Writing Rules


• Articles submitted to the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent for publication.
• Uploading articles to the journal is done only through Dergipark.
• Categories of articles accepted for publication in the journal (1) Systematic review and Meta-analysis, (2) Original research (Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed methods) (3) Clinical study; (4) Pilot study, (5) Protocols developed for experimental research study or systematic review, (6) Scale development studies, (7) Case reports/reports. Review articles will not be accepted for publication, reviews invited by the editors will be published. Only systematic review and meta-analysis articles prepared under the guidance of PRISMA and conducted properly will be considered for providing Synthesis of Evidence.
•Similarity (plagiarism) reports of the articles sent to our journal for publication should be uploaded to the system. Studies with a plagiarism rate of more than 20% are not considered.
• In the articles sent to the journal, we kindly ask you to use the reporting guidelines below, which are suitable for the methodology of your study, and to specify them in the articles.


Page layout
• Manuscripts should be placed in A4 standard, with a margin of 2.5 cm from all sides.
• The text of the article should be written justified.
• Footnotes should not be used in the studies, explanations should be given in the text.
• Page numbers should be placed at the end and middle of the page, starting from the summary page.
• A full line spacing should be used in the abstract and reference writing.
• Line spacing in the main text should be 1.15 lines.
• There should be 6 pt space between the chapter titles and the text before the title.
• Paragraphs should not be indented, all paragraphs should be left justified and text should be justified.
• Articles sent to the journal (excluding case reports) should not exceed 5000 words for the main text, excluding the abstract, tables and references, including citations.
• Case reports submitted to the journal should not exceed 2000 words.
• The abstract should be between 200-250 words, in Turkish and English.
Spelling and characters
• The text of the article should be prepared in doc, docx format and “Times New Roman” typeface should be used in the whole text.
• The Turkish and English title of the article should be written in 14 pt, with the first letter of each word capitalized, bold and aligned in the middle.
• Abstract/ Abstract title should be written in 11 pt, large, bold and left-justified.
• Abstract/ Abstract text should be written in 9 pt with subtitles and keywords, the first letter of each word should be capitalized and bold.
• In-text headings should not be numbered and should be written in 11 pt, capitalized, bold and left justified. For example: INTRODUCTION
• Sub-headings in the text should be 11 pt, the first letter of the word should be capitalized, bold and left justified. For example: Type of research
• The main text should be written using “Times New Roman” type in 11 pt.
• Commas should be used when separating decimal numbers. It should be written without leaving any spaces between the % sign and the numbers. The percent sign should be written before the number in Turkish articles and after the number in English articles. For example, for Turkish; 38.5% for English; 38.5%
• Where ( ), “ ” and / signs are used, before and after the sentence/word should be written without any spaces.
Spelling of Keywords
• At least three keywords should be written.

• Authors should make it a principle to use Turkish Science Terms and MeSH in keyword selection. English keywords should be given in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MESH)" ( www.nlm.nih.gov ). Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with the Turkish Science Terms (TBT) ( www.bilimterimleri.com ).

References writing
References should be prepared in 10 pt according to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (APA) (6th edition). The full list of references should appear at the end of the article in alphabetical order by name. It is recommended to use MENDELEY or similar reference management programs in the source software. For more information on the APA reference style, please refer to the original APA manuals. https://apastyle.apa.org/6th-edition-resources/
APA (6th Edition) Bibliography Examples
In-text citations
Notation for a single author (Tanyer, 2020)
Screening for two authors (Joo & Liu, 2021)
It should be in the form of notation for more than two authors (Ramus et al., 2003).
For more than one reference, alphabetical order should be taken as basis. (Deliktas Demirci et al., 2021; Fernández-Castillo et al., 2021; Goh et al., 2021; González-Gil et al., 2018; Tan et al., 2006)
Journal article with 2-7 authors
Joo, J. Y., & Liu, M. F. (2021). Nurses' barriers to caring for patients with COVID-19: A qualitative systematic review. International Nursing Review, 68(2), 202– 213.
In-text citation: (Joo & Liu, 2021)
Citation within a sentence: Joo and Liu (2021)
Ramus, F., Rosen, S., Dakin, S. C., Day, B. L., Castellote, J. M., White, S., & Frith, U. (2003). Theories of developmental dyslexia: Insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults. Brain, 126(4), 841-865.
In-text citation: (Ramus et al., 2003)
Intra-sentence citation: Ramus et al. (2003)
Journal article with 7 or more authors
Rutter, M., Caspi, A., Fergusson, D., Horwood, L. J., Goodman, R., Maughan, B., … Carroll, J. (2004). Sex differences in developmental reading disability: New findings from 4 epidemiological studies. Journal of the American Medical Association, 291(16), 2007-2012.

1. Title Page
• The title should be short informative with keywords, maximum 20 words should be used.
• The title should not contain abbreviations.
• There should also be a short title, shorter than 40 characters.
• All authors' full names and surnames should be written in CAPITAL letters.
• Institutional information, titles, e-mail addresses and ORCID numbers of all authors should be written.
• The corresponding author should be specified and detailed contact information should be included.
• The authorship level of all authors should be stated as follows.

The authors confirm the contribution to the article as follows:
Working idea or design: ÜS, BC
Data collection: BC
Analysis and interpretation of results: US, BC, ED
Preparing the draft: BC, ED
Critical review: ED
All authors (US, BC, ED) reviewed the results and approved the final article.
• Acknowledgments (if necessary) can be included on the title page if desired.
• A Conflict of Interest statement must be included.
• A Financial Statement must be included.
• If available, the Clinical Trial Registration Number can be written.
• If the article has been presented as a paper before, the name of the paper, the name, date and time of the congress should be written.

2. Main Text File
• The main text file should not contain any information that can identify the authors, as it will be evaluated by double-blind peer-review.
• The main text file should contain the title of the study, Turkish and English summary, keywords, main text of the study and bibliography.
• The main text file should be prepared according to the type of research.
• Authors who want to submit an article to the journal should state that they have obtained permission from the ethics committee for their studies in humans or animals by including the ethics committee number in the text. Ethics committee number is not required in case reports and systematic reviews.

Research Papers:

• In the research article, the abstract should include the subtitles of Purpose, Method, Results and Use in Practice.
• The titles of the research article should be as given in the table.
Alpar, R. (2014). Applied statistics and reliability-validity, (3rd ed.) Ankara: Detay Publishing
Book Section
Phillips S. J. & Whisnant J. P. (1995). Hypertension and stroke. In: J. H. Laragh & B. M. Brenner (Eds), Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management (2nd ed., pp. 465–478). New York: RavenPress
RCN. (2020). Access: https://www.rcni.com/nursing-standard/ newsroom/news/covid-19-redeloyment-training-non-existent-or-inadequate-nurses-reveal-160301.

Authors who want to add a doi number to the bibliography should specify the doi number as in the example below.

Joo, J. Y., & Liu, M. F. (2021). Nurses' barriers to caring for patients with COVID-19: A qualitative systematic review. International Nursing Review, 68(2), 202– 213. https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12648

Tables and figures

• The title of the table should be placed above the table (Table 1. Xxxxxx), the title of the figure should be placed under the figure in 10 points, only the first letter of the title should be capitalized, bold and left-justified.
• Tables should be numbered in accordance with the order of passage in the main text and the places to be placed should be specified.
• Tables should be independent and not the same as the information in the text and should be complementary. They should not be pasted as images, but should be provided as editable files. Indicators should be brief but comprehensive. Tables, explanations and footnotes should be understandable without reference to the text. All abbreviations should be defined in footnotes. Footnote symbols: †, ‡, §, ¶ should be used (in that order) and *, **, *** should be reserved for p values. Table titles should be written in accordance with the example of "Table 1. Main characteristics of the included studies". A maximum of 5 tables and figures should be added.
• The figure and its description should be understandable without reference to the text. The definitions of the symbols used must be absolute and all abbreviations and units of measurement must be defined.

Article (1) title page; (2) main text file; (3) tables and figures; (4) similarity report, (5) copyright notice text and authorship confirmation form, in separate files, in accordance with the following criteria:

Case Report:
• Summary in the case report; introduction, case report and conclusion should include sub-titles.
• Case reports should be structured as follows.
CASE REPORT: The case report should start with the first indication that the "Informed Consent Form" was received and, if used, permission to use the scale and photographs.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis:
• Summary in Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses; It should include the subtitles of Purpose, Method, Results and Use in Practice.
• The main texts of the Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses should be structured as follows.

3. Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be prepared as specified in the General Authoring Rules of the journal and presented in a separate file, not in the main text file.

4. Similarity Report
The plagiarism report should be uploaded to the system via a separate file. The report should be saved as ".pfd" extension.

Journal of Current Nursing Research is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).