abstract, do not contradict with each other. Manuscript has internal consistency.

Should you have any question regarding the review process, you may contact the Editor.

Last Update Time: 2/19/20, 10:39:42 AM

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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