General Rules:
- It is considered that the final edits of the submitted articles for the journal are done properly in terms of writing rules. Manuscripts must be written in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). The manuscript should be minimum 10 and maximum of 25 pages (Editorial board may not ask the page limit in reasonable exceptional cases).
- The submitted manuscripts should not be published on or be under review process of another journal before.
- The articles should be written following APA (American Psychological Association) citation version.
- Mutually blind referee system is applied for the journal.
- The article should suit with grammar rules, written with a clear and uncomplicated genre and prepared with scientific methods.
- In the manuscript, Orcid numbers of the author(s) should be stated.
- In the studies that require ethical approval should be taken from the Ethics Committee. And this approval must be declared by the author by uploading to the system whilst submitting the manuscript.
-The author (s) should upload the copyright form (Click for the form: to the system with the manuscript.
- When submitting to the journal for the first time, the article, copyright form, plagiarism report and ethical approval (if necessary) must be added to application material. If these requested documents (at least 3 documents: the article, copyright form, plagiarism report) are missing, the application process would be suspended.
Detailed Writing Rules:
- Page Margins: Top to bottom-right to left edges should be 2.5 cm.
- Title: The main title (article’s title) should be centered, bold, with capital letters and 13 p. font size; the title is capitalized, bold, left-aligned, 12 font size; the first letters of the sub-headings should be bold and 12 p. font size. Footnote, 9 font size and Times New Roman font should be used. In title numbering, the numbers should be given from the introduction section and numbered in the decimal system (such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).
- Main Text: Times New Roman fond style and 11 p. font size.
- Alignment: Line spacing 1.5 cm; Margins are 2.5 cm from the right, left, top and bottom; The page numbers should be placed at the bottom of the page and aligned to right side; TAB gap should be given at the beginning of paragraphs except for the abstract section; 6 nk space should be left after paragraphs
- Abstract and Keywords: 11 p. font size, Italic and Times New Roman. Abstract and keywords should consist of minimum 200 and maximum 500 words. The keywords should consist of minimum 3 and maximum of 6 words. They also placed just below the abstract. Also, the English translation of the abstract and keywords should not be forgotten. For the articles written in the Turkish language, Turkish title and summary come first, and then an English title and summary.
- Figure, Table, Map etc.: Figure, table, map etc. should not extend beyond the writing area. Numbers and titles should be placed below the figures and above the tables. Only the first letters of the words should be capitalized in Times New Roman and 10 font size, and each should be given in a sequence number (Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.). References should be written in 8 font size below the tables and figures. And bibliographic detail should be given in full. Table, figure etc. The text in it should be in 10 p. range. The mathematical equations to be included in the text should be given in a sequence number, and the sequence numbers should be in parentheses and aligned to the right of the page.
- Author Names: The name and surname of the author (s) of the article should be written in 8 font size, centered on the page, under the title of the article, in Times New Roman character. The title, institution, e-mail and ORCID information of the authors should be written just below their names. Author name will be added to the to be published articles after the peer review process gets completed with a positive result.
- If the Study is Produced from a Thesis or Another Study: In case of the study is derived from a postgraduate thesis or a conference / scientific event, it should be indicated with a footnote (* or a different sign) to the title.
- Citations in the Text: The surname of the author (s) should be given in the form of the year of the source and the page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author. For example; (Yüksel, 2003: 5), (Yüksel ve Murat, 2001: 15), (Yüksel vd., 2000: 10-12), (DPT, 2004: 32).
- Annotations: If necessary, they should be stated in the form of footnotes (9 p.) at the bottom of the page.
- Direct Citations: It should be done by using the conjunction method in the text.
- Note: The similarity of scientific studies sent to the journal should be at most 20%. "IThenticate" or "Turnitin" programs should be used for the check of the similarity rate of the articles.
- The bibliography should be in the format of Times New Roman and 10 p. font size and added at the end of the study. The list of references should be started from the page where the main text finishes. And references should be listed alphabetically by last name. When referring to multiple studies of the same author, the date of publication should start from the oldest. When referring to the same author’s different works with same dates, the references should be numbered using the letters a, b, c,… in references to the bibliography (in 2003a, 2003b, 2003c).
- In the case of referencing to an author's works with one or more authors, studies with one author should come first. References that are not cited in the journal should not be specified in the bibliography section.
- APA format will be used in the preparation of the bibliography. There are some examples of references below. link can be used for the references except for the examples.
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). The Title of the Book. (Number of Edition). Publishing Place, City.
Buğra, A. (2013). Kapitalizm, Yoksulluk ve Türkiye’de Sosyal Politika. 6. Baskı, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
Edited Book / Book Chapter
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). “Chapter Name” (Ed. Editor's Name Surname), Title of the Book, page range, Publication Place, City.
Katz, R. S. and Crotty, W. (2006). “İntroduction”, (Ed. Richard S. Katzand and William Crotty), Handbook of Party Politics, pp. 1-5, SAGE Publications, London.
Translated Book
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). Title of the Book (Transl. / Ed. / Transl. Ed.), Publishing Place, City.
Duverger, M.. (1974). Siyasal Partiler (Çev. Ergun Özbudun), Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara.
Single Author:
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year). Title of the Article, Name of the Journal in which it is published, Volume (Number): Page Range.
Çelik, A. (2014). “Sosyal Belediyecilik Anlayışı: Şanlıurfa Belediyesi Örneği”. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (1), s. 1-20.
Two authors:
Surname, First Letter of Name. and Surname First Letter of Name, (Year of Date). Title of the Article, Name of the Journal in which it is published, Volume (Number): Page Range.
Kalaycı, S. ve Akın, A. (2019). “Engellilere Yönelik Yerel Sosyal Hizmetlerde Belediyelerin Yeri: Malatya Büyükşehir Belediyesi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 22 (2), s. 663-674.
Symposium / Conferences / Proceedings
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year). “Name of the Proceeding”, Name of the Event, Date of the Event, Name of the Organization (if any), Page Range, City.
Özkocacık, İ. ve Samastı, M. (2016). “Lojistik Hizmetlerdeki Randevulu Teslimat Uygulamasının Performans Kriterleri ve Müşteri Memnuniyetinin Değerlendirmesi”. Yönetim Bilimleri Sempozyumu, 8-9 Aralık 2016, İstanbul.
Institutional Publication
Author (Institution etc.). (Publication Year). Title of the Work. Publication Place, (if applicable) City.
İTO – İstanbul Ticaret Odası. (2003). Ekonomik Rapor. İTO Yayınları No: 2003-57, İstanbul.
Internet Source
Institution Name Abbreviation. (Date). (if available) Title of Website. Title of the Publication. Access Date, URL Address
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2019). Yoksulluk İstatistikleri, 19.10.2019, id=1013.
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). “Title of Thesis”, Thesis type, University / Institute, City.
Yağmur, H. (2015) “Sosyal Medyanın Sosyal Medyanın Siyaset ve Kamuoyunu Yönlendirmedeki Rolü”, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi, SBE, Konya.
Newspaper Articles
Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). Title of the Article. Name of Newspaper: Day.Month.Year.
Sugözü, H. İ. (2019). Mahfi Eğilmez’in Faizin Doğuşu ve Yasaklanışı Yazısına İstinaden. Milli Gazete: 05.12.2019